Table of Contents
Bringing Down the Throne
With Overwhelming Force
Wards in the Brush
Check out the LCS schedule and matchups at
To Stand Above All...
Another week of the EU LCS has come and gone and we now have a distinct leader of the pack and a clear straggler. Evil Geniuses finished Week 2 unscathed with victories over DragonBorns, GIANTS! Gaming, and SK Gaming to take a commanding lead going forward. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Copenhagen Wolves dropped further down with three more losses to finish at a disappointing 0–5. In between it all, we got to see against All authority and DragonBorns' debuts in the LCS. Unlike their North American counterparts, a debut team earned a victory this week in the EU LCS as DragonBorns upset the favored SK Gaming. This week was Fnatic's time for rest and practice and it will be interesting to see how they will adapt to this week's matches as well as what tactics they have mastered as we move on to Week 3.
Who Has Risen?
Overall Standings
Bringing Down the Throne
Week 2 Recaps
[Day 1] February 16, 2013
Wolves v SK
The rematch between SK Gaming and Copenhagen Wolves began with a Vi ban. Wolves knew that they needed to deal with hyrqBot after he tore them apart last week. The match started off looking like déjà vu: hyrqBot, on Jarvan IV, blew cowTard’s Flash at four minutes and returned 90 seconds later to grab first blood. However this week, Svenskeren responded: he counter-ganked, stole reds, and thwarted invades. At 13:45, SK grabbed the first turret, then took the first Dragon followed by a Blue steal in the span of two minutes. But then Wolves kicked into high gear. NeeGodbro’s Elise killed Kev1n’s Renekton before the revenge gank from Ocelote’s Kassadin evened it up and Wolves barely escaped on low health. cowTard ported in on Kayle for a double kill on Ocelote and CandyPanda and Wolves looked to take charge. At 18:30, Godbro took Top outer and at 20:40 a massive team-fight resulted in another turret for Wolves at the cost of Deficio and cowTard. Wolves traded their Mid outer for Dragon and – a 10 minute pause to catch our breath.
But after the pause, the story of failed upsets and missed opportunities in this early LCS reared its ugly head. Despite a siege on SK’s Mid inhib, Wolves were slightly out of position and got mopped up by SK. Ocelote netted himself a triple kill and SK quickly grabbed Baron. Suddenly it was all SK. They pushed with Baron up to the inner turrets, picked off cowTard, grabbed a second Baron (and Svenskeren, who popped his head in). Before long, SK held an 11K gold lead, and won a clean 5-for-none engage on Wolves to push for the win – a repeat of last week, despite the much improved start by Wolves.
aAa v Gambit
against All authority had a plan coming into their first game of the LCS; they wanted to create an early advantage by taking down turrets early. They suceeded in taking down all the Outer turrets by the fifteenth minute without losing a single one of their own but they were not able to build an edge due to being down three kills and severely behind in CS. It was apparent that aAa were anxious in their debut since their lack of team coordination did not allow them to capitalize in scenarios where they could easily initiate and pick off several Gambit players. After stabilizing the initial pressure from aAa, Gambit easily took the gold lead from minion kills and map objectives. The gold disparity was most noticeable when aAa baited Lulu to ward the Baron pit alone and yet they could not take her down despite the combined efforts of Lux, Graves, and Sona. Another big factor in the game was Alex Ich's Karthus, who took all the minion kills in the side lanes since he was assigned to stop Shen's split push. This lead to a monstrous Karthus who could 1vs1 anyone on aAa and eventually the French team had to surrender under the pressure.
The highly anticipated rematch between EG and SK turned out to be a very typical EG game where they ramp up gradually and slowly suffocate their enemies. To SK's credit, they've always been able to get off to great starts and this game is no exception. SK took the first turret in the game and got first blood on Sona with a timely gank from Xin Zhao but EG was able to keep the game close with their superior farming abilities. This was especially true for Wickd's Renekton since he had a significant lead over Kev1n's Irelia. By the time the teams decided to group up and contested map objectives, Renekton was far too tanky for SK to handle. Froggen's Lux was also a force to be reckoned with this game because he landed some very crucial Light Bindings on Twitch and Nidalee to pick them off and give EG the advantage in many fights.
[Day 2] February 17, 2013
Gambit v Wolves
For every Davis vs Goliath, there is a thin line where David can tread to pick up a victory and the Copenhagen Wolves were able to stay on it for the majority of this game. Things got off to a great start for the Wolves as Svenskeren's Vi wreaked havoc on Gambit all over the map. He successfully pulled off ganks for the Wolves in every lane and gave them the gold and map advantage all the way to Gambit's base. The one surprise factor for the Wolves was the appearance of ForellenLord in the mid lane. He was a last second replacement for TheTess and did a spectacular job holding his own against the likes of Alex Ich and Darien. However, they were knocked off kilter in one fell swoop after failing to assassinate Genja's fed Kog'Maw in Gambit's jungle. Gambit then proceeded to take Baron and reclaimed the map from Wolves' control. One small engagement ended the Wolves' chances at an upset over Gambit Gaming and showed us how quickly a top tier team can take a mile if given an inch.
After a startling Week 1 performances by both teams, this match was under close scrutiny. Although they lost to SK in the first week, EG continued to lead the weekly rankings. GIANTS also have to demonstrate this week that the team that upset Gambit in Week 1 has shown up again for Week 2. After respect bans of Kennen & Anivia, picks were locked: another aggressive line-up for EG and a typical tanky-protect the AD lineup from GIANTS.
The game started with both teams stealing opposing Reds before GIANTS initiated a lane swap. At 5:50, Top and Bot outer turrets were traded and the lanes returned to the traditional setup. Froggen’s defensive TP to Bot at 11:30 stopped GIANTS from taking the outer turret. All the while, EG made a 3-man push to grab Top. From here, EG executed excellent counter plays. GIANTS went for Dragon, EG took the Top and Mid inner turrets. GIANTS overextended Mid, EG collapsed on them and picked up the free kills. While Froggen split-pushed Top and the rest of EG was Bot and managed to catch out Exter and Babeta. From there it’s business as usual: Bot inhibitor fell and Jimbownz gets caught soon after. EG swiftly took Baron and finished off the match.
SK v DragonBorns
After losing to EG at the start their LCS journey, DragonBorns looked to bounce back against SK Gaming, another European old guard. DB took the early lead with first blood on Zyra using Draven and Taric's incredible burst damage once they reached level 2. Draven then spent his early gold to buy three Doran's Blades on his first buy and proceeded to bully Caitlyn further in the laning phase. DragonBorns was able to control the rhythm and pace of the game until SK managed to stabilize and slow down the game. This led to a long lull in the game where the two teams poked at each other while not accomplishing very much. The storm that followed the calm commenced with an excellent Light Binding on Orianna and Zyra, followed by a Final Spark that evaporated both SK players off Summoner’s Rift. This opened the floodgates for DragonBorns and they expanded their gold advantage by 5K gold in the span of two minutes. The DragonBorns never looked back from that point and went on to steamroll SK in every subsequent fight with their superior items. This week's surprise match came at SK Gaming's expense and they will have to watch their back with so many challengers contending for their spot in the top 4.
GIANTS v Wolves
GIANTS vs Wolves posed a number of questions. How are games without EG/GG/SK/Fnatic going to look? Are GIANTS really a step above aAa/Wolves/DragonBorns? Even with subs, this match was Wolves’ best shot at taking a victory thus far in LCS. Despite heavy aggression and strong ganks at Bot lane from the get-go, first blood went to Samux at Top after NeeGodbro was ganked by Morden. For the next ten minutes, it was all Wolves. The wolfpack capitalised on failed ganks by claiming turrets and slew two Dragons by 22 minutes. Despite the solid lead, GIANTS demonstrated the surgical style of engaging that helped them overcome Fnatic in the qualifiers. Enchanted Crystal Arrows caught someone out of position followed up by Exter with a Gold Card. Every kill GIANT scored they continued the momentum by taking down another tower or Dragon - almost like clockwork. With Exter continuing to split push, Wolves grabbed the Mid inhib turret. As Wolves retreated, Exter caught them with Destiny. Despite not getting any kills, GIANTS were able to snag a quick Baron as well as Svenskeren who went for a steal. GIANTS continued to split push but the deciding factor came at 38:30 when Wolves made a huge engage in the GIANTS’ base. A whiffed Shockwave from ForellenLord that could have been the turning point as Wolves resulted in the Wolves getting aced as Jimbownz & Morden crept out alive. In typical AD carry fashion, Jimbownz pushed all the way down to the inhibitor before joining the rest of GIANTS to stop a Baron from Wolves. GIANTS forced a retreat, got another Arrow initiation and Wolves start to drop. A 4-2 fight with only Deficio left, GIANTS snatch a win after Wolves let another victory slip through their grasp.
With Overwhelming Force
Featured Match
EG vs DragonBorns
20 Evil Geniuses 63.9K
6 DragonBorns 50.4K
6 DragonBorns 50.4K
The match between Evil Geniuses and DragonBorns in many ways set the tone for the teams for the rest of the LCS weekend. DragonBorns showed their creative and unpredictable champion selections, even if it lacked the effectiveness as it did against SK Gaming. Evil Geniuses unveiled many pieces that they'd rely on to sweep their matches 3-0 in week 2 and cemented themselves as the team to beat within the European LCS. Four members of Evil Geniuses received carte blanche to pick whatever suited their fancy as Froggen drew all 3 bans. While Twisted Fate may not receive future ban consideration
The game opens with a fair quantity of aggression that fails to produce kills. Team DragonBorns pressures the bottom half of the map heavily, stealing EG's Elder Lizard buff and zoning Varus briefly when Sona recalls. Snoopeh comes in for a lane gank top as Cho'gath, and a well timed Red Elixir saves Akali from giving up first blood. These team priorities are evident again around the 16 minute mark, as Varus and Sona draw first blood at bottom lane, only to die to Shen and Jayce collapse on them. However, Cho'gath and Renekton kill the isolated Akali top, and EG picks up both top and middle towers, losing only dragon to DB on the bottom half of the map. Here, another quirk of the EG strategy becomes very apparent – Sona is not operating as a 0 CS support, but instead has 30 CS, the bulk of the gap between Varus and Draven's scores. While much of this farm comes from periods where Varus was not present, early on Varus defers kills to Sona to let her gain additional items when she recalls.
EG continued to steadily increase their lead, taking a 4-1 tower advantaged as the mid-game progressed. The critical turn in the game occurred when EG picked off Leona while taking DB's tier 2 mid tower. EG parlayed this into a Baron, and DB showed up as four to pursue the low health and mana EG team. Spontexx gets picked off in front, but DB continues to pursue until Wickd turns out of the bush and assassinates Shen. With DB overextended, EG collapses quickly ending the exchange 4-1, and in possession of Baron buff. From there, Evil Genisues closes out the game at a reasonable pace taking inhibitors in the 31st and 35th minutes en route to a second Baron and a 38 minute finish.
Wards in the Brush
Predictions for Week 3
Week 3 is what many teams have been waiting for: The chance to duke it out with the other qualified teams and score some victories. It’s taken two weeks of uphill slogs against the seeds but finally SK, EG & Gambit get some well-earned rest. Enter the remaining five.
Copenhagen Wolves have a massive weekend ahead of them. The return of Bjergsen means the starting roster is finally ready and Wolves are desperate some wins. With a 0-5 record Wolves are going to be foaming at the bit this week. Expect no mercy to be shown to Fnatic, against All authority or DragonBorns.
SK Gaming get the week off while Gambit Gaming will try to get their revenge against GIANTS. With GIANTS holding a clean 2-2 record, we’ll find out if they were just the better team on the day, or if they really have Gambit’s number.
From the top of the table, Evil Geniuses will have a challenge this week against Fnatic. EG look to be hitting their stride in the LCS and with a whole week to prepare for the one match. On the other hand, Fnatic have had two weeks to prepare for three. With serious preparation dont on both sides and Xpeke vs Froggen. Need we say more? It’s going to be huge.
aAa have a busier roster this week with their second and third games rounding off against Fnatic and GIANTS. With three weeks practice, it’s hard to know how the Frenchmen will do. Expect a lot of preparation for these games. Four games in three weeks is an opportunity they will not waste.
Did we say that aAa are hard to predict? DragonBorns have the most impossible to call games this week. They looked fantastic again SK and they are undeniably a team of great strategies and high skill. Their first game against GIANTS is going to be a real clash of the lanes. Spontexx vs Samux? HoSan vs Jimbownz? The two teams keep their strength in all the same places. Where else can a game between non-seeds be this exciting? Welcome to the LCS baby. Rest of the world? You’re welcome.
Featured Match
DragonBorns face GIANTS Gaming for Sunday's first match in a face-off between two relative newcomers who have already notched upset wins so far in the season. GIANTS may be under the microscope after shutting down Gambit in Week One, but their play last week left some to be desired. DB Mid laner Shushei brings a very diverse champion pool that Exterminare will have to contend with.Both teams feature AD carries with signature champions in Jimbownz' Kennen and Hosan's Draven. Whether the teams choose to ban out their opponent's favored AD carry champions or construct a strategy around countering it will be a central part of team planning. With both teams showing quirky champion selections and lots of potential, look for this to be one of the most exciting games of the week.
[Day 1] February 23, 2013
Wolves vs Fnatic
Gambit vs GIANTS
aAa vs Wolves
EG vs Fnatic
[Day 2] February 24, 2013
DragonBorns vs GIANTS
Fnatic vs aAa
DragonBorns vs Wolves
Wolves vs Fnatic
Gambit vs GIANTS
aAa vs Wolves
EG vs Fnatic
[Day 2] February 24, 2013
DragonBorns vs GIANTS
Fnatic vs aAa
DragonBorns vs Wolves
+ Show Spoiler [Flicky’s picks] +
Wolves vs Fnatic - Return of the starting lineup (hopefully), Wolves will show their best yet but Fnatic will just eke out a win.
Gambit vs Giants - It’s a rematch and Gambit haven’t looked the best. I think Giants have Gambit’s number now.
aAa vs Wolves - It seems brutal that Wolves have to wait until their seventh game to get a win but this has to happen.
EG vs Fnatic - EG are about to hit their stride and they will not be denied.
DragonBorns vs Giants - We all win because we’ll get to see HoSan vs Jimbownz & Spontexx vs Samux. Flipped a coin, came up DragonBorns.
Fnatic vs aAa - I don’t give aAa much hope for the first few games.
DragonBorns vs Wolves - Oh boy, this is hard to call. Erm... Wolves are going to make this week count. They know they need to win these next games.
Giants vs aAa - Again, I don’t think aAa will perform until at least next week.
Gambit vs Giants - It’s a rematch and Gambit haven’t looked the best. I think Giants have Gambit’s number now.
aAa vs Wolves - It seems brutal that Wolves have to wait until their seventh game to get a win but this has to happen.
EG vs Fnatic - EG are about to hit their stride and they will not be denied.
DragonBorns vs Giants - We all win because we’ll get to see HoSan vs Jimbownz & Spontexx vs Samux. Flipped a coin, came up DragonBorns.
Fnatic vs aAa - I don’t give aAa much hope for the first few games.
DragonBorns vs Wolves - Oh boy, this is hard to call. Erm... Wolves are going to make this week count. They know they need to win these next games.
Giants vs aAa - Again, I don’t think aAa will perform until at least next week.
+ Show Spoiler [JALbert’s picks] +
Wolves vs Fnatic - Fnatic in a close one. The return of Bjergsen will give Wolves hope, but Fnatic is too much quality for them to handle. Even with Bjergsen back, expect team cohesion to be a little weak as they adjust.
Gambit vs Giants - Gambit going to be nursing their pride in this one and taking it. Gambit often gives opponents signature champions, but when it comes back to haunt them they play a much smarter gameplan. Expect them to tighten up and take a blue side win.
aAa vs Wolves - The slump has its best chance of stopping right here. aAa could make me eat my words, but I think Wolves has looked pretty competitive, and aAa may underestimate them.
EG vs Fnatic - I’ll be honest - I’m not betting against EG in any matchup going forward until more vulnerabilities are shown. While I had high hopes for Fnatic this season, I think they’re looking a bit rocky. I can’t blame it all on the lack of Rekkles, though. Strategy and decision making has been off team wide at times.
DragonBorns vs Giants - I like DragonBorns to take this because I think DragonBorns will be more comfortable with the non-standard champion selection that will likely result. I’m thinking it will be an aggressive, slightly sloppy and close match.
Fnatic vs aAa - I don’t think I’m rocking the boat by calling this for Fnatic. We’ll see what aAa is made of, but I don’t think they have the top level experience to unseat Fnatic.
DragonBorns vs Wolves - A soft week for Shushei and the gang. This I think is the hardest to call for me - Wolves can definitely take this one if they get ahead. I doubt this will be as passive as some of the week two matches in terms of the kill count.
Giants vs aAa - Perhaps I’ll eat crow if aAa has a breakout week, but I think Giants will pull through with the blue side advantage.
Gambit vs Giants - Gambit going to be nursing their pride in this one and taking it. Gambit often gives opponents signature champions, but when it comes back to haunt them they play a much smarter gameplan. Expect them to tighten up and take a blue side win.
aAa vs Wolves - The slump has its best chance of stopping right here. aAa could make me eat my words, but I think Wolves has looked pretty competitive, and aAa may underestimate them.
EG vs Fnatic - I’ll be honest - I’m not betting against EG in any matchup going forward until more vulnerabilities are shown. While I had high hopes for Fnatic this season, I think they’re looking a bit rocky. I can’t blame it all on the lack of Rekkles, though. Strategy and decision making has been off team wide at times.
DragonBorns vs Giants - I like DragonBorns to take this because I think DragonBorns will be more comfortable with the non-standard champion selection that will likely result. I’m thinking it will be an aggressive, slightly sloppy and close match.
Fnatic vs aAa - I don’t think I’m rocking the boat by calling this for Fnatic. We’ll see what aAa is made of, but I don’t think they have the top level experience to unseat Fnatic.
DragonBorns vs Wolves - A soft week for Shushei and the gang. This I think is the hardest to call for me - Wolves can definitely take this one if they get ahead. I doubt this will be as passive as some of the week two matches in terms of the kill count.
Giants vs aAa - Perhaps I’ll eat crow if aAa has a breakout week, but I think Giants will pull through with the blue side advantage.
+ Show Spoiler [JBright’s picks] +
Wolves vs Fnatic - The Wolves should still be recovering from their poor start and need some time for everyone to gel together with Bjergsen again. This will be a tough match for the Wolves unless Bjergsen can single-handedly destroy Fnatic.
Gambit vs Giants - Gambit will have learned their lesson and won’t try the same team composition against the Giants. This game is also earlier in the week so the Giants won’t be able to study Gambit and find cracks in their strategies.
aAa vs Wolves - Since this is only aAa’s second game in the LCS, I still consider them in warm-up mode. They can have a set strategy like the early push they used against Gambit but the key to success is having a proper backup plan if the strategy fails. Let’s see if they’re able to learn from their mistakes.
EG vs Fnatic - I expect Fnatic to hold back against the Wolves so they can pull out a few surprises against EG. The key to this game will be in the bans and picks so they can throw EG off their pace.
DragonBorns vs Giants - Both teams have upset clear favorites in their matches so they look to be evenly matched on paper. For me, it came down to the opponents they beat. Giants took a game from Gambit while DragonBorns only defeated SK. Giants win.
Fnatic vs aAa - This will be aAa’s true test of the week. This is probably too soon for them to face a team like Fnatic and expect a win. However, if they do defeat Fnatic, they can become a contender for a top 4 spot like Giants or DragonBorns.
DragonBorns vs Wolves - This will be Bjergsen’s time to shine in his matchup against Shushei. Shushei, while still a great player, has played more televised games so his play style and tells can be studied extensively while Bjergsen is still a relatively fresh face to the scene.
Giants vs aAa - I really want aAa to win at least one game this week so the standings becomes less clear cut. However, they are still a mystery with the fewest games played in the LCS. These predictions are based on their game against Gambit and they were not particularly impressive there so we’ll see if they can do better in week 3.
Gambit vs Giants - Gambit will have learned their lesson and won’t try the same team composition against the Giants. This game is also earlier in the week so the Giants won’t be able to study Gambit and find cracks in their strategies.
aAa vs Wolves - Since this is only aAa’s second game in the LCS, I still consider them in warm-up mode. They can have a set strategy like the early push they used against Gambit but the key to success is having a proper backup plan if the strategy fails. Let’s see if they’re able to learn from their mistakes.
EG vs Fnatic - I expect Fnatic to hold back against the Wolves so they can pull out a few surprises against EG. The key to this game will be in the bans and picks so they can throw EG off their pace.
DragonBorns vs Giants - Both teams have upset clear favorites in their matches so they look to be evenly matched on paper. For me, it came down to the opponents they beat. Giants took a game from Gambit while DragonBorns only defeated SK. Giants win.
Fnatic vs aAa - This will be aAa’s true test of the week. This is probably too soon for them to face a team like Fnatic and expect a win. However, if they do defeat Fnatic, they can become a contender for a top 4 spot like Giants or DragonBorns.
DragonBorns vs Wolves - This will be Bjergsen’s time to shine in his matchup against Shushei. Shushei, while still a great player, has played more televised games so his play style and tells can be studied extensively while Bjergsen is still a relatively fresh face to the scene.
Giants vs aAa - I really want aAa to win at least one game this week so the standings becomes less clear cut. However, they are still a mystery with the fewest games played in the LCS. These predictions are based on their game against Gambit and they were not particularly impressive there so we’ll see if they can do better in week 3.