I've been looking for a competitive RTS to play with friends via hamachi and stumbled over some half forgotten sources claiming Armies of Exigo was great.
Does anybody here have deeper knowledge on that matter? I really would like to invest some money if it's worth it.
Afaik the online community of it is totally dead. I played the game and it was pretty fun for awhile but nothing worthwile. Seemed more warcraft like than starcraft, as in not too many strategy involved and more micro based.
Advice: Wouldn't spend any money on it. If you want maximum mindless rts fun play dawn of war and it's expansions instead.
Just pirate it... do not invest money. There is nobody playing it anymore. I did not even buy the retail for it became so obvious that this game will get nowhere. Some pretty cool people played the beta and/or demo. I saw Pillars, Jamers, NTT, iKill4Fun and a few others. All approved of it. AoX was fun in that it made the whole Starcraft gameplay in a fantasy world thing work. I think it had a lot going for it that other 3D RTS did not have. Crisp graphics (maybe a bit uninspired, but crisp), very smooth unit responses, none of that flashy spell effects crap and just this natural feel that makes clicking targets easy. Also seemed pretty balanced, at first empire seems to dominate all but when you get better fallen are pretty good too. Beasts end up a bit underpowered, or anyway that is how it was in the demo. If you do not get too good you should find the balance very good.
Edit: Do not play Dawn of War if you want anything competitive.
i played a lot of AoX during the beta. it is the closest RTS to starcraft. as far as i know the company that made it didnt back it or advertise it much and the game never got popular. i have no idea if anyone plays it but it was an excellent and fun game.
I bought a retail of it this week. I know that the servers are down because this fucking EA has ditched this excellent product but it's still worth to buy it even if just for the excellent campaign. You can of course get it off the torrents or something because the game is pretty hard to get (almost abandonware), my retail costed like 5$ so it's no big expense.
Armies of Exigo. I DL Beta version off line like a year ago. It was pretty much a copy of starcraft. One race has a creep, i think there is a race which is kinda like protoss. its a rip off.
On November 24 2007 07:33 Dr.Kill-Joy wrote: Armies of Exigo. I DL Beta version off line like a year ago. It was pretty much a copy of starcraft. One race has a creep, i think there is a race which is kinda like protoss. its a rip off.
Ehm, Fallen are pretty blatantly zerg, but the game kicks ass, seriously. Most fun RTS I've ever played besides SC and MAYBE Warcraft 2, and I only played like under 10 games (my comp for some reason couldn't run it back during the beta so playing it meant playing on my brothers comp/some other comp and that was a hassle), but I'm still confident in saying this.
The game just had this really nice feeling to it, units listen to what you tell them to do, they react instantly, there was micro, there was rushing etc :D
Hm, I remember there were some cool units fallen could make that either looked like trees or infested trees, and shot lurkerish spines.
I remember beating muhweli (I THINK it was muhweli, I know I played him at least, although I might be confusing this particular game with a game vs Travin) with mass goblins (or whatever their names were) + trolls Then he did the fallen equivalent of 4 pool and owned me.
If I remember correctly Muhweli got pretty good at the game later on (or perhaps was pretty good already, I forget). Ahh I really regret not playing the game for the short time it had an online community. Downloaded it recently (not even sure I could find it in stores if looked..), so I guess I'd be interested in playing, maybe we could have a TL-AOX meetup
A rip-off of the best game ever is still miles above most other 'original' games. Anyway, it'd have been nice if more critics had at least recognized AoX was a Starcraft rip-off. Most reviews said it was a WC3 rip-off which couldn't be further from the truth. It plays nothing like WC3.
On November 24 2007 13:53 LaZyScV wrote: Armies of Exigo was pretty fricken' awesome (for a beta, at least . . . I never played retail); it was the only RTS I really enjoyed (other than StarCraft) . . . pity that it died at such a young age.
Speaking of Armies of Exigo, does/has anybody play/played Warhammer: Mark of Chaos . . . Blockhole's (AoX creator) other RTS? It looks kind of neat, I am getting the SP and MP demos right now.
74% on Gamerankings. 7.2 on Gamespot. 8 on IGN.
Not too bad; as long as a game does not get below 5, 50%, or 2 1/2 stars, it's all good.
Isnt Warhammer a rip off of WoW or some shit like that?
On November 24 2007 13:53 LaZyScV wrote: Armies of Exigo was pretty fricken' awesome (for a beta, at least . . . I never played retail); it was the only RTS I really enjoyed (other than StarCraft) . . . pity that it died at such a young age.
Speaking of Armies of Exigo, does/has anybody play/played Warhammer: Mark of Chaos . . . Blockhole's (AoX creator) other RTS? It looks kind of neat, I am getting the SP and MP demos right now.
74% on Gamerankings. 7.2 on Gamespot. 8 on IGN.
Not too bad; as long as a game does not get below 5, 50%, or 2 1/2 stars, it's all good.
Isnt Warhammer a rip off of WoW or some shit like that?
lol, warhammer came WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before Warcraft was even a dream.
On November 24 2007 13:53 LaZyScV wrote: Armies of Exigo was pretty fricken' awesome (for a beta, at least . . . I never played retail); it was the only RTS I really enjoyed (other than StarCraft) . . . pity that it died at such a young age.
Speaking of Armies of Exigo, does/has anybody play/played Warhammer: Mark of Chaos . . . Blockhole's (AoX creator) other RTS? It looks kind of neat, I am getting the SP and MP demos right now.
74% on Gamerankings. 7.2 on Gamespot. 8 on IGN.
Not too bad; as long as a game does not get below 5, 50%, or 2 1/2 stars, it's all good.
Isnt Warhammer a rip off of WoW or some shit like that?
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War; Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning; and Warhammer: Mark of Chaos are completely different games . . . .
Dawn of War series is a futuristic RTS, Age of Reckoning is an MMORPG, and Mark of Chaos is a fantasy RTS; all of which are based on Warhammer.
Ohhhh, there was a new game coming out that ressembles World of Warcraft. Maybe it was DoomHammer or something else.
sounds great to me! thanks for input! what could be better than a starcraft rip off in medieval-fantasy setting? They can't do anything wrong with that concept