On November 05 2010 10:33 Phunkapotamus wrote:
Item-wise I feel she's pigeonholed into AP/survivability much like Swain. She needs survivability so she can stay relevant during team fights, and she needs AP to do any damage at all in late-game. Any deviation from items with survivability/AP will leave her lackluster. That being said, other than a manditory Majais, how are you guys building her?
why is book mandatory....
i like roa, guise and void, her base dmg is stupid good, so pen is a must, after that, i like to get straight tank items
also, ur a little backwards, she has decent early game, god tier midgame and meh lategame
On November 05 2010 08:48 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2010 08:32 Goshawk. wrote: Surely she has good team fight presence because she can rape any hero she wants nearly instantly? Well at this point, her single-target burst is less than Annie and Anivia, and they can both stun/AoE damage several people, with Annie having Tibbers leftover to chase/push/towerdive, while Anivia can keep up Glacial Storm debuff and still have her wall in reserve for extra utility.
This whole discussion makes me very, very sad. I don't think I can stick to a champ like Shikyo just because I love it.
Becoming a wet rag come late game is not my definition of fun.
But there's things like using W to get accross a cliff and after they flash after you, you recall =P So much potential for fun.
Although yeah, objectively she's shit tier now tbh. She's like ZIlean without lategame
E:Okay, I have a reeeeeally unique build planned for Leblanc. Need to try it a few times, but in theory it should be amazing. Hope so, because this'd be so much fun. =P
So I decided today that I would try another ranked game. Played with a friend who wound up as Twitch while I played Taric. Last pick took Mordekaiser despite being told explicitly not to by 4 people all draft.
LeBlanc goes mid, Morde goes to duo top because Yi won't jungle. Yi caves and starts jungling around level 3, Leblanc gets first blood on their Kat and dies to Xin shortly thereafter. We kill their bottom lane Rammus, then LB and Morde proceed to feed 6 combined kills in the next 5 minutes, then we decide to take a look at the LeBlanc's items. Doran's Ring, Health Potion, Hextech Gunblade (?), Ward, VAMPIRIC SCEPTER. I ask her what the hell she's doing, and I get something very similar to this:
"For Hextech Gunblade, need vamp to stay alive because not tank" "but it's physical vamp" "are u a dum noob, need hextech for combo slow"
Then yi ragequits, and both teams laugh at the LeBlanc until they destroy our nexus.
Why the fuck do I even bother trying to play ranked? Just gonna stay in normal where the games might be "worse", but I run into 1800+ players on both teams.
Ranked solo is a grind, much like iccup and other such ladders. You're not going to win every game, and a lot is left to luck. But if you're a 1600 player you'll generally hover between 15-1700 if you play enough games, and so on and so forth. You can't just play one game, get cheesed, and call it quits if you actually want to climb it.
That's not to say you can't (as you have) just call it quits and say you don't want to bother; I've done the same with solo ranked because I just don't have the time nor inclination to grind games to work the variance.
I just wish the 'new to ranked' queue was seperate from the '300 - 300 1150 player' queue. I'm sure i'm going to do it eventually but losing my first 2 placement games to the most amazingly stupid players took a lot of wind out of my sails :/
Hahah, it'll happen. Just saying, the reality is that it's a grind, and you have to be aware of it and take it in stride if you opt to go into it. And if you don't want to bother, step out and focus on 3v3/5v5team, as I have :D
game 3: jungle rammus without smite, opens boots / mana pot / health pot
MF DCs at 8min, comes back, dcs again.
rammus proceeds to feed.
Incidentally if it helps, at low levels it's significantly better to duo queue. EzPz and I (granted we're both high-level players) basically 2v5'd our way until like 14/1500 lol.
I'll try next time the friend's around. I know i'm fucking better than this 1k garbage, but no matter how well my lane does, 4v5 vs fed lanes is insurmountable -_-
I killed their garen literally autoattacking him because he thought he could race a healer.
game 4: "should I tank" all: yes *picks mundo*
And now we don't have a jungle because the guy who said he was jungling went GP instead.
edit: Summoner 2 dodged!
I posted it over yonder but
+ Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOT4nP0p6E4 For spoiler about game result: + Show Spoiler +
I recorded our IH last night. Sorry to the Trist I brutalized, I hope you get over your PTSD
what's up with so frequent server maintenance shit with this game...annoys fuck out of me :/
On November 05 2010 03:42 cascades wrote: Well, I go 0/9/21 with greed and I don't get the flash mastery. It's only a 15s faster cd, or 13s faster cd with full 21. I don't think it is essential like improved ghost, in which u can be caught by the person who took the mastery and you didn't. You can say that sometimes that flash being up 13s earlier would save you, but so might more regen/ armor/less creep dmg/whatever, and defence actually benefits my aggressive early game.
Man that's a huge difference. For example garen whose skill comes from managing his cooldowns (you could question whether this is much of a skill) being able to flip out and kill someone out of nowhere 13s faster is a big deal.
On November 05 2010 16:03 Southlight wrote: Hahah, it'll happen. Just saying, the reality is that it's a grind, and you have to be aware of it and take it in stride if you opt to go into it. And if you don't want to bother, step out and focus on 3v3/5v5team, as I have :D I'm at 10-1 in solo ranked right now, and I think the loss was from duo Q. 7-0 with Sona I think. 9 or 10 game winning streak. Am I just lucky?
LeBlanc was so OP, I just had a bluescreen just from reading about her nerfs. I haven't had a bluescreen in years.
What scares me the most about her is that she can just blink, nuke, blink from like 1400 range in 1 second total. That's worse than Akali, Kass, whatever. She's about as good at killing low HP enemies as Karthus.
I really want to say that starting ranked is pure luck on whether you get boosted right out or not. You can't carry if your team convincingly loses all the areas you aren't personally in. I know it's technically not true, and that if you were amazing enough you could at least make a game out of it, but if your lane goes 4-1 and the rest of the game is 0-9, you're going to have a hell of a time catching up.
^Give Locodoco RP and get him to help you out :p
On November 05 2010 18:00 Southlight wrote:I posted it over yonder but + Show Spoiler +I recorded our IH last night. Sorry to the Trist I brutalized, I hope you get over your PTSD That game was so satisfying as I wait for server to come back up lol.
On November 05 2010 10:58 scintilliaSD wrote: What are runes for Rammus? My friend's having trouble and I've never played Rammus before so idk how to help him.
Masteries too, for jungling and non-jungling.
0-9-21 masteries regardless of jungle or not Smite/Flash (Jungle) or Flash/Ghost (Lane) or Flash/Exhaust (Enemy TC needs an Exhaust) I run HP Quints, whogivesashit marks (guess arpen would be better for junglling?), Armor Seals, and Mana regen/lvl blues. These might not be Optimized runes, but they work for me very well.
WQWE max E. from there, I max W, but whatever floats your boat. I tend to find that Rammus doesn't get that much farm, so the Ar/Mres on W makes him an insanely hard to kill target regardless of items. By late game 400+ armor, 300+ mres for 6 seconds is boss.
Start @ blue or @ wraiths, run normal routes from there.
I would never recommend lane rammus. If there's a jungler, there are better tanks you can play for lane. Rammus is a nuts jungler, and his gank at 4 with Ball Taunt Redbuff Flash is so powerful.
Don't get too attached to the current Ryze, shake. He's getting some loving soon
edit: oh if anyone missed me I ordered new computer parts and I should be up and streaming on monday or tuesday
On November 05 2010 19:23 Niton wrote: I really want to say that starting ranked is pure luck on whether you get boosted right out or not. You can't carry if your team convincingly loses all the areas you aren't personally in. I know it's technically not true, and that if you were amazing enough you could at least make a game out of it, but if your lane goes 4-1 and the rest of the game is 0-9, you're going to have a hell of a time catching up. Dude, it happens. I've lost a game with a 22-x Ashe. I've also started 2-0 solo mid as pre-nerf soraka vs ashe and still lost because of leavers (one of my only soraka losses). It's 1200 elo, variance is really high. Then I got carried a dozen games in a row as teemo and made it 1400 land, where I'm like lol wtf why are people not terrible 100% of the time and give fb in half my games.
I know this has been said a million times before, but if you're really as good as you think you are then (a) duo queue (b) pick carry & jungler. Or just run good.