-major edit-
Savior's quitting streaming
This Thursday is going to be his last show. He's quitting because of his studies
+ Show Spoiler [ his message(in korean)] + 2011-08-08 06:42
안녕하세요. 제가 앞으로 방송에 대해 중요하게 말씀 드릴 부분이 있어서 글로 남깁니다. 방송을 통해 말씀드릴까 싶기도 했지만 아무래도 공지에 글로 적어서 알려드리는게 보다 더 나은 것 같아서요. 갑작스러운 소식이지만... 이번주 목요일을 마지막으로 앞으로의 방송을 못하게 될 것 같네요. 저 역시도 생각지도 못한 부분이라 어떻게 말을 적어야 할 지, 어떻게 전해 드려야 할 지 너무 고민이었네요.
우선 방송을 더이상 할 수 없게 되는 이유는 공부 때문에 그만두게 된다는 거구요. 집에서는 그동안 계속 얘기 해왔지만 제가 미루고 미루고 하다가 이번에 더이상 그럴 수 없게 되었네요..앞으로 만날 순 없겠지만 이해해 주시길 바래요^^
처음 방송을 시작한 날부터 말도 많고 탈도 많았던지라 아프리카에서 방송을 시작하는게 결코 쉬운선택은 아니었고 장기적으로 보고 시작을 했던건데, 그리고 이제 적응도 되가고 조금씩 변해가는 것에 재미도 붙이고 좋았는데 이렇게 두달 좀 지난 시점에 앞으로 이렇게 해야지 저렇게 해야지 생각 했던 것들도 있는데 못하고 그만두게 된 점 저 역시도 좀 안타깝고 아쉽네요..
이렇게 해서 집에 일과 관련해서 공부때문에 이번주 목요일을 끝으로 앞으로의 방송에서 만나기는 힘들 것 같아요. 다시한번 이해해주시길 바라고 그동안 짧은 시간이었지만 제가 잘못했었던 일에 반성하는 모습을 보여드릴 수 있어서 좋았고 아직까지 좋아해주신 분들과 오랜만에 소통할 수 있어서 좋았네요^^
글은 여기까지 쓰겠습니다. 화이팅!
Explanation on how Savior earns money from streaming Basically, there's a "star balloon" system on Afreeca. Each star balloon is worth 100won(around 9 cents). If you're one of the top ranking streamers, you get 70won per balloon. For the rest, the streamers gets 60won and Afreeca gets 40won. Viewers can choose to gift streamers with this virtual currency, which the streamers can switch into real money. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the total number of balloons he has received. All I know is that the largest amount that he's received at once from a single viewer is 12,000 balloons, or around $1,100USD
Most recent pic of Savior + Show Spoiler + The most recent pic available of him. Taken July 18 with an Internet ulzzang who's supposedly close with him Um, and for those who don't know how Savior looks like, he's the guy on the right.
6.13 CD key incident + Show Spoiler + During his broadcast, was revealed that he's apparently too cheap to buy the legal version. The Korean says "Don't use my CD key"
Knee condition He's exempt from the military because of his knees. The problem was from birth, but he wasn't aware of it when he was young. The soccer and baseball he used to play didn't help the problem, and he had to have surgery to transplant cartilage in his pelvis to his knees. Even now, he can't run very long. Specific diagnosis: Osteochondritis dissecans. Netizens speculate that it's reached stage III, grade E - no idea what that means, but apparently it's really bad.
Tweets from some BW ppl(casters, coaches, etc.) + Show Spoiler [ sorry, no translations] +
His win-loss record from 6.16 to 7.16 on Afreeca Total 243 : 99 - 71.0% P 103 : 49 - 67.7% T 69 : 32 - 68.3% Z 24 : 7 - 77.4%
And some tidbits: - On one of his matches against Justin in the 2007 MSL, he was able to hear the audience and utilized "ear map." According to Savior, if you watch the match, you're able to see his face change when the audience screams. - He's been asked repeatedly if he still keeps in contact with progamers, but always refuses to answer the question. - He calls the matchfixing a "big mistake(큰 실수)." - He uses a 30 inch monitor.
I'm going to say that I think KT's coach is a bit out of line with his words. Yes Savior was involved in fixing, but that doesn't warrant such a statement.
Australia7069 Posts
I like how chuchustar can get ex-progamers to come on his stream but still hasn't worked out how to not make his mic sound like shit. He's os hard to watch because it just sounds like a big distorted mess ><
If you understood how much they put into esports, you might not have said that. But aside that, everyone should have a second chance, furthermore he is not in position to even "threaten" e-sports currently, I'd say that the coach is more in threat with his position...
Jeez...just curious, how harshly does Korean culture take something like this? I'm first generation Korean-American, and I feel a bit detached from my roots when shit like this comes up. I understand the hate, but that's a whole level of vitriol that I just would not expect...
United States5582 Posts
Well everyone, you wondered what Savior was up to, and here he goes apologizing for his actions again. :/
KT Rolster's coach uses some really harsh language though... He sounds REALLY pissed at Savior, but then he goes through a total 360 personality change in the 2nd tweet. Ahhhhh he must be really scary when he gets mad irl. ><;
I agree that the KT Coach was out of line. A coach should show a little more class with his choice of words. Why stoop to the level of regular netizens? Savior is a jackass yes but Afreeca can be used by anyone.
The statement was bad, but frankly, when you work several years of your life on something you're passionate about and have someone spit all over it, you're entitled to some angry remarks. He has every single right to be blisteringly angry and not wanting Savior to receive any slight benefit from broadcasting broodwar games.
By the way, could someone tell me exactly how big a role Savior played in the match fixing?
On March 06 2011 17:15 Lightwip wrote: By the way, could someone tell me exactly how big a role Savior played in the match fixing?
He fixed matches, played the role as a broker, and embezzled some of the money that was supposed to go to the match-fixing progamers.
On March 06 2011 17:15 Lightwip wrote: By the way, could someone tell me exactly how big a role Savior played in the match fixing?
Without Savior it would not have been possible. He had all the connections and set it all up.
strange,I was thinking about savior today....Well whatever if Ma-Trash can be helpful to the newbs by streaming himself in FPV,I couldn't care less.
On March 06 2011 17:20 yoonyoon wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2011 17:15 Lightwip wrote: By the way, could someone tell me exactly how big a role Savior played in the match fixing? He fixed matches, played the role as a broker, and embezzled some of the money that was supposed to go to the match-fixing progamers. Thanks. Wow, that's a pretty significant part.
On March 06 2011 17:22 Lightwip wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2011 17:20 yoonyoon wrote:On March 06 2011 17:15 Lightwip wrote: By the way, could someone tell me exactly how big a role Savior played in the match fixing? He fixed matches, played the role as a broker, and embezzled some of the money that was supposed to go to the match-fixing progamers. Thanks. Wow, that's a pretty significant part.
Which is why the coach was so angry.. but he was really out of line right there X_X He could have worded it better.
Didn't Savior get prison time?
On March 06 2011 17:22 cha0 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2011 17:15 Lightwip wrote: By the way, could someone tell me exactly how big a role Savior played in the match fixing? Without Savior it would not have been possible. He had all the connections and set it all up. There was still Justin though. Savior and Justin equally guilty.
cool.. better see if games are still up
Australia7069 Posts
On March 06 2011 17:22 BLinD-RawR wrote: strange,I was thinking about savior today....Well whatever if Ma-Trash can be helpful to the newbs by streaming himself in FPV,I couldn't care less. He wasn't streaming in fpview. He was playing on a casted stream vs people like miz.terror etc.
On March 06 2011 17:30 Kiante wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2011 17:22 BLinD-RawR wrote: strange,I was thinking about savior today....Well whatever if Ma-Trash can be helpful to the newbs by streaming himself in FPV,I couldn't care less. He wasn't streaming in fpview. He was playing on a casted stream vs people like miz.terror etc.
damn you MA!!!!