TL LoL Staff
This is our Staff Overview & Article Database. For users curious and/or interested, this sticky details the staff at TeamLiquid LoL and their responsibilities. In order for TL LoL to function as it has for the past year, we have writers who provide valuable contributions on a volunteer basis. Everyone on staff takes part in TL LoL for same two reasons: 1) our love for League of Legends and 2) loyalty and betterment of the TeamLiquid community.
Below is a reverse chronology of all of our articles since the inception of TL LoL. While we all take pride in our hard work and dedication, we know there is always room for improvement.
Objectively, we would love to see our writing staff cover every major tournament going into Season 3. From all the OGN events in Korea, to StarsWar League in China; on top of our current coverage of NA and EU events. In addition to our standard tournament coverage, we could also be doing Rioter & pro player interviews, in-depth articles on specific matches, and even organizing our very own LoL tournaments.
But alas, we are limited by the size of our staff and projects already in hand~
That being said, for the foreseeable future, TL LoL is open to new writers. Not all of our writers have TheYango’s level of understanding of LoL but we are all fervently passionate about the game and never settle for mediocrity. If this is something you are interested in being a part of: PM one of the senior staff, include a relevant LoL writing sample (battle report, tournament recap, you name it), and what about professional LoL interests you.
We hope you enjoy your stay here~
NeoIllusions : TL LoL Admin, senior staff
MoonBear : Editor-in-Chief, senior staff
JBright : LR & Operations, senior staff
AsmodeusXI : content writer NA
onlywonderboy : content writer NA
sylverfyre : content writer NA
JALbert : content writer EU
Flicky: content writer EU
Chexx : content writer KR
GTR : content writer KR
Atrioc : content writer KR
truemafia : content writer KR
Fionn : content writer KR
Navi : analysis writer
TheYango : analysis writer
xes : copy editor
FakeSteve[TPR] : starts things for Neo to finish
North American LCS [Summer Split]
- NA LCS Playoffs
- Week 9 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 9
- Week 8 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 8
- Week 7 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 7
- Week 6 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 6
- Week 5 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 5
- Week 4 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 4
- Week 3 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 3 @ MLG Anaheim
- Week 2 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 2
- Week 1 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 1
European LCS [Summer Split]
- EU LCS Playoffs
- Week 9 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 9
- Week 8 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 8
- Week 7 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 7
- Week 6 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 6
- Week 5 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 5
- Week 4 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 4
- Week 3 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 3
- Week 2 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 2 @ Moscow
- Week 1 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 1 @ DreamHack
North American LCS [Spring Split]
- NA LCS Week 10
- Week 9 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 9
- Week 8 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 8
- Week 7 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 7
- Week 6 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 6
- Week 5 @ MLG Dallas Write-up
- NA LCS Week 5
- Week 4 (Super Week) Write-up
- NA LCS Week 4
- Week 3 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 3
- Week 2 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 2
- Week 1 Write-up
- NA LCS Week 1
- Week 0 Preview
European LCS [Spring Split]
- EU LCS Week 10
- Week 9 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 9
- Week 8 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 8
- Week 7 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 7
- Week 6 @ Lille Write-up
- EU LCS Week 6
- Week 5 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 5
- Week 4 (Super Week) Write-up
- EU LCS Week 4
- Week 3 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 3
- Week 2 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 2
- Week 1 Write-up
- EU LCS Week 1
- Week 0 Preview
Pre-Season 3
- IEM Katowice
PreviewLive ReportWrite-up - IPL 5
PreviewLive Report Write-up - SoloMid Series Final
PreviewLive ReportWrite-up - IEM Cologne
PreviewLive Report Write-up - THOR Open
PreviewLive ReportWrite-up - DreamHack Winter 2012
PreviewLive Report Write-up - MLG Fall Championship - Dallas 2012
PreviewLive Report Write-up
Season 2
- Season 2 World Championships
Preview Live Report Write-up - PAX Prime (NA Regionals)
Preview Live Report Write-up - IPL Face-Off
PreviewLive Report Write-up - IEM Gamescom (EU Regionals)
Preview Live Report Write-up - MLG Summer Arena
PreviewLive Report Write-up - DreamHack Summer 2012
PreviewLive Report Write-up - MLG Anaheim 2012
PreviewLive Report Write-up