Moon Glaive becomes Neo Moon Glaive
Tornado becomes Shin Tornado (although, if you want it to sound better, Neo's fine)
Shin HBR changes:
- Added 500 mineral field at nat
- Centered mineral expos
- Expanded middle of map (all ridges now connected to center)
- Expanded area is unbuildable
+ Show Spoiler [animated HBR changes] +
Neo Moon Glaive changes:
- Adjusted size so that the originally-mineral-only expo can be blocked with 3 pylons now
- Made changes so that doing siege mode near ramp of entrance doesn't cover the entire nat
- Added 2500 gas at the originally mineral-only expo. However, reduced gas at originally third gas-expo to 2500 gas (meaning all gas is now 2500 except for mains and nats)
- Made changes so that you can't attack third's gas from fourth's and vice-versa
- Made changes so that you can wall with 2 depot 1 rax at main
- Increased area at center of map which is unbuildable
- Made nat's entrance bigger from 6 grid to 8 grid
- Made 2nd entrance to nat closer to main entrance
- Made it possible to build turrets at the area just before getting to high ground from the nat
- Made positional imbalance fixes so that marines and lurkers can harass that nat's gas from the 2nd entrance on all positions
Shin Tornado changes:
- Increased all minerals to 2000 at all naturals
- Reduced gas value at 2nd expo from 2000 to 1000, and increased 1 mineral field (from 7 to 8)
- Made it so that you can wall 2nd expo with 3 pylons
- Increased ramp size at the triangular high grounds, added a neutral building that can be destroyed to widen ramp (250hp stacked 4 times)
- Changed 1/7 main's mineral/gas layout to prevent positional imbalance
Match Point fixes:
- Changed 12/6 gas expo positioning so that gas cannot be harassed from across the wall (not the main wall)
Outsider SE fixes:
- Made it so that you can't defend your main's entrance (ramp area) with just sunkens
Fighting Spirit fixes:
- Fixed so that all positions allow 2 depot 1 rax block at ramp
+ Show Spoiler [animated Tornado changes by butterbrain] +
thanks to butterbrain for the find and gifs
thanks to konadora for translation on page 3