(Simulation #1270 vs #1278) Biggest Winners Zest went up by 26.69%, going from 8.36% to 35.05% Trap went up by 20.37%, going from 32.09% to 52.47% Dark went up by 10.25%, going from 37.15% to 47.4% Bunny went up by 5.99%, going from 21.17% to 27.16% Bbyong went up by 5.19%, going from 26.7% to 31.89% FanTaSy went up by 2.47%, going from 20.92% to 23.39% ShoWTimE went up by 2.32%, going from 10.99% to 13.31% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] +
Welmu went up by 0.79%, going from 3.47% to 4.26% herO went up by 0.27%, going from 99.7% to 99.97% Terminator went up by 0.19%, going from 15.67% to 15.86% Heart went up by 0.16%, going from 1.07% to 1.23% PartinG went up by 0.14%, going from 95.18% to 95.31% Jaedong went up by 0.13%, going from 1.93% to 2.06% Maru went up by 0.12%, going from 99.78% to 99.91% jjakji went up by 0.1%, going from 0.55% to 0.65%
Biggest Losers Rain went down by 17.61%, going from 59.87% to 42.26% Solar went down by 10.74%, going from 41.57% to 30.83% TaeJa went down by 8.86%, going from 22.1% to 13.25% Hydra went down by 7.17%, going from 66.86% to 59.69% Flash went down by 4.68%, going from 11.59% to 6.91% Cure went down by 3.34%, going from 15.43% to 12.09% Snute went down by 3.04%, going from 42.61% to 39.58% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] +
MMA went down by 2.21%, going from 37.58% to 35.37% INnoVation went down by 2.16%, going from 69.76% to 67.6% Patience went down by 1.17%, going from 3.56% to 2.39% Stats went down by 1.16%, going from 44.11% to 42.95% Rogue went down by 0.82%, going from 64.9% to 64.08% HyuN went down by 0.76%, going from 5.93% to 5.16% PiG went down by 0.71%, going from 11.29% to 10.57% Polt went down by 0.63%, going from 34.21% to 33.58% TargA went down by 0.63%, going from 5.44% to 4.81% Super went down by 0.59%, going from 24.33% to 23.74% Has went down by 0.58%, going from 3.04% to 2.46% Dear went down by 0.55%, going from 36.63% to 36.08% TY went down by 0.51%, going from 41.3% to 40.79% sOs went down by 0.49%, going from 20.89% to 20.4% MajOr went down by 0.44%, going from 8.29% to 7.85% ForGG went down by 0.39%, going from 68.65% to 68.26% Serral went down by 0.37%, going from 6.48% to 6.11% Soulkey went down by 0.35%, going from 25.67% to 25.32% Dream went down by 0.34%, going from 83.01% to 82.67% Bomber went down by 0.33%, going from 14.29% to 13.96% NaNiwa went down by 0.26%, going from 11.13% to 10.87% Kane went down by 0.25%, going from 4.28% to 4.03% Happy went down by 0.24%, going from 7.59% to 7.35% MaNa went down by 0.21%, going from 10.34% to 10.13% Leenock went down by 0.16%, going from 5.02% to 4.86% soO went down by 0.15%, going from 5.13% to 4.98% Sacsri went down by 0.15%, going from 4.74% to 4.59% viOLet went down by 0.15%, going from 4.93% to 4.78% First went down by 0.15%, going from 5.27% to 5.12% GuMiho went down by 0.15%, going from 21.94% to 21.79% TLO went down by 0.14%, going from 2.11% to 1.97% YoDa went down by 0.14%, going from 7.56% to 7.42% Symbol went down by 0.14%, going from 1.23% to 1.09% ByuL went down by 0.13%, going from 2.99% to 2.87% VortiX went down by 0.12%, going from 1.82% to 1.7% Lilbow went down by 0.12%, going from 1.93% to 1.81% MarineKing went down by 0.12%, going from 4.29% to 4.17% San went down by 0.11%, going from 3.87% to 3.76%
Trap vs Zestin in IEM Katowice finals. Zest has the #3 Headband! Trap is at 52.47% Blizzcon Chances. 50.09% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 64.84%. 49.91% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 40.04%. Zest is at 35.05% Blizzcon Chances. 49.91% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 49.82%. 50.09% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 20.33%.
Biggest Winners and Losers since before IEM Katowice (Sim ID #1270 vs Sim ID #1280) Biggest Winners Zest went up by 43.36%, going from 8.36% to 51.72% Trap went up by 12.37%, going from 32.09% to 44.46% Dark went up by 9.21%, going from 37.15% to 46.36% Bunny went up by 5.82%, going from 21.17% to 26.99% Bbyong went up by 3.02%, going from 26.7% to 29.72% FanTaSy went up by 2.24%, going from 20.92% to 23.16% ShoWTimE went up by 2.23%, going from 10.99% to 13.22% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] +
Welmu went up by 0.76%, going from 3.47% to 4.23% herO went up by 0.27%, going from 99.7% to 99.97% Heart went up by 0.14%, going from 1.07% to 1.22% Maru went up by 0.12%, going from 99.78% to 99.9%
Biggest Losers Rain went down by 17.73%, going from 59.87% to 42.14% Solar went down by 10.95%, going from 41.57% to 30.61% TaeJa went down by 8.93%, going from 22.1% to 13.17% Hydra went down by 7.31%, going from 66.86% to 59.55% Flash went down by 4.74%, going from 11.59% to 6.85% Cure went down by 3.44%, going from 15.43% to 11.99% Snute went down by 3.13%, going from 42.61% to 39.48% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] +
MMA went down by 2.42%, going from 37.58% to 35.16% INnoVation went down by 2.4%, going from 69.76% to 67.36% Stats went down by 1.34%, going from 44.11% to 42.77% Patience went down by 1.2%, going from 3.56% to 2.36% Rogue went down by 1.05%, going from 64.9% to 63.84% HyuN went down by 0.87%, going from 5.93% to 5.06% Dear went down by 0.81%, going from 36.63% to 35.82% Polt went down by 0.75%, going from 34.21% to 33.45% PiG went down by 0.75%, going from 11.29% to 10.54% Super went down by 0.71%, going from 24.33% to 23.62% TargA went down by 0.66%, going from 5.44% to 4.78% TY went down by 0.64%, going from 41.3% to 40.67% Has went down by 0.6%, going from 3.04% to 2.43% sOs went down by 0.6%, going from 20.89% to 20.3% Soulkey went down by 0.53%, going from 25.67% to 25.13% MajOr went down by 0.5%, going from 8.29% to 7.79% ForGG went down by 0.5%, going from 68.65% to 68.16% Dream went down by 0.48%, going from 83.01% to 82.53% Bomber went down by 0.43%, going from 14.29% to 13.86% Serral went down by 0.41%, going from 6.48% to 6.07% GuMiho went down by 0.34%, going from 21.94% to 21.6% NaNiwa went down by 0.32%, going from 11.13% to 10.8% Happy went down by 0.29%, going from 7.59% to 7.3% Kane went down by 0.28%, going from 4.28% to 4.01% MaNa went down by 0.26%, going from 10.34% to 10.08% soO went down by 0.24%, going from 5.13% to 4.9% Leenock went down by 0.23%, going from 5.02% to 4.8% YoDa went down by 0.21%, going from 7.56% to 7.35% Sacsri went down by 0.2%, going from 4.74% to 4.54% viOLet went down by 0.19%, going from 4.93% to 4.74% First went down by 0.17%, going from 5.27% to 5.1% ByuL went down by 0.16%, going from 2.99% to 2.83% TLO went down by 0.16%, going from 2.11% to 1.95% MarineKing went down by 0.16%, going from 4.29% to 4.13% San went down by 0.16%, going from 3.87% to 3.71% Symbol went down by 0.15%, going from 1.23% to 1.07% VortiX went down by 0.13%, going from 1.82% to 1.69% Lilbow went down by 0.13%, going from 1.93% to 1.8% DongRaeGu went down by 0.13%, going from 2.71% to 2.58% Sen went down by 0.12%, going from 2.18% to 2.07% TRUE went down by 0.11%, going from 2.3% to 2.2% Jim went down by 0.1%, going from 2.02% to 1.92%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 91.1% Chances of 2+ foreigners 56.91% Chances of 3+ foreigners 19.21% Chances of 4+ foreigners 3.23%
Snute9.8% chance to be the only foreigner, 39.48% chance overall. Bunny5.79% chance to be the only foreigner, 26.99% chance overall. ShoWTimE2.49% chance to be the only foreigner, 13.22% chance overall. NaNiwa2.02% chance to be the only foreigner, 10.8% chance overall. PiG1.94% chance to be the only foreigner, 10.54% chance overall. MaNa1.79% chance to be the only foreigner, 10.09% chance overall. MajOr1.41% chance to be the only foreigner, 7.79% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] +
Happy1.32% chance to be the only foreigner, 7.3% chance overall. Serral1.04% chance to be the only foreigner, 6.07% chance overall. TargA0.86% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.78% chance overall. Welmu0.73% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.23% chance overall. Kane0.68% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.01% chance overall. Has0.41% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.43% chance overall. Sen0.36% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.06% chance overall. Jim0.34% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.92% chance overall. TLO0.32% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.95% chance overall. HuK0.31% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.78% chance overall. Lilbow0.3% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.8% chance overall. VortiX0.28% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.69% chance overall. MorroW0.15% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.89% chance overall. Nerchio0.15% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.91% chance overall. MacSed0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.76% chance overall. MaSa0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.81% chance overall. MarineLorD0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.78% chance overall. XiGua0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.7% chance overall. iaguz0.11% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.67% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE0.11% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.66% chance overall. uThermal0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.54% chance overall. puCK0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.45% chance overall. FireCake0.07% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.41% chance overall. Boombox0.05% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.31% chance overall. GunGFuBanDa0.05% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.32% chance overall. Scarlett0.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.31% chance overall. Harstem0.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.28% chance overall.
Headbands Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 1 defenses! PartinG is the current #2 Headband holder with 1 defenses! Zest is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses! sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Defense History] +
WCS Point Cutoffs 0.89% of the time 2325 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 9.63% of the time 2500 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 32.39% of the time 2650 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 47.57% of the time 2725 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 67.84% of the time 2825 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 90.93% of the time 3000 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 98.87% of the time 3200 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon
Upcoming GSL Code S Season 1in ~ PartinG has a 55.06% chance to win ----going from 95.26% to 99.6% if they get 1st, or 89.94% if they get 2nd. Life has a 22.65% chance to win ----going from 99.97% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.99% if they get 2nd. herO has a 22.29% chance to win ----going from 99.97% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.99% if they get 2nd.
Life vs herOin in GSL Code S Season 1 semifinals. Life is at 99.97% Blizzcon Chances. 45.7% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. 54.3% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.95%. herO is at 99.97% Blizzcon Chances. 54.3% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. 45.7% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.93%.
Maru vs Dreamin in StarLeague Season 1 finals. Maru is at 99.9% Blizzcon Chances. 71.34% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. 28.66% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.67%. Dream is at 82.53% Blizzcon Chances. 28.66% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 97.66%. 71.34% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 76.45%.
Life vs herOin in GSL Code S Season 1 semifinals. Life has the #1 Headband! Life is at 99.97% Blizzcon Chances. 45.7% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. 54.3% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.94%. herO is at 99.97% Blizzcon Chances. 54.3% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. 45.7% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.93%.
GSL Code S Season 1 Winning Chances PartinG has a 55.04% chance to win ----going from 95.26% to 99.59% if they get 1st, or 89.96% if they get 2nd. Life has a 22.66% chance to win ----going from 99.97% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.99% if they get 2nd. herO has a 22.3% chance to win ----going from 99.97% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.99% if they get 2nd.
Life vs herOin in GSL Code S Season 1 semifinals. Life has the #1 Headband! Life is at 99.97% Blizzcon Chances. 45.7% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. 54.3% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.94%. herO is at 99.97% Blizzcon Chances. 54.3% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. 45.7% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.93%.
YES! GSL finals will be a #1 vs #2 headband match! The real prize for winning GSL is obviously the #1 headband, way more important than the money, WCS Points, fame, or w/e
17.01% of the time. Dream gets 1st place in GSL Code A Season 2 and Dream gets 1st place in StarLeague Season 1 This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 99.06%
16.28% of the time. Dream gets 12th place in StarLeague Season 2 and Dream loses their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 69.35%
4.55% of the time. Dream gets 1st place in GSL Code A Season 2 and Dream gets 20th place in StarLeague Season 2 and Dream loses their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 58.52%
2.61% of the time. Dream gets 4th place in GSL Code S Season 2 and Dream loses their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 99.25%
1.06% of the time. Dream gets 1st place in GSL Code S Season 3 and Dream loses their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 100 %
4.64% of the time. Dream gets 1st place in GSL Code A Season 2 and Dream gets 12th place in StarLeague Season 3 and Dream loses their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 97.56%
40.45% of the time. Dream gets 1st place in GSL Code A Season 2 and Dream loses their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 84.63%
0.83% of the time. Dream gets 1st place in GSL Code S Season 3 and Dream gets 1st place in GSL Code A Season 2 and Dream loses their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 100 %
0.52% of the time. Dream gets 1st place in GSL Code A Season 2 and Dream gets 2nd place in GSL Code S Season 2 and Dream wins their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 100 %
45.71% of the time. Maru gets 1st place in GSL Code A Season 2 and Maru wins their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Maru's chances from 99.9% to 100 %
4.89% of the time. Dream gets 1st place in StarLeague Qualifiers Season 3 and Dream gets 12th place in StarLeague Season 2 and Dream loses their next match in the StarLeague Season 1 finals This would change Dream's chances from 83.64% to 78.59%
14.37% of the time. Maru gets 1st place in GSL Qualifiers Season 3 and Maru gets 1st place in StarLeague Season 1 This would change Maru's chances from 99.9% to 100 %
12.97% of the time. Maru gets 1st place in StarLeague Season 1 and Maru gets 8th place in StarLeague Season 3 This would change Maru's chances from 99.9% to 100 %
Maru vs Dreamin in StarLeague Season 1 finals. Maru is at 99.9% Blizzcon Chances. 70.42% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. 29.58% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.67%. Dream is at 83.64% Blizzcon Chances. 29.58% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 97.8%. 70.42% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 77.7%.
Life vs PartinGin in GSL Code S Season 1 finals. Life has the #1 Headband and PartinG has the #2 Headband! Life is at 99.99% Blizzcon Chances. 50.84% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 100%. 49.16% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. PartinG is at 94.72% Blizzcon Chances. 49.16% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.6%. 50.84% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 90.01%.
--------UPDATE Sunday, Mar 22 10:50pm GMT (GMT+00:00) NSSL Season 1 AND GSL Season 1 Completed! (Sim #1294) Also added 7 more notable participants for Capenhagen Spring. The WCS Point Cutoffs seem a little low, especially if there are 3 KeSPA Cups and if they end up all being Tier 1s. After WCS Wars Season 1 I might add more Placeholder Tournaments. It's possible that change might bring Life down from 100%, maybe down to like 99.99%.
Top 50 players by Blizzcon Chances.
Life (KT), is at 100%, Min WCS Points: 3800, Median WCS Points: 6975
Maru (Jin Air), is at 99.99%, Min WCS Points: 3350, Median WCS Points: 5850
herO (CJ Entus), is at 99.93%, Min WCS Points: 2975, Median WCS Points: 4700
PartinG (Yoe), is at 92.5%, Min WCS Points: 2025, Median WCS Points: 4175
Dream (SKT T1), is at 76.61%, Min WCS Points: 1700, Median WCS Points: 3350
ForGG (Millenium), is at 68.05%, Min WCS Points: 625, Median WCS Points: 3425
INnoVation (SKT T1), is at 67.43%, Min WCS Points: 1400, Median WCS Points: 3225
Rogue (Jin Air), is at 64.19%, Min WCS Points: 1350, Median WCS Points: 3100
Hydra (ROOT), is at 60.76%, Min WCS Points: 625, Median WCS Points: 3125
Zest (KT), is at 55.68%, Min WCS Points: 1875, Median WCS Points: 2800
Dark (SKT T1), is at 46.32%, Min WCS Points: 1300, Median WCS Points: 2625
Rain (mYinsanity), is at 43.72%, Min WCS Points: 1100, Median WCS Points: 2550
Stats (KT), is at 41.87%, Min WCS Points: 1025, Median WCS Points: 2525
TY (KT), is at 40.58%, Min WCS Points: 1175, Median WCS Points: 2475
Trap (Jin Air), is at 40.1%, Min WCS Points: 850, Median WCS Points: 2400
Snute (Liquid), is at 36.92%, Min WCS Points: 500, Median WCS Points: 2300
Dear (Samsung), is at 36.56%, Min WCS Points: 800, Median WCS Points: 2325
MMA (Acer), is at 35.15%, Min WCS Points: 1050, Median WCS Points: 2350
Polt (CM Storm), is at 33.32%, Min WCS Points: 500, Median WCS Points: 2200
Solar (Samsung), is at 30.64%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 2150
Bbyong (CJ Entus), is at 29.88%, Min WCS Points: 850, Median WCS Points: 2125
Bunny (Liquid), is at 27.35%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1950
FanTaSy (dPix), is at 26.98%, Min WCS Points: 900, Median WCS Points: 2125
Soulkey (TCM), is at 25.23%, Min WCS Points: 1075, Median WCS Points: 2100
Super (Invasion), is at 23.55%, Min WCS Points: 925, Median WCS Points: 2025
GuMiho (Invasion), is at 21.17%, Min WCS Points: 750, Median WCS Points: 1900
sOs (Jin Air), is at 21.09%, Min WCS Points: 800, Median WCS Points: 1900
Terminator (Jin Air), is at 15.76%, Min WCS Points: 975, Median WCS Points: 1850
Bomber, is at 14.06%, Min WCS Points: 525, Median WCS Points: 1600
ShoWTimE (aTn), is at 14.01%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1550
TaeJa (Liquid), is at 13.14%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1400
NaNiwa, is at 12.2%, Min WCS Points: 200, Median WCS Points: 1400
Cure (Jin Air), is at 12.01%, Min WCS Points: 300, Median WCS Points: 1425
PiG (x5), is at 10.42%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1425
MaNa (Liquid), is at 9.57%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1350
MajOr, is at 7.79%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1250
Happy, is at 7.12%, Min WCS Points: 200, Median WCS Points: 1200
viOLet (EnVy), is at 6.85%, Min WCS Points: 200, Median WCS Points: 1200
Flash (KT), is at 6.82%, Min WCS Points: 50, Median WCS Points: 1075
YoDa (Prime), is at 6.73%, Min WCS Points: 350, Median WCS Points: 1250
Serral (mYinsanity), is at 5.66%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1250
soO (SKT T1), is at 5.32%, Min WCS Points: 50, Median WCS Points: 1000
TargA (Imaginary), is at 5.27%, Min WCS Points: 150, Median WCS Points: 1150
Sacsri (mYinsanity), is at 5.26%, Min WCS Points: 50, Median WCS Points: 1000
Welmu, is at 4.87%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1175
First (KT), is at 4.77%, Min WCS Points: 325, Median WCS Points: 1125
Leenock (Yoe), is at 4.69%, Min WCS Points: 600, Median WCS Points: 1275
HyuN (ROCCAT), is at 4.64%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1025
Kane (mYinsanity), is at 3.96%, Min WCS Points: 250, Median WCS Points: 1175
MarineKing (MVP), is at 3.78%, Min WCS Points: 700, Median WCS Points: 1325
Biggest Winners and Losers since before NSSL Finals and GSL Finals (Sim ID #1288 vs Sim ID #1294) Biggest Winners Rain went up by 6.45%, going from 37.27% to 43.72% viOLet went up by 2.18%, going from 4.67% to 6.85% Patience went up by 0.46%, going from 2.35% to 2.81% FanTaSy went up by 0.3%, going from 26.68% to 26.98% SuperNova went up by 0.17%, going from 0.87% to 1.04% HuK went up by 0.17%, going from 1.73% to 1.9% ShoWTimE went up by 0.16%, going from 13.85% to 14.01% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] +
jjakji went up by 0.15%, going from 0.71% to 0.86% Flash went up by 0.1%, going from 6.71% to 6.82% Zest went up by 0.1%, going from 55.58% to 55.68%
Biggest Losers Dream went down by 7.03%, going from 83.64% to 76.61% PartinG went down by 2.13%, going from 94.63% to 92.5% Snute went down by 0.99%, going from 37.92% to 36.92% Bunny went down by 0.45%, going from 27.8% to 27.35% MaNa went down by 0.25%, going from 9.82% to 9.57% NaNiwa went down by 0.15%, going from 12.35% to 12.2%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 90.88% Chances of 2+ foreigners 56.73% Chances of 3+ foreigners 19.29% Chances of 4+ foreigners 3.31%
Snute8.93% chance to be the only foreigner, 36.92% chance overall. Bunny5.99% chance to be the only foreigner, 27.35% chance overall. ShoWTimE2.69% chance to be the only foreigner, 14.01% chance overall. NaNiwa2.31% chance to be the only foreigner, 12.2% chance overall. PiG1.94% chance to be the only foreigner, 10.42% chance overall. MaNa1.71% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.57% chance overall. MajOr1.44% chance to be the only foreigner, 7.79% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] +
Happy1.3% chance to be the only foreigner, 7.12% chance overall. Serral0.97% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.66% chance overall. TargA0.95% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.27% chance overall. Welmu0.86% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.87% chance overall. Kane0.69% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.96% chance overall. Has0.41% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.37% chance overall. Sen0.37% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.05% chance overall. Jim0.34% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.89% chance overall. HuK0.34% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.9% chance overall. Lilbow0.32% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.87% chance overall. TLO0.32% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.92% chance overall. VortiX0.28% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.68% chance overall. Nerchio0.14% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.86% chance overall. MarineLorD0.14% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.83% chance overall. MacSed0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.74% chance overall. MorroW0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.72% chance overall. uThermal0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.7% chance overall. MaSa0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.73% chance overall. iaguz0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.67% chance overall. XiGua0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.69% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.57% chance overall. puCK0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.44% chance overall. FireCake0.08% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.47% chance overall. Bly0.04% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.34% chance overall. Boombox0.04% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.32% chance overall. Harstem0.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.31% chance overall. Scarlett0.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.31% chance overall. GunGFuBanDa0.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.3% chance overall.
Headbands Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 2 defenses! PartinG is the current #2 Headband holder with 1 defenses! Zest is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses! sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Defense History] +
WCS Point Cutoffs 1.14% of the time 2350 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 8.81% of the time 2500 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 31.12% of the time 2650 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 52.24% of the time 2750 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 71.86% of the time 2850 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 90.93% of the time 3000 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 98.92% of the time 3200 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon
Upcoming GSL Code A Season 2in ~ Maru has a 65.28% chance to win ----going from 99.99% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.99% if they don't. Trap has a 65.04% chance to win ----going from 40.1% to 48.19% if they get 1st, or 25.04% if they don't. Dark has a 63.38% chance to win ----going from 46.33% to 55.34% if they get 1st, or 30.73% if they don't. Rain has a 63.37% chance to win ----going from 43.72% to 52.61% if they get 1st, or 28.33% if they don't.
Copenhagen Springin ~ PartinG has a 20.75% chance to win ----going from 92.5% to 95.52% if they get 1st, or 91.71% if they don't. Rain has a 14.12% chance to win ----going from 43.72% to 50.7% if they get 1st, or 42.57% if they don't. FanTaSy has a 10.39% chance to win ----going from 26.98% to 33.07% if they get 1st, or 26.27% if they don't. NaNiwa has a 8.95% chance to win ----going from 12.2% to 15.37% if they get 1st, or 11.89% if they don't.
WCS Premier Season 1in ~ ForGG has a 21.23% chance to win ----going from 68.05% to 97.05% if they get 1st, or 73.49% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 18.27% chance to win ----going from 60.76% to 96.38% if they get 1st, or 67.88% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 12.81% chance to win ----going from 36.93% to 89.1% if they get 1st, or 44.05% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 10.88% chance to win ----going from 27.34% to 78.17% if they get 1st, or 33.24% if they get 2nd.
Biggest Winners and Losers since before Code A S2 matches set (Sim ID #1296 vs Sim ID #1299) Biggest Winners Trap went up by 3.53%, going from 38.91% to 42.44% Dark went up by 1.51%, going from 46.41% to 47.92% FanTaSy went up by 0.94%, going from 27.01% to 27.95% Bomber went up by 0.91%, going from 13.86% to 14.76% Dear went up by 0.83%, going from 37.6% to 38.43% TaeJa went up by 0.81%, going from 13.21% to 14.02% sOs went up by 0.68%, going from 21.78% to 22.47% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] +
soO went up by 0.67%, going from 5.36% to 6.03% First went up by 0.47%, going from 4.77% to 5.24% Symbol went up by 0.37%, going from 1.01% to 1.38% Trust went up by 0.28%, going from 1.96% to 2.24% INnoVation went up by 0.27%, going from 67.5% to 67.78% ByuL went up by 0.24%, going from 2.91% to 3.15% MarineKing went up by 0.13%, going from 3.78% to 3.91%
Biggest Losers Rain went down by 1.64%, going from 43.96% to 42.32% Cure went down by 1.42%, going from 11.44% to 10.03% Dream went down by 1.35%, going from 77.02% to 75.67% Super went down by 1.27%, going from 23.56% to 22.29% Bbyong went down by 0.75%, going from 29.96% to 29.21% Zest went down by 0.52%, going from 54.83% to 54.31% GuMiho went down by 0.49%, going from 21.16% to 20.68% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] +
Terminator went down by 0.45%, going from 15.8% to 15.35% Heart went down by 0.31%, going from 2.04% to 1.72% San went down by 0.3%, going from 3.71% to 3.41% Sacsri went down by 0.27%, going from 5.25% to 4.97% MC went down by 0.24%, going from 1.99% to 1.75% Flash went down by 0.23%, going from 6.41% to 6.18% MyuNgSiK went down by 0.21%, going from 1.88% to 1.67% Stats went down by 0.21%, going from 42.77% to 42.56% MMA went down by 0.17%, going from 35.2% to 35.02% ForGG went down by 0.16%, going from 68.25% to 68.08% Soulkey went down by 0.16%, going from 22.89% to 22.73% Hydra went down by 0.14%, going from 60.93% to 60.79% Creator went down by 0.14%, going from 1.02% to 0.88% DongRaeGu went down by 0.14%, going from 2.59% to 2.45% TY went down by 0.14%, going from 40.71% to 40.57% YoDa went down by 0.13%, going from 6.31% to 6.18%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 90.81% Chances of 2+ foreigners 56.5% Chances of 3+ foreigners 19.15% Chances of 4+ foreigners 3.25%
Snute8.17% chance to be the only foreigner, 34.53% chance overall. Bunny6.88% chance to be the only foreigner, 30.15% chance overall. ShoWTimE2.79% chance to be the only foreigner, 14.37% chance overall. NaNiwa2.39% chance to be the only foreigner, 12.31% chance overall. PiG1.74% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.3% chance overall. MaNa1.73% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.61% chance overall. MajOr1.45% chance to be the only foreigner, 7.73% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] +
Happy1.19% chance to be the only foreigner, 6.49% chance overall. Serral1.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.75% chance overall. TargA0.96% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.33% chance overall. Welmu0.82% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.64% chance overall. Kane0.63% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.59% chance overall. Has0.42% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.43% chance overall. Sen0.37% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.06% chance overall. HuK0.35% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.89% chance overall. TLO0.34% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.94% chance overall. Jim0.33% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.87% chance overall. Lilbow0.31% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.79% chance overall. VortiX0.28% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.69% chance overall. FireCake0.19% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.12% chance overall. MarineLorD0.14% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.82% chance overall. MorroW0.14% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.78% chance overall. Nerchio0.14% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.83% chance overall. MacSed0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.76% chance overall. uThermal0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.71% chance overall. XiGua0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.72% chance overall. MaSa0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.71% chance overall. iaguz0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.67% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.52% chance overall. puCK0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.52% chance overall. GunGFuBanDa0.06% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.38% chance overall. Harstem0.03% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.32% chance overall. Boombox0.03% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.31% chance overall.
Headbands Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 2 defenses! PartinG is the current #2 Headband holder with 1 defenses! Zest is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses! sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Defense History] +
WCS Point Cutoffs 1.19% of the time 2350 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 9.18% of the time 2500 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 31.91% of the time 2650 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 47.43% of the time 2725 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 68.07% of the time 2825 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 89.06% of the time 2975 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 98.95% of the time 3200 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon
Upcoming GSL Code A Season 2in ~ Trap has a 80.74% chance to win ----going from 42.44% to 46.82% if they get 1st, or 24.08% if they don't. Maru has a 71.32% chance to win ----going from 99.99% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.99% if they don't. Symbol has a 70.97% chance to win ----going from 1.38% to 1.8% if they get 1st, or 0.36% if they don't. TaeJa has a 69.28% chance to win ----going from 14.02% to 17.34% if they get 1st, or 6.52% if they don't.
YoDa vs DongRaeGuin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. YoDa is at 6.18% Blizzcon Chances. 51.52% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 9.31%. 48.48% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.85%. DongRaeGu is at 2.45% Blizzcon Chances. 48.48% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.03%. 51.52% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.96%.
Seed vs soOin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Seed is at 0.06% Blizzcon Chances. 31.88% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.15%. 68.12% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.02%. soO is at 6.03% Blizzcon Chances. 68.12% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.8%. 31.88% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.27%.
ByuL vs YongHwain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. ByuL is at 3.15% Blizzcon Chances. 56.08% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.67%. 43.92% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.21%. YongHwa is at 1.03% Blizzcon Chances. 43.92% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.88%. 56.08% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.36%.
TaeJa vs Sorryin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. TaeJa is at 14.02% Blizzcon Chances. 69.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 17.34%. 30.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.52%. Sorry is at 0.37% Blizzcon Chances. 30.72% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.85%. 69.28% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.15%.
Trap vs Panicin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Trap is at 42.44% Blizzcon Chances. 80.74% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 46.82%. 19.26% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 24.08%. Panic is at 0.03% Blizzcon Chances. 19.26% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.13%. 80.74% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%.
Copenhagen Springin ~ PartinG has a 20.67% chance to win ----going from 92.47% to 95.5% if they get 1st, or 91.67% if they don't. Rain has a 14.21% chance to win ----going from 42.32% to 49.02% if they get 1st, or 41.21% if they don't. FanTaSy has a 10.34% chance to win ----going from 27.95% to 33.99% if they get 1st, or 27.25% if they don't. NaNiwa has a 8.92% chance to win ----going from 12.31% to 15.59% if they get 1st, or 11.99% if they don't.
Hack vs Bbyongin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Hack is at 0.92% Blizzcon Chances. 43.27% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.68%. 56.73% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.34%. Bbyong is at 29.21% Blizzcon Chances. 56.73% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 37.75%. 43.27% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.02%.
Heart vs sOsin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Heart is at 1.72% Blizzcon Chances. 35.71% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.4%. 64.29% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.79%. sOs is at 22.47% Blizzcon Chances. 64.29% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 28.53%. 35.71% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.55%.
Symbol vs PenguiNin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Symbol is at 1.38% Blizzcon Chances. 70.97% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.8%. 29.03% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.36%. PenguiN is at 0.01% Blizzcon Chances. 29.03% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%. 70.97% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%.
WCS Premier Season 1in ~ ForGG has a 21.14% chance to win ----going from 68.08% to 97.11% if they get 1st, or 73.7% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 18.25% chance to win ----going from 60.79% to 96.44% if they get 1st, or 68.1% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 12.03% chance to win ----going from 34.53% to 88.35% if they get 1st, or 42.13% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 11.87% chance to win ----going from 30.15% to 79.83% if they get 1st, or 35.61% if they get 2nd.
ForGG, TLO, XiGua, and Serralin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. ForGG is at 68.08% Blizzcon Chances. 73.84% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 73.61%. 26.16% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 52.48%. XiGua is at 0.72% Blizzcon Chances. 33.37% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.52%. 66.63% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.31%. TLO is at 1.94% Blizzcon Chances. 38.41% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.62%. 61.59% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.89%. Serral is at 5.75% Blizzcon Chances. 54.38% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.39%. 45.62% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.59%.
ShoWTimE, PiG, MacSed, and Snutein in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. ShoWTimE is at 14.37% Blizzcon Chances. 59.02% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 19.18%. 40.98% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.44%. MacSed is at 0.76% Blizzcon Chances. 27.97% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.72%. 72.03% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.39%. PiG is at 9.3% Blizzcon Chances. 44.96% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.68%. 55.04% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.91%. Snute is at 34.53% Blizzcon Chances. 68.05% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 41.18%. 31.95% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 20.36%.
MyuNgSiK vs Firstin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MyuNgSiK is at 1.67% Blizzcon Chances. 36.75% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.33%. 63.25% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.7%. First is at 5.24% Blizzcon Chances. 63.25% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.19%. 36.75% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.89%.
Hydra, FireCake, MaNa, and Poltin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Hydra is at 60.79% Blizzcon Chances. 69.55% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 67.65%. 30.45% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 45.11%. MaNa is at 9.61% Blizzcon Chances. 42.57% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 15.29%. 57.43% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.4%. FireCake is at 1.12% Blizzcon Chances. 32.59% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.33%. 67.41% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.53%. Polt is at 33.02% Blizzcon Chances. 55.29% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 41.62%. 44.71% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 22.38%.
Welmu, Kane, Bunny, and Hasin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Welmu is at 4.64% Blizzcon Chances. 45.49% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.39%. 54.51% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.35%. Bunny is at 30.15% Blizzcon Chances. 65.51% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 36.67%. 34.49% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 17.78%. Kane is at 3.59% Blizzcon Chances. 48.44% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.66%. 51.56% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.65%. Has is at 2.43% Blizzcon Chances. 40.56% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.27%. 59.44% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.18%.
RagnaroK vs Dearin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. RagnaroK is at 0.54% Blizzcon Chances. 33.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.19%. 66.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.21%. Dear is at 38.43% Blizzcon Chances. 66.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 45.09%. 33.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 25.43%.
Bomber vs Shinein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Bomber is at 14.76% Blizzcon Chances. 66.47% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.71%. 33.53% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.92%. Shine is at 0.28% Blizzcon Chances. 33.53% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.63%. 66.47% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.1%.
San vs Sacsriin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. San is at 3.41% Blizzcon Chances. 48.45% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.55%. 51.55% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.4%. Sacsri is at 4.97% Blizzcon Chances. 51.55% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.64%. 48.45% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.13%.
Dream vs SuperNovain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Dream is at 75.67% Blizzcon Chances. 48.9% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 84.17%. 51.1% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 67.53%. SuperNova is at 1.56% Blizzcon Chances. 51.1% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.52%. 48.9% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.55%.
Maru vs Billowyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Maru is at 99.99% Blizzcon Chances. 71.32% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 100%. 28.68% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 99.99%. Billowy is at 0.13% Blizzcon Chances. 28.68% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.34%. 71.32% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.05%.
Rain vs Curein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Rain is at 42.32% Blizzcon Chances. 57.92% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 52.74%. 42.08% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 27.99%. Cure is at 10.03% Blizzcon Chances. 42.08% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 16.15%. 57.92% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.58%.
Ryung vs Darkin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Ryung is at 0.41% Blizzcon Chances. 31.83% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.93%. 68.17% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.16%. Dark is at 47.92% Blizzcon Chances. 68.17% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 55.85%. 31.83% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 30.92%.
Impact vs GuMihoin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Impact is at 0.91% Blizzcon Chances. 43.09% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.68%. 56.91% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.32%. GuMiho is at 20.68% Blizzcon Chances. 56.91% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 27.54%. 43.09% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.61%.
Flash vs Superin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Flash is at 6.18% Blizzcon Chances. 52.5% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 9.26%. 47.5% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.77%. Super is at 22.29% Blizzcon Chances. 47.5% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 30.8%. 52.5% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.59%.
WCS Qualifiers Season 2in ~ Ian has a 35.47% chance to win ----going from 0.02% to 0.04% if they get 1st, or 0.01% if they don't. Slam has a 30.44% chance to win ----going from 0.01% to 0.01% if they get 1st, or 0.01% if they don't. Top has a 30.09% chance to win ----going from 0.18% to 0.48% if they get 1st, or 0.05% if they don't. TooDming has a 29.44% chance to win ----going from 0.09% to 0.26% if they get 1st, or 0.03% if they don't.
FanTaSy vs Pigbabyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. FanTaSy is at 27.95% Blizzcon Chances. 64.14% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 34.74%. 35.86% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 15.79%. Pigbaby is at 0.37% Blizzcon Chances. 35.86% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.79%. 64.14% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.13%.
HerO vs Terminatorin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. HerO is at 0.63% Blizzcon Chances. 47.97% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.1%. 52.03% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.19%. Terminator is at 15.35% Blizzcon Chances. 52.03% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 22.16%. 47.97% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.97%.
Soulkey vs Creatorin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Soulkey is at 22.73% Blizzcon Chances. 62.19% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 29.31%. 37.81% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.91%. Creator is at 0.88% Blizzcon Chances. 37.81% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.79%. 62.19% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.33%.
WCS Challenger Season 2in ~ Polt has a 87.69% chance to win ----going from 33.02% to 35.99% if they get 1st, or 11.81% if they don't. ForGG has a 87.68% chance to win ----going from 68.08% to 72.21% if they get 1st, or 38.69% if they don't. Hydra has a 86.97% chance to win ----going from 60.79% to 64.99% if they get 1st, or 32.69% if they don't. MajOr has a 86.47% chance to win ----going from 7.73% to 8.79% if they get 1st, or 0.99% if they don't.
MarineKing vs Patiencein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MarineKing is at 3.91% Blizzcon Chances. 53.45% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.95%. 46.55% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.56%. Patience is at 2.73% Blizzcon Chances. 46.55% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.63%. 53.45% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.08%.
Curious vs BrAvOin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Curious is at 1.33% Blizzcon Chances. 58.61% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.98%. 41.39% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.4%. BrAvO is at 0.18% Blizzcon Chances. 41.39% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.35%. 58.61% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.06%.
MC vs Trustin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MC is at 1.75% Blizzcon Chances. 37.74% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.42%. 62.26% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.73%. Trust is at 2.24% Blizzcon Chances. 62.26% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.18%. 37.74% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.7%.
DreamHack Toursin ~ Life has a 1.87% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.84% chance to win ----going from 92.47% to 99.77% if they get 1st, or 92.33% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.75% chance to win ----going from 67.78% to 90.23% if they get 1st, or 67.37% if they don't. Maru has a 1.68% chance to win ----going from 99.99% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.99% if they don't.
WCS Premier Season 2in ~ ForGG has a 15.75% chance to win ----going from 68.08% to 99.51% if they get 1st, or 82.79% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 12.46% chance to win ----going from 60.79% to 99.32% if they get 1st, or 78.46% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 8.2% chance to win ----going from 30.15% to 91.01% if they get 1st, or 46.94% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 7.1% chance to win ----going from 34.53% to 96.9% if they get 1st, or 56.26% if they get 2nd.
DreamHack Valenciain ~ Life has a 1.9% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.83% chance to win ----going from 92.47% to 99.86% if they get 1st, or 92.33% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.77% chance to win ----going from 67.78% to 89.95% if they get 1st, or 67.38% if they don't. Maru has a 1.67% chance to win ----going from 99.99% to 100% if they get 1st, or 99.99% if they don't.
DreamHack Stocholmin ~ Life has a 1.86% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.82% chance to win ----going from 92.47% to 99.77% if they get 1st, or 92.33% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.77% chance to win ----going from 67.78% to 90.53% if they get 1st, or 67.37% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.67% chance to win ----going from 68.08% to 85.05% if they get 1st, or 67.8% if they don't.
Biggest Winners and Losers since before Code A S2 matches set (Sim ID #1300 vs Sim ID #1302) Biggest Winners Zest went up by 16.3%, going from 54.26% to 70.56% INnoVation went up by 11.4%, going from 67.65% to 79.05% Cure went up by 10.03%, going from 10.02% to 20.06% Super went up by 4.8%, going from 22.31% to 27.11% Dream went up by 4.05%, going from 75.61% to 79.66% Stats went up by 3.93%, going from 42.46% to 46.39% Leenock went up by 2.9%, going from 4.63% to 7.54% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] +
Losira went up by 2.33%, going from 0.56% to 2.89% Dear went up by 2.01%, going from 38.18% to 40.19% Rogue went up by 1.21%, going from 65.29% to 66.5% MacSed went up by 1.1%, going from 0.63% to 1.73%
Biggest Losers Trap went down by 4.82%, going from 42.34% to 37.52% Dark went down by 4.41%, going from 47.79% to 43.38% Rain went down by 4.12%, going from 42.21% to 38.09% Bbyong went down by 3.97%, going from 29.11% to 25.13% Solar went down by 3.61%, going from 30.45% to 26.84% TY went down by 3.45%, going from 40.5% to 37.05% ForGG went down by 3.43%, going from 68.13% to 64.7% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] +
Hydra went down by 3.34%, going from 60.89% to 57.55% MMA went down by 3.07%, going from 34.95% to 31.88% GuMiho went down by 2.85%, going from 22.19% to 19.34% FanTaSy went down by 2.79%, going from 27.94% to 25.15% TaeJa went down by 2.25%, going from 13.97% to 11.72% sOs went down by 2.22%, going from 22.44% to 20.22% Soulkey went down by 1.74%, going from 22.76% to 21.02% Bomber went down by 1.53%, going from 14.75% to 13.22% PartinG went down by 1.49%, going from 92.4% to 90.9% Polt went down by 1.32%, going from 32.97% to 31.65% Terminator went down by 1.12%, going from 15.36% to 14.24% HyuN went down by 0.97%, going from 4.58% to 3.61% Snute went down by 0.95%, going from 34.7% to 33.76% Bunny went down by 0.93%, going from 30.19% to 29.26% Flash went down by 0.63%, going from 6.14% to 5.51% soO went down by 0.59%, going from 6.05% to 5.46% YoDa went down by 0.5%, going from 6.13% to 5.64% Sacsri went down by 0.46%, going from 4.93% to 4.47% NaNiwa went down by 0.45%, going from 12.29% to 11.84% ShoWTimE went down by 0.41%, going from 14.41% to 13.99% viOLet went down by 0.4%, going from 6.9% to 6.5% First went down by 0.31%, going from 5.24% to 4.93% MajOr went down by 0.28%, going from 7.72% to 7.44% PiG went down by 0.23%, going from 9.43% to 9.19% MaNa went down by 0.22%, going from 9.64% to 9.42% ByuL went down by 0.21%, going from 3.13% to 2.92% Happy went down by 0.2%, going from 6.52% to 6.32% TRUE went down by 0.2%, going from 1.87% to 1.67% TargA went down by 0.19%, going from 5.34% to 5.16% San went down by 0.16%, going from 3.38% to 3.22% Jaedong went down by 0.16%, going from 1.98% to 1.83% VortiX went down by 0.15%, going from 1.69% to 1.54% Serral went down by 0.15%, going from 5.74% to 5.6% DongRaeGu went down by 0.15%, going from 2.46% to 2.31% Lilbow went down by 0.12%, going from 1.79% to 1.67%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 90.08% Chances of 2+ foreigners 54.83% Chances of 3+ foreigners 17.99% Chances of 4+ foreigners 2.97%
Snute8.39% chance to be the only foreigner, 33.76% chance overall. Bunny7.02% chance to be the only foreigner, 29.26% chance overall. ShoWTimE2.87% chance to be the only foreigner, 13.99% chance overall. NaNiwa2.4% chance to be the only foreigner, 11.84% chance overall. PiG1.81% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.19% chance overall. MaNa1.79% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.42% chance overall. MajOr1.45% chance to be the only foreigner, 7.44% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] +
Happy1.23% chance to be the only foreigner, 6.32% chance overall. Serral1.03% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.6% chance overall. TargA0.99% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.16% chance overall. Welmu0.86% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.55% chance overall. Kane0.65% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.55% chance overall. Has0.44% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.36% chance overall. Sen0.39% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.02% chance overall. HuK0.36% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.86% chance overall. TLO0.33% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.87% chance overall. Lilbow0.3% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.67% chance overall. VortiX0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.54% chance overall. MacSed0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.73% chance overall. Jim0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.45% chance overall. FireCake0.19% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.1% chance overall. Nerchio0.15% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.8% chance overall. MorroW0.14% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.77% chance overall. MarineLorD0.14% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.77% chance overall. uThermal0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.69% chance overall. XiGua0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.68% chance overall. iaguz0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.65% chance overall. MaSa0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.69% chance overall. puCK0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.5% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE0.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.52% chance overall. GunGFuBanDa0.07% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.37% chance overall. Boombox0.03% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.32% chance overall. Harstem0.02% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.31% chance overall. Petraeus0.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.3% chance overall. Scarlett0.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.3% chance overall.
Headbands Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 2 defenses! PartinG is the current #2 Headband holder with 1 defenses! Zest is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses! sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Defense History] +
WCS Point Cutoffs 0.92% of the time 2350 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 9.64% of the time 2525 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 28.11% of the time 2650 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 48.77% of the time 2750 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 69.07% of the time 2850 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 89.43% of the time 3000 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 99.01% of the time 3225 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon
Upcoming GSL Code A Season 2in ~ Trap has a 80.72% chance to win ----going from 37.52% to 41.98% if they get 1st, or 18.87% if they don't. Maru has a 71.32% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. Symbol has a 70.96% chance to win ----going from 1.4% to 1.82% if they get 1st, or 0.39% if they don't. TaeJa has a 69.25% chance to win ----going from 11.72% to 14.76% if they get 1st, or 4.88% if they don't.
YoDa vs DongRaeGuin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. YoDa is at 5.64% Blizzcon Chances. 51.51% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.54%. 48.49% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.55%. DongRaeGu is at 2.31% Blizzcon Chances. 48.49% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.79%. 51.51% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.91%.
Seed vs soOin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Seed is at 0.07% Blizzcon Chances. 31.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.17%. 68.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.03%. soO is at 5.46% Blizzcon Chances. 68.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.11%. 31.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.95%.
ByuL vs YongHwain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. ByuL is at 2.92% Blizzcon Chances. 56.18% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.35%. 43.82% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.09%. YongHwa is at 1.08% Blizzcon Chances. 43.82% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.92%. 56.18% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.42%.
TaeJa vs Sorryin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. TaeJa is at 11.72% Blizzcon Chances. 69.25% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.76%. 30.75% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.88%. Sorry is at 0.41% Blizzcon Chances. 30.75% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.91%. 69.25% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.19%.
Trap vs Panicin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Trap is at 37.52% Blizzcon Chances. 80.72% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 41.98%. 19.28% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.87%. Panic is at 0.04% Blizzcon Chances. 19.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.14%. 80.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.02%.
Copenhagen Springin ~ PartinG has a 20.74% chance to win ----going from 90.9% to 94.52% if they get 1st, or 89.96% if they don't. Rain has a 14.13% chance to win ----going from 38.09% to 45.09% if they get 1st, or 36.94% if they don't. FanTaSy has a 10.29% chance to win ----going from 25.15% to 31.27% if they get 1st, or 24.44% if they don't. NaNiwa has a 8.9% chance to win ----going from 11.84% to 15.08% if they get 1st, or 11.52% if they don't.
Hack vs Bbyongin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Hack is at 0.97% Blizzcon Chances. 43.27% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.72%. 56.73% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.4%. Bbyong is at 25.13% Blizzcon Chances. 56.73% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 33.45%. 43.27% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.23%.
Heart vs sOsin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Heart is at 1.72% Blizzcon Chances. 35.75% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.32%. 64.25% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.83%. sOs is at 20.22% Blizzcon Chances. 64.25% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 26.06%. 35.75% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 9.73%.
Symbol vs PenguiNin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Symbol is at 1.4% Blizzcon Chances. 70.96% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.82%. 29.04% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.39%. PenguiN is at 0.01% Blizzcon Chances. 29.04% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%. 70.96% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%.
WCS Premier Season 1in ~ ForGG has a 21.13% chance to win ----going from 64.7% to 96.51% if they get 1st, or 69.94% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 18.25% chance to win ----going from 57.55% to 95.85% if they get 1st, or 64.43% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 12.11% chance to win ----going from 33.76% to 87.61% if they get 1st, or 40.67% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 11.83% chance to win ----going from 29.26% to 78.76% if they get 1st, or 34.73% if they get 2nd.
ForGG, TLO, XiGua, and Serralin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. ForGG is at 64.7% Blizzcon Chances. 73.9% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 70.51%. 26.1% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 48.24%. XiGua is at 0.68% Blizzcon Chances. 33.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.43%. 66.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.3%. TLO is at 1.87% Blizzcon Chances. 38.38% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.49%. 61.62% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.87%. Serral is at 5.6% Blizzcon Chances. 54.44% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.15%. 45.56% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.54%.
ShoWTimE, PiG, MacSed, and Snutein in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. ShoWTimE is at 13.99% Blizzcon Chances. 59.17% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.67%. 40.83% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.21%. MacSed is at 1.73% Blizzcon Chances. 26.68% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.47%. 73.32% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.1%. PiG is at 9.19% Blizzcon Chances. 45.48% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.41%. 54.52% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.84%. Snute is at 33.76% Blizzcon Chances. 68.66% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 40.17%. 31.34% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 19.71%.
MyuNgSiK vs Firstin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MyuNgSiK is at 1.71% Blizzcon Chances. 36.71% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.37%. 63.29% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.75%. First is at 4.93% Blizzcon Chances. 63.29% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.76%. 36.71% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.78%.
Hydra, FireCake, MaNa, and Poltin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Hydra is at 57.55% Blizzcon Chances. 69.61% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 64.77%. 30.39% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 41.02%. MaNa is at 9.42% Blizzcon Chances. 42.6% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.98%. 57.4% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.3%. FireCake is at 1.1% Blizzcon Chances. 32.47% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.3%. 67.53% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.53%. Polt is at 31.65% Blizzcon Chances. 55.32% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 40.03%. 44.68% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 21.27%.
Welmu, Kane, Bunny, and Hasin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Welmu is at 4.55% Blizzcon Chances. 45.49% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.28%. 54.51% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.28%. Bunny is at 29.26% Blizzcon Chances. 65.49% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 35.66%. 34.51% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 17.1%. Kane is at 3.55% Blizzcon Chances. 48.52% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.59%. 51.48% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.63%. Has is at 2.36% Blizzcon Chances. 40.5% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.16%. 59.5% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.14%.
RagnaroK vs Dearin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. RagnaroK is at 0.57% Blizzcon Chances. 33.9% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.21%. 66.1% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.24%. Dear is at 40.19% Blizzcon Chances. 66.1% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 46.86%. 33.9% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 27.17%.
Bomber vs Shinein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Bomber is at 13.22% Blizzcon Chances. 66.49% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 16.94%. 33.51% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.83%. Shine is at 0.31% Blizzcon Chances. 33.51% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.66%. 66.49% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.12%.
San vs Sacsriin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. San is at 3.22% Blizzcon Chances. 48.43% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.25%. 51.57% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.31%. Sacsri is at 4.47% Blizzcon Chances. 51.57% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.91%. 48.43% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.88%.
Dream vs SuperNovain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Dream is at 79.66% Blizzcon Chances. 48.91% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 87.29%. 51.09% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 72.35%. SuperNova is at 1.57% Blizzcon Chances. 51.09% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.5%. 48.91% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.61%.
Maru vs Billowyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Maru is at 100% Blizzcon Chances. 71.32% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 100%. 28.68% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 100%. Billowy is at 0.15% Blizzcon Chances. 28.68% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.35%. 71.32% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.07%.
Rain vs Curein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Rain is at 38.09% Blizzcon Chances. 57.92% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 48.74%. 42.08% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 23.43%. Cure is at 20.06% Blizzcon Chances. 42.08% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 28.11%. 57.92% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.21%.
Ryung vs Darkin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Ryung is at 0.45% Blizzcon Chances. 31.83% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.98%. 68.17% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.21%. Dark is at 43.38% Blizzcon Chances. 68.17% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 51.53%. 31.83% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 25.94%.
Impact vs GuMihoin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Impact is at 1.01% Blizzcon Chances. 42.61% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.85%. 57.39% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.39%. GuMiho is at 19.34% Blizzcon Chances. 57.39% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 26.12%. 42.61% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 10.2%.
Flash vs Superin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Flash is at 5.51% Blizzcon Chances. 52.44% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.33%. 47.56% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.4%. Super is at 27.11% Blizzcon Chances. 47.56% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 35.92%. 52.44% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 19.13%.
WCS Qualifiers Season 2in ~ Ian has a 35.55% chance to win ----going from 0.02% to 0.04% if they get 1st, or 0.01% if they don't. Slam has a 30.51% chance to win ----going from 0.01% to 0.01% if they get 1st, or 0.01% if they don't. Top has a 30.02% chance to win ----going from 0.18% to 0.46% if they get 1st, or 0.05% if they don't. TooDming has a 29.44% chance to win ----going from 0.09% to 0.26% if they get 1st, or 0.03% if they don't.
FanTaSy vs Pigbabyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. FanTaSy is at 25.15% Blizzcon Chances. 64.09% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 31.78%. 35.91% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.32%. Pigbaby is at 0.41% Blizzcon Chances. 35.91% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.85%. 64.09% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.16%.
HerO vs Terminatorin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. HerO is at 0.67% Blizzcon Chances. 48.01% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.14%. 51.99% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.23%. Terminator is at 14.24% Blizzcon Chances. 51.99% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 20.76%. 48.01% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.18%.
Soulkey vs Creatorin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Soulkey is at 21.02% Blizzcon Chances. 62.19% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 27.39%. 37.81% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 10.54%. Creator is at 0.94% Blizzcon Chances. 37.81% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.88%. 62.19% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.38%.
WCS Challenger Season 2in ~ Polt has a 87.71% chance to win ----going from 31.65% to 34.56% if they get 1st, or 10.83% if they don't. ForGG has a 87.64% chance to win ----going from 64.7% to 69.08% if they get 1st, or 33.61% if they don't. Hydra has a 87.08% chance to win ----going from 57.55% to 61.89% if they get 1st, or 28.34% if they don't. MajOr has a 86.43% chance to win ----going from 7.44% to 8.47% if they get 1st, or 0.92% if they don't.
MarineKing vs Patiencein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MarineKing is at 3.95% Blizzcon Chances. 53.45% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.96%. 46.55% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.64%. Patience is at 2.73% Blizzcon Chances. 46.55% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.6%. 53.45% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.1%.
Curious vs BrAvOin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Curious is at 1.34% Blizzcon Chances. 58.7% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.98%. 41.3% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.44%. BrAvO is at 0.21% Blizzcon Chances. 41.3% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.39%. 58.7% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.08%.
MC vs Trustin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MC is at 1.76% Blizzcon Chances. 37.65% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.4%. 62.35% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.77%. Trust is at 2.19% Blizzcon Chances. 62.35% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.08%. 37.65% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.71%.
DreamHack Toursin ~ Life has a 1.89% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.85% chance to win ----going from 90.9% to 99.77% if they get 1st, or 90.74% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.74% chance to win ----going from 79.05% to 95.13% if they get 1st, or 78.77% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.67% chance to win ----going from 64.7% to 82.69% if they get 1st, or 64.39% if they don't.
WCS Premier Season 2in ~ ForGG has a 15.79% chance to win ----going from 64.7% to 99.4% if they get 1st, or 80.4% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 12.54% chance to win ----going from 57.55% to 99.15% if they get 1st, or 75.91% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 8.18% chance to win ----going from 29.26% to 90.18% if they get 1st, or 45.59% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 7.11% chance to win ----going from 33.76% to 96.63% if they get 1st, or 55.21% if they get 2nd.
DreamHack Valenciain ~ Life has a 1.88% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.83% chance to win ----going from 90.9% to 99.75% if they get 1st, or 90.74% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.75% chance to win ----going from 79.05% to 95.11% if they get 1st, or 78.76% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.66% chance to win ----going from 64.7% to 82.56% if they get 1st, or 64.4% if they don't.
DreamHack Stocholmin ~ Life has a 1.89% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.84% chance to win ----going from 90.9% to 99.77% if they get 1st, or 90.74% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.76% chance to win ----going from 79.05% to 95.13% if they get 1st, or 78.76% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.67% chance to win ----going from 64.7% to 82.76% if they get 1st, or 64.39% if they don't.
Biggest Winners and Losers since before Gfinity Spring 1 added (Sim ID #1302 vs Sim ID #1303) Biggest Winners Rogue went up by 3.6%, going from 66.51% to 70.11% FanTaSy went up by 2.72%, going from 25.13% to 27.84% Hydra went up by 2.66%, going from 57.55% to 60.21% Rain went up by 2.47%, going from 38.07% to 40.55% PartinG went up by 1.72%, going from 90.9% to 92.62% Snute went up by 1.71%, going from 33.75% to 35.46% Soulkey went up by 1.64%, going from 21.06% to 22.7% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] +
Terminator went up by 1.45%, going from 14.25% to 15.7% Bunny went up by 1.24%, going from 29.27% to 30.51% TargA went up by 0.69%, going from 5.15% to 5.84% Sacsri went up by 0.55%, going from 4.48% to 5.03% Heart went up by 0.29%, going from 1.72% to 2.01% TRUE went up by 0.28%, going from 1.67% to 1.95% Jaedong went up by 0.18%, going from 1.82% to 2.01% jjakji went up by 0.15%, going from 0.83% to 0.98% MC went up by 0.14%, going from 1.75% to 1.9%
Biggest Losers Zest went down by 1.18%, going from 70.56% to 69.38% Dark went down by 0.98%, going from 43.38% to 42.4% Stats went down by 0.97%, going from 46.38% to 45.41% Dream went down by 0.93%, going from 79.65% to 78.72% TY went down by 0.92%, going from 37.05% to 36.14% MMA went down by 0.85%, going from 31.88% to 31.02% Dear went down by 0.82%, going from 40.19% to 39.37% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] +
Trap went down by 0.78%, going from 37.54% to 36.76% Super went down by 0.72%, going from 27.07% to 26.35% INnoVation went down by 0.68%, going from 79.06% to 78.37% Bbyong went down by 0.67%, going from 25.13% to 24.46% Polt went down by 0.67%, going from 31.64% to 30.97% Solar went down by 0.66%, going from 26.85% to 26.19% ForGG went down by 0.61%, going from 64.69% to 64.09% GuMiho went down by 0.6%, going from 19.33% to 18.73% Cure went down by 0.53%, going from 20.08% to 19.54% sOs went down by 0.53%, going from 20.24% to 19.7% ShoWTimE went down by 0.48%, going from 14.02% to 13.53% TaeJa went down by 0.41%, going from 11.72% to 11.31% Bomber went down by 0.4%, going from 13.24% to 12.84% PiG went down by 0.35%, going from 9.2% to 8.85% MaNa went down by 0.34%, going from 9.41% to 9.07% NaNiwa went down by 0.33%, going from 11.84% to 11.5% Leenock went down by 0.31%, going from 7.54% to 7.23% MajOr went down by 0.29%, going from 7.45% to 7.16% Happy went down by 0.26%, going from 6.31% to 6.05% Serral went down by 0.23%, going from 5.6% to 5.37% viOLet went down by 0.22%, going from 6.49% to 6.27% YoDa went down by 0.21%, going from 5.64% to 5.43% soO went down by 0.21%, going from 5.44% to 5.23% Welmu went down by 0.21%, going from 4.55% to 4.34% First went down by 0.2%, going from 4.94% to 4.73% MarineKing went down by 0.2%, going from 3.95% to 3.75% Flash went down by 0.18%, going from 5.49% to 5.31% Patience went down by 0.15%, going from 2.73% to 2.58% Kane went down by 0.15%, going from 3.55% to 3.4% HyuN went down by 0.13%, going from 3.61% to 3.48% ByuL went down by 0.13%, going from 2.92% to 2.79% Losira went down by 0.12%, going from 2.89% to 2.77% San went down by 0.12%, going from 3.21% to 3.09% Sen went down by 0.12%, going from 2.03% to 1.91% Has went down by 0.11%, going from 2.36% to 2.25% TLO went down by 0.11%, going from 1.88% to 1.78%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 90.16% Chances of 2+ foreigners 54.77% Chances of 3+ foreigners 17.79% Chances of 4+ foreigners 2.87%
Snute8.91% chance to be the only foreigner, 35.46% chance overall. Bunny7.39% chance to be the only foreigner, 30.51% chance overall. ShoWTimE2.76% chance to be the only foreigner, 13.53% chance overall. NaNiwa2.31% chance to be the only foreigner, 11.5% chance overall. PiG1.74% chance to be the only foreigner, 8.85% chance overall. MaNa1.73% chance to be the only foreigner, 9.07% chance overall. MajOr1.4% chance to be the only foreigner, 7.16% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] +
Happy1.15% chance to be the only foreigner, 6.05% chance overall. TargA1.1% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.84% chance overall. Serral0.99% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.37% chance overall. Welmu0.81% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.34% chance overall. Kane0.63% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.4% chance overall. Has0.42% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.25% chance overall. Sen0.36% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.91% chance overall. HuK0.33% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.77% chance overall. TLO0.31% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.78% chance overall. Lilbow0.29% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.6% chance overall. VortiX0.27% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.47% chance overall. MacSed0.26% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.65% chance overall. Jim0.26% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.38% chance overall. FireCake0.19% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.04% chance overall. Nerchio0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.75% chance overall. MarineLorD0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.74% chance overall. MorroW0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.73% chance overall. uThermal0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.66% chance overall. iaguz0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.62% chance overall. XiGua0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.65% chance overall. MaSa0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.67% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.48% chance overall. puCK0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.47% chance overall. GunGFuBanDa0.06% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.35% chance overall. Boombox0.03% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.3% chance overall. Harstem0.02% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.29% chance overall.
Headbands Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 2 defenses! PartinG is the current #2 Headband holder with 1 defenses! Zest is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses! sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Defense History] +
WCS Point Cutoffs 0.93% of the time 2375 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 10.05% of the time 2550 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 28.34% of the time 2675 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 48.53% of the time 2775 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 68.62% of the time 2875 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 89.31% of the time 3025 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 98.97% of the time 3250 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon
Upcoming StarLeague Qualifiers Season 2in ~ PartinG has a 36.79% chance to win ----going from 92.62% to 94.75% if they get 1st, or 91.38% if they don't. ForGG has a 34.99% chance to win ----going from 64.09% to 70.28% if they get 1st, or 60.75% if they don't. herO has a 34.7% chance to win ----going from 99.88% to 99.92% if they get 1st, or 99.85% if they don't. Trap has a 34.4% chance to win ----going from 36.76% to 45.92% if they get 1st, or 31.96% if they don't.
Gfinity Spring 1in ~ PartinG has a 15.89% chance to win ----going from 92.62% to 96.16% if they get 1st, or 94.57% if they get 2nd. Rain has a 9.94% chance to win ----going from 40.55% to 48.84% if they get 1st, or 44.96% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 9.41% chance to win ----going from 60.21% to 65.38% if they get 1st, or 62.47% if they get 2nd. Rogue has a 8.44% chance to win ----going from 70.11% to 76.59% if they get 1st, or 72.85% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 7.02% chance to win ----going from 35.46% to 41.94% if they get 1st, or 38.72% if they get 2nd. + Show Spoiler [More Winning Chances] +
FanTaSy has a 6.49% chance to win ----going from 27.84% to 34.23% if they get 1st, or 30.77% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 6.43% chance to win ----going from 30.51% to 36.49% if they get 1st, or 30.1% if they don't. Terminator has a 6.36% chance to win ----going from 15.7% to 21.54% if they get 1st, or 18.5% if they get 2nd. Soulkey has a 5.24% chance to win ----going from 22.7% to 30.29% if they get 1st, or 26.45% if they get 2nd. Sacsri has a 4.53% chance to win ----going from 5.03% to 6.74% if they get 1st, or 4.95% if they don't. Jaedong has a 4.15% chance to win ----going from 2.01% to 3.02% if they get 1st, or 1.96% if they don't. TRUE has a 3.43% chance to win ----going from 1.95% to 2.82% if they get 1st, or 1.92% if they don't. Heart has a 3.41% chance to win ----going from 2.01% to 2.85% if they get 1st, or 1.98% if they don't. jjakji has a 3.36% chance to win ----going from 0.98% to 1.49% if they get 1st, or 0.96% if they don't. TargA has a 3.04% chance to win ----going from 5.84% to 8.01% if they get 1st, or 6.84% if they get 2nd. MC has a 2.86% chance to win ----going from 1.9% to 3.13% if they get 1st, or 1.86% if they don't.
PartinG, Snute, TargA, and TRUEin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. PartinG is at 92.62% Blizzcon Chances. 64.65% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 93.9%. 35.35% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 90.28%. TargA is at 5.84% Blizzcon Chances. 41.17% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.24%. 58.83% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.56%. Snute is at 35.46% Blizzcon Chances. 54.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 37.37%. 45.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 33.14%. TRUE is at 1.95% Blizzcon Chances. 39.29% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.11%. 60.71% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.85%.
Bunny, Hydra, FanTaSy, and Rainin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. Bunny is at 30.51% Blizzcon Chances. 46.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 32.65%. 53.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 28.68%. FanTaSy is at 27.84% Blizzcon Chances. 46.83% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 29.24%. 53.17% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 26.62%. Hydra is at 60.21% Blizzcon Chances. 52.78% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 61.39%. 47.22% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 58.89%. Rain is at 40.55% Blizzcon Chances. 54.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 43.35%. 45.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 37.24%.
Rogue, Sacsri, Soulkey, and MCin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. Rogue is at 70.11% Blizzcon Chances. 59.04% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 71.27%. 40.96% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 68.44%. Soulkey is at 22.7% Blizzcon Chances. 52.24% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 24.76%. 47.76% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 20.44%. Sacsri is at 5.03% Blizzcon Chances. 47.58% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.33%. 52.42% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.75%. MC is at 1.9% Blizzcon Chances. 41.14% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.23%. 58.86% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.67%.
jjakji, Heart, Jaedong, and Terminatorin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. jjakji is at 0.98% Blizzcon Chances. 48.01% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.04%. 51.99% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.92%. Jaedong is at 2.01% Blizzcon Chances. 46.79% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.3%. 53.21% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.74%. Heart is at 2.01% Blizzcon Chances. 48.32% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.13%. 51.68% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.9%. Terminator is at 15.7% Blizzcon Chances. 56.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 17.21%. 43.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.71%.
GSL Code A Season 2in ~ Trap has a 80.72% chance to win ----going from 36.76% to 41.2% if they get 1st, or 18.17% if they don't. Maru has a 71.28% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. Symbol has a 70.96% chance to win ----going from 1.32% to 1.71% if they get 1st, or 0.38% if they don't. TaeJa has a 69.31% chance to win ----going from 11.31% to 14.24% if they get 1st, or 4.7% if they don't.
DongRaeGu vs YoDain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. DongRaeGu is at 2.24% Blizzcon Chances. 48.45% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.67%. 51.55% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.89%. YoDa is at 5.43% Blizzcon Chances. 51.55% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.25%. 48.45% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.43%.
soO vs Seedin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. soO is at 5.23% Blizzcon Chances. 68.09% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.82%. 31.91% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.84%. Seed is at 0.07% Blizzcon Chances. 31.91% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.16%. 68.09% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.02%.
ByuL vs YongHwain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. ByuL is at 2.79% Blizzcon Chances. 56.14% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.17%. 43.86% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.03%. YongHwa is at 1.01% Blizzcon Chances. 43.86% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.81%. 56.14% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.38%.
TaeJa vs Sorryin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. TaeJa is at 11.31% Blizzcon Chances. 69.31% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.24%. 30.69% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.7%. Sorry is at 0.38% Blizzcon Chances. 30.69% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.84%. 69.31% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.18%.
Trap vs Panicin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Trap is at 36.76% Blizzcon Chances. 80.72% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 41.2%. 19.28% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.17%. Panic is at 0.04% Blizzcon Chances. 19.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.13%. 80.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.02%.
Copenhagen Springin ~ PartinG has a 20.72% chance to win ----going from 92.62% to 95.85% if they get 1st, or 91.78% if they don't. Rain has a 14.14% chance to win ----going from 40.55% to 47.56% if they get 1st, or 39.39% if they don't. FanTaSy has a 10.37% chance to win ----going from 27.84% to 34.48% if they get 1st, or 27.08% if they don't. NaNiwa has a 8.91% chance to win ----going from 11.5% to 14.59% if they get 1st, or 11.2% if they don't.
Hack vs Bbyongin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Hack is at 0.91% Blizzcon Chances. 43.3% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.62%. 56.7% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.37%. Bbyong is at 24.46% Blizzcon Chances. 56.7% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 32.61%. 43.3% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.79%.
Heart vs sOsin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Heart is at 2.01% Blizzcon Chances. 35.75% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.86%. 64.25% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.98%. sOs is at 19.7% Blizzcon Chances. 64.25% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 25.42%. 35.75% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 9.43%.
PenguiN vs Symbolin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. PenguiN is at 0.01% Blizzcon Chances. 29.04% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%. 70.96% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%. Symbol is at 1.32% Blizzcon Chances. 70.96% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.71%. 29.04% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.38%.
WCS Premier Season 1in ~ ForGG has a 21.11% chance to win ----going from 64.09% to 96.2% if they get 1st, or 69.26% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 18.2% chance to win ----going from 60.21% to 97.14% if they get 1st, or 68.12% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 12.13% chance to win ----going from 35.46% to 89.61% if they get 1st, or 43.19% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 11.87% chance to win ----going from 30.51% to 80.59% if they get 1st, or 36.34% if they get 2nd.
Serral, XiGua, TLO, and ForGGin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Serral is at 5.37% Blizzcon Chances. 54.41% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.86%. 45.59% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.4%. TLO is at 1.78% Blizzcon Chances. 38.36% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.34%. 61.64% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.8%. XiGua is at 0.65% Blizzcon Chances. 33.35% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.37%. 66.65% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.29%. ForGG is at 64.09% Blizzcon Chances. 73.88% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 69.92%. 26.12% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 47.58%.
ShoWTimE, PiG, MacSed, and Snutein in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. ShoWTimE is at 13.53% Blizzcon Chances. 59.2% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.1%. 40.8% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.91%. MacSed is at 1.65% Blizzcon Chances. 26.66% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.34%. 73.34% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.03%. PiG is at 8.85% Blizzcon Chances. 45.49% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.93%. 54.51% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.61%. Snute is at 35.46% Blizzcon Chances. 68.65% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 42.07%. 31.35% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 20.99%.
First vs MyuNgSiKin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. First is at 4.73% Blizzcon Chances. 63.32% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.5%. 36.68% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.69%. MyuNgSiK is at 1.63% Blizzcon Chances. 36.68% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.17%. 63.32% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.73%.
Polt, MaNa, FireCake, and Hydrain in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Polt is at 30.97% Blizzcon Chances. 55.31% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 39.23%. 44.69% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 20.75%. FireCake is at 1.04% Blizzcon Chances. 32.54% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.19%. 67.46% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.49%. MaNa is at 9.07% Blizzcon Chances. 42.6% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.46%. 57.4% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.07%. Hydra is at 60.21% Blizzcon Chances. 69.55% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 67.45%. 30.45% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 43.66%.
Has, Bunny, Kane, and Welmuin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Has is at 2.25% Blizzcon Chances. 40.44% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.97%. 59.56% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.08%. Kane is at 3.4% Blizzcon Chances. 48.47% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.34%. 51.53% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.58%. Bunny is at 30.51% Blizzcon Chances. 65.62% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 37.02%. 34.38% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.09%. Welmu is at 4.34% Blizzcon Chances. 45.47% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.96%. 54.53% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.16%.
Dear vs RagnaroKin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Dear is at 39.37% Blizzcon Chances. 66.09% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 45.99%. 33.91% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 26.46%. RagnaroK is at 0.54% Blizzcon Chances. 33.91% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.15%. 66.09% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.23%.
Bomber vs Shinein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Bomber is at 12.84% Blizzcon Chances. 66.51% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 16.47%. 33.49% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.63%. Shine is at 0.29% Blizzcon Chances. 33.49% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.62%. 66.51% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.12%.
San vs Sacsriin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. San is at 3.09% Blizzcon Chances. 48.47% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.07%. 51.53% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.23%. Sacsri is at 5.03% Blizzcon Chances. 51.53% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.75%. 48.47% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.14%.
Dream vs SuperNovain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Dream is at 78.72% Blizzcon Chances. 48.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 86.55%. 51.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 71.24%. SuperNova is at 1.5% Blizzcon Chances. 51.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.4%. 48.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.56%.
Maru vs Billowyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Maru is at 100% Blizzcon Chances. 71.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 100%. 28.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 100%. Billowy is at 0.14% Blizzcon Chances. 28.72% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.34%. 71.28% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.06%.
Cure vs Rainin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Cure is at 19.54% Blizzcon Chances. 42.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 27.51%. 57.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.75%. Rain is at 40.55% Blizzcon Chances. 57.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 51.42%. 42.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 25.6%.
Ryung vs Darkin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Ryung is at 0.42% Blizzcon Chances. 31.82% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.93%. 68.18% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.19%. Dark is at 42.4% Blizzcon Chances. 68.18% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 50.5%. 31.82% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 25.05%.
GuMiho vs Impactin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. GuMiho is at 18.73% Blizzcon Chances. 57.39% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 25.35%. 42.61% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 9.81%. Impact is at 0.96% Blizzcon Chances. 42.61% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.76%. 57.39% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.37%.
Super vs Flashin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Super is at 26.35% Blizzcon Chances. 47.52% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 35.04%. 52.48% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 18.47%. Flash is at 5.31% Blizzcon Chances. 52.48% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.02%. 47.52% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.33%.
WCS Qualifiers Season 2in ~ Ian has a 35.51% chance to win ----going from 0.02% to 0.04% if they get 1st, or 0.01% if they don't. Slam has a 30.46% chance to win ----going from 0.01% to 0.01% if they get 1st, or 0.01% if they don't. Top has a 30.05% chance to win ----going from 0.16% to 0.43% if they get 1st, or 0.05% if they don't. TooDming has a 29.47% chance to win ----going from 0.09% to 0.25% if they get 1st, or 0.03% if they don't.
FanTaSy vs Pigbabyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. FanTaSy is at 27.84% Blizzcon Chances. 64.03% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 34.93%. 35.97% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 15.23%. Pigbaby is at 0.39% Blizzcon Chances. 35.97% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.81%. 64.03% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.15%.
Terminator vs HerOin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Terminator is at 15.7% Blizzcon Chances. 51.98% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 22.7%. 48.02% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.13%. HerO is at 0.63% Blizzcon Chances. 48.02% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.09%. 51.98% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.21%.
Creator vs Soulkeyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Creator is at 0.89% Blizzcon Chances. 37.78% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.75%. 62.22% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.37%. Soulkey is at 22.7% Blizzcon Chances. 62.22% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 29.34%. 37.78% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.75%.
WCS Challenger Season 2in ~ Polt has a 87.73% chance to win ----going from 30.97% to 33.84% if they get 1st, or 10.44% if they don't. ForGG has a 87.66% chance to win ----going from 64.09% to 68.47% if they get 1st, or 32.94% if they don't. Hydra has a 87.09% chance to win ----going from 60.21% to 64.54% if they get 1st, or 30.99% if they don't. MajOr has a 86.45% chance to win ----going from 7.16% to 8.13% if they get 1st, or 0.93% if they don't.
MarineKing vs Patiencein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MarineKing is at 3.75% Blizzcon Chances. 53.52% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.64%. 46.48% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.56%. Patience is at 2.58% Blizzcon Chances. 46.48% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.36%. 53.52% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.04%.
Curious vs BrAvOin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Curious is at 1.29% Blizzcon Chances. 58.75% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.9%. 41.25% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.41%. BrAvO is at 0.19% Blizzcon Chances. 41.25% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.36%. 58.75% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.07%.
MC vs Trustin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MC is at 1.9% Blizzcon Chances. 37.72% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.66%. 62.28% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.83%. Trust is at 2.1% Blizzcon Chances. 62.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.95%. 37.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.7%.
DreamHack Toursin ~ Life has a 1.87% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.83% chance to win ----going from 92.62% to 99.82% if they get 1st, or 92.49% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.76% chance to win ----going from 78.37% to 94.67% if they get 1st, or 78.08% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.67% chance to win ----going from 64.09% to 82.1% if they get 1st, or 63.78% if they don't.
WCS Premier Season 2in ~ ForGG has a 15.8% chance to win ----going from 64.09% to 99.3% if they get 1st, or 79.74% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 12.52% chance to win ----going from 60.21% to 99.52% if they get 1st, or 79.26% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 8.22% chance to win ----going from 30.51% to 91.47% if they get 1st, or 47.47% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 7.16% chance to win ----going from 35.46% to 97.33% if they get 1st, or 58.05% if they get 2nd.
DreamHack Valenciain ~ Life has a 1.89% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.84% chance to win ----going from 92.62% to 99.85% if they get 1st, or 92.49% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.76% chance to win ----going from 78.37% to 94.56% if they get 1st, or 78.08% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.67% chance to win ----going from 64.09% to 82.21% if they get 1st, or 63.78% if they don't.
DreamHack Stocholmin ~ Life has a 1.89% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.83% chance to win ----going from 92.62% to 99.85% if they get 1st, or 92.49% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.75% chance to win ----going from 78.37% to 94.84% if they get 1st, or 78.08% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.68% chance to win ----going from 64.09% to 82.32% if they get 1st, or 63.77% if they don't.
Biggest Winners and Losers since before NSSL S2 qualifiers completed (Sim ID #1303 vs Sim ID #1304) Biggest Winners Trap went up by 15.71%, going from 36.78% to 52.48% Dark went up by 15.48%, going from 42.34% to 57.83% Bbyong went up by 14.65%, going from 24.47% to 39.13% Soulkey went up by 13.4%, going from 22.66% to 36.06% sOs went up by 12.3%, going from 19.67% to 31.97% Flash went up by 5.89%, going from 5.29% to 11.18% HyuN went up by 5.76%, going from 3.48% to 9.24% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] +
soO went up by 5.7%, going from 5.25% to 10.95% PartinG went up by 3.67%, going from 92.65% to 96.33% ByuL went up by 3.62%, going from 2.79% to 6.41% Classic went up by 3.52%, going from 1.69% to 5.21% Symbol went up by 2.01%, going from 1.32% to 3.33% Hurricane went up by 1.98%, going from 0.85% to 2.83% Creator went up by 1.56%, going from 0.88% to 2.45%
Biggest Losers Rain went down by 5.09%, going from 40.54% to 35.45% TY went down by 4.62%, going from 36.13% to 31.51% MMA went down by 4.41%, going from 31.03% to 26.62% FanTaSy went down by 4.38%, going from 27.87% to 23.5% Solar went down by 4.37%, going from 26.18% to 21.81% Dear went down by 4.02%, going from 39.41% to 35.39% GuMiho went down by 3.93%, going from 18.74% to 14.81% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] +
ForGG went down by 3.79%, going from 64.08% to 60.29% Rogue went down by 3.69%, going from 70.13% to 66.43% Hydra went down by 3.69%, going from 60.25% to 56.56% Super went down by 3.46%, going from 26.32% to 22.85% Cure went down by 3.3%, going from 19.54% to 16.24% Zest went down by 3.16%, going from 69.37% to 66.21% Polt went down by 3.08%, going from 30.96% to 27.88% TaeJa went down by 3.08%, going from 11.33% to 8.26% Bomber went down by 3.04%, going from 12.82% to 9.79% INnoVation went down by 3.03%, going from 78.37% to 75.34% Terminator went down by 2.92%, going from 15.69% to 12.77% Stats went down by 2.72%, going from 45.36% to 42.64% Dream went down by 1.96%, going from 78.7% to 76.74% Leenock went down by 1.8%, going from 7.23% to 5.43% YoDa went down by 1.65%, going from 5.43% to 3.78% Sacsri went down by 1.61%, going from 5.07% to 3.46% First went down by 1.32%, going from 4.74% to 3.42% viOLet went down by 1.17%, going from 6.26% to 5.08% Snute went down by 1.09%, going from 35.42% to 34.33% Bunny went down by 1.04%, going from 30.48% to 29.44% MarineKing went down by 1.01%, going from 3.74% to 2.74% TRUE went down by 0.99%, going from 1.94% to 0.94% Jaedong went down by 0.99%, going from 2.01% to 1.01% San went down by 0.97%, going from 3.08% to 2.11% Losira went down by 0.87%, going from 2.77% to 1.9% DongRaeGu went down by 0.81%, going from 2.23% to 1.42% Patience went down by 0.78%, going from 2.58% to 1.8% Heart went down by 0.75%, going from 2.02% to 1.27% Trust went down by 0.7%, going from 2.09% to 1.39% NaNiwa went down by 0.68%, going from 11.48% to 10.8% ShoWTimE went down by 0.63%, going from 13.58% to 12.95% MC went down by 0.62%, going from 1.89% to 1.27% jjakji went down by 0.56%, going from 0.98% to 0.42% SuperNova went down by 0.55%, going from 1.5% to 0.96% StarDust went down by 0.54%, going from 1.31% to 0.78% MyuNgSiK went down by 0.53%, going from 1.63% to 1.1% MajOr went down by 0.45%, going from 7.17% to 6.72% Center went down by 0.44%, going from 0.7% to 0.26% MaNa went down by 0.44%, going from 9.09% to 8.65% Curious went down by 0.43%, going from 1.28% to 0.85% TargA went down by 0.4%, going from 5.85% to 5.45% PiG went down by 0.39%, going from 8.86% to 8.47% sKyHigh went down by 0.39%, going from 0.7% to 0.31%
Lots of recent updates, so here are the biggest winners and losers over the past ~36 hours, including Code A S2 matches set, NSSL S2 Challenger seeds, added Gfinity Spring 1, and the NSSL S2 qualifiers (Sim ID #1296 vs Sim ID #1304) Biggest Winners (click the link to see the graphs) Trap went up by 13.58%, going from 38.91% to 52.48% Soulkey went up by 13.16%, going from 22.89% to 36.05% Dark went up by 11.42%, going from 46.41% to 57.82% Zest went up by 11.39%, going from 54.83% to 66.22% sOs went up by 10.18%, going from 21.78% to 31.96% Bbyong went up by 9.16%, going from 29.96% to 39.12% INnoVation went up by 7.84%, going from 67.5% to 75.34% + Show Spoiler [More Winners] +
soO went up by 5.59%, going from 5.36% to 10.96% Cure went up by 4.78%, going from 11.44% to 16.23% Flash went up by 4.78%, going from 6.41% to 11.19% HyuN went up by 4.57%, going from 4.67% to 9.24% PartinG went up by 3.77%, going from 92.55% to 96.32% ByuL went up by 3.5%, going from 2.91% to 6.41% Classic went up by 3.4%, going from 1.81% to 5.21% Symbol went up by 2.31%, going from 1.01% to 3.32% Hurricane went up by 1.89%, going from 0.93% to 2.83% Creator went up by 1.43%, going from 1.02% to 2.45% Losira went up by 1.28%, going from 0.62% to 1.9% Rogue went up by 1.06%, going from 65.38% to 66.44% Leenock went up by 0.76%, going from 4.68% to 5.44% MacSed went up by 0.51%, going from 0.76% to 1.27% TargA went up by 0.14%, going from 5.31% to 5.46%
Biggest Losers (click the link to see the graphs) TY went down by 9.2%, going from 40.71% to 31.5% Solar went down by 8.72%, going from 30.54% to 21.82% MMA went down by 8.58%, going from 35.2% to 26.62% Rain went down by 8.49%, going from 43.96% to 35.46% ForGG went down by 7.97%, going from 68.25% to 60.28% GuMiho went down by 6.35%, going from 21.16% to 14.81% Polt went down by 5.2%, going from 33.08% to 27.88% + Show Spoiler [More Losers] +
TaeJa went down by 4.95%, going from 13.21% to 8.25% Hydra went down by 4.38%, going from 60.93% to 56.55% Bomber went down by 4.07%, going from 13.86% to 9.78% FanTaSy went down by 3.53%, going from 27.01% to 23.49% Terminator went down by 3.04%, going from 15.8% to 12.76% YoDa went down by 2.52%, going from 6.31% to 3.78% Dear went down by 2.21%, going from 37.6% to 35.39% viOLet went down by 1.81%, going from 6.9% to 5.09% Sacsri went down by 1.78%, going from 5.25% to 3.47% San went down by 1.6%, going from 3.71% to 2.11% NaNiwa went down by 1.43%, going from 12.24% to 10.8% ShoWTimE went down by 1.38%, going from 14.34% to 12.96% First went down by 1.36%, going from 4.77% to 3.41% DongRaeGu went down by 1.16%, going from 2.59% to 1.42% MarineKing went down by 1.04%, going from 3.78% to 2.75% Patience went down by 1.03%, going from 2.83% to 1.8% MaNa went down by 1.02%, going from 9.67% to 8.65% Jaedong went down by 1.01%, going from 2.02% to 1.01% MajOr went down by 0.99%, going from 7.71% to 6.72% TRUE went down by 0.95%, going from 1.9% to 0.94% Happy went down by 0.88%, going from 6.56% to 5.68% PiG went down by 0.88%, going from 9.35% to 8.46% MyuNgSiK went down by 0.78%, going from 1.88% to 1.1% Bunny went down by 0.77%, going from 30.21% to 29.44% Heart went down by 0.77%, going from 2.04% to 1.27% Super went down by 0.72%, going from 23.56% to 22.84% MC went down by 0.72%, going from 1.99% to 1.27% StarDust went down by 0.65%, going from 1.42% to 0.77% Serral went down by 0.63%, going from 5.73% to 5.1% Jim went down by 0.6%, going from 1.88% to 1.28% Trust went down by 0.57%, going from 1.96% to 1.39% Center went down by 0.52%, going from 0.78% to 0.26% SuperNova went down by 0.52%, going from 1.48% to 0.96% Welmu went down by 0.5%, going from 4.63% to 4.13% VortiX went down by 0.49%, going from 1.68% to 1.19% Lilbow went down by 0.47%, going from 1.8% to 1.33% KingKong went down by 0.44%, going from 0.9% to 0.46% Curious went down by 0.42%, going from 1.27% to 0.85% YongHwa went down by 0.42%, going from 1.07% to 0.66% Kane went down by 0.41%, going from 3.63% to 3.21% jjakji went down by 0.4%, going from 0.82% to 0.42% Armani went down by 0.38%, going from 0.58% to 0.2% Hack went down by 0.38%, going from 0.94% to 0.57%
Foreigner Hope Chances of 1+ foreigners 88.64% Chances of 2+ foreigners 50.89% Chances of 3+ foreigners 14.98% Chances of 4+ foreigners 2.07%
Snute9.59% chance to be the only foreigner, 34.33% chance overall. Bunny7.94% chance to be the only foreigner, 29.44% chance overall. ShoWTimE2.96% chance to be the only foreigner, 12.95% chance overall. NaNiwa2.45% chance to be the only foreigner, 10.8% chance overall. PiG1.87% chance to be the only foreigner, 8.47% chance overall. MaNa1.85% chance to be the only foreigner, 8.65% chance overall. MajOr1.49% chance to be the only foreigner, 6.72% chance overall. + Show Spoiler [More Foreigner Hopes] +
Happy1.25% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.68% chance overall. TargA1.18% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.45% chance overall. Serral1.06% chance to be the only foreigner, 5.1% chance overall. Welmu0.89% chance to be the only foreigner, 4.12% chance overall. Kane0.67% chance to be the only foreigner, 3.21% chance overall. Has0.45% chance to be the only foreigner, 2.13% chance overall. Sen0.38% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.78% chance overall. HuK0.35% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.66% chance overall. TLO0.33% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.68% chance overall. Lilbow0.29% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.33% chance overall. Jim0.28% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.28% chance overall. VortiX0.26% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.19% chance overall. MacSed0.23% chance to be the only foreigner, 1.27% chance overall. FireCake0.2% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.98% chance overall. MorroW0.14% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.67% chance overall. Nerchio0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.62% chance overall. MarineLorD0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.61% chance overall. uThermal0.13% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.61% chance overall. XiGua0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.61% chance overall. iaguz0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.58% chance overall. MaSa0.12% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.56% chance overall. puCK0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.44% chance overall. HeRoMaRinE0.09% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.41% chance overall. GunGFuBanDa0.06% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.29% chance overall. Boombox0.04% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.24% chance overall. Harstem0.01% chance to be the only foreigner, 0.25% chance overall.
Headbands Life is the current #1 Headband holder with 2 defenses! PartinG is the current #2 Headband holder with 1 defenses! Zest is the current #3 Headband holder with 1 defenses! sOs is the current #4 Headband holder with 0 defenses! + Show Spoiler [Defense History] +
WCS Point Cutoffs 1.16% of the time 2400 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 11.07% of the time 2575 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 30.44% of the time 2700 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 51.32% of the time 2800 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 70.85% of the time 2900 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 90.24% of the time 3050 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon 99.07% of the time 3275 points is enough to qualify for Blizzcon
Upcoming Gfinity Spring 1in ~ PartinG has a 15.9% chance to win ----going from 96.33% to 98.28% if they get 1st, or 97.42% if they get 2nd. Rain has a 9.96% chance to win ----going from 35.45% to 43.77% if they get 1st, or 39.64% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 9.42% chance to win ----going from 56.56% to 61.79% if they get 1st, or 58.98% if they get 2nd. Rogue has a 8.44% chance to win ----going from 66.43% to 73.21% if they get 1st, or 69.39% if they get 2nd.
PartinG, Snute, TargA, and TRUEin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. PartinG is at 96.33% Blizzcon Chances. 64.71% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 97.05%. 35.29% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 94.99%. TargA is at 5.45% Blizzcon Chances. 41.14% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.8%. 58.86% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.21%. Snute is at 34.33% Blizzcon Chances. 54.84% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 36.21%. 45.16% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 32.05%. TRUE is at 0.94% Blizzcon Chances. 39.31% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.04%. 60.69% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.88%.
Bunny, Hydra, FanTaSy, and Rainin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. Bunny is at 29.44% Blizzcon Chances. 46.3% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 31.52%. 53.7% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 27.65%. FanTaSy is at 23.5% Blizzcon Chances. 46.84% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 24.85%. 53.16% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 22.3%. Hydra is at 56.56% Blizzcon Chances. 52.75% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 57.78%. 47.25% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 55.2%. Rain is at 35.45% Blizzcon Chances. 54.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 38.21%. 45.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 32.2%.
Rogue, Sacsri, Soulkey, and MCin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. Rogue is at 66.43% Blizzcon Chances. 59.02% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 67.65%. 40.98% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 64.68%. Soulkey is at 36.06% Blizzcon Chances. 52.22% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 38.58%. 47.78% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 33.3%. Sacsri is at 3.46% Blizzcon Chances. 47.61% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.7%. 52.39% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.25%. MC is at 1.27% Blizzcon Chances. 41.15% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.52%. 58.85% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.09%.
jjakji, Heart, Jaedong, and Terminatorin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. jjakji is at 0.42% Blizzcon Chances. 48.01% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.45%. 51.99% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.38%. Jaedong is at 1.01% Blizzcon Chances. 46.76% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.21%. 53.24% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.83%. Heart is at 1.27% Blizzcon Chances. 48.37% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.36%. 51.63% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.18%. Terminator is at 12.77% Blizzcon Chances. 56.87% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.1%. 43.13% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.02%.
GSL Code A Season 2in ~ Trap has a 80.72% chance to win ----going from 52.48% to 56.78% if they get 1st, or 34.48% if they don't. Maru has a 71.3% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. Symbol has a 71.03% chance to win ----going from 3.33% to 4.1% if they get 1st, or 1.43% if they don't. TaeJa has a 69.3% chance to win ----going from 8.26% to 10.86% if they get 1st, or 2.39% if they don't.
DongRaeGu vs YoDain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. DongRaeGu is at 1.42% Blizzcon Chances. 48.47% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.57%. 51.53% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.35%. YoDa is at 3.78% Blizzcon Chances. 51.53% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.21%. 48.47% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.21%.
soO vs Seedin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. soO is at 10.95% Blizzcon Chances. 68.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.51%. 31.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.48%. Seed is at 0.04% Blizzcon Chances. 31.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.1%. 68.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%.
ByuL vs YongHwain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. ByuL is at 6.41% Blizzcon Chances. 56.14% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 8.8%. 43.86% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.34%. YongHwa is at 0.66% Blizzcon Chances. 43.86% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.3%. 56.14% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.16%.
TaeJa vs Sorryin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. TaeJa is at 8.26% Blizzcon Chances. 69.3% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 10.86%. 30.7% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.39%. Sorry is at 0.21% Blizzcon Chances. 30.7% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.56%. 69.3% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.06%.
Trap vs Panicin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Trap is at 52.48% Blizzcon Chances. 80.72% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 56.78%. 19.28% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 34.48%. Panic is at 0.02% Blizzcon Chances. 19.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.1%. 80.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%.
Copenhagen Springin ~ PartinG has a 20.72% chance to win ----going from 96.33% to 98.1% if they get 1st, or 95.86% if they don't. Rain has a 14.18% chance to win ----going from 35.45% to 42.55% if they get 1st, or 34.28% if they don't. FanTaSy has a 10.32% chance to win ----going from 23.5% to 29.78% if they get 1st, or 22.77% if they don't. NaNiwa has a 8.9% chance to win ----going from 10.8% to 13.82% if they get 1st, or 10.51% if they don't.
Hack vs Bbyongin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Hack is at 0.57% Blizzcon Chances. 43.25% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.14%. 56.75% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.14%. Bbyong is at 39.13% Blizzcon Chances. 56.75% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 47.71%. 43.25% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 27.87%.
Heart vs sOsin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Heart is at 1.27% Blizzcon Chances. 35.8% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.8%. 64.2% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.42%. sOs is at 31.97% Blizzcon Chances. 64.2% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 38.58%. 35.8% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 20.1%.
PenguiN vs Symbolin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. PenguiN is at 0.01% Blizzcon Chances. 28.97% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%. 71.03% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.01%. Symbol is at 3.33% Blizzcon Chances. 71.03% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.1%. 28.97% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.43%.
WCS Premier Season 1in ~ ForGG has a 21.15% chance to win ----going from 60.29% to 95.33% if they get 1st, or 65.18% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 18.25% chance to win ----going from 56.56% to 96.48% if they get 1st, or 64.33% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 12.1% chance to win ----going from 34.33% to 88.84% if they get 1st, or 41.85% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 11.82% chance to win ----going from 29.44% to 79.74% if they get 1st, or 35.06% if they get 2nd.
Serral, XiGua, TLO, and ForGGin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Serral is at 5.1% Blizzcon Chances. 54.35% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 7.51%. 45.65% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.22%. TLO is at 1.68% Blizzcon Chances. 38.35% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.16%. 61.65% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.76%. XiGua is at 0.61% Blizzcon Chances. 33.35% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.29%. 66.65% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.26%. ForGG is at 60.29% Blizzcon Chances. 73.94% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 66.46%. 26.06% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 42.79%.
ShoWTimE, PiG, MacSed, and Snutein in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. ShoWTimE is at 12.95% Blizzcon Chances. 59.18% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 17.39%. 40.82% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.52%. MacSed is at 1.27% Blizzcon Chances. 26.64% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.66%. 73.36% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.77%. PiG is at 8.47% Blizzcon Chances. 45.47% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.43%. 54.53% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.33%. Snute is at 34.33% Blizzcon Chances. 68.71% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 40.89%. 31.29% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 19.93%.
First vs MyuNgSiKin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. First is at 3.42% Blizzcon Chances. 63.24% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.92%. 36.76% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.83%. MyuNgSiK is at 1.1% Blizzcon Chances. 36.76% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.4%. 63.24% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.34%.
Polt, MaNa, FireCake, and Hydrain in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Polt is at 27.88% Blizzcon Chances. 55.33% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 36.01%. 44.67% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 17.81%. FireCake is at 0.98% Blizzcon Chances. 32.5% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.07%. 67.5% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.46%. MaNa is at 8.65% Blizzcon Chances. 42.55% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.89%. 57.45% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.77%. Hydra is at 56.56% Blizzcon Chances. 69.62% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 64.13%. 30.38% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 39.21%.
Has, Bunny, Kane, and Welmuin in WCS Premier Season 1 round of 16. Has is at 2.13% Blizzcon Chances. 40.48% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.78%. 59.52% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.01%. Kane is at 3.21% Blizzcon Chances. 48.51% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.09%. 51.49% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.44%. Bunny is at 29.44% Blizzcon Chances. 65.54% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 35.91%. 34.46% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 17.13%. Welmu is at 4.12% Blizzcon Chances. 45.47% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.67%. 54.53% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.99%.
Dear vs RagnaroKin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Dear is at 35.39% Blizzcon Chances. 66.08% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 41.95%. 33.92% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 22.61%. RagnaroK is at 0.31% Blizzcon Chances. 33.92% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.76%. 66.08% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.08%.
Bomber vs Shinein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Bomber is at 9.79% Blizzcon Chances. 66.49% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 13.1%. 33.51% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.21%. Shine is at 0.16% Blizzcon Chances. 33.51% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.42%. 66.49% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.04%.
San vs Sacsriin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. San is at 2.11% Blizzcon Chances. 48.43% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.73%. 51.58% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.58%. Sacsri is at 3.46% Blizzcon Chances. 51.58% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.77%. 48.43% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.01%.
Dream vs SuperNovain in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Dream is at 76.74% Blizzcon Chances. 48.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 85.09%. 51.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 68.76%. SuperNova is at 0.96% Blizzcon Chances. 51.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.66%. 48.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.22%.
Maru vs Billowyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Maru is at 100% Blizzcon Chances. 71.3% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 100%. 28.7% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 100%. Billowy is at 0.08% Blizzcon Chances. 28.7% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.23%. 71.3% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.02%.
Cure vs Rainin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Cure is at 16.24% Blizzcon Chances. 42.11% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 23.65%. 57.89% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 10.86%. Rain is at 35.45% Blizzcon Chances. 57.89% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 46.6%. 42.11% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 20.13%.
Ryung vs Darkin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Ryung is at 0.24% Blizzcon Chances. 31.82% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.62%. 68.18% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.06%. Dark is at 57.83% Blizzcon Chances. 68.18% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 65.06%. 31.82% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 42.33%.
GuMiho vs Impactin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. GuMiho is at 14.81% Blizzcon Chances. 57.43% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 21.09%. 42.57% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.34%. Impact is at 0.59% Blizzcon Chances. 42.57% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.21%. 57.43% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.13%.
Super vs Flashin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Super is at 22.85% Blizzcon Chances. 47.53% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 31.22%. 52.47% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 15.27%. Flash is at 11.18% Blizzcon Chances. 52.47% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 15.41%. 47.53% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 6.52%.
WCS Qualifiers Season 2in ~ Ian has a 35.56% chance to win ----going from 0.01% to 0.03% if they get 1st, or 0.01% if they don't. Slam has a 30.48% chance to win ----going from 0.01% to 0.01% if they get 1st, or 0.01% if they don't. Top has a 30.01% chance to win ----going from 0.15% to 0.4% if they get 1st, or 0.04% if they don't. TooDming has a 29.5% chance to win ----going from 0.08% to 0.21% if they get 1st, or 0.02% if they don't.
FanTaSy vs Pigbabyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. FanTaSy is at 23.5% Blizzcon Chances. 64.09% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 30.47%. 35.91% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.06%. Pigbaby is at 0.23% Blizzcon Chances. 35.91% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.56%. 64.09% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.05%.
Terminator vs HerOin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Terminator is at 12.77% Blizzcon Chances. 52.04% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 19.34%. 47.96% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.64%. HerO is at 0.4% Blizzcon Chances. 47.96% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.75%. 52.04% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.08%.
Creator vs Soulkeyin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Creator is at 2.45% Blizzcon Chances. 37.76% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.2%. 62.24% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.39%. Soulkey is at 36.06% Blizzcon Chances. 62.24% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 43.36%. 37.76% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 24.02%.
WCS Challenger Season 2in ~ Polt has a 87.72% chance to win ----going from 27.88% to 30.66% if they get 1st, or 8.04% if they don't. ForGG has a 87.64% chance to win ----going from 60.29% to 64.95% if they get 1st, or 27.23% if they don't. Hydra has a 87.13% chance to win ----going from 56.56% to 61.05% if they get 1st, or 26.16% if they don't. MajOr has a 86.49% chance to win ----going from 6.72% to 7.66% if they get 1st, or 0.69% if they don't.
MarineKing vs Patiencein in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MarineKing is at 2.74% Blizzcon Chances. 53.51% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 4.4%. 46.49% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.83%. Patience is at 1.8% Blizzcon Chances. 46.49% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.3%. 53.51% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.5%.
Curious vs BrAvOin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. Curious is at 0.85% Blizzcon Chances. 58.7% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.34%. 41.3% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.16%. BrAvO is at 0.11% Blizzcon Chances. 41.3% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.23%. 58.7% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.02%.
MC vs Trustin in GSL Code A Season 2 round of 48. MC is at 1.27% Blizzcon Chances. 37.66% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.72%. 62.34% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.39%. Trust is at 1.39% Blizzcon Chances. 62.34% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 2.07%. 37.66% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.27%.
DreamHack Toursin ~ Life has a 1.88% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.83% chance to win ----going from 96.33% to 99.95% if they get 1st, or 96.26% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.76% chance to win ----going from 75.34% to 93.43% if they get 1st, or 75.02% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.67% chance to win ----going from 60.29% to 79.53% if they get 1st, or 59.96% if they don't.
WCS Premier Season 2in ~ ForGG has a 15.77% chance to win ----going from 60.29% to 99.06% if they get 1st, or 76.38% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 12.53% chance to win ----going from 56.56% to 99.41% if they get 1st, or 76.26% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 8.2% chance to win ----going from 29.44% to 90.86% if they get 1st, or 46.18% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 7.13% chance to win ----going from 34.33% to 97.01% if they get 1st, or 56.64% if they get 2nd.
DreamHack Valenciain ~ Life has a 1.87% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.83% chance to win ----going from 96.33% to 99.96% if they get 1st, or 96.26% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.76% chance to win ----going from 75.34% to 93.58% if they get 1st, or 75.01% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.68% chance to win ----going from 60.29% to 79.53% if they get 1st, or 59.96% if they don't.
DreamHack Stocholmin ~ Life has a 1.88% chance to win ----going from 100% to 100% if they get 1st, or 100% if they don't. PartinG has a 1.84% chance to win ----going from 96.33% to 99.95% if they get 1st, or 96.26% if they don't. INnoVation has a 1.76% chance to win ----going from 75.34% to 93.68% if they get 1st, or 75.01% if they don't. ForGG has a 1.68% chance to win ----going from 60.29% to 79.8% if they get 1st, or 59.96% if they don't.
PartinG, Snute, TargA, and TRUEin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. PartinG has the #2 Headband! PartinG is at 96.34% Blizzcon Chances. 64.7% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 97.07%. 35.3% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 94.99%. TargA is at 5.44% Blizzcon Chances. 41.14% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.8%. 58.86% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 5.19%. Snute is at 34.34% Blizzcon Chances. 54.83% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 36.22%. 45.17% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 32.06%. TRUE is at 0.94% Blizzcon Chances. 39.33% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.04%. 60.67% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.88%.
Bunny, Hydra, FanTaSy, and Rainin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. Bunny is at 29.47% Blizzcon Chances. 46.28% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 31.57%. 53.72% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 27.67%. FanTaSy is at 23.51% Blizzcon Chances. 46.84% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 24.87%. 53.16% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 22.31%. Hydra is at 56.56% Blizzcon Chances. 52.78% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 57.76%. 47.22% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 55.21%. Rain is at 35.49% Blizzcon Chances. 54.1% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 38.25%. 45.9% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 32.23%.
Rogue, Sacsri, Soulkey, and MCin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. Rogue is at 66.41% Blizzcon Chances. 58.99% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 67.67%. 41.01% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 64.58%. Soulkey is at 36.04% Blizzcon Chances. 52.25% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 38.54%. 47.75% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 33.31%. Sacsri is at 3.46% Blizzcon Chances. 47.62% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.7%. 52.38% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 3.25%. MC is at 1.27% Blizzcon Chances. 41.13% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.51%. 58.87% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.1%.
jjakji, Heart, Jaedong, and Terminatorin in Gfinity Spring 1 round of 16. jjakji is at 0.42% Blizzcon Chances. 48.01% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.46%. 51.99% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.38%. Jaedong is at 1.01% Blizzcon Chances. 46.78% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.2%. 53.22% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 0.84%. Heart is at 1.27% Blizzcon Chances. 48.37% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.37%. 51.63% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 1.17%. Terminator is at 12.78% Blizzcon Chances. 56.84% of the time they win this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 14.08%. 43.16% of the time they lose this match and their Blizzcon Chances go to 11.06%.
Gfinity Spring 1 Winning Chances PartinG has a 15.93% chance to win ----going from 96.34% to 98.29% if they get 1st, or 97.45% if they get 2nd. Rain has a 9.96% chance to win ----going from 35.49% to 43.81% if they get 1st, or 39.71% if they get 2nd. Hydra has a 9.42% chance to win ----going from 56.56% to 61.82% if they get 1st, or 58.99% if they get 2nd. Rogue has a 8.43% chance to win ----going from 66.41% to 73.26% if they get 1st, or 69.45% if they get 2nd. Snute has a 6.99% chance to win ----going from 34.34% to 40.72% if they get 1st, or 37.64% if they get 2nd. + Show Spoiler [More Winning Chances] +
FanTaSy has a 6.46% chance to win ----going from 23.51% to 29.85% if they get 1st, or 26.47% if they get 2nd. Bunny has a 6.43% chance to win ----going from 29.47% to 35.52% if they get 1st, or 32.66% if they get 2nd. Terminator has a 6.35% chance to win ----going from 12.78% to 17.78% if they get 1st, or 15.31% if they get 2nd. Soulkey has a 5.24% chance to win ----going from 36.04% to 44.83% if they get 1st, or 40.51% if they get 2nd. Sacsri has a 4.55% chance to win ----going from 3.46% to 4.81% if they get 1st, or 3.4% if they don't. Jaedong has a 4.14% chance to win ----going from 1.01% to 1.76% if they get 1st, or 0.97% if they don't. TRUE has a 3.42% chance to win ----going from 0.94% to 1.55% if they get 1st, or 0.92% if they don't. Heart has a 3.42% chance to win ----going from 1.27% to 1.93% if they get 1st, or 1.25% if they don't. jjakji has a 3.38% chance to win ----going from 0.42% to 0.7% if they get 1st, or 0.41% if they don't. TargA has a 3.01% chance to win ----going from 5.44% to 7.38% if they get 1st, or 6.39% if they get 2nd. MC has a 2.86% chance to win ----going from 1.27% to 2.21% if they get 1st, or 1.24% if they don't.