Table of Contents
Bringing Down the Throne
In the King's Name
Keys to Victory
Check out the LCS schedule and matchups at
To Stand Above All...
This week the LCS traveled to Texas and played its games at MLG Dallas. While less of a beast than Super Week, Week 5 was still oversized, featuring twelve games instead of the usual eight. The bottom two teams in the LCS standings, Good Game University and compLexity, were to play three games, so the pressure was on to see if they could demonstrate they weren’t dead in the water just yet. Dignitas was also under heavy scrutiny as many watched to see if they could extend their already impressive 10-game win streak.
Who Has Risen?
Overall Standings
Bringing Down the Throne
Week 5 Recaps
[Day 1] March 15, 2013
The first game at the MLG/LCS weekend didn't warrant much hype, since few expected the 2-10 GGU to defeat the 7-4 TSM. The early minutes of the game looked very positive for GGU, as NintendudeX and Bloodwater managed to steal TSM's Blue buff and give it to Bloodwater's Lulu. Unfortunately, little came out of this increase in GGU's duo lane strength, as Dyrus's Rumble still found plenty of CS for a 1v2 lane. TheOddOne also executed successful ganks despite the lack of Blue buff, helping Reginald to get first blood at 4:50 and a second kill two minutes later. After that, Xpecial landed a Death Sentence onto Bloodwater's Lulu, putting TSM up 3-0 with a kill on Chaox. With TSM already so far ahead, they were easily able to secure objectives and kills all over the map, particularly with the help of Reginald and his Destiny/Gate ganks. Despite the occasional pick off, GGU could not withstand the TSM onslaught. Their Nexus fell at 26:00, earning TSM a second victory over GGU.
coL v dig
The second game of the LCS weekend should have been as dramatic a stomp as the first. Dignitas came into the weekend on a three week win streak, looking incredible at every moment. CompLexity, on the other hand, sat at the bottom of the standings with only a single victory to their credit. Unsurprisingly, Dignitas began the game with heavy aggression: Crumbz's gank in the bot lane got scarra first blood on M eye A while KiWiKiD took down Nickwu in a 1v1 top. However, Lautemortis counterganked incredibly in bot lane, picking up a double kill to even out the score. Three minutes later, history repeats itself when Dignitas finds kills in two separate lanes but Lautemortis counterganks the lane helped by Crumbz for a second double kill. For the first time in weeks, Dignitas was even with their opponents as the match entered the mid-game, as their additional kills and Dragon were balanced by coL's turret lead. At 17:30, coL finally pulled ahead when Nickwu caught imaqtpie with a Cocoon, allowing Chuuper to burst him instantaneously and give coL a turret and Dragon.
Over the next ten minutes, Dignitas were at a slight disadvantage from which they couldn't recover, as coL gave them no openings whatsoever. Finally, coL made a decisive move by pressuring Dignitas' bot lane inhibitor turret, forcing Dignitas to initiate a teamfight. At first, coL retreated but they soon turned on Dignitas, executing a perfect teamfight and acing their opponents with no losses. From this single fight, coL took the bot lane inhibitor, as well as an insurmountable lead over the top LCS team. In an effort to come back, Dignitas attempted to take Baron, looking for opportunities after sniping wandering members of compLexity. However, coL always had an answer, whether that was a fierce counterattack or Chuuper backdooring the base and destroying both Nexus turrets. When coL finally took Baron for themselves at nearly 35:00, Dignitas could no longer stop them from destroying their inhibitors, demolishing their Nexus, and ending their undefeated streak in the most shocking LCS NA upset to date.
Crs v CLG
The NA rivals CLG and Curse were the third match of the day and an important one for the fans and players alike. The teams had each beaten each the other once before, making this match their Game 3 to decide who was the stronger team. CLG had a poor start, losing Doublelift's Summoner Spells when he was caught before minions spawned, then giving Nyjacky first blood when Curse spotted Aphromoo warding deep in their jungle. However, CLG struck back when a top lane gank brought Nyjacky and Voyboy to low health. Though they managed to kill Hotshot, bigfatlp, playing with CLG in Chauster's absence, easily took a double kill. With this the score was evened, and the teams continued to match each other in turrets and other objectives for the next fifteen minutes. Curse pulled ahead again at 24:00 after intimidating CLG away with superior ward control. With this lead, Curse took command of the game, winning teamfights with few losses and knocking down turrets and inhibitors alike. By 32:50, Curse were far enough ahead to take an uncontested Baron, after which they knocked down the top inhibitor and killed two CLG players for free. With the numbers and strength advantage, Curse destroyed CLG's Nexus, giving Curse the edge in their matchup against CLG. While the Super Week showed Curse's vulnerable side, their convincing win over CLG proved they were still at the top of the pack.
Vul v MRN
Vulcun vs MRN should have been a close matchup between the two most successful lower bracket teams, a match could have served to help establish the hierarchy of the newer teams of Season 3. Unfortunately, the players of team MRN were ill, ecco was unable to participate, and their sub, Nientonsoh, was not in Dallas. In desperation, MRN recruited a Diamond-level player from the crowd to sub in on Ranged AD and placed Heartbeattt mid to round out the lineup. Though the game looked even through Vulcun's 11:30 first blood, Vulcun began to outdo their opponents by killing AtomicN in MRN's jungle then subsequently taking a free Dragon. With a solid lead and a superior (read: complete) lineup, MRN could not beat Vulcun, who proceeded to take down towers and champions in every remaing fight of the game. Vulcun had nearly a 10K gold lead before 20:00, and then they aced MRN and took Baron only three minutes later. Using mandatorycloud's powerful Nidalee and Sycho Sid's terrifying Rumble, Vulcun stampeded through MRN's base with ease, taking them down at 27:10. While Vulcun played extremely well, it's unfortunate to see MRN lose under these awful circumstances.
[Day 2] March 16, 2013
Crs v TSM
Day 2 started out with a high profile match-up between Curse and TSM. On purple side, TSM initiated a lane swap putting Chaox and Xpecial Top against Voyboy. Although no kills were secured, the first five minutes of the game were pretty fast paced as Saintvicious made his presence known around the map forcing multiple Flashes from TSM. All of this ganking finally come to fruition as Curse executed a standard three man dive on a solo Dyrus in the Bot lane to pick up First blood..
Shortly there after, TSM made a questionable call to take Dragon despite having limited vision of the members of Curse. Curse took this opportunity to engage on TSM. Saintvicious just walked into four members of TSM forcing them off the Dragon while Cop and Elementz chunked down Dyrus before he even entered the fight. Voyboy then teleported onto Jarvan's Demacian Standard and was able to get the reset picking up a double and escaping with just a sliver of health. Curse just kept this momentum going as they roamed around the map picking up several turrets and staying ahead in Dragons. They got a bunch of deep wards into TSM's jungle which allowed for them to make surprise engages and just catch TSM off guard. The rest of the game was completely one sided as TSM was simply too far behind that no amount of out playing could have caught them back up. An ace on TSM around the 27 minute mark was the final nail in the coffin for TSM as they surrendered as Curse strolled into their base.
dig v GGU
After an unexpected loss to compLexity, Dignitas had to be sure they weren't going to drop another game to an underdog Good Game University would start the game off with some lane swap action of their own sending DontMashMe and Bloodwater Mid while Jintae had to fend for himself in the Bot lane.
Aside from a smooth gank by Crumzz to secure First blood for Dignitas, the early game remained passive as both teams were just content to farm it out. GGU would be able to keep the game close in terms of kills but their lack of map control spiraled out of control as Dignitas would go up six turrets to none taking a commanding 9K gold lead. To further add insult to injury Dignitas was able to sneak a three man Baron pre-20 minutes without GGU even realizing.
The rest of the game was Dignitas just slowly grinding out their immense advantage by pushing down multiple GGU inhibitors. With these inhibitors down, Dignitas was able to pick up a second free Baron with the only contention coming from a blind Trueshot Barrage that was late. Even GGU's Nexus Turrets weren't enough to deter Dignitas as they engaged under them and forced GGU back into their fountain. While they were healing Dignitas as able to quickly drop the Turrets and Nexus while GGU just helplessly watched.
coL v Vul
To keep the dream of going 3-0 alive for the week both compLexity and Vulcun needed a win in this match-up. Vulcun applied early pressure by brute force their way into coL's jungle to steal away Lautemortis' Blue buff. In response, coL quickly transitioned to Vulcun's Blue buff and were able to steal it away from Mancloud who was trying to solo it. Continuing the trend of atypical lane set-ups, both teams sent their ADC and Support mid with their Mid laner going Bot. Early game was full of small skirmishes with coL finding ways to just slightly eek out ahead and establish a lead. The teams continued to trade small advantages back and forth and at the 20 minute mark the gold count was dead even.
Just before 24 minutes into the game minutes coL attempted to take a Dragon, but Vulcun didn't let them have it uncontested. coL did most of the work getting Dragon near Smite range, but simply backed off as Vulcun walked in. Xmithe promptly took the low health Dragon and continued on in the fight. Luckily for coL, despite losing the Dragon they would come out ahead going 3-1 in the ensuing fight . Even after catching out Muffinqt and picking up Baron, the gold count remained even as Mancloud pushed down Bot lane taking down the Inhibitor. In the end the game would be decided by Vulcun sticking around in coL's base for just a little bit too long. After picking up a kill on Nickwu, Vulcun felt confident they could try and push to coL's Nexus. Before they would even take down the second Nexus Turret, coL were back in their own base and just eviscerated Vulcun in a one sided team fight featuring yet another sick Death Sentence from M eye A . Xmithe tried his hardest, but being unable to stop any members of coL from backing was what finally what tipped the game in one teams favor.
MRN's big upset over CLG was one of the most memorable moments of the Super Week, but with ecco out sick and their sub being someone MRN had never practiced with before, things were looking good for CLG. Although with HotshotGG back in the Jungle anything was possible MRN slipped up early as they broke the first rule of playing against CLG, which is don't let Doublelift get ahead. After being abused in lane with some excellent Glitterlances and auto attacks, Aphromoo's Lulu forced Heartbeat out of lane and allowed Doublelift to take an early 15 minion kill advantage. While this might not see like a lot, for Doublelift sometimes that's all he needs to snowball a lead. And to further the issue Doublelift picked up First blood, never a good sign. MegaZero tried to keep MRN close by picking up a straight 1v1 kill on LiNk with a brilliantly timed Transcendent Blade catching him as soon as he dropped down from Rappel .
MRN did a great job of keeping the game close and winning team fights which was largely a result of them chain CC-ing and bursting down Doublelift before he could really contribute to any fights. This worked for a while, but it was only a matter of time before this strategy failed. Although he only picked up two kills in the fight, Doublelift was able to kite MRN long enough that by the time he was dead, Heartbeat as so out of position that the rest of CLG could easily clean up the ace trading 5-2 . From this point on CLG was just too strong for MRN to handle and they were able to secure the victory without breaking another sweat.
[Day 3] March 17, 2013
TSM v coL
compLexity came into this game 2-0 land were looking to finish the week an unexpected 3-0, but TSM had different plans for the surging team. In anticipation of a lane swap, coL sent brunch Ü and M eye A Top to face off against Chaox and Xpecial. Lautemortis would get coL started on the right foot by picking up first blood on Xpecial trading Flash for Flash but getting the flip from Rolling Thunder. Meanwhile, Chuuper was doing well against Reginald in mid lane, but Nickwu wasn’t doing nearly as well against Dyrus in the bot lane; he fell behind in cs rapidly and fell further behind as the game went on. The game started to turn sharply in TSM's favor at the 10:20 mark where a two man dive Bot left Nickwu dead. In the Top lane complexity’s duo engaged hard into Chaox and Xpecial, but Varus did not have enough mana for Chain of Corruption. They were then annihilated by a well aimed Bullet Time/Crescendo combo and handily punished coL hard for their over aggressive play at low mana. Lautemortis looked to even the score on an over extended Chaox and Xpecial, but an unfortunate Rolling Thunder didn't flip Sona into the anticipated location and TSM was able to turn the fight around and deter their attackers.
Despite losing a couple team fights and conceding the kill lead to coL, TSM would keep the gold lead through superior Dragon control. TSM would take a decisive lead when they forced a fight at Dragon where TSM really abused Xpecial’s oracles and their large vision advantage. An engage from Oddone blindsides Complexity, causing 3 of their members to eat the full wrath of many AoE Ultimates, while Dyrus soaks a ton of damage with his Warmogs and Warden’s Mail, walking away alive thanks to a final Command: Protect. TSM cleans up 4 for 1, and goes on to seal the game over the next 10 minutes, exerting complete map dominance which even allowed them to get an uncontested Baron while coL was pinned into their base. coL put up a valiant effort but TSM was just too strong to be prevented from taking down the Nexus
dig v Vul
This game got off to a quick start with Scarra getting caught out and having to Flash before the one minute mark. Vulcun then tried to steal Dignitas' Red buff, but they were met with heavy resistance. KiWiKiD on Shen managed to pick up First blood while Scarra got his own kill on Muffinqt. Zuna was able to escape with a vengeance kill on Scarra, but while this was happening imaqtpie and Patoy were busy stealing Vulcun's Red buff. Dignitas tried to pull of a sneaky 5 minute Dragon but were spotted out. No one picked up the Dragon and teams traded 1 for 1 in kills in a rather intense fight . Dignitas would establish an early lead but kept getting picked off letting Vulcun close the gap.
The tempo of this game was heavily dictated by which team controlled Baron. Dignitas picked up the first and were able to bully Vulcun around until it ran out. Vulcun timed the next Baron perfectly and were able to grab it before Dignitas could properly react. With the regen that Baron buff provides, nothing could stop Vulcun from whittling down Dignitas' tier three Turrets. In the last fight Dignitas would prove to be their own worst enemy. Trying to force the fight, Crumzz used Assault and Battery on Zuna in order to try and incapacity Vulcun's main damage dealer. Scarra followed up with an Explosive Cask that separated all of the members of Vulcun but instead of creating a pick-off scenario, a flash from Zuna cause the Explosive Cask to push him away from Dignitas instead, keeping him safe. After their initial burst failed to kill anyone Vulcun just blew up the members of Dignitas taking not only their lives but also the Nexus
With two losses already during the weekend, a match against CLG didn’t well for GGU's LCS record. Yet fortune smiled on GGU early in the game: Chauster's initial scouting pattern was right over a GGU ward, allowing the grouped team to pin him down long enough for first blood. With both of GGU’s buff being stolen by CLG and a series of kills exchanged, the early game was action-packed all over the map. CLG's first huge lead came from GGU's first attempt to take Dragon. CLG attacked in a 5v3 to get a big lead in kills in the early stages of the game. Yet GGU did not lose their heads and played patiently, eventually being rewarded with a kill on Aphromoo and Doublelift when they overextended in the bot lane after a Stand United from HotshotGG. The game stayed even for nearly a half hour, with CLG getting more kills and all of GGU's Blue buffs, but GGU pushing down towers for increased map control and global gold. At 31:00, GGU caught CLG at Baron in an attempt to gain a decisive advantage over their opponents. Instead, GGU struck back with incredible coordination, using their abilities in perfect combination and taking a 4-1 trade overall. Two minutes later, CLG started up Baron again and again while GGU came to clean up, starting with a 2-0 on the full team of CLG and ending by killing the remaining three members as they attempted a Teleport/Homeguard combo steal attempt. CLG could not come back from this massive GGU lead, as proven when they hunted for a third Baron. At this point, Chauster’s lack of farm caught up to him as Nintendude would dive in with two levels up on Chauster to smite baron + Show Spoiler +
and Nami’s Tidal Wave set up CLG to receive the full brunt of Spray and Pray, and the ensuing 4-1 smackdown and subseqent push through the Nexus secured victory for GGU, showing that in spite of their records, they can still take down top teams.
Crs v MRN
In a world where Curse is back in top form and MRN is playing with their sub, the only logical outcome is a landslide Curse victory. Though MRN had much improved chances when compared to the first day of Week 5, even Nientonsoh could not save MRN from Curse's power. This became evident early on when a successful Death Sentence snagged AtomicN and got caught first blood, after which the rest of Curse arrived to take out Heartbeattt as well. Two minutes after this initial double kill, MRN's duo lane died a second time to an unexpected four man gank, while MegaZero was killed in a 1v1 with Voyboy. Their dominance all over the map from minute three allowed Curse to take an early Dragon, giving them a 3.3K gold lead at only 7:05. Despite MRN's occasional turret and champion kills, Curse continued to get further and further ahead, leaving MRN in the dust. By 27:00, two inhibitors were down and Curse had an overwhelming 15.8K gold lead, allowing them to easily kill the Nexus about a minute earlier. The final MLG/LCS game earned Curse a 3-0 for the weekend while poor, divided MRN went down 0-3, a far cry from their stellar performance in the Super Week.
In the King's Name
Player of the Week
Player of the Week can be awarded for many reason. Sometimes it is won when someone slings their flailing team on their back and drags them kicking and screaming to the finish line. Other times, it is the clean crisp execution that secures a team their LCS points. But this week, we award this honour to Bloodwater for aquatic authority that ruled the game, securing GGU their upset over CLG and proving that Nami can really be be a man.
By Sunday, GGU was on the ropes once again. With two losses in two days, Week 5 seemed as if it could be another winless week for members of Good Game University. After falling to the ever-popular TSM and the off-kilter Dignitas, a victory against CLG appeared unlikely. In Champion Select, standard LCS NA picks came out across the board save one: the first-pick Nami for Bloodwater. As the game began, GGU made intelligent use of Nami's unwieldy yet powerful Aqua Prison for a first blood on Chauster before 1:00. The action didn't stop there, as Chauster stole GGU's Red buff for Doublelift and ganked GGU's duo in the top lane. To make the best of a bad situation, Bloodwater distracted CLG, forced them away from DontMashMe, and drew out three Flashes, the last of which was the only reason Bloodwater failed to secure an execution. Bloodwater's Nami mechanics emerged once again at 5:25, when Bloodwater snagged Aphromoo with another Aqua Prison, securing himself a kill on the opposing support. Throughout the laning phase, Bloodwater continued to impress with this use of Nami's unique kit, empowering his AD companion to consistently force Doublelift out of lane or kill him. The most impressive series of skills was at 14:55, when NintendudeX ganked bot to try and eliminate CLG's duo lane. A Tidecaller's Blessing on DontMashMe and Tidal Wave forced Doublelift to use both his Summoner Spells and receive a HSGG's Stand United. Bloodwater followed this up with two incredible Aqua Prisons: one to deny a counterattack from the three in bot and another to snag Doublelift near GGU's bot outer turret, eventually netting them two free kills.
The full strength of Bloodwater’s Nami manifested in teamfights. At 17:15 GGU found themselves completely out of position as CLG emerged from the purple side tribrush to take down NintendudeX and ZionSpartan. Only Bloodwater's well-placed Tidal Wave and Aqua Prison kept his teammates alive while the rest of GGU reinforced, keeping CLG from gaining a huge advantage in the even game. GGU evened the kill count again at 24:00, partially owing to Bloodwater's ability to keep Chauster locked down while his teammates blasted him to death (not to mention healing them and speeding them up throughout). Though it remained even until past 30:00, GGU managed to tip the scales in their favor again at 31:05. The extended teamfight began with a Rune Prison from Jintae, which, comboed with Bloodwater's immediate Aqua Prison, demanded LinK's Kha'zix retreat. Bloodwater’s followup ultimate then knocked up four members of CLG while forcing a Flash and Cleanse from Doublelift. This allowed GGU's bruisers to close in on CLG's heavy damage dealers while DontMashMe fell (unfortunately) to Chauster. However, GGU was now in such a good position that they secured kills on Aphromoo, LinK, and Doublelift before moving towards Baron. With Chauster harrassing around the pit, GGU decided to follow him, only catching him with an impressive Flash/Aqua Prison from Bloodwater, bringing that fight to a 4-1 trade. Bloodwater hit yet another incredible Tidal Wave at 33:35, sweeping across every member of CLG as they ran out of the Baron pit, keeping NintendudeX alive as GGU killed Hotshot. With a full (albeit injured) lineup, GGU was able to take an initial 2-0 advantage that led to a 5-2 GGU ace when CLG reinitiated (partially due to Bloodwater's help in CC'ing LinK). The final fight of the game (36:05) was also in the Baron pit where CLG already heavily injured Nashor. However, Bloodwater's Tidal Wave knocked up all of CLG once more, preventing them from finishing Baron off and allowing NintendudeX to get a clutch steal. The lead firmly in hand, GGU cleaned up the rest of CLG and pushed down the Nexus, getting a huge win in their last game of the weekend. Their victory over CLG would not have occurred if not for Bloodwater's incredible Nami play, play the likes of which had not been seen from any of NA's pro supports. Bloodwater's aquatic authority on the Tidecaller secured a GGU upset over CLG and proved Nami's competitive viability in NA, making him TL's Player of the Week.
Keys to Victory
Predictions for Week 6
Week 6 of the NA LCS is filled with quite a few high profile matches. CLG, TSM, and Dignitas all play three games with head-to-head match-ups featuring CLG v TSM and CLG v dig. The results of this week will have a huge impact on the standings as it will determine if Dignitas will further cement themselves above TSM and CLG or if the other two teams will gain ground on first and second place. compLexity also has three games this week and as always are in desperate need of wins. Going 3-0 would be ideal, but even just 2-1 would be enough to give them a slight boost in the standings.
[Day 1] March 21, 2013
dig vs MRN
Despite their poor performance in Week 5, Dignitas should still be able to prevail against MRN. Not only was MRN an easy mark for Dignitas in early weeks, but now MRN must struggle through integrating Nientonsoh into their lineup, pitting their former duo laners against each other for the support role, and persevering through ecco's illness. With the odds so stacked against MRN, it's Dignitas' game to lose. Their best bet would be to send a 2v1 lane against MegaZero to undo the player who is now undoubtedly MRN's strongest link. Scarra should have an easy time against a sick ecco, and imaqtpie and patoy's incredible laning skills and coordination will be leagues ahead of what is established between Nien and whoever will be supporting him. MRN, on the other hand, will need some Dignitas throws to win, but they proved themselves more than capable of doing so this weekend. They'll need to focus heavily on getting MegaZero and Nien fed, since the two of them are more than capable of going toe-to-toe with Dignitas' big name players if they have a lead. Perhaps if ClakeyD camps the duo lane, MRN will be able to get Nien into the teamfighting phase with some relevance and he can show his impressive Ranged AD skills. It'll be a tough road for MRN, but not an impossible one.
TSM vs coL
Last week, few would be that coL would come out of this match with a victory. However, compLexity illustrated they were more than capable of beating top tier teams in Week 5 and TSM recently swapped out Ranged AD mainstay, Chaox, for Cloud 9’s WildTurtle. With such favorable conditions, there’s no better time for coL to get another huge win. Top on their list of priorities should be capitalizing on TSM’s duo lane weakness while getting brunch U incredibly fed. If Lautemortis counterganks like he did against Dignitas, or even just camps WildTurtle and Xpecial, it should be enough to coax communication errors and other mistakes out of the new pair. Assuming coL gets a lead or at least keeps up with TSM’s generally superior laning, they should be able to execute their impressive teamfighting and objective prioritizing like they did over the weekend. Conversely, TSM should do their best to prioritize farm around Reginald and Dyrus while choosing their duo lane with an eye towards caution or utility. A Varus or Ashe pick would not go amiss, so long as WildTurtle’s pick can safely farm. TSM’s lategame experience will still win out in the long run, and it will have much more of an opportunity to be successful with massive mid and top damage and a few powerful teamfighting ultimates. TSM are still favored in this matchup, but they’d best be careful of the hidden threat that is compLexity.
CLG vs dig
As CLG looks to gain ground on Curse and Dignitas, picking up a victory over either team is crucial to their advancement. A strategy they might want to implement in order to obtain victory over Dignitas is to employ a lane swap. Since they are on blue side this is a bit unusual, but it has it’s advantages. Most importantly it allowed Doublelift to free farm while also shutting down KiWiKiD. KiWiKiD has been a crucial role in Dignitas’ recent sucess to shutting him down is a nice bonus in addition to letting Doublelift farm. Also HotshotGG is probably be best NA Top laner when it comes to dealing with 2v1 lanes. If no one does a lane swap Dignitas should rely on KiWi to carry them to victory. HotshotGG is easily abusable and with some nice early ganks from Crumbzz they should be able so shut down HotshotGG so he is a non-factor for most of the game.
The second on MRN’s list of huge upsets, TSM wants to prove that their loss to MRN last time was simply a fluke. Interestingly enough, both teams will be running new starting ADCs who were actually former teammates. Nientonsoh and WiildTurtle both played for Cloud 9, but this time they face each other as enemies. Everyone should keep their eye on Bot lane as both ADC/Support combos don’t have a lot of practice with one another so whoever adapts faster could easily be the deciding factor in this game. The other lane matchups will be worth watching too: Dyrus will need to keep Megazero’s heavy pressure contained, lest MRN control the game flow through Megazero, and the reverse is true for Heartbeatt against Reginald. This is really a game of lane match-ups and whoever wins lane will most likely win the game.
[Day 2] March 22, 2013
One of the longest rivalries in competitive LoL continues as CLG takes on TSM for the second time in the LCS. CLG is up in the head-to-head match-up, but coming into Week 5 TSM is ahead in the standings. With teams focusing on shutting down Doublelift, the other members of CLG are going to have to step up their game. Since HotshotGG doesn't really play carry-based heroes the success of CLG relies heavily LiNk's performance Mid. Aphromoo will also need to play well and do his best to keep TSM from making Doublelift irrelevant. Aside from the standard advice of focusing Doublelife, TSM are going to want to abuse HotshotGG up in the Top lane. If they can put Dyrus on carry oriented hero he can abuse HotshotGG and presumably cripple CLG's front line making their overall teamfight really weak.
coL vs MRN
While Team MRN was hot during the Super Week, compLexity found their own momentum in Week 5. Going 2-1 last week, compLexity needs to keep the pace going if they want to break into 6th place and avoid guaranteed relegation. Lautemortis was a key factor in carrying coL to victory over Dignitas and if he can replicate that same pressure coL should be able to keep MRN on their heels throughout the game. For MRN this is the first week Nientonsoh will debut as the starting ADC after subbing last week. Nien is known to be a very good ADC and if he can get fed he can not only lead MRN to victory, but also prove to fans he deserves the starting position. Also MegaZero should stick with aggressive champs where he can abuse his opponent in lane as his play on Shen and Cho'gath has been somewhat unimpressive.
Vul vs CLG
This match-up is very critical for Vulcun as CLG is the team that stands in their way of jumping up into the top four. CLG only has a two win advantage, but has four less losses than Vulcun. Grabbing the win here would mean closing the win gap while also adding to CLG's losses. Not to sound like a broken record, but if Vulcun wants to secure the win they are going to need to have Xmithe live in Bot lane. Getting Zuna a couple kills while setting Doublelift behind should be their main focus. Vulcun has proven they play their best when Zuna is ahead and leading teamfights with his now famous yells. CLG should pay close attention to Mancloud in the Mid lane. If they let him have Nidalee or Lux they are in for a world of hurt as he's proven he can single handily win games with clutch snipes.
dig vs coL
After compLexity handed them a surprise loss last week, Dignitas is going to take special care that something similar doesn't happen again. In order to come out ahead this time Dignitas needs to temper some of their early aggression and make sure they don't make the same mistakes twice, like getting Barrier baited into two deaths. Dignitas is the better team and if they just play smarter they should be able to pick up the win. Aside from praying Dignitas makes the same mistakes as last time, compLexity needs to gain an advantage by taking the fight to their enemy. Crumbzz has been a monster in the Jungle providing tons of pressure for dig and Lautemortis in the Jungle is going to have to match that by visiting every lane while also setting up counter-gank opportunities.