Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
On August 22 2014 01:28 Qaatar wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2014 17:45 Pandemona wrote:On August 21 2014 07:53 Qaatar wrote:On August 21 2014 03:38 FFW_Rude wrote:On August 21 2014 03:13 Teoita wrote: Eh mages arent really losing much tbh. Mostly they are consolidating the aoe spells (which imo is a good change), and changing slightly the rotation with the bombs and new talents. From what i've heard unstable magic will be tuned to be worse than the other choices in that tier, and the lvl 90 tier was always goddamn stupid so i'm happy they are changing that one. Well... To me i'm losing much as frost. - Bombs doesn't exist anymore - Arcane explosion doesn't exist anymore - I just have one armor and it's passive - I have only one aoe spell that i can't cast while running - The "frosting spell" somehing like frost mouth in english isn't there anymore - flameshock is gone Oh and evocation is gone For someone that plays alone like me it's a setback  Maybe i don't play like i should but what i use a lot know is arcane explosion, firebomb. I use frostmouth a lot too  I'll try to respec arcane see if it's suiting me better i'm sure i'll like it in a few month though. When i forgot that those spells existed  Incanter's Flow, if used optimally, has a much higher skill-cap than pressing one button every minute (the annoying bullshit that was Invocation). Bombs still exist, but yes, Mages can no longer multi-dot. Overall, I'd say the complexity for Mage is roughly the same, because 3 different AoE spells isn't what made Mage gameplay complex in the first place. We also never switched armors unless we played arena or switched specs (there was some talk about Fire pulling in mage armor, then PoM swapping to molten, but that was debunked pretty fast). The third tier spells were almost never used outside of RoF in arenas...I think Frostjaw was used occasionally, depending on the strat, for adds on Paragons, but that's it. Maybe some top tier Mages in 3v3 used Frostjaw to counter some melee cleaves in high-end arena, but that's irrelevant to most of us. The one HUGE difference is Alter Time. I know many well-known Mages, like the aforementioned Akraen, petitioned to keep it in the current state, but alas, they cut it. Most of us feel like it's the highest skill-cap spell Mages have, so that was rather disappointing. In other words, they actually did cut out a lot of irrelevant shit for Mages, and outside of Alter and lack of multi-dotting, Mages are in a better spot imo. Talent choices again seem pretty straight forward at the moment but i still haven't gotten enough data nor has anyone else yet i would assume to see what is going to be the go to talent choice as of now. One thing both specs always get though is Mirror Image. I highly doubt Blizzard will tune Mirror Image to be better than optimal usage of Incanter's/RoP. The one aspect that I still have faith in is Blizzard's ability to reasonably balance active effects that require player attention versus passive 'fire-and-forget' effects. In this case, I see optimal usage of Incanter's as maybe the last bastion of significant differentiation between good PvE Mages and decent ones. Also, the WoD version of Alter Time is hilariously bad. Ice Barrier is literally better in almost every way. Alter needs a significant revamp, or just cut it entirely and bring back Temp Shield.
Some changes were announced today or yesterday to mage talent tree's so will take a look over the next couple of days. Also hoping for another raid test soon™
Mirror Image is still the go to talent in that tree? At least with the mages i have raided with and watched. Would love to know if you have any experience with RoP or Incanter's so i could look at it. I will try it myself i guess over the next few days but i thought the damage from Mirrors image and the CD being so low meant it was just an easy pick.
On August 22 2014 00:37 FFW_Rude wrote: Panda, After reading your posts do you think i should go back to fire spec after losing all of my aoe spells and bombs ?
Only thing why i "respeced" frost was because i couldn't do some dungeons without the elem (like tempest dungeon. Kael Thas was impossible with my ilvel with fire but while i was stunned the elem would take down one of the other mobs) and you have mass proc in frost spec.
Also, i can't copy my character from EU do we know when they'll enable the feature for us ?
The character copy works and then it doesn't. Literally i have not been able to copy my characters over yet but i know it is possible to do so on EU, it just hardly works xD
Fire is fun, like i wrote you have LB Flamestrike Dragons Breath as straight up AOE then you get combustion to spread as well. Also you spread your pyro dot etc. But the ability to abuse Prismatic Crystal does make Frost fun to play as well. But Meteor animation is just LOL at the moment i suggest you try that spell in fire asap 
Frost Bomb and Icicle remember for Frost 
On August 22 2014 01:37 Pandemona wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2014 01:28 Qaatar wrote:On August 21 2014 17:45 Pandemona wrote:On August 21 2014 07:53 Qaatar wrote:On August 21 2014 03:38 FFW_Rude wrote:On August 21 2014 03:13 Teoita wrote: Eh mages arent really losing much tbh. Mostly they are consolidating the aoe spells (which imo is a good change), and changing slightly the rotation with the bombs and new talents. From what i've heard unstable magic will be tuned to be worse than the other choices in that tier, and the lvl 90 tier was always goddamn stupid so i'm happy they are changing that one. Well... To me i'm losing much as frost. - Bombs doesn't exist anymore - Arcane explosion doesn't exist anymore - I just have one armor and it's passive - I have only one aoe spell that i can't cast while running - The "frosting spell" somehing like frost mouth in english isn't there anymore - flameshock is gone Oh and evocation is gone For someone that plays alone like me it's a setback  Maybe i don't play like i should but what i use a lot know is arcane explosion, firebomb. I use frostmouth a lot too  I'll try to respec arcane see if it's suiting me better i'm sure i'll like it in a few month though. When i forgot that those spells existed  Incanter's Flow, if used optimally, has a much higher skill-cap than pressing one button every minute (the annoying bullshit that was Invocation). Bombs still exist, but yes, Mages can no longer multi-dot. Overall, I'd say the complexity for Mage is roughly the same, because 3 different AoE spells isn't what made Mage gameplay complex in the first place. We also never switched armors unless we played arena or switched specs (there was some talk about Fire pulling in mage armor, then PoM swapping to molten, but that was debunked pretty fast). The third tier spells were almost never used outside of RoF in arenas...I think Frostjaw was used occasionally, depending on the strat, for adds on Paragons, but that's it. Maybe some top tier Mages in 3v3 used Frostjaw to counter some melee cleaves in high-end arena, but that's irrelevant to most of us. The one HUGE difference is Alter Time. I know many well-known Mages, like the aforementioned Akraen, petitioned to keep it in the current state, but alas, they cut it. Most of us feel like it's the highest skill-cap spell Mages have, so that was rather disappointing. In other words, they actually did cut out a lot of irrelevant shit for Mages, and outside of Alter and lack of multi-dotting, Mages are in a better spot imo. Talent choices again seem pretty straight forward at the moment but i still haven't gotten enough data nor has anyone else yet i would assume to see what is going to be the go to talent choice as of now. One thing both specs always get though is Mirror Image. I highly doubt Blizzard will tune Mirror Image to be better than optimal usage of Incanter's/RoP. The one aspect that I still have faith in is Blizzard's ability to reasonably balance active effects that require player attention versus passive 'fire-and-forget' effects. In this case, I see optimal usage of Incanter's as maybe the last bastion of significant differentiation between good PvE Mages and decent ones. Also, the WoD version of Alter Time is hilariously bad. Ice Barrier is literally better in almost every way. Alter needs a significant revamp, or just cut it entirely and bring back Temp Shield. Some changes were announced today or yesterday to mage talent tree's so will take a look over the next couple of days. Also hoping for another raid test soon™ Mirror Image is still the go to talent in that tree? At least with the mages i have raided with and watched. Would love to know if you have any experience with RoP or Incanter's so i could look at it. I will try it myself i guess over the next few days but i thought the damage from Mirrors image and the CD being so low meant it was just an easy pick.
Yeah, I don't doubt what you're saying for Mirror's for now. I'm just saying there's a pretty large probability that RoP and/or Incanter's will be tuned to be superior at optimal usage before retail release. Of course, there's a good chance that Incanter's will just turn out to be a PvP-only talent, and RoP will become the optimal talent for all 3 Mage specs. I'm sure as hell hoping that won't be the case, because I hate zoning myself in, when I'm already relatively immobile -- the reason I hate playing MoP Arcane.
In other words, the best case scenario for me: Incanter's Flow is the best talent for Frost/Fire/Arcane, followed by maybe a tie between Mirror's and RoP. Worst case scenario: Incanter's turns out to be worse in a sustained PvE scenario, AND RoP turns out to be the best. This is probably when I go back to Spriest, lol.
On the subject of character copy. Make sure you are on the leveling realms not the level 100 ones. And use the ingame copy and not the website. If that doesn't help then yes your probably out of luck and there is little you can do except whine at blizzard about it.
On August 21 2014 13:33 bK- wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2014 13:18 Stancel wrote: Also, since I'm trying to get back into the spirit of raiding - anyone on US Horde up for a flex 1-3 run? I can't flex right now but feel free to add me for some pvp. Im gearing up some new characters to pvp/lfr with. I'd be down to run any of these on my WW Monk. I'm EchOne#1923.
FFW is helping me get to 90 now! What an awesome person :D
Wondering what to do for my second Paladin spec. I played Prot a lot in Cata, but after leveling my Druid in dungeons I'm really enjoying healing a lot with her. Is Paladin healing fun at the moment? I remember it being stale in Wrath, but that could have been since I had shitty gear when I was trying to heal.
Holy Paladin is the exact opposite of "fun and engaging".
On August 22 2014 05:48 Serejai wrote: Holy Paladin is the exact opposite of "fun and engaging".
But it is utterly broken on some fights.
If you didnt like healing on paladin in wrath its even worse now imo.
What are you talking about. Holy paladin healing in wotlk was great! I bound holy light to my scroll wheel and scrolled my way through everything. It was awesome.
On August 22 2014 00:43 Serejai wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2014 00:36 bo1b wrote:On August 21 2014 22:30 Serejai wrote: As simple as it sounds to spam one button, it actually required more skill than current Resto Druid. It was like a juggling act, essentially. A bad druid would keep up 3-4 players at a time while a good druid could manage an entire raid. I definitely don't miss having to stare at health bars 100% of the time, though. While spamming Rejuv was fun it was also tedious and there are so many fights in WoTLK that I couldn't even tell you what went on, or what the boss looked like, because I was too busy locked to my raid frames. I'm pretty certain that near everything took more skill in wrath, except demo Easiest raiding ever was TBC Hunter, though. I remember this guy asked me to play his Hunter in a raid one night. I told him I had never played a Hunter before and didn't know what I was doing. He copy/pasted me some macro, told me to make a button, and just spam it. Worked like a charm. Yea when steady shot was introduced and auto-shot clipping got fixed hunter was like 1button spam lol.
in vanilla he probably had the toughest rotation though barring slam warriors but nobody had gear/patience to play those. like specials cancelled auto shot so you basically had to time it down with latency in mind as well, welp.
I was playing Shaman during most of TBC. Had a look at how enhancement was shaping up during the Wotlk beta and the optimal dps was a /castrandom macro that just listed every cd button. Sometimes you wonder how blizzard makes a skill rotation :p
Lalalaland34484 Posts
On August 22 2014 06:08 Soan wrote: What are you talking about. Holy paladin healing in wotlk was great! I bound holy light to my scroll wheel and scrolled my way through everything. It was awesome. Beacon of Light the offtank, target tank, macro Holy Light to something, alt-tab and do something else.
On August 22 2014 09:09 Firebolt145 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2014 06:08 Soan wrote: What are you talking about. Holy paladin healing in wotlk was great! I bound holy light to my scroll wheel and scrolled my way through everything. It was awesome. Beacon of Light the offtank, target tank, macro Holy Light to something, alt-tab and do something else.
At least it wasn't Vanilla: spam FoL and NEVER, EVER, EVER run out of mana.
Aside from early Cata mana management as a holy pal hasn't really been a problem ever I don't know how it works now, but during Cata it was decent fun though, not as fun as other healers maybe but definitely not as boring as the beacon tank > spam HL on raid from the end of WOTLK
So after tanking like 10 dungeons (the same 2 over and over...), something feels off. Like I'm missing a bunch of abilities that I used to use. I don't think I'm missing anything but exorcism though. Anyone else get that feeling? Like your rotation is dumbed down? Its weird =\
On August 22 2014 23:51 Ayaz2810 wrote: So after tanking like 10 dungeons (the same 2 over and over...), something feels off. Like I'm missing a bunch of abilities that I used to use. I don't think I'm missing anything but exorcism though. Anyone else get that feeling? Like your rotation is dumbed down? Its weird =\ On beta? Which class? it matters a lot. For warriors for example nothing has really changed. Donno about Druids, Paladins and Monks tho. Just heard that druid rage gen seems off and their kinda reduced to spamming 1 button.
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
On August 22 2014 23:51 Ayaz2810 wrote: So after tanking like 10 dungeons (the same 2 over and over...), something feels off. Like I'm missing a bunch of abilities that I used to use. I don't think I'm missing anything but exorcism though. Anyone else get that feeling? Like your rotation is dumbed down? Its weird =\
This on about Beta or live? xD
Fuck I'm sorry. Its on live lol. I'm hoping wod gives a bit more complexity. Although I doubt it will
On August 23 2014 00:10 Ayaz2810 wrote: Fuck I'm sorry. Its on live lol. I'm hoping wod gives a bit more complexity. Although I doubt it will No WoD will not give more complexity. There whole goal with the pruning was to reduce complexity where it served no purpose.