On August 21 2014 04:57 Ayaz2810 wrote: So I haven't played for 2 years, and for years before that I had a razor naga with the 12 mouse buttons on one side... How are you supposed to use abilities/spells and move while doing so? If I move my hand to hit keys, I can't reach wasd very well. Am I supposed to click my abilities like a baddy and use the other hand to move? Cause that seems terrible. I never thought I would be asking such a basic question lol. I miss my broken naga =(
I have 12345, shift 12345, and alt 12345 as well as ZXC and 4 mouse buttons and I normally have enough to play every class.
I remember I needed 36 hotkeys (40 with WASD) for my mistweaver. Little excessive lol, glad they reduce that a little now. By the time I had learned them well I was already quitting the game. :D
I think your definetly going overboard if you need 36. Not every single thing you could ever possibly need needs to be bound. I still click a lot of stuff that I dont need to cast suddenly or frequently.
I am really bad at clicking stuff. Takes me forever. So I bind everything I need in combat.
I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
On August 21 2014 07:00 Crownlol wrote: So are AJ and SkillCapped, like, dead now?
Trying to get info on arena to prep for WoD, but it seems scarce.
AJ has been dead/irrelevant for like, three or more years now. As far as I'm aware the PvP scene in WoW is mostly dead so if you're looking for a dedicated PvP forum you probably won't find anything. Basically arena participation in MoP was down 70-90% from what it was in Cata, which in turn was down from WoTLK. It's hard to run an arena forum when your target audience drops from a few hundred Gladiators and tens of thousands of teams per season down to a couple dozen Gladiators and 2-3 thousand teams per season.
If you're interested in PvP I'd recommend just doing BGs and finding an RBG guild. Arenas are an extremely niche part of the game these days whereas battlegrounds are still popular. Ashran should be good for PvP as well and that will favor builds that you wouldn't find on an arena forum anyway.
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
What are you talking about? Warriors can still oneshot clothies :S
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
What are you talking about? Warriors can still oneshot clothies :S
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
It's funny, I actually got in someone else's PvP video for him 1 shotting me in AV, then another time where he double teamed me with a warrior.
That same AV I'd met him 3 other times between towers and killed him 1v1, those didn't make the video
Guy's name was Nazo (above Belise's alt), dunno if the video is still online, it was on Google video and I don't know if they rolled that into youtube ages ago or they all just disappeared.
On August 21 2014 07:00 Crownlol wrote: So are AJ and SkillCapped, like, dead now?
Trying to get info on arena to prep for WoD, but it seems scarce.
They're not dead, but AJ has always been 4chan-lite, brimming with trolls. I have no clue why Vanguards even continues to update that site, as I can't imagine there's much revenue generated from traffic these days.
Skill-capped, I have no clue about. I know Trillebartom (well known EU warrior) and Craze (old school EU priest) just went to Austin, Texas to make videos for them, and they live really close to Reckful, Talbadar, Chanimals, and Sodah (the latter 3 just won the last Blizzcon). A lot of famous players who used to make videos just a few months ago for them, like Venruki, Cdew, and the aforementioned three, stopped making them for some reason. This is all the information I know from casually watching their streams, so if you want the nitty-gritty, you'll have to do more research, or just watch some streams. I know Venruki streams WoD beta all the time (mage and monk), and probably a few others.
Edit: Snutz also streams a ton nowadays as well, and he plays pretty much every class at a R1 level (most talented WoW player ever, imo).
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
What are you talking about? Warriors can still oneshot clothies :S
Shows you how long ago its been that I did or watched any pvp :p
That's part of the reason why nobody PvPs anymore. You can sit there with 90% damage reduction via Resilience and spells and someone can still drop you in under 2 seconds. Every time they add defensive things, such as buffing heals, adding Resilience, adding more defensive cooldowns, etc... they also buff damage through the roof. Easy way to see this is to look at the raid tiers this expansion. Back on Elegon I used to rank top 10 with barely 80k DPS, and that was 20-30k more than anyone else in my raid could do (Moonkin was broken on that fight). Went back in there six months later with gear from Throne of Thunder and I was pulling 300k easy. Go in with SoO gear and you can break a million.
So, you can see how ridiculous the damage inflation is when you're tripling your DPS every raid tier. In theory PvP should gain some popularity back next expansion because of the item squish (although it doesn't look like they squished nearly enough, and we'll probably be back to the ilvl problems by the second raid tier).
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
It's funny, I actually got in someone else's PvP video for him 1 shotting me in AV, then another time where he double teamed me with a warrior.
That same AV I'd met him 3 other times between towers and killed him 1v1, those didn't make the video
Guy's name was Nazo (above Belise's alt), dunno if the video is still online, it was on Google video and I don't know if they rolled that into youtube ages ago or they all just disappeared.
I had some idiot make a video about me back at 60. So, the story behind this is that this kid was the self-proclaimed best mage on the server, and I had pissed off two of his friends - a Paladin and a Warrior. They were the MT and OT of the server first Alliance guild, decked out with Sulfuras and Thunderfury and whatnot. At this point I had just gotten High Warlord about two weeks earlier when it was supposed to be the Pallys turn (our server had a rotation). He ended up not getting it at all, so naturally he was pissed.
Anyway, this idiot starts spamming about me in Trade chat all the time about how I sucked and blah blah, so I came up with this brilliant idea to make money off them. I told him I would duel him, and that's what this video is. It's extremely obvious that I was trying my hardest NOT to actually fight back but this guy was so full of himself that he thought I was playing legit. After our "duel" I challenged him to another one for 5k gold (which was a lot back in vanilla), and he agreed. I proceeded to stomp him six times in a row and he left the server two days later without paying.
I brought this up on the realm forums (since community was a thing back then) and basically baited the Pally and Warrior into talking shit and challenging me to a duel. I said ok, but I'd only duel if it was 2v1 and I got the contents of their guild bank for winning. If I lost I had to give them my account (lol). We dueled outside of Blackrock mountain with no less than a hundred people watching and I won easily because that retard mage only showed them this video but failed to show them the ones where I won, so these two thought I was going to be a backpeddling, keyboard turning pushover.
Their GM refused to uphold the bet, and over the next week their guild ended up disbanding because players kept leaving due to all the public shaming they got.
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
What are you talking about? Warriors can still oneshot clothies :S
Shows you how long ago its been that I did or watched any pvp :p
That's part of the reason why nobody PvPs anymore. You can sit there with 90% damage reduction via Resilience and spells and someone can still drop you in under 2 seconds. Every time they add defensive things, such as buffing heals, adding Resilience, adding more defensive cooldowns, etc... they also buff damage through the roof. Easy way to see this is to look at the raid tiers this expansion. Back on Elegon I used to rank top 10 with barely 80k DPS, and that was 20-30k more than anyone else in my raid could do (Moonkin was broken on that fight). Went back in there six months later with gear from Throne of Thunder and I was pulling 300k easy. Go in with SoO gear and you can break a million.
So, you can see how ridiculous the damage inflation is when you're tripling your DPS every raid tier. In theory PvP should gain some popularity back next expansion because of the item squish (although it doesn't look like they squished nearly enough, and we'll probably be back to the ilvl problems by the second raid tier).
Ive had this discussion before, think it was on MMO-C, but there is only so much they can squish without flattening the previous expansions to much. I assume atleast that that is the main reason they didn't go lower. I would rather see less advancement within a single expansion but this is all very subjective.
As for DPS scaling. Its a problem of multiplicative scaling I guess. More primary stat + haste/crit/whatever stacks up much faster and much greater then just more stamina and pvp resilience. To overcome this would probably take ridiculous items with like 100 strenght and 1.000 stamina just to keep the 2 in line and I don't see blizzard doing that.
And well to be honest I dont want them to either. To me WoW was never made to be a pvp arena game and over the years pve content has suffered a fair bit at the hands of pvp balance. I would much rather see Blizzard kinda shrug at arena and make it not be to crazy but otherwise spend little time on it.
On August 21 2014 03:13 Teoita wrote: Eh mages arent really losing much tbh. Mostly they are consolidating the aoe spells (which imo is a good change), and changing slightly the rotation with the bombs and new talents. From what i've heard unstable magic will be tuned to be worse than the other choices in that tier, and the lvl 90 tier was always goddamn stupid so i'm happy they are changing that one.
Well... To me i'm losing much as frost. - Bombs doesn't exist anymore - Arcane explosion doesn't exist anymore - I just have one armor and it's passive - I have only one aoe spell that i can't cast while running - The "frosting spell" somehing like frost mouth in english isn't there anymore - flameshock is gone
Oh and evocation is gone
For someone that plays alone like me it's a setback
Maybe i don't play like i should but what i use a lot know is arcane explosion, firebomb. I use frostmouth a lot too
I'll try to respec arcane see if it's suiting me better
i'm sure i'll like it in a few month though. When i forgot that those spells existed
Incanter's Flow, if used optimally, has a much higher skill-cap than pressing one button every minute (the annoying bullshit that was Invocation). Bombs still exist, but yes, Mages can no longer multi-dot.
Overall, I'd say the complexity for Mage is roughly the same, because 3 different AoE spells isn't what made Mage gameplay complex in the first place. We also never switched armors unless we played arena or switched specs (there was some talk about Fire pulling in mage armor, then PoM swapping to molten, but that was debunked pretty fast). The third tier spells were almost never used outside of RoF in arenas...I think Frostjaw was used occasionally, depending on the strat, for adds on Paragons, but that's it. Maybe some top tier Mages in 3v3 used Frostjaw to counter some melee cleaves in high-end arena, but that's irrelevant to most of us.
The one HUGE difference is Alter Time. I know many well-known Mages, like the aforementioned Akraen, petitioned to keep it in the current state, but alas, they cut it. Most of us feel like it's the highest skill-cap spell Mages have, so that was rather disappointing.
In other words, they actually did cut out a lot of irrelevant shit for Mages, and outside of Alter and lack of multi-dotting, Mages are in a better spot imo.
So since I'm still 85, I'm curious. If I knock out some quests and a few dungeons to get some upgrades, could I solo TBC raids as a prot paladin? There are a few items I really want before the new expansion drops. I don't know if old outland is going away with WoD release (I assume not since that would leave a massive leveling gap), but I would like to run all the old raids for items before the big number crunch occurs. Thoughts on things like BT or MH solo? Do I need to be 90 and raid geared?
Arcane switches between mage and frost armor depending on wether there's adds or not.
I have really mixed feelings about alter time. When used properly it's amazing, but sometimes it's really fucking stupid. The way it interacts with PboI is particularly annoying.
On August 21 2014 07:55 Ayaz2810 wrote: So since I'm still 85, I'm curious. If I knock out some quests and a few dungeons to get some upgrades, could I solo TBC raids as a prot paladin? There are a few items I really want before the new expansion drops. I don't know if old outland is going away with WoD release (I assume not since that would leave a massive leveling gap), but I would like to run all the old raids for items before the big number crunch occurs. Thoughts on things like BT or MH solo? Do I need to be 90 and raid geared?
Considering the self healing of paladins I assume it might be possible if your gear is good enough. (MoP greens can be a huge boost if you need it)
I could do them on a 85 DK but well... its a DK.
And no Outlands is not going away and no you should have no problem soloing those places post squish if your higher level. Not a clue about how it works at lower levels for post-squish soloing.
On August 21 2014 07:55 Ayaz2810 wrote: So since I'm still 85, I'm curious. If I knock out some quests and a few dungeons to get some upgrades, could I solo TBC raids as a prot paladin? There are a few items I really want before the new expansion drops. I don't know if old outland is going away with WoD release (I assume not since that would leave a massive leveling gap), but I would like to run all the old raids for items before the big number crunch occurs. Thoughts on things like BT or MH solo? Do I need to be 90 and raid geared?
there was a Blizz quote saying that what you could solo before, you can solo again, even after the stat squish. As for how that actually works out... we'll see. I bet some bosses' solo-difficulty will change.