Parent rage blog pt 3 + interwebs - Page 5
Blogs > Froadac |
United States6733 Posts
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United States4795 Posts
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4099 Posts
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United States1681 Posts
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787 Posts
On December 11 2010 11:50 Froadac wrote: ALSO... What should I spend $5,500 on lol. I've refereed a lot and I have a good amount of money built up. Dunno what to spend it on. I guess I could get some epic steelseries stuff but... If you're asking a forum what you should spend money on, then you probably shouldn't be spending it in the first place. Wait until you actually want something. And ignore your parents, I guess =/. Mine are the same way. I just ignore them. There's really nothing else I can do. | ||
United States1102 Posts
On December 11 2010 11:50 Froadac wrote: ALSO... What should I spend $5,500 on lol. I've refereed a lot and I have a good amount of money built up. Dunno what to spend it on. I guess I could get some epic steelseries stuff but... Get your driver's license and get a car, if you don't have those already. As far as everything else in this thread: I'm way too stubborn to have put up with the shit you've gone through. I have in the past given my parents right back what they threw at me. Granted, I was wrong most of time, and didn't know it. If you're telling as an unbiased story as you can, then pretty much at this point you should be telling your parents to fuck right off. Or you could be a real shithead and tell them if they keep giving you crap that you really are going to drop out of high school and be a loser like your cousin. I wouldn't recommend that, but man do I love doing stuff like that for giggles. | ||
New Zealand897 Posts
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Osaka27105 Posts
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United States12796 Posts
Need some growing up. Take some hard classes in college, that'll pound the pain into your growing up to a man! good luck! | ||
United States12796 Posts
On December 11 2010 19:39 ThunderGod wrote: 6 Hours! What is wrong with TL people. Iono for me it's coding :p | ||
United States6733 Posts
On December 11 2010 21:33 evanthebouncy! wrote: I dunno man, you sounded like someone who's bit full of himself and is complaining over nothing serious. Need some growing up. Take some hard classes in college, that'll pound the pain into your growing up to a man! good luck! Holy shit. I was reading this this morning and I'd ahve to agree. Worse things have happened to me, but I just got really upset last night. I'd have to agree that it really isn't that painful, but it is quite frustrating. | ||
United States292 Posts
Barring true child abuse, which I don't think is happening in your case, Here is my advice and I wish I had followed it. Understand that parents are very human. Be compassionate despite their outbursts or irrationality. Have you never been irrational in your life? Adults have a long history behind them; they have years of experience that have shaped them in deep ways for better or for worse, perhaps embittered them or caused them to have strong convictions about certain things. Do not be so presumptuous to assume that you know everything about them. Sure they are probably not doing an ideal parenting job. But how often do you try to show kindness/respect to them? You mentioned that your mom stays at home all day and the house is a wreck. Why don't you try cleaning the house once in a while? How often do you ask your parents how they are doing/feeling? Don't get me wrong, my experience doing kind things will still get you yelled at. But overtime, it can forge a stronger relationship that is not based purely on fighting and conflict. As for academics, I think everyone knows how well they could be doing and how much they are trying. If you are trying your hardest and this is your result, then be proud of it. If you have other priorities besides school that trump grades, then that is fine. But if you are playing too much starcraft/spending time being emo a ton then maybe you should just man up and tough through school for a while. | ||
United States6733 Posts
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United States2412 Posts
On December 11 2010 14:38 Froadac wrote: Err, the way FAFSA works I'd either spend it on college, or spend it now, on something I would enjoy. I actually haven't spent shit, and I have 9k in the bank. Still saving 4000 lol. Also, the shit hits the fan I guess SO my parents are always yelling about my amount of sleep blah blah blah. So I talk to them and they are like do you agree to ahve a hard cap to go to bed at 11:00. I'm like hell no, why the hell would I want a hard cap. Like if I have a project or something. Today, they use that and are like "you didn't cooperate you fucktard" (fucktard --> idiot) so now we're going to set up the router on a timer and it's going to turn off at 10:30. At first I tried to be nice saying, well last three nights I've gone to bed pre 11:00, and had over eight hours of sleep. But NOOO they only magically jknow when I stay up til one, but they can't fucking know when I go to bed at the same time thjey do for THREE FUCKING DAYS IN A ROW. And then I'm like well arlgith, I'll go to bed that early, but leave the internet on. It's fucking retarded to not trust me with something that trivial. But they are like no, it shouldn't matter. Even though it isn't that important cause in ormally am off the comp around that time, it's just put me on tilt so bad. I mean, they think that staying up til 11:00 on a computer is fucking awful, when my best friend from fourth grade just got suspended for smoking in the bathroom. I mean, there is a hell of a lot worse stuff I could be doing, the only reasno I don't ahve a 4.6 is I panicked during two huge tests because of the pressure, blah blah blah. So then they say the stupidest bullshit: Well this isn't punitive or rewarding, it's just good. No, what the fuck. YOu're punishing me for not doing exactly what you wanted earlier. It's not a "good thing" It's fucking punitive action being taken against me. Soon after this i just said screw this, took a shower, and I'm going to go to bed after this post at 9:30. But they are going to be gone tomorrow morning. It tempted me to unplug their harddrive, and just put it in my computer. They don't know enough about computers to figure it out, and they wouldn't suspect me because their computer is always beraking. On the other hand the good person in me said that's an evil thing to do. My bad side just said well, they keep on taking away priviledges, and then telling me that I don't have enough responsibilities, but I"m not responsible enough to have them. Then they ask me for help with their computer. So I should just even the deal by doing it. I don't think I will, but I'm jsut so mad right now. Want to kill somebody. In other news I had them watch Day[9] 100. Their reaction was basically: that LOSER went to Harvey Mudd and now he is doing this SHIT. What kind of an idiot is he, and his mother is a bad parent. And HOW THE HELL did he get into USC for postgrad. They then proceded to mock his weight, said that if I looked up to a guy like him I was delusional, and that Day9 should basically get a life. @Mortality: I do but I don't know how. I don't really particularly want to be an emancipated minor, but I'm fucking up in school as a result of the pressure, and the family stuff. [/spolier] lol, ok I'll add some new feedback because your parents are a lot like mine with the Internet shut off charade. (By the way, if you can figure out the password to the router you can change the times as you see fit, it's wonderful ;D) First off, you are a teenager. You're young, you're in what may be the most relaxing part of your life. But there's one immutable fact you have to remember: you depend on your parents. Their attitudes won't change. They'll continue to expect straight A's, compliance with all their wishes, etc. It sucks, believe me I know, but now you get to play one of (what I think is) the greatest games a teenager can play: psychologically defeating your parents. Their strictness on classes and such can't change. That's a fight you shouldn't enter. You also can't stop their judgmental tendencies (i.e. Day[9]. What they said about him was a clear indicator that your parents are just judgmental assholes, sorry :/ Their line of thinking comes from an older generation that simply cannot relate to Day). But the fight you can win is the Internet shut off time. NEVER try to argue to them that you need it longer. There isn't an argument that exists that'll work. But you can change their minds by using selective nights to change their minds. What I mean is this: ask them to turn on your Internet for longer for one night, telling them you have a project that you'll need it for. Your parents may be stubborn, but they care more about your grades than your Internet time so they'll change it. (If they don't, you don't chew them out about it. Just accept their decision and go about happily pretending you just failed a project. Instant win np.) Keep up asking them every now and then, make up different reasons. As long as you show yourself to be trustworthy when you ask for Internet, eventually they'll question you less and just extend your time. If you're lucky, they'll take off the ban altogether and hoorays all around. This is a game of time and patience. Your parents have all the time in the world, because your Internet time doesn't matter to them. MAKE IT matter to them, by making Internet time influence your grades. One card you have is that school now is nothing like it used to be, so play that card as subtlely as you can. Appease your parents. Know what they want, make it synonymous with what you want. You're obviously smart, get creative and own some face. | ||
United States6733 Posts
So you are saying win individual fights? | ||
United States2412 Posts
On December 12 2010 05:45 Froadac wrote: My parents are using one of those plastic timers for the outlet to shut the power off for the rouer at a certain time. If at any time I wanted to use it I could just press a button and its' off. Plus I have the pass to the router: I'm the one who set it up. So you are saying win individual fights? I'm saying manipulate them into thinking that letting you keep your Internet on will help your academics. You know your parents best, formulate a plan that'll work best in your case and then act it out. But influencing strict parents takes time, especially ones as hard-headed as yours. Also lol shut off button. That's so much simpler than what I was thinking | ||
United States6733 Posts
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United States6733 Posts
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United States1428 Posts
Btw I live in the east bay too Pinole area. | ||
United States626 Posts
On December 12 2010 16:03 Froadac wrote: Update on internet: mission has failed. Evidently 43 usd/month is waay too much you've got $5500, why not pay for it yourself? you'll be going to college in less than a year anyway | ||
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