Ok, hear me out.
Reapers are early game units by default. They are easy to get out, effective when the enemy has few defenses, and when you don't have to worry about defending your own base.
Mid-late game gives MUCH better units for harass. The only thing I can really think of is Worker snipes or building snipes, which in both cases Medivac + Marine or Marauders accomplish this to a greater extent, being better in almost every way. Investing your rax to building Reapers mid-late game is also too risky, since they are pretty awful in a real army.
Now, Reapers were nerfed because they could control Zerg too easily early game. It made Zerg have to play cat-n-mice until (or if) they get to mid game. They were also powerful against Protoss, but weren't used as much so not seen as a "problem".
It seems now that they aren't even worth the time anymore, Zerg now has the time they need to transition into mid game or even harass/contain Terran for a change.
Sooo here's the question...... Is there a line between too powerful and useless for Reapers? Or will it just bounce between one or the other? A unit that is ONLY good in one stage of the game is a unique property of the Reaper. So how powerful must it be in order to be useful? Will "powerful enough" always be "too powerful?"
I think they will always have their place for scouting and such regardless of how powerful they are.
Blizzard themselves can't answer your question,but they want you to answer in the future.
would love to see marauder nerf against building so if terran wanted to drop mid/late game he would have to use reapers for it.
I think as the meta game develops they should become useful beyond the early game. In theory, they should be pretty useful still with their great damage vs. light, especially combined with other units to help protect their fragility, weapon/armour upgrades, medivacs, etc.
I imagine them being used later in the matches at some point, when nobody expects you to harrass with reapers.
if reapers were completely removed from the game, the balance of the matchups would be completely unchanged terran already has enough viable openings which are just as strong but playing against reapers is incredibly frustrating (and NOT fun) it really hurts the game for me from a zerg perspective reapers are bad when players dont know how to control them, but they're rage inducing when pros control them. i hate this unit. if they removed it from the game zvt would not change at all as hellion openings are just as good and reapers only have very limited use in tvt and tvp anyways. terrible unit
Reapers will be the new marauder drop harass in the future dw.
even on higher diamond level i saw some reaper builds yesterday.
those 5 seconds are NOT what would kill any reaper-strategy. at the moment you have a chance, that your spinecrawler maybe can finish or be close to get finishe, before they are there.
before 1.1 even if you 7 or 8scout reapers, it often can be too late. all depended only on the ability about how good they are controlled.
On September 23 2010 18:09 ondik wrote: would love to see marauder nerf against building so if terran wanted to drop mid/late game he would have to use reapers for it.
echo'ing this idea, would justice the fact that reapers are really good against buildings, but nowhere near stimmed marauder drops
I can see reapers being useful late game against P, since the default defense is to spam zeal/templar warpins. And, as pointed out, their DPS vs light is actually phenomenal.
On the other hand, the real cost is that it's eating up unit cycles. You are spending 1.5 barracks cycles on one food. So basically, instead of putting up 2 food in 30s, you are putting out 1 food in 45s.
How many scenarios will allow you to do this safely?
On September 23 2010 18:09 ondik wrote: would love to see marauder nerf against building so if terran wanted to drop mid/late game he would have to use reapers for it.
If marauder had been nerfed in 1.1,Zerg wouldn't worry about mass reapers either. Cause the fluent transition from reaper to marauder is the pain.
Their power origines from their incredible speed. The nitro pack should take longer to research. Factory as a requirement would be fine and would indirectly raise the cost without raising the 50/50 for research +60sec fac build time.
I think the best thing you can do with a few reapers early in the game is scout and harass if possible, then occupy a xel'naga tower or destroy rocks for gold expansion. Letting marines shoot at rocks sucks, reapers are quite efficient.
Having dropships (that heal you too) so early is bad enough- especially given blizzard's map pool.
But being able to ignore terrain and get a huge bonus vs light in t1 (one race only!) is just fundamentally bad.
Looks cool in promos though.
edit- woulda been cool to see their light bonus taken away instead of build time increased (like that even matters with 5 rax). That way you'd have a synergy between hellions taking care of light while reapers sneak in from the side to snipe buildings.
Yes, reapers belong in SC2... because Dustin Browden think they're keeeeeeewl.
But seriously, reapers lose all utility after the first 5 minutes. They should find a way to nerf them early game and give them purpose for late game. It was only included as a gimmick more than anything else and really, Dustin Browden thought they were cooool.
Edit: Oops, wrong thread -_-'
People QQing about marauders makes me sad, : marines deal more DPS than them.
And about reapers I think they might have a use that just has not been found yet, something like sniping HTs late game...It's too early to threw them away.
Yes, they belong in SC2 coz they're in the fucking game. Now figure out how they become useful even in the lategame instead. Since they do all this damage to structures, that must be the way to go... Base snipers? Who knows?
Their damage against buildings are still ridiculous. Maybe they can be used in late game for sniping hatch. You know just build 5 or 6 of them and they can go around taking down buildings for 30 sec. Maybe if you get more you can snipe off Hatch/Nex. Oh wait, Terrans already have marauder drop for that.
On September 23 2010 18:28 NormandyBoy wrote: People QQing about marauders makes me sad, : marines deal more DPS than them. Not versus buildings. And other armored targets. But the main problem is buildings. If you know the opponent is going Marauder-heavy, you could opt not to build armored units, but there's no way to avoid making buildings, lol.