On August 21 2014 14:54 bo1b wrote: Do you want me to find some season 5 ret pallies?
Its all about when they pre-patched WOTLK talents before launch in tbc. Ret pallies got like 65% crit damage and were one shotting everything while bubble was up.
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
What are you talking about? Warriors can still oneshot clothies :S
Shows you how long ago its been that I did or watched any pvp :p
That's part of the reason why nobody PvPs anymore. You can sit there with 90% damage reduction via Resilience and spells and someone can still drop you in under 2 seconds. Every time they add defensive things, such as buffing heals, adding Resilience, adding more defensive cooldowns, etc... they also buff damage through the roof. Easy way to see this is to look at the raid tiers this expansion. Back on Elegon I used to rank top 10 with barely 80k DPS, and that was 20-30k more than anyone else in my raid could do (Moonkin was broken on that fight). Went back in there six months later with gear from Throne of Thunder and I was pulling 300k easy. Go in with SoO gear and you can break a million.
So, you can see how ridiculous the damage inflation is when you're tripling your DPS every raid tier. In theory PvP should gain some popularity back next expansion because of the item squish (although it doesn't look like they squished nearly enough, and we'll probably be back to the ilvl problems by the second raid tier).
Even in woltk though you could get dropped in no time flat, and it wasn't just from wizards.
I should stop torturing my self by watching pre cata rls :\
5.0 Warriors...
Dude my claim to fame right there, immortalized forever in the scrolling recent donators on the title screen of Veev's oneshot clip. Awww yeah.
Edit: Actually I made it into several vids getting shat on by pros by virtue of being a duelist level player who has played a shitton of arenas.
On August 21 2014 03:13 Teoita wrote: Eh mages arent really losing much tbh. Mostly they are consolidating the aoe spells (which imo is a good change), and changing slightly the rotation with the bombs and new talents. From what i've heard unstable magic will be tuned to be worse than the other choices in that tier, and the lvl 90 tier was always goddamn stupid so i'm happy they are changing that one.
Well... To me i'm losing much as frost. - Bombs doesn't exist anymore - Arcane explosion doesn't exist anymore - I just have one armor and it's passive - I have only one aoe spell that i can't cast while running - The "frosting spell" somehing like frost mouth in english isn't there anymore - flameshock is gone
Oh and evocation is gone
For someone that plays alone like me it's a setback
Maybe i don't play like i should but what i use a lot know is arcane explosion, firebomb. I use frostmouth a lot too
I'll try to respec arcane see if it's suiting me better
i'm sure i'll like it in a few month though. When i forgot that those spells existed
Incanter's Flow, if used optimally, has a much higher skill-cap than pressing one button every minute (the annoying bullshit that was Invocation). Bombs still exist, but yes, Mages can no longer multi-dot.
Overall, I'd say the complexity for Mage is roughly the same, because 3 different AoE spells isn't what made Mage gameplay complex in the first place. We also never switched armors unless we played arena or switched specs (there was some talk about Fire pulling in mage armor, then PoM swapping to molten, but that was debunked pretty fast). The third tier spells were almost never used outside of RoF in arenas...I think Frostjaw was used occasionally, depending on the strat, for adds on Paragons, but that's it. Maybe some top tier Mages in 3v3 used Frostjaw to counter some melee cleaves in high-end arena, but that's irrelevant to most of us.
The one HUGE difference is Alter Time. I know many well-known Mages, like the aforementioned Akraen, petitioned to keep it in the current state, but alas, they cut it. Most of us feel like it's the highest skill-cap spell Mages have, so that was rather disappointing.
In other words, they actually did cut out a lot of irrelevant shit for Mages, and outside of Alter and lack of multi-dotting, Mages are in a better spot imo.
You seems to know what you are talking about so i believe you. I am not a pvper, not a hardcore raider, not a raider tbh. It just feels a lot more grindy. Maybe i just like clicking different stuff since i'm soloing everything (people annoy me a lot in this game. so i play alone). It was just my thoughts while trying WoD first time . I don't know anything about this game except exploration :p
What's incanter flow ? That doesn't ring a bell.
Oh and to the people talking about the OS spec Mage Vanilla. I remember back on Sargeras we had a fucking warsong capture the flag thingy of 10 undead mages. It was just impossible to cross the map. 10 sheep, then instant OS ^^ When you queued for warsong and saw that you would have to face the 10 mages team... everyone would instant quit :p
On August 21 2014 07:55 Ayaz2810 wrote: So since I'm still 85, I'm curious. If I knock out some quests and a few dungeons to get some upgrades, could I solo TBC raids as a prot paladin? There are a few items I really want before the new expansion drops. I don't know if old outland is going away with WoD release (I assume not since that would leave a massive leveling gap), but I would like to run all the old raids for items before the big number crunch occurs. Thoughts on things like BT or MH solo? Do I need to be 90 and raid geared?
So since i just solo old raid with a crappy gear... and reputation farmer.
- I got to outlands to see if all reputations where still there (if i had to finish all of them before WoD) and i didn't saw a difference so... TBC seems to remain the same (i just flew half an hour so maybe i missed thing). - As a 90 with 460 ilevel (elem shaman) You can solo a few raid of BC. With 500ish you can do : - Tempest donjon (the thing with the phenix) - Magtheridon is even doable with 460ilvel - Gruul ... with 500ilvel you can. Before you will not pass the first boss - Serpent's cavern is a bitch to do (i did not finish it so i can't tell) but the last fight is boring. - Kharazan is even doable at 85. - The raid with the elf island (don't remember the name) is doable 500ilvel, level 90 (never tried it before). - 500ilvel BT is a piece of cake (just burst phase 2 of illidian) - what's MH ?
With Warlords of Draenor. It's even faster and easier. Because in WoD, you OS bosses in MC. You 3/4 shoot bosses in AQ. all of the thing less difficult than ICC is a walk in the park. This is just with the pre-made character of the test server wich is a 502 ilvel 90. I'll try tonight with the level 100.
Ofcourse with a pally.. it will be easier than with an elem/heal shaman or a mage since you will have more HP, more armor, and can heal efficiently.
On August 21 2014 03:13 Teoita wrote: Eh mages arent really losing much tbh. Mostly they are consolidating the aoe spells (which imo is a good change), and changing slightly the rotation with the bombs and new talents. From what i've heard unstable magic will be tuned to be worse than the other choices in that tier, and the lvl 90 tier was always goddamn stupid so i'm happy they are changing that one.
Well... To me i'm losing much as frost. - Bombs doesn't exist anymore - Arcane explosion doesn't exist anymore - I just have one armor and it's passive - I have only one aoe spell that i can't cast while running - The "frosting spell" somehing like frost mouth in english isn't there anymore - flameshock is gone
Oh and evocation is gone
For someone that plays alone like me it's a setback
Maybe i don't play like i should but what i use a lot know is arcane explosion, firebomb. I use frostmouth a lot too
I'll try to respec arcane see if it's suiting me better
i'm sure i'll like it in a few month though. When i forgot that those spells existed
Incanter's Flow, if used optimally, has a much higher skill-cap than pressing one button every minute (the annoying bullshit that was Invocation). Bombs still exist, but yes, Mages can no longer multi-dot.
Overall, I'd say the complexity for Mage is roughly the same, because 3 different AoE spells isn't what made Mage gameplay complex in the first place. We also never switched armors unless we played arena or switched specs (there was some talk about Fire pulling in mage armor, then PoM swapping to molten, but that was debunked pretty fast). The third tier spells were almost never used outside of RoF in arenas...I think Frostjaw was used occasionally, depending on the strat, for adds on Paragons, but that's it. Maybe some top tier Mages in 3v3 used Frostjaw to counter some melee cleaves in high-end arena, but that's irrelevant to most of us.
The one HUGE difference is Alter Time. I know many well-known Mages, like the aforementioned Akraen, petitioned to keep it in the current state, but alas, they cut it. Most of us feel like it's the highest skill-cap spell Mages have, so that was rather disappointing.
In other words, they actually did cut out a lot of irrelevant shit for Mages, and outside of Alter and lack of multi-dotting, Mages are in a better spot imo.
Mages have gone back to being a pure dps class, much more like hunters are in the sense our main damage is from our spells again and not setting up alter time with all trinket procs etc. I can play both fire and frost on mythic and heroic raid test and be pulling almost "equal" dps on both. I haven' tried anything PvP though. Prismatic crystal seems to be the one thing that is VERY fun to use as frost but switching to fire it becomes pretty useless and then Meteor comes in which is the funniest animation ever. You use it and everyone shits themselves in the raid due to not having a clue what it is ^_^ Living Bomb change is cool it makes it pretty op when your spreading it again with inferno blast, Flamestrike also being op again is great for Fire aoe and pretty much makes them get closer to frost AOE which is good move. Talent choices again seem pretty straight forward at the moment but i still haven't gotten enough data nor has anyone else yet i would assume to see what is going to be the go to talent choice as of now. One thing both specs always get though is Mirror Image. Frost is all about frost bomb and ice lance, keeping frost bomb up to get the extra damage for icicles and then using prismatic crystal at the right time to get that huge burst in damage.
Oh also loving the item squish again, seeing raiders with 30-50k dps on average then some op classes pushing 80k and bursting 120k is pretty fun. Brings some nostalgia back :D
I raided for like 3hoursr this week in mythic and with the gear they scaled us up too, which was i think 620ilvl (don't quote me on that) i had 1 pull where i had 3 HU procs in a row getting a Fireball > Pyro > Fireball > Pyro > Fireball > Pyro, that is it then you're back to twiddling your thumbs waiting again xD
So i guess no they have not fixed that, but i think they have gave us better abilities because of it. They have gave us the old inferno blast which spreads EVERYTHING to whoever is near. Living Bomb was my most damaging ability on the raid boss because of it being spread at every inferno blast. Combust don't feel right at the moment but you can still get some nice burst with it due to inferno blast spreading it to more targets again and LB and Flamestrike being very good. Also Dragons Breath if you can get close enough has a glyph making it do 100% more damage xD
Frost is still the go to spec though, i would say it is about 10-15% above fire, even Blatty can't make Arcane work yet even though he was pulling nice dps when i last watched him on the beta. They did not stream Mythic testing so i have not seen him in a while.
Mage does feel better and different, which will make this expansion for mages more fun.
On August 21 2014 17:45 Pandemona wrote:Oh also loving the item squish again, seeing raiders with 30-50k dps on average then some op classes pushing 80k and bursting 120k is pretty fun. Brings some nostalgia back :D
You mean 5.1 nostalgia?
Soloing old raids in WoD is gonna be way easier, I think I read one time in the MMO-C news that you'll get some sort of buff inside old raids that lets you kill bosses in a few hits. Dunno if they'll implement it like that in the end, but it's supposed to be way easier now, without the need for good gear.
I also don't know why people think stat squish = can't solo old raids. If you'll be able to do current content after squish, then old stuff must be easily doable as well.
On August 21 2014 18:20 nyxnyxnyx wrote: to those in beta: any idea which healers are probably going to be good on release / in future?
Resto druids.
Hots op
From my understanding resto-druid healing is going back to WOTLK release levels. So in other words a resto-druid is a solid choice in terms of pve/pvp healing.
On August 21 2014 18:20 nyxnyxnyx wrote: to those in beta: any idea which healers are probably going to be good on release / in future?
Healing tuning has not happened yet, expect for the next beta build but anything not a Disc priest or MW monk looks to be good.
i've heard about the hots / restodruid being op thing, but i'm wondering if it's just a numbers issue (easily nerfed) or more conceptual (hot > direct healing). im likely to roll a druid anyway, so i guess i'll start with that and gear another alt in case it gets nerfed. thanks!
On August 21 2014 18:20 nyxnyxnyx wrote: to those in beta: any idea which healers are probably going to be good on release / in future?
Healing tuning has not happened yet, expect for the next beta build but anything not a Disc priest or MW monk looks to be good.
i've heard about the hots / restodruid being op thing, but i'm wondering if it's just a numbers issue (easily nerfed) or more conceptual (hot > direct healing). im likely to roll a druid anyway, so i guess i'll start with that and gear another alt in case it gets nerfed. thanks!
Its more about toolkit aswell. I would say Druids have the most rounded and diverse tools available to them followed by shamans.
Monks are screwed for the same reason since there kit is the worst out of all the healing classes probably.
As simple as it sounds to spam one button, it actually required more skill than current Resto Druid. It was like a juggling act, essentially. A bad druid would keep up 3-4 players at a time while a good druid could manage an entire raid. I definitely don't miss having to stare at health bars 100% of the time, though. While spamming Rejuv was fun it was also tedious and there are so many fights in WoTLK that I couldn't even tell you what went on, or what the boss looked like, because I was too busy locked to my raid frames.