Germany / USA16648 Posts
oh, my 2 pter choice isn't completely rational, I agree. It's just that I love him (very much), I saw he's starting vs Ace, so my theory was kinda to let him win some pts vs Ace and then trade him away, kind of a risk though, I admit.
I agree with your assessment of Horang2, I had him in one of my earlier teams as well. I also had Canata (and was tempted to take Midas or Iris instead of Canata), the reasoning is obvious. Didn't think of Much for some reason and Savior... hmmm I dunno.
I'm also still undecided whether to go for a 2/2/2 racial balance or not.
Bleh, so much stuff to consider. Oh well... not much time left for the final decision
I don't have Leta in any of my teams, I simply think he is too expensive, despite his obvious strength. Imho the only player with a 2 digit value that is worth taking is Jaedong (good vs all races, no contending Z on his team, Tau Cross back in the map pool, on which he is 10-1).
Team name: Tossgirl and Her Talented Team (2) sAviOr (8) Flash (Captain) (10) Jaedong (1) ToSsGirL (2) Horang2 (7) JangBi
(0) KTF MagicNs
+ Show Spoiler +First off, I'd like to say that I have no idea what I'm doing. I've pored over stats, recent wins, names, ELO rankings (which BISU DROPPED HAHAHAHAHAH YES), and other such info. No, I didn't read that thread about HOW to pick your teams as I prefer people to pick how they want (people they like; all 0 cost, play to win, etc) instead of following set guidelines. For all the people who read this AND have knowledge of what in the hell they're doing, correct me if I'm wrong as I'd wanna win round 4 or whatever by learning from my mistakes.
Anyway... point 1: PvZ is dead. How is it dead? Well, whoever watched MSL Group A knows that Bisu got totally dismantled by Savior and Zero (if you didn't, now you do... and Magma put up a fight). From the look of those games, the solution was to never engage the Protoss rapemachine of ZelChon, but instead to harass the flying fuck out of his bases (oh and to exploit his negligence in micro from the 3 games he played). He (Bisu) seemed to never have his forces in position to defend against Zero and Savior's forces. At the same time, Savior's furious expoing (triple expo early on?) and the map itself are possible contributors to the downfall of one hailed "the next bonjwa" (yeahh... no, we'll see this happen when FBH massacres Free, Jangbi, and Best in one night), but hey, apparently where 2 ramps into a main was unfair, Bisu couldn't even defend 1. I took his ass out of my lineup FAST because he's already useless in an entire match-up, subbing in the obligatory Savior. Not because he raped Bisu, but because he knocked that Group-F-making whorebag out of the MSL (no credit goes to Zero for sealing the deal or anything, nope).
Don't get me wrong, he's still a monster in PvT, as a feverish Flash can attest to (playing with a fever is far GG-resultant than playing with drowse-inducing medication), I just don't care for it (as I love Flash, even after that surprise buttsecks Bisu shoved on him in their PL fight).
Tossgirl falls in the same boat as Savior: obligatory pick. With how she played against UpMagic (I didn't see the game itself, but read "she played a lot better than expected", I gather she's going to appear in more televised games. Besides, once July cleans her mess, she gets points for STX wins. If she wins, then YES YES YES all the better.
Flash is an auto-pick for me. Best Terran out there. I'll stick to my belief of Leta being over-rated despite never seeing a game of his. As an FBH fan, it pains me to not pick him, but if he gets sniped by DaezanG or someone that level my monitor's (and the laptop it's a part of) is breaking in half. Jaedong's new-age ZvT hasn't met with the Little Monster yet, who more than likely has some sort of solution to queen-play (who knows, he might steal the Fantasy build or something... not that I really know what that is). SkyHigh does his homework, but seeing as he doesn't know who he's gearing up for, I don't want him. Only other Terran I'd consider is Boxer...
Jaedong. He should be in everyone's team, imo, seeing as the only potentially problematic match-up for Zergs, ZvP, is wrecked. His ZvZ is poweroverwhelming, and his ZvT queenplay wasn't exactly friendly against Fantasy (who he raped right before a butt-hurt Bisu, I might add). Seriously, the only way he can go down would be in an epic ZvZ 12hat v 9pool that he could probably defend against anyway. Ignore that loss to UpMagic as... come on, what the hell, Lecaf? 0-3?
Jangbi was definitely a hard pick. With my minimalist point spending on KTFlash (seriously, whoever coined this is a genius), Horang2, Tossgirl, and Savior, I had a lot of leeway. Now, as ZvP has been figured out (if it weren't, then I really don't understand how even MAGMA almost beat Bisu), I couldn't rely on stats alone for this match-up to make a decision. His PvT is near 70% with a 5-game streak, and he's rolling P in a 3-game streak on top of that. I could have just as easily gone with Stork, who's cheaper and offers similar stats and a recent win against Flash (but a loss to Nada, what the hell?), but where would that spare point have gone? To Jangbi, of course!
Horang2 is an easy pick being 100% in ALL HIS GAMES!!! WHOA!! For 2 points, this is like finding Final Fantasy 7 in a clearance bin for $5 (which that over-rated Bisu-like game shoulda cost).
Other potential picks: by.Hero || JulyZerg || Pusan || Nada || Free || FBH || Sea - No to the Hero. Why? I don't honestly know, but at 1 point, it really can't hurt to have him on your team. - July's stats speak for themselves, and hell he's on a streak. Thing is, the only great win he's got is against FBH. - For Pusan, I have no honest idea. I heard a lot of people saying (read them typing) that whatever team he's on should throw them into their lineup. First thing he's in an ace match, he wins. - Nada... because it's Nada? - Free is a monster. Some recent wins against Mind, Bisu, Savior (from a month ago so it doesn't count), and Great say a lot, no? - FBH: NO! Any competent P can take him out, though his recent TvP hasn't gone tested. On the same note, going from being topped by B.Net players to suddenly fighting Best isn't fair measure. - Sea: With Queens seeing game time, though I personally don't know how much time, you're going to need someone with Irradiate spam and insane army replenishment skills, and for that Sea's your guy... so long as he plays on the same level in his game against Jaedong.
Thoughts? Suggestions? changes? I dunno proscene newb here hha
Your team is too common. I can almost guarantee your team has a copycat team in the league already. Maybe your tossgirl pick sets you apart, but that won't make you a winner. You need surprise and luck to win a league. If you're just looking to do well (top 10) then your team has as decent a shot as any 3big/3small team.
I'm using Only one terran (Flash) i wont trade him anyway,seriously actually i need a 2nd zerg in my team, in case of by.hero fails and i need to trade him.
my team:
Team name: Bonjwa power (9) Bisu (Captain) (8) Flash (7) JangBi (3) Pusan (1) by.hero (2) iloveoov
(0) KTF MagicNs
i Really fear about Pusan, he is always a big hit or terrible miss. For HerO, he is in both leagues, i expect him to get a lot games in STX,STX have Only 5 guys playing in pl, but July is EXTREMELY unreliable, he could enter in a huge slump any time, so he could get a a lot of games. For Bisu/best, Bisu will have more time to focus on pl and he has no weak mu, while you can not trust best when it comes to his pvz, a team could take him out with a good zvp'er. Edit:SCREW HORANG I'M GOING FOR OOV! I LOVE OOV!
I really feel like the maps favor Terran and the swing back to z > p that seems to be occurring means Terrans get more zergs to face out there. TvZ is just one area we haven't seen flourish at the top level yet in the last year. We're infested with the mech opening against lesser zergs, and I really hope zergs step up and shut it down like JD > Flash. Otherwise zergs will continue to struggle vT. Along with the maps chosen, I don't like having too many toss or zerg and I'd only go 3 terran if one of them is Flash.
My team rigth now:
(4) ZerO (6) Sea (5) free (Captain) (5) Kal (2) sAviOr (8) Flash
(0) KTF MagicNs
Flash will play, Flash will win, Flash will break streaks and flash might all kill. Having him + KTF is a good and not to point costy combo I think
I'm not sure about Zer0, having two player in Woogjin stars migth not be the best idea, but I believe that Him and free are the player we are going to see the most on WJS line up, so why not.
Sea,free and kal are not S-class player, but they are at least A-class and almost garanteed to play at every match.
Savior comes last, and we migth not see him as often as Effort, but i wanted another zerg, and for only 2 points, not much to hesitate. Plus he might turn into a destroyer, I believe !! =p (yes 'im a fanboy =p )
Any comments ?
I like your team. The only question I have is why Sea over the other terrans in that group? MBC is the worst team in that category. If you don't like ZerO, consider Calm. Same points, more downside imo.. but a much better team. STX has a chance to run the table in Winners League more than anyone but Khan and SKT1, I think.
(10) (Z)Jaedong (Captain) (7) (P)JangBi (8) (T)Flash (1) (T)BoxeR (2) (Z)sAviOr (2) (P)Horang2
this is what my team looks like atm. Boxer is the huge question mark in this, but at the very least he will get me some SKT points, and I feel that he still is a good Z sniper. The Jae/Flash/Jangbi Combo will either be a huge success or a huge failure, but they are arguably the three best players of their respective races right now (Jangi is somewhere in the top5, the dragons are just very close skillwise) and all three have no matchup that you can consider weak. I would've loved to have either bisu or best on my team, but I fear that they might steal each other's points.
On January 17 2009 05:51 InFiNitY[pG] wrote:(10) (Z) Jaedong (Captain) (7) (P) JangBi(8) (T) Flash(1) (T) BoxeR(2) (Z) sAviOr(2) (P) Horang2this is what my team looks like atm. Boxer is the huge question mark in this, but at the very least he will get me some SKT points, and I feel that he still is a good Z sniper. The Jae/Flash/Jangbi Combo will either be a huge success or a huge failure, but they are arguably the three best players of their respective races right now (Jangi is somewhere in the top5, the dragons are just very close skillwise) and all three have no matchup that you can consider weak. I would've loved to have either bisu or best on my team, but I fear that they might steal each other's points. You could possibly take by.hero instead of Boxer. STX shouldn't get much fewer points than SKT, and by.hero is more likely to actually play than Boxer. Or you could take an up-and-comer like HoeJJa, Ruby or Tazza. There are quite a few promising deals for 1 point. You could also think about exchanging Savior and Horang2 for Pusan plus another 1-pointer if you like.
United States7488 Posts
On January 17 2009 02:07 FzeroXx wrote: Your team is too common. I can almost guarantee your team has a copycat team in the league already. Maybe your tossgirl pick sets you apart, but that won't make you a winner. You need surprise and luck to win a league. If you're just looking to do well (top 10) then your team has as decent a shot as any 3big/3small team. There are almost no (less than 15 total) teams identical to each other so far out of over 900 entries.
I'm really really having a tough time choosing between magma and horang2. Horang2 has a lot of potential and could become the next great protoss, or he could be mediocre. What really makes it tough, is that magma will likely get more playing time.
If OGN sends out leta first, decent chance horang wont play that match. If OGN sends out Yarnc, he might not play either. If one of the two doesnt all-kill, its still possible that the other will clean up and horang wont get a shot. And there are other potential players too. So horang's success as a pick depends on 2 things:
1) His own success as a player 2) how often he gets sent out first
On the other hand eSTRO has a smaller roster, and generally a weaker one as well. Really/upmagic cant realistically be counted on to all-kill, and eSTRO's coach has shown a willingness to send out magma in the past. We've also heard about magma's latent skill combined with his bad nerves on TV (remind anyone of jangbi? leta?).
In other words, magma is the more solid pick imo, but horang could potentially have a HUGE upside depending on how he plays and how often he gets sent out.
Also, with magma being eliminated from MSL, it makes one wonder whether he will slump or not.
magma might get more playtime but neither are going to score many wins (magma has already proven that, while horang2 hasn't play enough to tell how good he is). with horang2, you also get points from ogn wins, which i bet will much greater than estro's. so if you're going to choose between two crappy players, why not choose the one with greater potential and a better team?
On January 17 2009 02:37 FzeroXx wrote: I like your team. The only question I have is why Sea over the other terrans in that group? MBC is the worst team in that category. If you don't like ZerO, consider Calm. Same points, more downside imo.. but a much better team. STX has a chance to run the table in Winners League more than anyone but Khan and SKT1, I think.
Anyone in charge of Fantasy League available to check on whether or not there really is a team that's exactly the same as mine or somewhere close? 'cause i don't want no copycat foolery and I can switch to me "balanced" team if the need be.
On January 17 2009 10:56 caelym wrote: magma might get more playtime but neither are going to score many wins (magma has already proven that, while horang2 hasn't play enough to tell how good he is). with horang2, you also get points from ogn wins, which i bet will much greater than estro's. so if you're going to choose between two crappy players, why not choose the one with greater potential and a better team?
thats a really good point actually
I've decided then
United States7488 Posts
On January 17 2009 12:09 xxsaznpride wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2009 02:37 FzeroXx wrote: I like your team. The only question I have is why Sea over the other terrans in that group? MBC is the worst team in that category. If you don't like ZerO, consider Calm. Same points, more downside imo.. but a much better team. STX has a chance to run the table in Winners League more than anyone but Khan and SKT1, I think. Anyone in charge of Fantasy League available to check on whether or not there really is a team that's exactly the same as mine or somewhere close? 'cause i don't want no copycat foolery and I can switch to me "balanced" team if the need be. No... we will not be checking for any individual that wants to be checked. Chances are extremely low that someone else has the same team as you (and that goes for anyone).
United States7488 Posts
On January 17 2009 12:11 fusionsdf wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2009 10:56 caelym wrote: magma might get more playtime but neither are going to score many wins (magma has already proven that, while horang2 hasn't play enough to tell how good he is). with horang2, you also get points from ogn wins, which i bet will much greater than estro's. so if you're going to choose between two crappy players, why not choose the one with greater potential and a better team? thats a really good point actually I've decided then He is your enemy in these league! You let him coerce you so easily!!!
On January 17 2009 12:17 semioldguy wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2009 12:11 fusionsdf wrote:On January 17 2009 10:56 caelym wrote: magma might get more playtime but neither are going to score many wins (magma has already proven that, while horang2 hasn't play enough to tell how good he is). with horang2, you also get points from ogn wins, which i bet will much greater than estro's. so if you're going to choose between two crappy players, why not choose the one with greater potential and a better team? thats a really good point actually I've decided then He is your enemy in these league! You let him coerce you so easily!!!
but you're my enemy too!
On January 17 2009 12:43 fusionsdf wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2009 12:17 semioldguy wrote:On January 17 2009 12:11 fusionsdf wrote:On January 17 2009 10:56 caelym wrote: magma might get more playtime but neither are going to score many wins (magma has already proven that, while horang2 hasn't play enough to tell how good he is). with horang2, you also get points from ogn wins, which i bet will much greater than estro's. so if you're going to choose between two crappy players, why not choose the one with greater potential and a better team? thats a really good point actually I've decided then He is your enemy in these league! You let him coerce you so easily!!! damn but you're my enemy too! HOW DO I DECIDE??? muahhahahahahaha sucker
Haha... I was going to change my team cus of what Fzero said, but then I got a headache trying to come up with what my balance team was at 40s on countdown, so I was like fuck it and got back on DotA.
No worries, its over now.. TUNE IN TO OGN!!!