So velkoz's ult kind of feels like it sucks damagewise. You basically need someone to be stunlocked for at least 1.5s, or to stand still, to get decent damage off. Any kind of gapcloser and it's useless. His q does a lot of poke though, and people seem to have no idea how to position vs it. (And if you get someone on a qwe+r combo, they're generally pretty dead :p)
Running ms quints on him lets you kite really well though, q and e give good slows, and w gives a lot of damage on whoever tries to chase you. Basically impossible for them to catch you unless they have lots of gap closers or something.
Maybe a nidalee style siege comp? Slightly less poke, but much much better teamwide disengage, and his q is probably a lot harder to dodge once you get good at using it.
On February 27 2014 19:17 GolemMadness wrote: You guys think ruby crystal + 2 pots will be a good start on Nasus now? You miss out on the block, but will help out with build paths and item spacing. Still gonna be dshield or flask pots. No real reason to start otherwise because slots aren't really an issue for nasus.
flash is terrible just get cloth
heaven forbid a newly released champ might not be a top tier strong pick right away
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On February 27 2014 14:31 iCanada wrote:Needs moar imo. The Q mana buff is a joke after Spirit Stone changes, have Blue until you get it anyway, and afterwards you literally gain mana from Q's regardless. The Slow still only lasts 3 seconds, and has a huuge CD. Changes nothing for Skarner. JitB's got buffed hard though, in combination with Decieve's passive. Dont underestimate buffs. The Q mana buff isnt a joke if you realize that what it does is allow you to use E early game, which now has a pretty significant slow.
On February 27 2014 20:07 FinestHour wrote: heaven forbid a newly released champ might not be a top tier strong pick right away
Most aren't top tier right away...
On February 27 2014 19:17 GolemMadness wrote: You guys think ruby crystal + 2 pots will be a good start on Nasus now? You miss out on the block, but will help out with build paths and item spacing.
Probably no. You can sometimes start with longsword because you want a vamp scepter asap. Ruby crystal does not really build into anything immediately useful except a sightstone.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Vamp scepter on Nasus wot? You already have a lot of lifesteal, better get some resists/dmg block
On February 27 2014 21:42 Scip wrote: Vamp scepter on Nasus wot? You already have a lot of lifesteal, better get some resists/dmg block
My bad. I didn't realize it was for Nasus specifically. I thought this was in general.
Has anyone been watching MaximusBlack's stream the last day or two? He's gone to LoL fulltime , and I know, I know, he's not a good player at all right now (Bronze 1), but my god...easily the most entertaining stream I have ever seen. This guy blends comedy, sincerity, humbleness, singing, dancing, props, improv, interaction and gameplay into the most unique stream experience I've ever witness.
I know this sounds like gas-up but if you haven't seen him you should definitely check him out! Apparently he's getting coaching from Trick2G soon and yesterday Nightblue3 added him and said he'd help him out too.
Oh he is bronze? I thought this was some D1+ player....
On February 27 2014 22:37 Sufficiency wrote: Oh he is bronze? I thought this was some D1+ player....
I'm guessing this is sarcasm? Like I said...yeah he's in no way, shape or form any good at the game. I was merely commenting that it's a highly entertaining league of legends stream right now for those who enjoy watching LoL streams.
On a different note for this patch: - Teemo nerfs were unnecessary. - Yasuo nerfs are actually pretty good in terms of getting him to the right balance point. - Fear changes I'm not sure about. I feel like it will make it better in some situations and worse in others. For example I think its worse when you find an isolated target, but better for ganks. Worse for head on teamfights but better in teamfights initiated in a pincer or sandwich formation.
Any thoughts on singed support that runs flash/exhaust, 0/30/0 masteries, mpen marks, flat armor seals, flat ap glyph? not sure about quints... either flat ap, mana regen, or scaling health maybe? Build would be something like Seraphs, Rylais, Liandrys, Omen, Visage, Warmogs. Im only a bronze player myself (only about 15 games this season so far) but I feel like with exhaust, singed W, and his E, with a gank its a guaranteed kill or double kill even. Of course, Im almost certainly 100% off with this seeing how I never see singed support and there's probably a very good reason for it. Just wondering if its even slightly viable.
On February 27 2014 12:15 Badboyrune wrote: Also changes to fiddle seem quite interesting, at least from a support pov. The fear changes makes it so that if someone's diving on to you they will move away from you, which is generally what you want. It'll make it a mildly more reliable tool for peeling. It also means that if you manage to ult in behind someone you can force them towards your team. The drain changes also makes it outrange most ad carry autoattacks.
I mean it doesn't turn him into thresh, but it might put him closer to the tier behind thresh. Nope: you can't initiate trades (or it'll be harder) because the target will run away from you and your carry, making following-up harder, and support Fiddle usually doesn't dive people in teamfights, with or without his ult, so it's an overall nerf. You have to remove ~100 from a spell's range to compare it to aa range, so Fiddle's drain is shorter-ranged than Sivir.
On February 27 2014 15:20 739 wrote: Full damange? Hell no, build tanky as Vi all the way as she still deals a shitload of damage and can sustain in teamfights easily. She has no sustain. You can only play around her Q and passive cooldown to walk away then reengage, and be very careful about baits because she only gets the shield after she's dealt damage, so you can die during your Q dash or E animation. Think Eve using her ult then dying before receiving the shield.
On February 27 2014 18:53 killerdog wrote: I thought they said velkoz wasn't enabled yet? I just bought him and am playing him in a custom game so there's that o.0
edit: wow, his q is sooo spammable, didn't realise it was this cheap
editedit: HOLY ULTIMATE. I'm now a velkoz main. Starting two weeks from now, when he'll be less banned?
United States15536 Posts
The overall worthlessness of the LoL main forums make every quality post 1000x better.
Netherlands4654 Posts
As far as I can tell Nocturne E still channels like before (very comparable with Morgana Ult.) Even with the impaired movement (that fear already had?!) His ganks are now going to be even worse. Fiddle fear takes effect immediately, so it could see it work out for him. But to be honest I feel rather sad that they took the random factor of fear away.
On February 27 2014 22:56 LilCiggy wrote: Any thoughts on singed support that runs flash/exhaust, 0/30/0 masteries, mpen marks, flat armor seals, flat ap glyph? not sure about quints... either flat ap, mana regen, or scaling health maybe? Build would be something like Seraphs, Rylais, Liandrys, Omen, Visage, Warmogs. Im only a bronze player myself (only about 15 games this season so far) but I feel like with exhaust, singed W, and his E, with a gank its a guaranteed kill or double kill even. Of course, Im almost certainly 100% off with this seeing how I never see singed support and there's probably a very good reason for it. Just wondering if its even slightly viable.
I'm only a low gold myself, but supports at my level never have enough gold to get all the items you're suggesting, by far. Volibear support is similar, but it's a lot stronger in lane: your defensive steroid is there at level 1,and it's strong early (unike singed's weak passive at level 1 / strong ult steroid at level 6), and you bring an execute rather than a dot.
On February 27 2014 22:56 LilCiggy wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2014 22:37 Sufficiency wrote: Oh he is bronze? I thought this was some D1+ player.... I'm guessing this is sarcasm? Like I said...yeah he's in no way, shape or form any good at the game. I was merely commenting that it's a highly entertaining league of legends stream right now for those who enjoy watching LoL streams. On a different note for this patch: - Teemo nerfs were unnecessary. - Yasuo nerfs are actually pretty good in terms of getting him to the right balance point. - Fear changes I'm not sure about. I feel like it will make it better in some situations and worse in others. For example I think its worse when you find an isolated target, but better for ganks. Worse for head on teamfights but better in teamfights initiated in a pincer or sandwich formation. Any thoughts on singed support that runs flash/exhaust, 0/30/0 masteries, mpen marks, flat armor seals, flat ap glyph? not sure about quints... either flat ap, mana regen, or scaling health maybe? Build would be something like Seraphs, Rylais, Liandrys, Omen, Visage, Warmogs. Im only a bronze player myself (only about 15 games this season so far) but I feel like with exhaust, singed W, and his E, with a gank its a guaranteed kill or double kill even. Of course, Im almost certainly 100% off with this seeing how I never see singed support and there's probably a very good reason for it. Just wondering if its even slightly viable.
My apologies. I have never watched him actually playing. I just automatically assumed that people only watch skilled players' streams.
New York City13113 Posts
On February 27 2014 15:18 krndandaman wrote: if ur a vi against a wombo combo team do you build full damage or tanky? shen is my top.
I went spirit of the elder lizard/brutalizer and rest tanky.
we were against jinx,yasuo,wukong,ali,shyvana.
most fights would result in me 1v2 or 1v3ing and killing jinx. my team would all die and they would have 3-4 people left.
my team's positioning was probably garbage regardless, but im wondering if full damage was the way to go.
thoughts? One of these days you guys will start to realize that Black Cleaver is Vi's core damage item, not Trinity Force, and then suddenly damage-Vi will be even more fun to play.
On February 27 2014 21:36 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2014 19:17 GolemMadness wrote: You guys think ruby crystal + 2 pots will be a good start on Nasus now? You miss out on the block, but will help out with build paths and item spacing. Probably no. You can sometimes start with longsword because you want a vamp scepter asap. Ruby crystal does not really build into anything immediately useful except a sightstone. ...Kindlegem?
On February 27 2014 22:56 LilCiggy wrote: Any thoughts on singed support that runs flash/exhaust, 0/30/0 masteries, mpen marks, flat armor seals, flat ap glyph? not sure about quints... either flat ap, mana regen, or scaling health maybe? Build would be something like Seraphs, Rylais, Liandrys, Omen, Visage, Warmogs. Im only a bronze player myself (only about 15 games this season so far) but I feel like with exhaust, singed W, and his E, with a gank its a guaranteed kill or double kill even. Of course, Im almost certainly 100% off with this seeing how I never see singed support and there's probably a very good reason for it. Just wondering if its even slightly viable. Wouldn't Volibear do basically the same thing, except without crippling mana costs?
Baa?21242 Posts
I tune in only to see HS.
Bly pls don't toy with my heart like that.