I've been looking for a competitive RTS to play with friends via hamachi and stumbled over some half forgotten sources claiming Armies of Exigo was great.
Does anybody here have deeper knowledge on that matter? I really would like to invest some money if it's worth it.
Afaik the online community of it is totally dead. I played the game and it was pretty fun for awhile but nothing worthwile. Seemed more warcraft like than starcraft, as in not too many strategy involved and more micro based.
Advice: Wouldn't spend any money on it. If you want maximum mindless rts fun play dawn of war and it's expansions instead.
Just pirate it... do not invest money. There is nobody playing it anymore. I did not even buy the retail for it became so obvious that this game will get nowhere. Some pretty cool people played the beta and/or demo. I saw Pillars, Jamers, NTT, iKill4Fun and a few others. All approved of it. AoX was fun in that it made the whole Starcraft gameplay in a fantasy world thing work. I think it had a lot going for it that other 3D RTS did not have. Crisp graphics (maybe a bit uninspired, but crisp), very smooth unit responses, none of that flashy spell effects crap and just this natural feel that makes clicking targets easy. Also seemed pretty balanced, at first empire seems to dominate all but when you get better fallen are pretty good too. Beasts end up a bit underpowered, or anyway that is how it was in the demo. If you do not get too good you should find the balance very good.
Edit: Do not play Dawn of War if you want anything competitive.
i played a lot of AoX during the beta. it is the closest RTS to starcraft. as far as i know the company that made it didnt back it or advertise it much and the game never got popular. i have no idea if anyone plays it but it was an excellent and fun game.
I bought a retail of it this week. I know that the servers are down because this fucking EA has ditched this excellent product but it's still worth to buy it even if just for the excellent campaign. You can of course get it off the torrents or something because the game is pretty hard to get (almost abandonware), my retail costed like 5$ so it's no big expense.
Armies of Exigo. I DL Beta version off line like a year ago. It was pretty much a copy of starcraft. One race has a creep, i think there is a race which is kinda like protoss. its a rip off.
On November 24 2007 07:33 Dr.Kill-Joy wrote: Armies of Exigo. I DL Beta version off line like a year ago. It was pretty much a copy of starcraft. One race has a creep, i think there is a race which is kinda like protoss. its a rip off.
Ehm, Fallen are pretty blatantly zerg, but the game kicks ass, seriously. Most fun RTS I've ever played besides SC and MAYBE Warcraft 2, and I only played like under 10 games (my comp for some reason couldn't run it back during the beta so playing it meant playing on my brothers comp/some other comp and that was a hassle), but I'm still confident in saying this.
The game just had this really nice feeling to it, units listen to what you tell them to do, they react instantly, there was micro, there was rushing etc :D
Hm, I remember there were some cool units fallen could make that either looked like trees or infested trees, and shot lurkerish spines.
I remember beating muhweli (I THINK it was muhweli, I know I played him at least, although I might be confusing this particular game with a game vs Travin) with mass goblins (or whatever their names were) + trolls Then he did the fallen equivalent of 4 pool and owned me.
If I remember correctly Muhweli got pretty good at the game later on (or perhaps was pretty good already, I forget). Ahh I really regret not playing the game for the short time it had an online community. Downloaded it recently (not even sure I could find it in stores if looked..), so I guess I'd be interested in playing, maybe we could have a TL-AOX meetup
A rip-off of the best game ever is still miles above most other 'original' games. Anyway, it'd have been nice if more critics had at least recognized AoX was a Starcraft rip-off. Most reviews said it was a WC3 rip-off which couldn't be further from the truth. It plays nothing like WC3.
On November 24 2007 13:53 LaZyScV wrote: Armies of Exigo was pretty fricken' awesome (for a beta, at least . . . I never played retail); it was the only RTS I really enjoyed (other than StarCraft) . . . pity that it died at such a young age.
Speaking of Armies of Exigo, does/has anybody play/played Warhammer: Mark of Chaos . . . Blockhole's (AoX creator) other RTS? It looks kind of neat, I am getting the SP and MP demos right now.
74% on Gamerankings. 7.2 on Gamespot. 8 on IGN.
Not too bad; as long as a game does not get below 5, 50%, or 2 1/2 stars, it's all good.
Isnt Warhammer a rip off of WoW or some shit like that?
On November 24 2007 13:53 LaZyScV wrote: Armies of Exigo was pretty fricken' awesome (for a beta, at least . . . I never played retail); it was the only RTS I really enjoyed (other than StarCraft) . . . pity that it died at such a young age.
Speaking of Armies of Exigo, does/has anybody play/played Warhammer: Mark of Chaos . . . Blockhole's (AoX creator) other RTS? It looks kind of neat, I am getting the SP and MP demos right now.
74% on Gamerankings. 7.2 on Gamespot. 8 on IGN.
Not too bad; as long as a game does not get below 5, 50%, or 2 1/2 stars, it's all good.
Isnt Warhammer a rip off of WoW or some shit like that?
lol, warhammer came WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before Warcraft was even a dream.
On November 24 2007 13:53 LaZyScV wrote: Armies of Exigo was pretty fricken' awesome (for a beta, at least . . . I never played retail); it was the only RTS I really enjoyed (other than StarCraft) . . . pity that it died at such a young age.
Speaking of Armies of Exigo, does/has anybody play/played Warhammer: Mark of Chaos . . . Blockhole's (AoX creator) other RTS? It looks kind of neat, I am getting the SP and MP demos right now.
74% on Gamerankings. 7.2 on Gamespot. 8 on IGN.
Not too bad; as long as a game does not get below 5, 50%, or 2 1/2 stars, it's all good.
Isnt Warhammer a rip off of WoW or some shit like that?
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War; Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning; and Warhammer: Mark of Chaos are completely different games . . . .
Dawn of War series is a futuristic RTS, Age of Reckoning is an MMORPG, and Mark of Chaos is a fantasy RTS; all of which are based on Warhammer.
Ohhhh, there was a new game coming out that ressembles World of Warcraft. Maybe it was DoomHammer or something else.
sounds great to me! thanks for input! what could be better than a starcraft rip off in medieval-fantasy setting? They can't do anything wrong with that concept
Just to add some input to the thread, I think it is the 2nd best RTS of all time. If the community was still there, I would probably still be playing it. I'd say it is very similar to starcraft except it has MBS (multiple building selection) and auto-rally workers to gold patches. The damage and armor system should be pretty familiar to starcraft players. All the basic build order, macro, micro and timing knowledge carries over pretty easily. It's not a coincedence that the best players of this game were starcraft players.
The main differences, I'd say, are that units are not as "snappy" as in starcraft, meaning that most of them have a firing animation and turning rate. Also the races are in my opinion not all that different from each other. And it has more a focus on strategy over mechanical skills. Micro mistakes don't punish you as much as they do in starcraft. This is both a strength and a weakness as it makes the better player win a higher percentage of games while also making comebacks incredibly hard to pull off.
Well, from what I remember of the game was that Fallen definately had an advantage with their 'mutalisk' units requiring a specific counter from empire and the beasts. They could destroy an economy quickly, compared to mutalisks in SC. Archers and goblin riders had a difficult time pushing away harassment from this unit. And I don't remember, but I think they didn't require gems whereas archers did.
The balance wasn't all that bad, I think. You have to take into account that the community that playtested the game through the few patches it had was very small and very spread in skill level. In addition a majority of the games were eventually played on the map darkside forest which is like the lost temple of AoX. You could shift some of the imbalances by just playing maps that better suited your race.
At least the beast vs fallen matchup seemed balanced, because the best players of those races would insist that it was as long as no one played random (which among other things made fallen unable to fast expo). I would be more likely to agree on the imbalance of fallen vs empire, but not because of the hive guards ('mutalisks'). Some of this perceived imbalance seems to me just to be that fallen strategy was more evolved in the community. Fallen players did not seem to mind sharing cookie cutter strategies on how to tame the wicked empire. And after the last patch there weren't that many good empire players around.
Being an empire player, I found the biggest problem to be scouting and dealing with the multiple openings the fallen player could try on you. But if you had a good idea of what your opponent of doing, you had a pretty good chance of beating him if his mechanical skills weren't superior to yours. Late game, you needed a better economy or a surviving army of level 5 units otherwise his tech units would chew you up.
Dudes, let's totally set up some games on hamachi or whatever. I'm still struggling with going through the campaign once again (currently stuck at beast mission 2 on hard difficulty, damn badass mission) but I would be more than eager to play some games vs real oponents once more. And detrious: I don't know if you played the last version of the game (1.4) but hive guards ain't easy to obtain there. Sure they're good harrassers but they consume quite a bit of resources (including 40gems each) and their build time is pretty long compared to other units you get in the hive so to cripple enemy's economy it's usually better to get some zerglings (sorry, forgot the name of the basic unit and now I have regionalized version so it's different) and upgrade them with wings then just lift off -> land in enemy gold line -> see your tiny bugs rape their workers.
Zerg players should be really happy to play fallen I believe, fast expos, ling rushes, FvF is played more or less exactly like ZvZ (mutaling), changing trees into lurkers that can even hit air (at least that's what the tooltip says). The only difference really is part of the protoss mechanics there (building, a lot of spells and spellcasters etc.). Come to think of it, Fallen could just as well do as the PZ hybrid race
i would love to play some aox again. i still have ton of replays, i think also a reppack of clafter aka NrT.GrimReefer who was in the end definetly the best aox-player. and also a lot of you stenole, where you was new to the game and i was able to win against you . i dont know if you are still able to get updates for aox, i still have a 1.4 patch on my harddisc though.
Thanks baal, I was looking for this the other day. I don't know how available I'll be to play AoX the next few weeks, but all of you can send me a PM and ill give you my AIM/MSN. Maybe there will be a few free hours to play...
There you go. Ahh sweet memories I go under the nick C1erN in some of those, the numbered ones come from aoxtactics.com and I believe they're mostly fallen replays as I was playing them at the time and wanted to learn from the best
btw. welcome to TL.net ^_^
Edit: I've just watched all of those replays. Definitely the best are #462 (LoveWithOlessia - E v F - artoflukas), #473(artoflukas - F v B - woah_PT) and the last one of the numbered ones (LoveWithOlessia - E vs B - rhzownage). 472 is FvF I think (artoflukas vs DSDaysleeper) In 473 all Zerg players will most likely shout "ZEEEEEEERG!!!" for the most part of it (and enjoy the awesomeness of wave after wave of bugs pouring on the poor - orly? - enemy). Definitely my favorite replay, a bit slow opening from both players but then it's just pure ownage with a lot of back and forth action.
Edit2: I might have gotten the replay numbers wrong
I just got hold of about 33 megs of replays from iloveolessia (including the clafter reppack), I'll see if I can find somewhere to share them tomorrow...
Clafter and iloveolessia's replay folder. Iloveolessia managed the aoxtactics site, so he has lots of the replays connected to the site. Clafter's reppack is a lot more organized though. Clafter was one of the best remaining active players after patch 1.4 was released. Iloveolessia's folder does not mark which replays are version 1.3.
Players I think are of particular interest are: artoflukas, clafter aka galmarz, kyxlum, woah, daydreamer and daysleeper
To be fair many of the games involve experimental strats and "fun" strats. Not all of them are optimized strategies towards winning with the highest probability.
On November 24 2007 06:36 KissBlade wrote: What's wrong with Dawn of War?
The huge imbalance in it. Instead of patching the balance, Relic decides to come up with an expansion pack that only makes it even more imbalanced. Necro just rapes everything.
Stenole, I'm not sure if Clafter was the best. If I remember correctly Woah has won most of the tournaments etc. there were for AoX and he remained there until server shutdown I think. Which doesn't change the fact that Clafter was awesome (just like most of the others). Damn I suck so hard at this game now normal AI beats the crap out of me but I think I'll soon move to hard ^_^
Thanks for the replays Stenole, your game against Clafter was soooo nice, mass footies ftw! ^_^ btw. is it true that Clafter really is Mondragon? He claims that in his game against Daysleeper.
lolol... the mondragon reference was probably a joke. When he was playing on the galmarz account no one knew that he was clafter. So everyone was speculating on who he was. He joked around a lot with this. Some people seemed to believe him for a while. He also borrowed smaq's account for a while. So he definitely enjoyed hiding his identity while playing. Clafter is NOT mondragon, just to make that clear.
On November 24 2007 06:36 KissBlade wrote: What's wrong with Dawn of War?
The huge imbalance in it. Instead of patching the balance, Relic decides to come up with an expansion pack that only makes it even more imbalanced. Necro just rapes everything.
Necrons aren't as imbalanced as Eldars ATM. I'd also put the Orcs in front of them because they have no bad matchups. Necrons struggle a lot against Chaos and SM, but has a free win against Tau. Then again, Tau has a free win over Chaos.
Yes, the game is severely imba. They just make patches like a regular forum guy: changing half the game and creating even worse problems. They should take courses from Blizzard.
Pretty sure Clafter was from Norway, I haven't really played the game in years so I might not remember everything the right way.
Anyway I played fallen in a very macro/ timing based way(my micro is bad) about the matchupps: I think fallen had the edge vs empire(unless the empire player was Pillars) fvf usually was stinger v stinger then stinger + hive guards(muta) or stingers and dragon like unit
For fallen vs beats I always had trouble with the goblin rush followed by trolls.
Players I would look for in replays include Muhweli(fallen and beast), Pillars(Empire), Clafter(Empire) and James(Empire). I'm sure I am forgetting someone.
1.4 is the last one and I think it can be downloaded from gamer's hell or maybe even the main AoX site. We need some hamachi server to hang on and check if anyone's there and up for a game or two!
On November 24 2007 06:36 KissBlade wrote: What's wrong with Dawn of War?
The huge imbalance in it. Instead of patching the balance, Relic decides to come up with an expansion pack that only makes it even more imbalanced. Necro just rapes everything.
Necrons aren't as imbalanced as Eldars ATM. I'd also put the Orcs in front of them because they have no bad matchups. Necrons struggle a lot against Chaos and SM, but has a free win against Tau. Then again, Tau has a free win over Chaos.
Yes, the game is severely imba. They just make patches like a regular forum guy: changing half the game and creating even worse problems. They should take courses from Blizzard.
No matter how much Relic nerfs Eldar there'll still be some retards who think Eldar is imba. Honestly, what is there left to take away? They're become mediocreshit.
Its no longer on sale here so ive been torrenting it with a terrible speed of 6kb/sec for a couple of days now. Hopefully itll be done in time for the weekend
I downloaded the single player demo to try it out, but it says theres an error "DirectX9 not available". I have no clue as to what that means because i know that i have directX9 installed, does it mean the game CAN'T use directx9 (which i would assume is nigh impossible)? I'm also sure my hardware requirements meet the game, its borderline though. Can anyone help me?
I remember trying to run the game on another computer than my own and it wouldn't work because it didn't meet the system requirements. It said so with white letters om a black screen.
I just installed it, gonna play the campaigns a bit but I'll be happy to play anyone once I'm done. I dunno if I'll be playing much during december tho, thinking about trying to reach supernova on pokerstars ;p
Also, I suck since I only played a few games during the beta, but I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
On November 28 2007 06:22 Manit0u wrote: 1.4 is the last one and I think it can be downloaded from gamer's hell or maybe even the main AoX site. We need some hamachi server to hang on and check if anyone's there and up for a game or two!
Hm, is it possible to make your own channel in GG-client? If it is, we could make our own AoX channel, that way there's a lobby and everything Hamachi is great, but their chat isn't exactly groundbreaking.
Btw, I have 2 screens and because of this whenever I try to scroll to the right, the mouse moves over to the right screen without scrolling. Is there any way I can make the game lock into 1 screen (like SC does, among other games)?
Also, where are replays saved to? I can't find the folder.
Also, where are replays saved to? I can't find the folder.
On Windows Vista, the default is /Documents/Armies of Exigo/Save/replay.
C:\Documents and Settings\"enter your username here"\My Documents\Armies of Exigo\Save\Replay
Is the folder location in XP.
Checking GGC now...
Edit: You can't create your own rooms in GGC and I'm not sure it supports AoX (perhaps you can create the game there for WC3 and it would work with it but I'm not sure).
I notice this game has two layered maps. One above ground and one underground.
While thinking about how future RTS games can become more strategically dynamic and interesting while staying competitive, this was one of the things I came up with. But the main problem is of course that you can't have vision of both at the same time and transparency doesn't work.
But it should give more strategical options, I assume. So how does this work? Is this something that the next generation esports aimed game, for example WC4 or SC3, should have?
On November 29 2007 22:48 BlackStar wrote: But the main problem is of course that you can't have vision of both at the same time and transparency doesn't work.
That's why you have 2 minimaps you have to pay attention to. And it's not very hard to hit F5 (at least that's the key for me) to change the view from bottom to surface and vice versa.
I wouldn't say the two layeredness of AoX adds a whole lot strategically. You get a few more quirky paths and some extra expos and an extra minimap. It would pretty much be the same game if it had one layer. It might have added more strategy if holding positions on the map was more important in AoX.
I don't think it would be suited for esports if there was a lot of cross layer action with spells going up and down and units sifting through up and down. The spectators would not be able to follow it properly...
I've never liked this 2 layered maps too Especially that the underground minimap is on the left and surface on the right, would be much better if it would be opposite (like in every other RTS).
Hahahah, I remember my strategy as fallen changed the balance patch. :DDDD
They were going to make the beast weaker because of a strategy that couldn't be countered, but instead my matriarch counter complitely raped that strat and then fallen got weakened... rigged piece of **** ;D
But I'm installing the german version of the game now (found unopened one in the closet, wuhuu)
Played a game vs. computer... still don't really know what my build order should be like (Empire)
Played one vs. manit0u after,
I fast expod, he scouted me having nothing (missed expo though), and then brought in 3 'basic warriors' (he was beast, me empire), I was just throwing up 2 more rax, cause I only had 3 swordsmen. Luckily workers run really fast so I was able to not lose a single peasant... delayed mani for a bit, running around and microing swordsmen until I had enough to drive him out...
Then I just powered like a motherfucker and ran over him with like 40 swordsmen/priests/valks/dryads... Mani dropped me at the same time, but I ignored it until I realized I had lots of units at my rally--my expo and took it out
Sadly, even with MBS I couldn't keep spending my cash I had like 3 peasants building farms and about 8-10 production buildings but I had 3000 banked by the end.
I played it today. It feels very warcraftish to me. though some abilities look very cool (like freeze, the tree enchantment one, etc). Have only tried fallen and a little bit of empire. Game does feel also a little slow. Is the speed chngeable? What speed is it normally played on?
Im rocking an 80% here on the slow torrent from mininova, hopefully done by tomorrow so i'll be jumping on then. Does anyone know a site with a brief outline of the units and abilities
This site has the stats and things for the units. It hasn't been updated with patch information, but it should still give you an idea of what is good vs what...
Ive finished torrenting it, so if anyone knows where I can upload it(1.09GB) id be happy to. Im getting an error of missing DLL(fesl.dll) but im hoping this reinstall should sort it.
There isn't an active community, so if you want to play it's mostly a question of finding and asking people who used to play it. After the main community site www.aoxtactics.com was hacked, the guy who ran it gave up. And some months after EA shut down the online services for AoX. Whatever is left of forum activity for the game is threads like this on forums dedicated to other things...
If you can't see tha games created over hamachi (had this problem too) you can always choose to connect directly to host via his IP in the multiplayer menu (IP is displayed in hamachi next to the nick).
I made an Excel file that contains most of the relevant unit and building stats in the game. It's been an ongoing project I've been working on for a while between studying for exams. I originally didn't plan on giving it out as it is, but I'm not sure if this is something I'm going to finish.
you guys actually know that the multiplayer demo server is still up right ? I dont have the full game and I rarely see ppl online so I was thinking about telling others ^_^
Sure, I can play some games with you. I'm TSRupbar @ AIM and rubert89 at hotmail.com @ MSN. I'll probably forget turning on AIM, as I always do, but I'm almost always online on MSN .
It is a very fast paced RTS with a new concept. You got credits for which you can buy units, uppon losing the units you slowly regain the credits and can rebuy them. It dependes very much on the Mix of Units you are going for and the current upgrade (you can buy a upgrade which, in terms of money, works like a unit = frozen cash).
Everyone has the same few buildings (powerplant, tec building, etc) which can be destroyed for a temporary debuff or penalty. There are even powerups like (invis, speed, etc) which can be used in the right moment. It's like a mix of Quake 3 CTF and Starcraft 1o1. The game itself was build very much about being eSport-ready with units responding quicklick and balance beeing very important.
Consider it a very very intense micro battle with strategic elements. Same as AoX it just was not promoted very much and the online community died quickly. It had kinda "relaunch" some time ago (not long ago imho).
Hey guys, just reinstalled AoX - anyone feel like playing? I haven't played it in multiplayer except for like 5-6 games during the beta.
I created a hamachi channel if anyone is up for a few games - TL Exigo/1
Will probably be finishing up the campaign for a bit but leave a message on hamachi or here if you wanna play some. Maybe we can even get enough people for a 2v2, FFA or race wars haha
On December 04 2008 02:50 FrozenArbiter wrote: Bumpetty-bump!
Hey guys, just reinstalled AoX - anyone feel like playing? I haven't played it in multiplayer except for like 5-6 games during the beta.
I created a hamachi channel if anyone is up for a few games - TL Exigo/1
Will probably be finishing up the campaign for a bit but leave a message on hamachi or here if you wanna play some. Maybe we can even get enough people for a 2v2, FFA or race wars haha
I played a little bit of this game a few months ago, but honestly the units all felt the same. I've been pretty bored lately so I'll probably reinstall and get to know the units and such. Then I'll be down to help get some games going.
On December 04 2008 02:50 FrozenArbiter wrote: Bumpetty-bump!
Hey guys, just reinstalled AoX - anyone feel like playing? I haven't played it in multiplayer except for like 5-6 games during the beta.
I created a hamachi channel if anyone is up for a few games - TL Exigo/1
Will probably be finishing up the campaign for a bit but leave a message on hamachi or here if you wanna play some. Maybe we can even get enough people for a 2v2, FFA or race wars haha
hi i can play some games with you in 30 minutes do you have 1.4 patch? also only hamachi works afaik with exigo.
On December 04 2008 02:50 FrozenArbiter wrote: Bumpetty-bump!
Hey guys, just reinstalled AoX - anyone feel like playing? I haven't played it in multiplayer except for like 5-6 games during the beta.
I created a hamachi channel if anyone is up for a few games - TL Exigo/1
Will probably be finishing up the campaign for a bit but leave a message on hamachi or here if you wanna play some. Maybe we can even get enough people for a 2v2, FFA or race wars haha
hi i can play some games with you in 30 minutes do you have 1.4 patch? also only hamachi works afaik with exigo.
Me and my friends used to play on hamachi with v0.9.9.9, so I'm sure it works with that version too. I can't say for sure about newer versions though.
On December 04 2008 02:50 FrozenArbiter wrote: Bumpetty-bump!
Hey guys, just reinstalled AoX - anyone feel like playing? I haven't played it in multiplayer except for like 5-6 games during the beta.
I created a hamachi channel if anyone is up for a few games - TL Exigo/1
Will probably be finishing up the campaign for a bit but leave a message on hamachi or here if you wanna play some. Maybe we can even get enough people for a 2v2, FFA or race wars haha
hi i can play some games with you in 30 minutes do you have 1.4 patch? also only hamachi works afaik with exigo.
Me and my friends used to play on hamachi with v0.9.9.9, so I'm sure it works with that version too. I can't say for sure about newer versions though.
sorry i meant it that was the latest version it worked with
On December 04 2008 08:19 FrozenArbiter wrote: Well if I play or obs tomorrow I can try out the new recording software I just dled (the one from wegame.com).
I'm still in the "hm what's the hotkey for that unit" phase tho!
you can change those, i changed my hotkeys to sc unit hotkeys ike hive stinger -->z as zergling, spitter --> d as dragoon etc.
You guys made me want to play now. I'll be on in a few hours. Maybe I could lure some other people out of the woodwork too... *dreams of pikemen spiking down hive spitters* mmm
On December 04 2008 20:10 Tensai176 wrote: I just got this game and i'm doing the campaign. I suck so much, the campaign is so hardd =(
For real. I reinstalled and played some of the campaign/vs. comps just to get used to the game again before I started playing with people from TL, and I keep getting owned on.
Now I know why I uninstalled this game. Frustration
On December 04 2008 20:10 Tensai176 wrote: I just got this game and i'm doing the campaign. I suck so much, the campaign is so hardd =(
For real. I reinstalled and played some of the campaign/vs. comps just to get used to the game again before I started playing with people from TL, and I keep getting owned on.
Now I know why I uninstalled this game. Frustration
hard AI is hard to beat without practice you should just stick to multi
On December 04 2008 19:23 Manit0u wrote: Ok, I managed to install everything, I don't remember how to play it though. I've also created a network on hamachi: name: Liquid AoX pass: teamliquid
Should be more convenient to hook up.
we should use only one network.. FA opened one before you: name: TL Exigo password: 1
it would really suck if we avoided each other because of the different networks
Hehe played a bunch of games today, starting to get the hang of what does what :D Had a pretty fun series of empire vs empire games vs m0wse (who are you on here?) and a fun attempted cheese vs sten + cheese defense vs gtr :D Was one especially epic game on a semi-island map (I actually made a map like that for BW once, where the two bottom starting positions are connected by land, same at top, although in AoX top and bottom are connected by underground passage, but oh well) where I opened fast cliff drop - fun stuff Ended in a long 50/50 mass valkyrie air battle over the central cliff.
It's pretty creepy how fast a good BW player improves over only a few games. FA got stronger for every game. It was fun getting to play a few games again. Maybe I'll play this more often to get really into it. I didn't get to kill any hive spitters with pikemen though. Maybe next time.
Aight, here they are, unless I screwed something up: http://ifile.it/9l7feax Doesn't include all the games but most Btw I'm on for games right now if you want - we might have enough people for a 2v2 (m0wse and maybenexttime if they can play).
On December 05 2008 01:42 freelander wrote: and what is the counter against spitters with empire?
It kind of depends on what you are having trouble with. An army composition that beats spitters is a catapult-supported sword/archer/priest army with some pikemen mixed in. But this is a midgame answer to a midgame spitter situation.
You might be having trouble spitters that are quickly upgraded to be faster. These will come at you before priests kick in if you've opened normally. Usually against this, you will need to make a tower (Sometimes you can get away with not doing it). Building a blacksmith earlier than usual is recommended so that you can mix in archers and a couple of pikemen. Archers makes him unable to hit-and-run your swordmen without taking damage (Red-HP-bar-swordsmen should be garrisoned so you get them back when priest tech is ready). Pikemen are fast enough that they can reach the spitter and also do more damage. You can put men outside your base so that his spitter forces get attacked from both in front and behind, but this is a risky approach.
For later spitter opposition, get swordsmen speed and priests as soon as your stonehold completes (You will need these almost regardless what the fallen player does). Go for that composition that I mentioned in the first paragraph. Catapults and archers aids you more in tight terrain. Pikemen will be good in open terrain where flanking is a possibility.
After that spitters only pose a problem based on which support units come with them. And I can't really explain that as easily. Note that you should have about 4 swordsmen for every pikemen in a pikeheavy army. If you have more pikemen, they don't last very long.
I only saved the replay of FA's "cheese" game against me. Maybe someone else saved the other replays.
-useless stuff- ... The double production upgrade costs the same as making a new barracks. Also the build time of a new barracks is the same as upgrading (I think). So productionwise, it does not make sense to upgrade all your barrackses. However, if you are running out of base space you will want to do it. Also, when you reach tier 3, you will want to get ONE advanced barracks to get one or both of the upgrades you can get from that. *runs off to check to make sure this didn't all come out of my ass*
Edit: I was wrong about build time of rax vs upgrade time of adv rax. It takes slightly less time to upgrade. So there is some benefit if you are not planning on making units at the time you decide to expand your production capacity. I'll list the numbers so you can make an informed decision about it:
Build time of a rax: 65 Upgrade time to adv rax: 50 Training time swordman: 30 (other rax units vary between 28 and 60)
I think I can play with you guys too I am a pretty good fallen player, and form what I've seen on those replays uploaded by FA - you will quickly melt under the power of the fallen swarm <mad laugh> And fallen is perfect, you can show us how to beat empire's footie/archer/priest/cata push ;P Played a bunch of games vs freelander with it and it seems so hard for fallen to counter (of course, we aren't super good or anything).
meh, there are 4 ppl on the channel but no one responding, I guess my crusade must wait until tomorrow, I'll try to be online from 00.00 to 04.00 tl time
On December 05 2008 07:11 FrozenArbiter wrote: And fallen is perfect, you can show us how to beat empire's footie/archer/priest/cata push ;P Played a bunch of games vs freelander with it and it seems so hard for fallen to counter (of course, we aren't super good or anything).
On small two player maps early attack with hive stingers is a viable option, but on four player maps even combo of spitters and stingers can't beat equally skilled empire player spaming footies and priests, especially with ressurection. I have one simple solution... Nope... I'm not gonna tell it to you now :D I will own someone of you with it tomorrow.
On December 05 2008 06:42 Ki_Do wrote: there is a good soul to make a vod???
I tried to record a 2v2 just now but bah it didn't start (the recording) ;( EDIT: Wegame doesnt support AoX Fraps too laggy Will try camtasia sometime tomorrow or something.
[QUOTE]On December 05 2008 08:07 Tritanis wrote: On small two player maps early attack with hive stingers is a viable option, but on four player maps even combo of spitters and stingers can't beat equally skilled empire player spaming footies and priests, especially with ressurection. I have one simple solution... Nope... I'm not gonna tell it to you now :D I will own someone of you with it tomorrow. [QUOTE]
What is the simple solution? Most solid play seemed to me fast tech to spitters and expoing while pressuring the goddamn empire player, aiming for surviving the first push with about 4 hives, then deny his exp or something. If he expoes instead of push, you expo again or something.
I never really read the reviews for Armies of Exigo when I bought it, listening more to people who had actually tried the game. So, I decided I would search for a review and see what I found. My first find was on Gamespot. Here are some tidbits:
"Dual-layer maps add micromanagement" - found in the opening in a list of bad things about the game.
"it's disappointing that the gameplay is very much like that of the earliest real-time strategy games."
"build-up phase can take quite a while, so there's not much sense in sending out small groups of lightly armed and lightly armored units much of the time, because they'll usually get chewed up easily."
"The problem is that the game lets defenders build formidable defenses (...). Meanwhile, the unit limit usually restricts the attacker to roughly the same number of units as the defender, which means that the attacker is at a disadvantage already. Consequently, most offensives require you to build up consecutive waves of units to slowly wear down the enemy defenses and defenders, and this takes a fair amount of time."
"Alas, you have to constantly hold your units' hands in battle, because groups will have the tendency to split apart as each man chases down an enemy. So during base attacks, you'll watch your precious armies (...) as they're shredded before your very eyes."
"However (...) the dual-layer system is a management hassle because you'll have to constantly toggle between the two to hand-hold your units. Try juggling base-building, resource-gathering, and base-defending with exploring an entirely different map at the same time. "
I found this review to be tragicly funny. It says more about the reviewer and the game. And he would probably write the same things when talking about just about any RTS game. I read through some other reviews, and although they were not that great, they are nothing compared to the Gamespot review. It's a good thing there are demos out there, because it's impossible to make informed choices based on reviews like this.
this is the personality of game reviewers they want an a-move gosu micro and any amount of multitask is always awful. strange, how they did high rates to war3 and starcraft if these games had so much insane multitask?
Well, crap, I tried to get you guys to play 1 year ago... deleted the game a short time ago from comp cus i never played it Maybe i'll reinstall it.. would be fun, but im totally crap i bet, just played single player campaign and that was a while ago.. Are you guys still playing , or are you bored of it now?
On December 05 2008 21:17 ocoini wrote: Well, crap, I tried to get you guys to play 1 year ago... deleted the game a short time ago from comp cus i never played it Maybe i'll reinstall it.. would be fun, but im totally crap i bet, just played single player campaign and that was a while ago.. Are you guys still playing , or are you bored of it now?
Black Hole still exists. They were bought up by a company called Cinergi. But as far as I know they haven't announced any new projects.
I'll probably want to play more today and this weekend, but I'm not quite sure about what time of day. I get the feeling I'm not the only one, so check out the hamachi channel: TL Exigo, Password: 1
I hope we get some more fallen players interested. Despite feeling imbalanced, Empire vs Fallen feels like the most fun matchup.
On December 05 2008 22:32 Ki_Do wrote: may i join u ?
Of course The more the merrier! Tried to make a vod for you but fraps lagged and I thought I had a working version of camtasia but I didn't.. (I'll get that eventually, but meh)
I don't really play beast, but I feel they are very protossy. They have the strongest (and most expensive) first unit. Often you end up bringing your supply base with you into battle, which means if you lose a battle, you could end up being supply capped for a long time. So you need to keep that under control. They are the worst race when it comes to healing (at least it involves the higher cost and effort). Teching fast seems to pay off better for beast than the other two races. They have what was considered the best caster unit in the game, the warlock. You might feel like you are forced into a certain strategy when playing against fallen, but in the other two matchups you should be fairly free to improvise.
i think one of the important things for beast is, that they can get the dead units back through the resurrection altar. the fact that every unit can level up to 5 or something makes beast in the mid-late-game really strong cause they can pump permanently high level units. as my main race is beast i find especially in the early-mid game hard, because warriors and goblinriders are really slow and can be easily flanked.
Ahaha I'm in love with this unit: Demon Race: Beast HP 900 Attack: Uhm, not sure but deals splash Spell 1: Teleport (100 mana, anywhere on the map - comes with enough mana for this) Spell 2: Suicide mass AoE Spell 3: some spell I didn't get to use *Go to base 1 rape all peons, teleport to base 2, repeat*
You get it by sacrificing 3 witches + paying like 150 gold/75 gem, so it's not like cheap or anything but it's awesome.
All the races are really a mix of the 3 BW races, but empire is the most terranlike for sure.
Anyway it's like, fallen looks like zerg and have zergish units, but can summon like toss, and have an unique for of supply.
Beast are like toss in unit strength and a DT like unit, but they have zerglike "borons" for supply.
Empire armies seem to be a mix of swordsmen/archers/priests/catas so it's kinda like a TvZ army but with a lot of melee. Anyway, they also have to upgrade their main building to tech, kinda like zerg... And they can upgrade co-operative build, like human in WC3. No race is exactly like a BW or WC3 race
On December 06 2008 05:52 FrozenArbiter wrote: Spell 3: some spell I didn't get to use
I guess the spell you're referring to is 'open rift' or something similar. It creates a portal to hell through wchich a dozen or so lesser deamons appear and start attacking everything around them and I believe they do some splash dmg when they die (they have timed life). And with one such spell you can wreck more havoc than with demon alone (basically, you get demon to port to somewhere and cast this spell, without it it's not really that strong).
Edit: And sorry for spam but I have to do that
Useful link (has unit/building stats/buildtimes etc.):
Yeah, got to use it in a game after that You know, I really think blizzard should steal that ability for SC2.. Possibly for the thor? EDIT: The teleport I mean lol
kk im training right now in a skirmish i should eat my words, this game is good , shame on me i never bought it be4 there are things that dont suit my taste(not the automatizations themselves but the lack of macro compared to sc) and unit animations, but still the best rts ever made by another company
On December 05 2008 08:07 Tritanis wrote: On small two player maps early attack with hive stingers is a viable option, but on four player maps even combo of spitters and stingers can't beat equally skilled empire player spaming footies and priests, especially with ressurection. I have one simple solution... Nope... I'm not gonna tell it to you now :D I will own someone of you with it tomorrow.
What is the simple solution? Most solid play seemed to me fast tech to spitters and expoing while pressuring the goddamn empire player, aiming for surviving the first push with about 4 hives, then deny his exp or something. If he expoes instead of push, you expo again or something.
On December 05 2008 08:07 Tritanis wrote: On small two player maps early attack with hive stingers is a viable option, but on four player maps even combo of spitters and stingers can't beat equally skilled empire player spaming footies and priests, especially with ressurection. I have one simple solution... Nope... I'm not gonna tell it to you now :D I will own someone of you with it tomorrow.
What is the simple solution? Most solid play seemed to me fast tech to spitters and expoing while pressuring the goddamn empire player, aiming for surviving the first push with about 4 hives, then deny his exp or something. If he expoes instead of push, you expo again or something.
After the first push with 2-3 spitters and several stingers tech to stalkers and hive guards, also add some flying stingers to the combo, works for me in most cases especially on medium to big maps.
Getting flying units will force E player to get archers and stay in the main for a while if he doesnt want to loose much workers and that's why you get stalkers : they have awesome ability that disables ranged attacks of ground units and buildings in an area, with two stalkers you can for example cast that ability on the both sides on the enemy gold line - archers cant attack you and so on you can easily destroy their main building.
On December 06 2008 10:08 Ki_Do wrote: kk im training right now in a skirmish i should eat my words, this game is good , shame on me i never bought it be4 there are things that dont suit my taste(not the automatizations themselves but the lack of macro compared to sc) and unit animations, but still the best rts ever made by another company
I just DLed the multiplayer demo, skirmish is mad fun with comps even thought i have only 4 maps. If I'll see this game in a store I'll buy it! BTW guys, every1's talking about FallenVsEmpire but what about Beasts? Are they not compitetive or what?
On December 06 2008 10:08 Ki_Do wrote: kk im training right now in a skirmish i should eat my words, this game is good , shame on me i never bought it be4 there are things that dont suit my taste(not the automatizations themselves but the lack of macro compared to sc) and unit animations, but still the best rts ever made by another company
I just DLed the multiplayer demo, skirmish is mad fun with comps even thought i have only 4 maps. If I'll see this game in a store I'll buy it! BTW guys, every1's talking about FallenVsEmpire but what about Beasts? Are they not compitetive or what?
they are! of course. But I had my problem in FvE. Also we were like 10 people who played, about 6 Empire players, 2 Fallen, me and Trit and 1 or 2 Beast players so I didn't really play much against Beat.
It's because beast are the hardcore race which requires mad skillz BvE is ok, you're outnumbered in most cases but you make up for it with better units, problems show up when E player goes air or starts to mix in pikes into his army (pikes hurt beast bad). BvF is really hard for beast since stingers have pike damage and early on put a shitload of pressure on you.
On December 06 2008 22:33 Manit0u wrote: It's because beast are the hardcore race which requires mad skillz BvE is ok, you're outnumbered in most cases but you make up for it with better units, problems show up when E player goes air or starts to mix in pikes into his army (pikes hurt beast bad). BvF is really hard for beast since stingers have pike damage and early on put a shitload of pressure on you.
hey mani do you want to play BvF now?
It is really hard to stop the Beast push with Fallen in my opinion. I am speaking about the warrior/goblin/rider goblin/witch combo.
On December 06 2008 22:33 Manit0u wrote: It's because beast are the hardcore race which requires mad skillz BvE is ok, you're outnumbered in most cases but you make up for it with better units, problems show up when E player goes air or starts to mix in pikes into his army (pikes hurt beast bad). BvF is really hard for beast since stingers have pike damage and early on put a shitload of pressure on you.
hey mani do you want to play BvF now?
It is really hard to stop the Beast push with Fallen in my opinion. I am speaking about the warrior/goblin/rider goblin/witch combo.
Do you know how hard it is to pull off? It requires a lot of tech, micro and crazy unit mix to work. I'll play you when I get my hamachi to work cuz it still doesn't want to launch Also I have a lot of classes this weekend so it might be that I won't be available until monday.
Hey guys, I've been wondering, how many workers do you guys sent to gold/wood/gems? With beasts I send usually 8 (2 for every gold rock), 4 to wood and 2 to 1 gem mine. Pretty much the same thing with Empire but about 10-12 to gold. With Fallen 4 to gold (1 for every gold rock) 2 to wood and 2 to every gem mine.
Is this the optimal number or is there some magic number of workers needed to gold like in SC? (1,5 workers for every mineral stack?)
Those numbers are about right. I only play Fallen, so I don't know how many peons the other races use. I usually put 5 Harvesters for the four patches, and if there is only low tech I can get away with 1 on wood and 1 on gem. Later on the game I use 3-4 on wood, 2 per every gem mine.
On December 07 2008 00:17 Latham wrote: Hey guys, I've been wondering, how many workers do you guys sent to gold/wood/gems? With beasts I send usually 8 (2 for every gold rock), 4 to wood and 2 to 1 gem mine. Pretty much the same thing with Empire but about 10-12 to gold. With Fallen 4 to gold (1 for every gold rock) 2 to wood and 2 to every gem mine.
Is this the optimal number or is there some magic number of workers needed to gold like in SC? (1,5 workers for every mineral stack?)
1,5 worker for 1 gold node for fallen, 3 for empire and beast,
2 workers to gem as fallen, and for other racers it depends from the map but usually 2-3
as fallen I build 1 worker to wood and after expo I build another one and it should be enough if you arent going for mass towers or whatever wood heavy thing, as for other races 3-6 peons depending how much wood heavy your build order is
A commentary of the Empire situation in Armies of Exigo.
It has always been my thought that Empire is somewhat at a disadvantage in the game. I am talking from past personal experience and also comments made by players I at the time thought were very good. The problem is primarily fallen.
Fallen is pretty much a complete race with no distinct weaknesses. They have 3 distinct unit types in the beginning that all perform quite well against Empire no matter what the opponent's strategy is. Another thing is that builds specializing in each of the tech paths look more or less the same: 2 hives, 1 incubator and a vile cocoon. With a few cheap stingers which are part of most fallen openings, scouting becomes near impossible.
There are two distinct ways of dealing with this problem as Empire. The first is to build up a reasonable amount of swordsmen and pressure hard. This method forces the fallen player to show his hand while he deals with your pressure. It also sometimes allows you to sneak a swordsman into his base to see his next move. Scouting is achieved, but at what cost. Some fallen openings will prepare for such a move and crush this pressuring force before it can retreat. The other way involves playing more passively by either making towers, archers or both. This tends to leave you behind because fallen has a timing window to expand safely while you tech up. The rest of the game will rely on your ability to catch up. Other than that you can only hope to be lucky and catch a glimpse of his forces.
Fallen also enjoys lategame dominance. Because of the multitude of very good Fallen tech units, the empire infantry eventually becomes almost obsolete. Empire's only good late game addition is the mage. Going from a strategy of army survival to army replacement is difficult, especially because fallen units, even higher tech units become level 5.
I don't think Armies of Exigo has been so well explored that we can definitely say that the matchup is imbalanced. But if you want to be a really good empire player, you will have to overcome the strategic challenges mentioned here with precise build orders and scouting patterns.
I will leave you with my magic build order that is the secret to my "success". It isn't really perfect for anything and doesn't go that far into the game, but it can be a good starting point and works well in all matchups:
9 rax 9 rax 10 farm (send scout at about 11 food count) (2 swordsmen) 17 farm (put 3 guys on wood)
On December 08 2008 23:41 stenole wrote: 9 rax 9 rax 10 farm (send scout at about 11 food count) (2 swordsmen) 17 farm (put 3 guys on wood)
definitely a good BO for 4 and over player maps, but try this at twisted lakes or other small map and you will surely fail on small maps as E I usually start with: 6 rax 8 farm and it works pretty well
On December 08 2008 23:41 stenole wrote: 9 rax 9 rax 10 farm (send scout at about 11 food count) (2 swordsmen) 17 farm (put 3 guys on wood)
definitely a good BO for 4 and over player maps, but try this at twisted lakes or other small map and you will surely fail on small maps as E I usually start with: 6 rax 8 farm and it works pretty well
You definitely want a tower on smaller maps, agreed. I don't know if I would call twisted lakes a small map though. Personally I don't think it's a good map. It's so beasty in its layout.
free to paly on hamachi now beast is my fav race once u get to tier 2 u can trolls or lizards, anyone have experienced the viability of the stalkers? can they be manually targeted even when insivisible? i think the pc already killed mine many times when invisible?
I can't play for a couple of days, gonna re-install my computer and need to back up some things.
Striders (since it's beast I assume you mean Striders, Stalkers are a fallen flying unit) are invisible only as long as they aren't attacking (or aren't moving? I forget, I think attacking tho).
If he killed them while they weren't doing anything I guess he had a detector around? Like a phoenix, tower or seeker (seekers are invisible detectors), or maybe the dryad spell which I forgot the name of (it summons an invisble detector for a period of time, at a spot on the map).
On December 09 2008 22:04 FrozenArbiter wrote: I can't play for a couple of days, gonna re-install my computer and need to back up some things.
Striders (since it's beast I assume you mean Striders, Stalkers are a fallen flying unit) are invisible only as long as they aren't attacking (or aren't moving? I forget, I think attacking tho).
If he killed them while they weren't doing anything I guess he had a detector around? Like a phoenix, tower or seeker (seekers are invisible detectors), or maybe the dryad spell which I forgot the name of (it summons an invisble detector for a period of time, at a spot on the map).
To clarify: striders are invisible while not moving (they can attack freely and remain invisible, it's one of the beast strats to go fast striders and put 1-2 at the enemy gold line to obliterate workers until he gets detection - kinda like DT rush in SCBW).
I started up the IRC channel #armiesofexigo on quakenet.
Since we have more than 1 hamachi channel up, it would help if people came there so that we don't have too many game-willing people in both channels that can't find each other.
It also might help if people who go offline leave the hamachi channels (or people who created the channels kick out offline people) since I'm sure most people are too lazy to get on the IRC channel.
It would be cool if we could get some sort of mini community going where people can at least find games on a semi-consistent basis. The activity of TL-West maybe? lol
The problem is that the AoX community is too fragmented. Some people use MSN to keep in touch, some people use hamachi channels, some people use Gamespy Arcade (there seems to be a special edition AoX that was sold that works here while older versions don't). Some just don't know that other people play AoX at all. Keeping the community united became impossible after the common meeting places disappeared (like the EA server shut down and www.aoxtactics.com died). We will probably not get a TL-West amount of people in the channel. I think most people don't bother logging on to IRC.
Ya it seems pretty obvious that hardly anyone plays. I just got overexcited when I saw a thread of people wanting to play. AoX obviously isn't as good as BW, but it's refreshing to play another RTS of decent quality. I've had more fun playing vs comps and remembering how the game plays than I have had on iccup in months.
hehe nice. Mass spitter has kind of good damage output, even more so if focus fire is used.. but they die easily imo and they are too expensive to rebuild, so you can't afford to lose them. My tactic is just using stingers as meatshield,and retreat when I lose all of my stingers to preserve the spitters.
On December 14 2008 10:42 freelander wrote: hehe nice. Mass spitter has kind of good damage output, even more so if focus fire is used.. but they die easily imo and they are too expensive to rebuild, so you can't afford to lose them. My tactic is just using stingers as meatshield,and retreat when I lose all of my stingers to preserve the spitters.
I kinda dislike the idea of stinger meatshields. The fallen dilemma is that stingers and spitters don't complement each other that well. Stingers deal more damage than they can absorb, the spitters are somewhat opposite. So you have the wrong units tanking whenever you engage because stingers will be at the front. A lot more can be said about this, but it's all situational. In regards to the video though, stinger meatshield usage would if anything, just make the fallen lose more.
The stingers are good against ogre units but tons of them die freaking fast against bloodlusted gobos, i think the big pain in the ass are the guards and spiiters, they can not only hold the game till fallen tech to avengers but also their focus fire is omfg imba,
Spitters + stingers with wings ftw until avengers arrive. Stingers should not be used as meatshield but more like flanking/drop unit with their great mobility and speed.
I don't remember which those were, but playing the Human campaign on hard it had a couple of pretty tough missions.. Like the castle defence and one other where you sort of travel to some village then start pushing towards the Beast along a road.
On December 29 2008 03:35 FrozenArbiter wrote: I don't remember which those were, but playing the Human campaign on hard it had a couple of pretty tough missions.. Like the castle defence and one other where you sort of travel to some village then start pushing towards the Beast along a road.
Haha, yes, it's precisely those two missions. And yah, playing on hard mode is nuts. The castle defend mission took me a while to beat, as I kept on trying to be offensive, and then would get owned by map triggers. (The huge waves of beasts that attack every few minutes would spawn nigh on top of me o.o)
However, after that, the missions have been rather easy, lol. Mass troops, bless entire army, attack move, ez mode.
EDIT2: Oh wait lol this is gamespy :D I guess my ID is FrozenArbiter then, since I already have an account. EDIT: Actually dictionary worked fine for these: Pseudonim = ID Email = Email (duh) Haslo = password Potwierdz = Confirm Imie = First name Nazwisko = Last name Strona www = Webpage? Panstwo = Country
And then the three buttons below: Odswiez = .. refresh? Zapisz = Continue? Powtót = Go back?
Btw I think I'll make my nick jinro (or Okami or number9dream -.- I can never decide, one of those 3 tho).
Actually you know, since this is a GAMESPY hosted server, it makes me wonder if anyone ever bothered to check if the official servers were actually really taken down? It doesn't make sense for the servers to be "polish version only" right? >_<
On January 27 2009 06:42 FrozenArbiter wrote: Pseudonim = Nickname Email = Email (duh) Haslo = password Potwierdz = Confirm Imie = First name Nazwisko = Last name Strona www = Webpage? (yes) Panstwo = Country
And then the three buttons below: Odswiez = .. refresh? (yes) Zapisz = Continue? (save - might be used as 'save settings') Powrót = Return/Previous etc.
Overall, your translation in game-terms was correct ^_^
Fixed some things to literal meaning (unfortunately commonly used in polish game versions, which is one of the reasons I avoid them as much as possible).
Edit: If you struggle with anything else in polish just post it here and I'll translate it.
On January 27 2009 06:42 FrozenArbiter wrote: Pseudonim = Nickname Email = Email (duh) Haslo = password Potwierdz = Confirm Imie = First name Nazwisko = Last name Strona www = Webpage? (yes) Panstwo = Country
And then the three buttons below: Odswiez = .. refresh? (yes) Zapisz = Continue? (save - might be used as 'save settings') Powrót = Return/Previous etc.
Overall, your translation in game-terms was correct ^_^
Fixed some things to literal meaning (unfortunately commonly used in polish game versions, which is one of the reasons I avoid them as much as possible).
Edit: If you struggle with anything else in polish just post it here and I'll translate it.
Thx Now I just gotta check if you need the Polish version to connect to the server - I'm surprised I didn't check before installing the Polish ver (of course I installed it over my english ver, so I'm too lazy to fix it right now :D).
On January 27 2009 06:42 FrozenArbiter wrote: Pseudonim = Nickname Email = Email (duh) Haslo = password Potwierdz = Confirm Imie = First name Nazwisko = Last name Strona www = Webpage? (yes) Panstwo = Country
And then the three buttons below: Odswiez = .. refresh? (yes) Zapisz = Continue? (save - might be used as 'save settings') Powrót = Return/Previous etc.
Overall, your translation in game-terms was correct ^_^
Fixed some things to literal meaning (unfortunately commonly used in polish game versions, which is one of the reasons I avoid them as much as possible).
Edit: If you struggle with anything else in polish just post it here and I'll translate it.
Thx Now I just gotta check if you need the Polish version to connect to the server - I'm surprised I didn't check before installing the Polish ver (of course I installed it over my english ver, so I'm too lazy to fix it right now :D).
Just check if perhaps you can do it like in CoH/RA3 (exchange voice/text files with different language so the game thinks it's still genuine but you have everything as you want it).
And if someone could post a screenshot with polish menu (even if you already figured out what's going on there) I would translate it for all the other people who're just beginning their quest with AoX ^_^
Btw. did you notice I've had to change the soundtrack in Armies of Exigo: Smart Moves video on YouTube? (god damned copyright bitches) Please let me know if it fits or if I should change it once more.
It's truly fucking amazing the way they are going after music used in god damn highlight videos. Wtf, that's the some damn good promotion for your music --;
Okay, it says my video card does not meet armies of exigo minimum system requirements. Is there anyway I can turn my graphics lower? It won't even let me open the game
can some one please help me? I got so hyped over this game and now I can't even play it
Sorry, don't think there's anything you can do.. I had that error when the game was new. A card that supports AoX should be really cheap these days tho, I mean the game is 5 years old?
Hello everybody. I'm elenalkarnur. A StarCraft and WarCraft player. If any members here were on Project Revolution (a WC3-to-SC total conversion), you may know me as CNX.
But enough introductions, I have come to answer the Call to War! What needs doing to get some games going? Is this thread still alive?
If you wanna play PM me and I'll send you my email and IM IDs and we'll setup something
I just DLd last night and play with my brother all day today, and it is FUCKING AWESOME. seriously, this game grows on you. At first, when the swordsmen are all "my sword is yours" or whatever I was like "laaame.." but now I'm like "FUCK YEAH IT IS." Surrounding a bunch of splitters via a flank? HELLS YES.
basically, it's really really fun and it's a shame the community mostly died. I checked #armiesofexigo just now and it's empty, am on ubuntu but will try the hamachi later.
ps there should definitely be a casual TL tournament
I bought the game as soon as it came out. Most of the guys in the community tried really hard to push the game. We even posted a thread on T.L at the time, urging you guys to try the game. Unfortunately hardly anyone responded, and the game died. Such a great game though. What a waste. Unfortunately games without a big advertising campaign seem to fail, even if they are good...
On July 13 2009 20:25 2b-Rigtheous wrote: I bought the game as soon as it came out. Most of the guys in the community tried really hard to push the game. We even posted a thread on T.L at the time, urging you guys to try the game. Unfortunately hardly anyone responded, and the game died. Such a great game though. What a waste. Unfortunately games without a big advertising campaign seem to fail, even if they are good...
Actually, I remember that there were few people from TL.net (including myself) who played in the demo tournament. The winner of this tournament (Woah_PT) was from here too I believe, he kept playing AoX for quite some time and was definitely a top tier player there.
So guys, I'm bored and I wanted to play this game for a bit. But, when I try to boot it, it gives the message "Your video card does not meet the Armies of Exigo minimum requirements". Does that literally mean I can't play thanks to my video card, or is there a way to tweak the settings/get around it?
edit: ah didn't read the posts above. So I guess nothing can be done. Sucks since this is a new laptop too -.-.
Just got the game a few days ago and like all the other games.....i want multyplayer,i think i'm in for a game. By the way why in Hamachi channle ,,TL Exigo'' i never find anybody online?Its no longer played or i have a really bad version?
If are You Romanian , You can play on internet network. You need search Romanian version lanuage by Cinergi Interactive ( it version working with aox internet server ). If I will be on AoX lobby, I can ask some Romanians about torrent link to this game and give You.
Edit: Players say that it was with some magazine , but i can't find it on romanian torrents. It's impossible :s
BTW. As I can recover my password to teamliquid account?
I rarely go online these days but each time i go i find nobody online.If you have a yahoo ID tell me and maybe we could talk on messenger and maybe have a game...
I'm bumping this thread to see if anyone wants to play this great old game. I have some free time that needs to be wasted this week. I can set up a hamachi server if needed. There might already be one out there. Anyway, is anyone interested? I am stenole on #teamliquid IRC channel and can be contacted by PM.
Anyone know how to solve when you can't see someones game/they can't see your btw? Wanted to watch some replays with someone but we can't see eachothers games (both have newest v hamachi, newest version of exigo as well)..
I never had this problem when I played last year, but I do know some others who did. Should still work if a 3rd party hosts right?
If you can't see tha games created over hamachi (had this problem too) you can always choose to connect directly to host via his IP in the multiplayer menu (IP is displayed in hamachi next to the nick).
I can't find any "Connect by IP" option in the multiplayer menu ;/?
EDIT: Ah, newest hamachi doesn't work with AoE - works tho (dunno if that's the latest that works but it's the first I tried).
I had to download a dodgy polish version of armies of exigo in order to play online. It's sort of funny how you can only play on the gamespy server with a dodgy version and not a legitimate one. I guess they really don't want people to buy their game.
There has to be a way to edit the server info you try to connect to with the english version, so that you can connect to it with the english one... I don't have the polish version anymore after a re-install :[
WOW, i can't believe people actually played this game, and people actually really enjoyed it.. besides me
I got this game the day it came out. I hadn't played the beta, but I did have it on good authority that the game was "supposed to be good."
There was literally about a dozen people online the first week and after I stomped everyone and proved, in my mind, that I was the best, I just stopped playing. I thought that no one took the game seriously and that only noobs were playing. Sad, I guess I should've given it a little more time.
I'd love to break it back out and play some more, but it's too close to sc2 beta. I don't want to spend this energy I've stored up for the rts genre.
I remember playing the demo of this a bit and the beta, I was just like lol it feels like SC. I had always wondered what happened to it; if it got the same support that Starcraft got it seems like it could have been a much more successful game.
Ok I'm going to write this little guide how to get to play online once and for all. I know that someone before me already posted it, but it got buried somewhere in these 15 pages before.
Step 3: To get online do the following: 1. Click in the main menu Gra wieloosobowa then Internet. 2. Click on New Profile. 3. Pseudonim = ID (it's a nickname that you choose, not your gamespy account name.) E-mail= e-mail ;;; Hasło = password Potwierdź = Confirm (your password, in other words, retype it again)
You can stop now, those 4 things were essential to logging in. Click on Zapisz to confirm your profile. For those who want to fill in the other slots(OPTIONAL) Imię = first name Nazwisko = Surname/Last name. Strona www = home page. Państwo = Country Publikuj = make public (if you choose to keep it active, the information beside this option will be made public in your profile)
Now just log in. This should be easy, because it's in English.
Essentials: Cesarstwo = Empire Zwierzoludzie = Beasts Przeklęci = Fallen Losowa = Random Drużyna = Team SI = AI (łatwy=easy, średni=medium, trudny=hard, szalony=insane) otwarte = open zamknięte = closed znajomi = friends
Now you should be in the main lobby (AoX chat). To whisper to someone, pick the person out of the list of players on your right side, and double left click on their name.
If you right click on someone, 2 options are available: Profil Gracza = Player's Profile Dodaj do Znajomych = add this player to your friend's list.
1. How to create a non ranked game: Gra---->Utwórz grę----> Własna=UMS, Potyczka=Skirmish, or melee, TvB etc. Ściągnij = downloaded maps.
Choose a map from the list. On the left top side, after you chose the map, thepodstawowe opcje = essential options are: Nazwa gry = game name typ rozgrywki = type of match, bezpośrednia= standard, as in melee. bezpośrednia drużynowa = standard team, as in TvB. Liczba drużyn = number of teams Szybkość gry = game speed. (just like in starcraft, fastest is the common one to play.)
In Opcje zaawansowane = Advanced options, you have: Opis sesji: description of the game. Obserwatorzy = Observers 1. Bez obserwatorów = without observers. 2. Obserwatorzy po klęsce = Observers after defeat 3. Obserwatorzy = Observers (cannot chat with players while the game is going on) 4. Sędziowie = Referees (can chat with players while the game is running)
Widoczność = Visibility 1. Ukryj teren = hide terrain (like in SC, a black mini map at start) 2. Zbadana Mapa = Map explored (the standard played), full map visible under the fog of war. 3. Pełna widoczność = Full visibility (map explored+ no fog of war anywhere)
Współdzielona kontrola jednostek = shared unit control. Zamknij drużyny = teams locked
Finnaly, click on utwórz = create, to create the game.
I just figured out how to change the POLISH LANGUAGE VERSION that lets you LOG ON to the SERVER to play into an ENGLISH ONE.
1) Go to "start" in the windows task bar. 2) Pick "Run" and type in "regedit" (without the " "). 3) go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -----> Software ----> Black Hole Entertainment ---> Armies of Exigo 4) Edit 2 specific files: a) Language : change the value from 415 to 409 b) Locale : change from pl_PL to en_US
5) Restart your game and enjoy my genius (also your English version too).
On January 14 2010 05:24 Latham wrote: SPECIAL UPDATE PEOPLE:
I just figured out how to change the POLISH LANGUAGE VERSION that lets you LOG ON to the SERVER to play into an ENGLISH ONE.
1) Go to "start" in the windows task bar. 2) Pick "Run" and type in "regedit" (without the " "). 3) go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -----> Software ----> Black Hole Entertainment ---> Armies of Exigo 4) Edit 2 specific files: a) Language : change the value from 415 to 409 b) Locale : change from pl_PL to en_US
5) Restart your game and enjoy my genius (also your English version too).
Well me clafter stenole and a few others play on the server provided by the Polish version, I dunno how that will work out for you since we're Europeans and you're from the States =(
I'm having loads of fun playing Taric as a DPS/ganking machine. No one expects it, no one can stand up to him when his ult is active, and quite frankly, it's hilarious. DPS Taric: Functional, yet stylish.
And seriously, he's the most fabulous champion in LoL by far.
I <3 Taric! But just don't ask him to be a healer.
Hey, I'm getting the strangest bug on the 3rd Fallen mission.
The mission starts off, I have nothing but some harvesters, two summoners, and the Domina lady. I start building a base... get attacked by two dwarfs, need to micro my harvesters to not take any casualties. Alright, not too hard.
Less than a minute later, three big earth elementals attack. I can hold them off, but I lose some units in the process. But sometimes I can make it past this stage.
About another minute later, an unstoppable horde of dwarfs attack. Hundreds of them. No joke, probably several hundred. They pour into my base like zerglings and since I'm less than 5 minutes into the mission, I have jack shit to defend. This is clearly a bug, and is not supposed to happen, as there is NO WAY to possibly defend my base against that many baddies.
I tried to take screenshots, but I can't seem to manage it, T_T;
Has anyone had a similar issue with that level? Or does anyone have a saved game file for the next mission that I could use to continue? I'm having a lot of fun with the campaign, but there's obviously a broken trigger or something that I just cannot get around!
Umm... I don't think you even have to build a base in this mission. I vaguely remember something about walking down the corridors/caves and talking to some dudes which then help you out and things like that.
Edit: Found a walkthrough. Read it if you like, perhaps it's going to help you (although after reading it myself I think you're experiencing some bug).
We've got a simple task ahead of us. Kill. Destroy. Sound familiar yet? We have some nice new units to play with though, so killing becomes more fun. Nightmares are really cool, indeed. They have a Frost Shield spell which can be set to autocast and raises the armor of whatever it was cast on. Domina, herself, is a Matriarch, and they have the ability to raise skeletons from dead things (like a Necromancer). You should've realized by now that the Fallen depend greatly upon ranged units. In fact, their only non-ranged unit is the Hive Stinger! This can be a pain in the ass in large battles, however, as units tend to get stuck behind each other, away from the action. So watch out for that.
The Dwarves start attacking almost immediately. Your Harvesters are pretty tough, so you can use them to attack until you get a Hive. Set Domina's Necromancy spell to autocast (just right-click the spell button) so that she raises skeletons for now. They last a fairly long time and are pretty powerful for dusty old bones.
There are two entrances to your base, northeast and southeast. Northeast gets the most of the attacks, but they will come from the southeast at times, too. Build a few Lightning Spires for defense, and have some extra Spitters or Nightmares for backup.
Following the southeast exit, head east and you'll come upon a Crypt. Garrison a Summoner inside of it and you can purchase Ghosts for 125 Gold and 75 Gems. Further east, all the way in the southeast corner is a pile of gems (like chests) so pick them up for 4,000 Gems. Yes, 4,000! Just north of the free gems is a gold field. East of that is a hallway with the first of the Dwarf Treasures (500 Gold), so grab it. Then head west past the gold field and take the first path north to find the second Dwarf Treasure (500 Gold again). Head east back to the gold field and this time go north until you get to a crossroads. Take the east path to get to the Dwarven Treasury. Make sure you grab all the hunks of gold to complete the objective, then go back to the crossroads. Go all the way north (ignoring the path west for now) and you'll find some more gems (3000 total), grab them, then go back to the main crossroads and take the west path. Destroy the Sanctuary and you'll have access to the gate area now.
Once the Sanctuary is destroyed you'll see two magic barries drop. One is north of the crossroads while the other is north of your base. You can sneak Hive Stingers in the entrance by your base, but first you have to have them fly over the water, then land. That's entirely optional though.
Before you continue on, I'd recommend you build up a rather large strike force. You could get away with just a few troops before, but the final assault is going to be much harder. Lots of little Dwarfies protect their sacred gate, and they most definitely aren't giving up without a fight. I'd recommend at least two full groups of mixed Nightmares and Hive Spitters. You might want to bring an extra full group just in case. Better safe than sorry. Plus, again, make sure Domina's Necromancy spell is set to autocast. Lots of little bone warriors add up after a while!
When you're ready, head north from the crossroads and this time take the first path west you find (just south of where the gems were). Kill everything in here and bring Domina to the gate and it's...
Hello dead game players! Everyone moves on to new and leaves the old.(What a waste) Many of us stopped to smell the roses though... like me. I'm Johnny, and last month I created a new meeting place for a fragmented community dedicated to playing Armies of Exigo. I like to make maps, and I already have 2 of the 24 planed maps in my first series finished. If you still play this Masterpiece come visit AOX Map Haven. Http://armiesofexigo.weebly.com/
How big community is there, how many players online playing this at different times? And what type of game they usually play, 1v1, teamgames, 2v2v2v2s or what?
Why do different rts brands tend to pick same initials btw. aoe age of empires/armies of exigo, sc starcraft/supreme commander. Blame is on the makers of the newer games ofc, but why they do it...
On March 19 2010 02:53 JohannesH wrote: How big community is there, how many players online playing this at different times? And what type of game they usually play, 1v1, teamgames, 2v2v2v2s or what?
Why do different rts brands tend to pick same initials btw. aoe age of empires/armies of exigo, sc starcraft/supreme commander. Blame is on the makers of the newer games ofc, but why they do it...
Active? I'd say around 30-45 total. The community is mostly Polish/Czech with a side of German/Swede now, so CET is the main timezone, try after 18:00 or on the weekends. Mostly people are crap, so they play 2v2s, but the server has a few(like... 10 max? and 3-5 good) hardcore 1v1 players. FFA is also popular.
Nice to see there is still some tourney activity going on in the AoX community. I thought I would just give my thoughts about the python map. I think it's a welcome addition to the standard map pool because there really isn't a map like python in there.
The base distances are equivalent to Darkside which I like. This means that all the basic timings still hold true. It also has an expansion that is defendable from one point which probably means almost everyone will want to fast expo on this map which I consider to be suicide for non-fallen players on traditional maps. It also has a very wide huge open middle which basically means ground confrontations will be won by the biggest army. I also see air and drop harassment being a powerful tool on this map because the gold is so exposed in the main. I think underground paths to the corner expos are a good idea due to how islands can be so hard to attack in a lategame situation. I think probably the fountain in the middle is a mistake. I feel already the way the map layout is, holding middle of the map gives a big advantage to the player containing the other player because you will always have the concave advantage. As an empire player I'm also concerned about other races getting to heal in the middle of the map for free. It seems very playable and fun.
Hey guys, someone still play this epic game ? All good players left AoX, most of them because of StarCraft 2.. I want some old replays .. I would greatly appreciated
Hi, I just recently bought Armies of Exigo, after Warcraft 3 became sort of failure to me, I realized that AoX might fill up the emptiness Warcraft 3 left. I knew there won´t be that much of community compared to Warcraft, but this? I didn´t expext much modifications, but not a SINGLE map? Please tell me there is at least one place with AoX maps or maybe campaign editor informations. I have some experience from Warcraft 3 editor, but there are some difficulties with trigger editing. Thank you!
Ok, so I just got an amazing first impression of the game and got on battlenet. I'm dying to try this game out vs other people but I don't see anyone online \=
On August 18 2011 15:34 Psycho_Gemni wrote: Ok, so I just got an amazing first impression of the game and got on battlenet. I'm dying to try this game out vs other people but I don't see anyone online \=
There were several threads dedicated to AoX on TL.net, some of them might contain the hamachi server addresses/passwords that might still contain active people.
Edit: Man, I love reading through this thread again and again. Especially seeing Jinro constantly bump it and ask for games, some old acquaintances' names (Muhweli, SoleSteeler, Stenole, GTR). It's like going back in time and reliving happy times.
Edit2: Old AoX movies I managed to scavenge somewhere and upload to YouTube (for those who are just tuning in):
Yeah all right, I just played a lot of games Friday - Sunday this weekend. There were some long pauses in between some but I played many many more than I was expecting, at more or less reasonable hours for me too. It has about as many players as the wc2 community currently does I believe (= If anyone is now or has ever been curious about this game, there won't be an easier time to check it out than right now, and I highly recommend you do.
nice to hear that you finally found some people to play the problem of this game is and always was that noone knows that it exists cause EA stopped supporting and advertising shortly after release cause they wanted to sell their shitty Battle for Middle Earth game
I can't register on the server. I downloaded the Polish version (then changed it to English in the registry). When I wanna register a new account it says that the account already exists with an another password.
Hey sorry for the Necro, Anyone know if it's possible to LAN AoX v1.4 over Hamachi (And since there is a 3 day grace for new members, I cannot ask this as a new thread. And google brought me here.)
I and a friend have been trying for a week now, and no luck. Even looked at a AoE3 walkthrough for Ham, didn't work. But it had some progress for Diablo 2 (unrelated)
Once again sorry, I don't mean to cause any trouble. Just this is a last resort. Any help? Thanks.
Armies of Exigo ( つ゚Д゚)つ You were what WC3 should have been T.T Best RTS right after BW, so many good memories that I even bought a legit copy @ amazon.
You'll need patch 1.4 (should be uploaded somewhere). To change the game to English, you have to alter some registry file. I'll look it up.
I just figured out how to change the POLISH LANGUAGE VERSION that lets you LOG ON to the SERVER to play into an ENGLISH ONE.
1) Go to "start" in the windows task bar. 2) Pick "Run" and type in "regedit" (without the " "). 3) go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -----> Software ----> Black Hole Entertainment ---> Armies of Exigo 4) Edit 2 specific files: a) Language : change the value from 415 to 409 b) Locale : change from pl_PL to en_US
5) Restart your game and enjoy my genius (also your English version too)."
A video explaining how to download and install this version of AoX was posted in this thread on several occasions. There are many people who bought the EA release only to have the server shut down within a year from release.
I think it's fair to give them an opportunity to play the game they paid for if they wish to.
I originally uploaded it for Stenole, but decided I might as well share it. Does it work, anyway? It's the first time I'm uploading something this big.
are there any guides for the races? it seems most people play very aggressive 1 base styles and i have no clue how to counter them without going mass one base units myself sadly the guys on the server dont want to help out a new guy
On August 24 2012 17:11 TaShadan wrote: this game is not produced anymore and this version is the only with online multiplayer
To clarify, there was an EA release of this game a long time ago. This edition can no longer connect to the multiplayer server, probably because EA had to pay money to keep it running. There is also a City Interactive edition that was released later. I think that company is Polish. This edition connects to a working online server where people are playing now. Both editions can still be found in shops (so if you were to buy it, make sure it is the City Interactive one). Downloading without buying is not nice thing to do. The links should probably be removed also.
On September 11 2012 07:26 TaShadan wrote: are there any guides for the races? it seems most people play very aggressive 1 base styles and i have no clue how to counter them without going mass one base units myself sadly the guys on the server dont want to help out a new guy
I'd say checking out replays in this thread is the way to go. It should give you an idea of what the matchups look like. You probably won't find any useful guides because I don't think any of the players who understood the game would write anything usable about it. I could probably give you a few pointers if you have specific questions. As far as 1-basing goes, fallen is pretty much the only race that has any opportunity to safely fast expand and will usually be the race that can expand first unless mistakes are made. A lot of the time you will end up with games where the first person who expands gets overrun.
On September 11 2012 20:04 Manit0u wrote: Man, so many memories... It all makes SC2 look terribad.
I'd say AoX has the same problems as SC2. They are both good and fun. But winning is mostly a result of strategic cleverness and tuning build orders more than it is about micro and execution.
On September 11 2012 20:04 Manit0u wrote: Man, so many memories... It all makes SC2 look terribad.
I'd say AoX has the same problems as SC2. They are both good and fun. But winning is mostly a result of strategic cleverness and tuning build orders more than it is about micro and execution.
Oh come on now. There's quite a lot of execution and micro you need to pull off at times. Setting up and executing proper flanks for instance is key in overcoming humans as fallen, as you can't meet them head-on. It also depends on your strategy, you can go for macro-heavy steamroll strat, which will benefit hugely from great build order while you can also employ less common and more demanding strats with heavy use of casters as fallen or beasts for example. There's quite a lot of micro and awareness involved in proper tree corruption and witch sacrifices at key moments to get the upper hand.
But why I believe that AoX is miles ahead of SC2 is how the game actually looks, how much innovation was put into it (two levels for some maps, some global skills like fallen shroud, interesting mechanics with some spells --- mistform and transformation are great examples, etc.) and how varied each matchup could get, even though everything was simple at the core.
I've had way more fun in AoX than I ever had in BW even.
Patch it and follow the instructions in the post above on how to turn it into english version. This might be it or not. If it's Russian than I don't know, but I assume it's Polish and ignorant people have labeled it as Russian. The second link looks like the same thing, but it was on Polish site...
On September 11 2012 20:04 Manit0u wrote: Man, so many memories... It all makes SC2 look terribad.
I'd say AoX has the same problems as SC2. They are both good and fun. But winning is mostly a result of strategic cleverness and tuning build orders more than it is about micro and execution.
Oh come on now. There's quite a lot of execution and micro you need to pull off at times. Setting up and executing proper flanks for instance is key in overcoming humans as fallen, as you can't meet them head-on. It also depends on your strategy, you can go for macro-heavy steamroll strat, which will benefit hugely from great build order while you can also employ less common and more demanding strats with heavy use of casters as fallen or beasts for example. There's quite a lot of micro and awareness involved in proper tree corruption and witch sacrifices at key moments to get the upper hand.
But why I believe that AoX is miles ahead of SC2 is how the game actually looks, how much innovation was put into it (two levels for some maps, some global skills like fallen shroud, interesting mechanics with some spells --- mistform and transformation are great examples, etc.) and how varied each matchup could get, even though everything was simple at the core.
I've had way more fun in AoX than I ever had in BW even.
I didn't say there were no execution and micro elements. But when you compare it to Brood War, there are a lot fewer actions needed to perform decently in a fight. You never lose 30 marines to lurkers because you looked away from the battle for half a second. You don't need to look away from the battle that often either. And the main fight is usually so important to win that you won't have more battles happening at the same time. The battles may have some tactical depth to them, but they are not hard to manage.
I would also add that this library of viable strats is something that mostly fallen has and that has to do with the balance of the game. I don't see how Aox is anymore varied than SC2.
On September 11 2012 20:04 Manit0u wrote: Man, so many memories... It all makes SC2 look terribad.
I'd say AoX has the same problems as SC2. They are both good and fun. But winning is mostly a result of strategic cleverness and tuning build orders more than it is about micro and execution.
Oh come on now. There's quite a lot of execution and micro you need to pull off at times. Setting up and executing proper flanks for instance is key in overcoming humans as fallen, as you can't meet them head-on. It also depends on your strategy, you can go for macro-heavy steamroll strat, which will benefit hugely from great build order while you can also employ less common and more demanding strats with heavy use of casters as fallen or beasts for example. There's quite a lot of micro and awareness involved in proper tree corruption and witch sacrifices at key moments to get the upper hand.
But why I believe that AoX is miles ahead of SC2 is how the game actually looks, how much innovation was put into it (two levels for some maps, some global skills like fallen shroud, interesting mechanics with some spells --- mistform and transformation are great examples, etc.) and how varied each matchup could get, even though everything was simple at the core.
I've had way more fun in AoX than I ever had in BW even.
I didn't say there were no execution and micro elements. But when you compare it to Brood War, there are a lot fewer actions needed to perform decently in a fight. You never lose 30 marines to lurkers because you looked away from the battle for half a second. You don't need to look away from the battle that often either. And the main fight is usually so important to win that you won't have more battles happening at the same time. The battles may have some tactical depth to them, but they are not hard to manage.
I would also add that this library of viable strats is something that mostly fallen has and that has to do with the balance of the game. I don't see how Aox is anymore varied than SC2.
Well, I'm horribly biased
I loved AoX, CoH, DoW, WC3. BW was way too demanding on the mechanical side (which I blame on poor UI and unit AI) for my taste and SC2 just looks ugly and doesn't effect any positive feelings in me (blob combat is horrible too).
AoX felt like the perfect blend of WC and BW, with best elements taken out of both games, merged flawlessly and vastly improved in many areas. You had the beautiful macro of BW, with great UI that allowed you to focus on other things than clicking all of your buildings over and over again and great fantasy setting.
On September 13 2012 02:16 TaShadan wrote: bw is much more than just clicking all of your buildings over and over again. but i can read from your post that you never played bw for real.
Not competetively, no. When I first got it, and long after that, I didn't have internet access at all so the only real action I ever got was at LAN parties with other noobs and the only pro action I saw was from the replays found on this very website (which I would vehemently download at school and bring home on 3,5'' floppy).
When I finally got internets at home, it was time for WC3 so I jumped at that and didn't really look back. Only played BW casually for fun with friends after that.
Generally I love AoE but one thing is very strange for me, I mean Fallen is just better in late games. Any air army and and ground army can stop fallen insects.
Ask there and you will probably be able to find a way to play online, one way or another. If you have the EA release of the game, you can only play online using VLAN software such as hamachi, I believe. Be warned, the AoX community is not really all that vibrant, so don't expect a multitude of opponents ready to play against you.
Man, I had my physical copy sent to me from Sweden and the package seems to have gotten lost in transit :'(
(Along with a Stiga table hockey game, god damnit T_T)
What's really funny tho is that while looking for somewhere to buy it digitally I found this Korean RTS streamer who had put out a ton of AoX videos just a week ago:
dunno if you got a cracked copy eventually FA but would you be willing to play a few games through hamachi some time? kinda itching to try it out again.
On November 05 2018 13:47 GTR wrote: dunno if you got a cracked copy eventually FA but would you be willing to play a few games through hamachi some time? kinda itching to try it out again.
I'm probably going to order it through amazon or something..... I don't like messing wtih torrents these days
Still holding out faint hope that my package will un-lose itself and arrive.
So this has been bothering me the last seven years, and since this thread is bumped...
When I played this, most people (out of a very small pool of players) were playing the bug race and they'd fast expo, and I could never figure out how to punish it or even take my own expo safely. I didn't speak their language so I couldn't even ask for advise. The only thing I could find that 'worked' was a 1 base boomerang goblin timing (beast race). What all works against a bug fast expo? With human and beast.
On November 06 2018 12:53 Capresis wrote: When I played this, most people (out of a very small pool of players) were playing the bug race and they'd fast expo, and I could never figure out how to punish it or even take my own expo safely. I didn't speak their language so I couldn't even ask for advise. The only thing I could find that 'worked' was a 1 base boomerang goblin timing (beast race). What all works against a bug fast expo? With human and beast.
I'll try to answer from what I remember at my skill level. I played mostly Empire. Your question pretty much depends on what map you are on (naturally). The most relevant factors that play in is where the expansion is placed and how far away the bases are.
The BvF standard play is to get critical mass goblins before fallen can mount its first serious attack. On larger maps beast should fast expand too. Beast needs to augment his army with witches (for bloodlust and drop) and warlocks (for the poison cloud) and keep pressuring and defending. If the fallen player gets a far superior economy or makes a sufficient amount of avengers, the game is lost. The matchup is mostly fair.
EvF is a harder game to play. The threats posed by fallen 1 base plays (which are stronger and more likely) greatly limits how you can play. You are usually locked into a swordsman pressure strategy. If you have a crystal ball and know preemtively that fallen will FE, a FE of your own works well. But you should consider this "answer" to be unreliable since it automatically fails to all 1 base plays. I will tell you that you should be happy whenever you see fallen fast expand because fallen gives up a lot of advantage when doing it. What is especially important is to adjust your build when you see a FE. The "normal" empire builds are focused mostly on getting things up in time for this and that threat. Your economy and "tech flow" will be better if you play without these constraints.
this is what you need to do (after patching the game to 1.4)
1) download dxwnd (https://sourceforge.net/projects/dxwnd/) and create a folder within the aox folder 2) run dxwnd.exe 3) go to edit -> add, name: aox, path/launch is exigo.exe 4) main settings: W = 1280 H = 960, tick desktop center. video: window size = floating. window = thick frame, lock cursor in window, cursor clipper = locked 5) run game through dxwnd, you should have the game smack bang in the middle windowed with no issues at all.
I applaud the effort. It seems like this is focused on making a new campaign, but anything to make the rest of the game function well in 2023 is a nice bonus.
Armies of Exigo was/is a diamond in the rough with many good ideas. I have many good memories of the game and the small tight knit community that played it. Maybe it still has a working community? I don't know. I dropped out when the only way to play the game for me was with a pirated version of the game because my retail copy connected to a dead server.
It could have become truely excellent if more people had bought the game and sustained an active community where everyone could find games more reliably. I think one aspect of Exigo's demise was that without active players to give input to the developer, the developer had no good way to refine balance/quality and cater to a truely competitive scene at critical points after release. If Armies of Exigo 2 was made, I would definitely be interested.
On November 21 2023 05:47 stenole wrote: I applaud the effort. It seems like this is focused on making a new campaign, but anything to make the rest of the game function well in 2023 is a nice bonus.
Armies of Exigo was/is a diamond in the rough with many good ideas. I have many good memories of the game and the small tight knit community that played it. Maybe it still has a working community? I don't know. I dropped out when the only way to play the game for me was with a pirated version of the game because my retail copy connected to a dead server.
It could have become truely excellent if more people had bought the game and sustained an active community where everyone could find games more reliably. I think one aspect of Exigo's demise was that without active players to give input to the developer, the developer had no good way to refine balance/quality and cater to a truely competitive scene at critical points after release. If Armies of Exigo 2 was made, I would definitely be interested.
good to see you lurking around even after all these years.
On November 21 2023 14:03 GTR wrote: good to see you lurking around even after all these years.
I've never had a good reason to "leave". I'm surprised you even remember me. I might miss the Armies of Exigo days when I endlessly tried to figure out the Empire vs Fallen puzzle. I never solved it. But I probably miss the pre-SC2 days of BW more. To this day, I still remember you as the kid who was making RWAs for BW replays. Good times.
For those of you who might be interested in playing some AoX, we've got a fairly active Discord server (for a dead game, that is): https://discord.gg/Jv4mH4Dp
I've made a couple of BW remakes for AoX:
Chupung-Ryeong (Larva)
Polypoid (Inner Sanctum)
Plus a redesign of Darkside Forest (Neo Darkside Forest):
And a couple of older BW remakes:
Arkanoid (Old Gods)
I've got a few other remakes in the pipeline, namely Eclipse, Golden Wall (from SC2), Sylphid, and Medusa. I'd like to have a varied line-up, with a few 2p, 3p, and 4p maps, ranging from standard (in BW sense) to non-standard.
Nice to see there's some life in the game still. The addition of new maps is an especially welcome sight. The original map pool was rather limited (and most were unsuited for competitive play). Good work!
How did I miss this?! I'll defo rewatch it on your channel.
Edit: @maybenexttime: for the future, I think it's possible to disable the "camera wobble" or whatever it's called when you're panning the screen. It's nausia-inducing when obsing
The finals will be played this Sunday at 13:30 CET. Suwak vs. MacroZerg. In all likelihood, the match will be upgrades from a Bo3 to a Bo5. It's also possible that Larva will make it to the map pool. ^^