MLG Format+ Show Spoiler +All matches are being broadcast on the four streams.
All games are played as Bo3. The event will use double elimination, with the Finals requiring the team from the loser's bracket to win two Bo3s in a row. The team from the winner's bracket will only be required to win a single Bo3. Extended Series will not be in effect.
Seeds 1-11 will start in Winners Round 2. Seeds 12-20 will start in Winners Round 1.
List of Competing Teams and MLG Roster by Seed + Show Spoiler +- - Team SoloMid - Reginald, TheOddOne, Xpecial, Chaox, Dyrus
- - CLG.Prime (NA) - HotshotGG, Bigfatlp, Chauster, Doublelift, xHazard (subbing for Voyboy)
- - Team Dignitas - Scarra, I Will Dominate, imaqtpie (killer_toast), L0cust, Crumzzz
- - SK Gaming - Ocelot, Dedrayon, Candypanda, Nyph, Kev1n
- - FnaticRC - xPeke, LamiaZealot, Cyanide, sOAZ, Pheilox (subbing for Mellisan)
- - Curse Gaming NA - Nyjacky, Cop, Elementz, SaintVicious, Jstd713 (subbing for Pobelter)
- - Team Dynamic - ZionSpartan, Zignature, Pixel, NintendudeX, MrPradoxical
- - mTw.NA - MandatoryCloud, Xmithie, Atlanta, Balls, Muffinqt
- - 4Not Gaming - Onebadbrad, TakashiX, Zekent, Parol, MrxBriann
- - CLG.Optimus (EU) - Snoopeh, Wickd, Krepo, Froggen, Yellowpete
- - Curse Gaming EU (formerly Absolute Legends) - Sleper, Extinkt, Malunoo, Xinec, YoungBuck
- - Green Forest - Liquidity, Gam3szz, Tskoala, nk_inc, Keun
- - LGN - Darigaz, Demunlul, Cruzerthebruzer, iNoobish, h4ckerv2
- - MRN - MaRNorz, ClakeyD, NickWu, me_emo, TooPro4u
- - Orbit Gaming - Hai_L9, Nubbypoohbear, LemonNation, Yazuki, Nientonsoh
- - Redact - Shreaderman, SkipMasterFlash, Borrum, jgsleeper, manonsaturn1
- - TSM.Evo (formerly Epik) - Nhat Nyugen, Salce, Aphromoo, Unstoppable, WingsOfDeath
- - vVv Gaming - AItecker, SKiLLY, Tsunamiie, RoshanNOW, soojeeluss
- - Wolf Pack - elawlapple, Artonious, TrueFireRune , ruin, TheRawMonk
- - Sypher (Withdrew from MLG) -
Lyumi, Lounet, Moopz, hyrqBot, Pyri
Note: Seeds 1-8 are based on the current Season 2 Circuit Points. Seeds 9-20 are seeded randomly. Currently no replacement for Sypher.
This took ages to make ~_~
Live Twitter Updates
Day 2 - Saturday, Jun 09 6:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)+ Show Spoiler +Winners R3 A17:00 GMT (+00:00) + Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. (Evo)Fnatic - TSM.Evo Fnatic - TSM.EvoFnatic - TSM.Evo Fnatic 2:0 TSM.Evo Fnatic moves on to winners semifinals! Winners R3 B18:30 GMT (+00:00) + Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. (EU)TSM - CLG.EU TSM - CLG.EUTSM - CLG.EU TSM 2:1 CLG.EU TSM moves on to winners semifinals! Winners R3 C23:00 GMT (+00:00) (DELAYED 30 MIN) + Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. Dynamic - Dignitas Dynamic - DignitasDynamic - DignitasDynamic 0: 2 DignitasDignitas moves on to winners semifinals! Winners R3 D01:30 GMT (+00:00) (MAY HAVE DELAYS) + Show Spoiler [Results] + (NA) vs. CLG.NA - Curse.NA CLG.NA - Curse.NA CLG.NA 2:0 Curse.NA CLG.NA moves on to winners semifinals! Winners Semifinals A03:30 GMT (+00:00) (MAY HAVE DELAYS) + Show Spoiler [Bo3 Match Details] + vs. Game 1+ Show Spoiler +Bans TSM (blue) - Alistar, Twisted Fate, Sorara Fnatic - Nocturne, Urgot, Karthus
Picks TSM - Janna // Corki Nautilus // Vladimir Kennen Fnatic - Shen Nunu // Morgana Ashe // Riven
Game 2+ Show Spoiler +Bans Fnatic (blue) - Karthus, Nocturne, Nautilus TSM - Alistar, Urgot, Twisted Fate
Picks Fnatic - Janna // Tristana Shen // Nunu Rumble TSM - Graves Meowkai // Sorara Kennen // Olaf
Game 3+ Show Spoiler +Results+ Show Spoiler +TSM - Fnatic TSM - Fnatic
TSM 2:0 Fnatic
TSM moves on to winners finals!
Winners Semifinals B05:30 GMT (+00:00) (MAY HAVE DELAYS) + Show Spoiler [Bo3 Match Details] + (NA) vs. Game 1+ Show Spoiler +Bans Dignitas (blue) - Twisted Fate, Nidalee, Kog'maw CLG.NA - Morgana, Yorick, Shen
Picks Dignitas - Urgot // Ryze Janna // Nocturne Jax CLG.NA - Graves Nautilus // Sorara Anivia // Malphite
Game 2+ Show Spoiler +Bans CLG.NA (blue) - Yorick, Morgana, Vladimir Dignitas -Twisted Fate, Nidalee, Urgot
Picks CLG.NA - Shen // Nocturne Alistar // Nyaahri Vayne Dignitas - Kog'maw Sorara // Mundo Udyr // Ryze
Game 3+ Show Spoiler +Bans Dignitas (blue) - Twisted Fate, Nidalee, Sorara CLG.NA -Yorick, Morgana, Shen
Picks Dignitas - Urgot // Janna Mundo // Karthus Olaf CLG.NA - Kog'maw Nautilus // Taric Graves // Malphite
Results+ Show Spoiler +CLG.NA - Dignitas CLG.NA - Dignitas CLG.NA - Dignitas
CLG.NA 1:2 Dignitas
Dignitas moves on to winners finals!
Day 3 - Sunday, Jun 10 6:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)Pregame Show19:00 GMT (+00:00)Winners Finals19:30 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bo3 Match Details] + vs. Game 1+ Show Spoiler +Bans TSM (blue) - Alistar, Sorara, Ryze Dignitas - Karthus, Nyaahri, Meowkai
Picks TSM - Janna // Nocturne Ashe // Kennen Vladimir Dignitas - Urgot Mundo // Taric Morgana // Akali
Game 2+ Show Spoiler +Bans Dignitas (blue) - Karthus, Nyaaahri, Nocturne TSM - Alistar, Urgot, Ryze
Picks Dignitas - Sorara // Corki Mundo // Koggles Vladimir TSM - Graves Janna // Nautilus Kennen // Kayle
Game 3+ Show Spoiler +Results+ Show Spoiler +TSM - Dignitas TSM - Dignitas
TSM 2:0 Dignitas
TSM moves on to Grand Finals!
Losers Finals21:30 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bo3 Match Details] + (NA) vs. Game 1+ Show Spoiler +Bans Dignitas (blue) - Nidalee, Twisted Fate, Nyaaahri CLG.NA - Yorick, Vladimir, Shen
Picks Dignitas - Sorara // Graves Mundo // Karthus Olaf CLG.NA - Urgot Nautilus // Janna Anivia // Malphite
Game 2+ Show Spoiler +Bans CLG.NA (blue) - Vladimir, Olaf, Yorick Dignitas - Anivia, Nidalee, Malphite
Picks CLG.NA - Shen // Alistar Nautilus // Ryze Vayne Dignitas - Urgot Sorara // Morgana Nocturne // Udyr
Game 3+ Show Spoiler +Results+ Show Spoiler +CLG.NA - Dignitas CLG.NA - Dignitas
CLG.NA 2:0 Dignitas
CLG.NA moves on to Grand finals!
Grand Finals23:30 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Finals Match Details] + vs. (NA)First Bo3 of Double EliminationGame 1+ Show Spoiler +Bans TSM (blue) - Alistar, Sorara, Urgot CLG.NA - Kennen, Vladimir, Morgana
Picks TSM - Janna // Graves Nocturne // Karthus Kayle CLG.NA - Shen Ryze // Galio Nautilus // Corki
Game 2+ Show Spoiler +Bans CLG.NA (blue) - Vlaidmir, Nocturne, Kennen TSM - Alistar, Urgot, Nidalee
Picks CLG.NA - Shen // Leona Ezrael // Yorick CassiOPeia TSM - Graves Nautilus // Janna Kayle // Karthus
Game 3+ Show Spoiler +Bans TSM (blue) - Alistar, Urgot, Yorick CLG.NA - Vladimir, Kennen, Nocturne
Picks TSM - Janna // Ashe Mundo // Olaf Morgananana CLG.NA -Sorara Shen // Malphite Koggles // Nyaaahri
Results+ Show Spoiler +TSM - CLG.NA TSM - CLG.NA TSM - CLG.NA
CLG.NA force the second Bo3 in the Grand Finals!
Second Bo3 of Double Elimination (if necessary)Game 1+ Show Spoiler +Bans TSM (blue) - Alistar, Shen, Sorara CLG.NA - Kennen, Vladimir, Urgot
Picks TSM - Janna // Graves Nautilus // Karthus Kayle CLG.NA - Nocturne Taric // CassiOPeia Corki // Yorick
Game 2+ Show Spoiler +Bans CLG.NA (blue) - Kennen, Vladimir, Nocturne TSM - Alistar, Shen, Urgot
Picks CLG.NA - Nautilus // Sona Vayne // KASSADIN NIDALEEGEEGEE TSM - Sorara Graves // Karthus Meowkai // Jax
Game 3+ Show Spoiler +Bans TSM (blue) - Alistar, Shen, Sorara CLG.NA - Kennen, Vladimir, Urgot
Picks TSM - Janna // Corki Nocturne // Karthus Kayle CLG.NA - Nautilus Graves // Nidalee Sona // KASSADIN
Results+ Show Spoiler +TSM - CLG.NA TSM - CLG.NA TSM - CLG.NA
TSM wins MLG Spring 2012!
Repeat of IPL4!
Day 3 - Sunday, Jun 10 6:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)Losers R6 A17:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Results] + (NA) vs. (EU)CLG.NA - CLG.EUCLG.NA - CLG.EU CLG.NA - CLG.EU CLG.NA 2:1 CLG.EU CLG.NA moves on to losers round 7! Losers R720:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Results] + (NA) vs. CLG.NA - Team Dynamic CLG.NA - Team Dynamic CLG.NA 2:0 Team Dynamic CLG.NA moves on to losers finals!
Day 2 - Saturday, Jun 09 6:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)+ Show Spoiler +Losers R2 B17:00 GMT (+00:00) + Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. WolfpackSK - Wolfpack SK - Wolfpack SK 2:0 Wolfpack SK moves on to losers round 3! Losers R2 C18:30 GMT (+00:00) + Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. RedactOrbit - Redact Orbit - Redact Orbit 2:0 Redact Orbit moves on to losers round 3! Losers R2 D23:30 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Results] +No match scheduled. 4Not receive a Bye.
Losers R3 B20:30 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. Orbit - LGN Orbit - LGN Orbit 2:0 LGN Orbit moves on to losers round 4! Losers R3 D23:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. SK - 4Not SK - 4Not SK 2:0 4Not SK moves on to losers round 4! Losers R4 B00:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Results] + (Evo) vs. TSM.Evo - OrbitTSM.Evo - OrbitTSM.Evo 0: 2 OrbitOrbit moves on to losers round 5! Losers R4 D01:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Results] + (NA) vs. Curse.NA - SK Curse.NA - SK Curse.NA 2:0 SK Curse.NA moves on to losers round 5! Losers R5 B02:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. (NA)Dynamic - Curse.NA Dynamic - Curse.NA Dynamic 2:0 Curse.NA Dynamic moves on to losers round 6!
Day 3 - Sunday, Jun 10 6:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)Losers R6 B17:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. Dynamic - FnaticDynamic - Fnatic Dynamic - Fnatic Dynamic 2:1 Fnatic Dynamic moves on to losers round 7!
(Back to top)Day 1 - Saturday, Jun 09 1:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)Winners R1 C00:30 GMT (+00:00) Wolfpack vs. + Show Spoiler [Results] +Wolfpack - TGF Wolfpack - TGF
Wolfpack 0:2 The Green Forest
TGF moves on to winners round 2!
Winners R2 D04:00 GMT (+00:00) vs. + Show Spoiler [Results] +Fnatic - 4Not Fnatic - 4Not
Fnatic 2:0 4Not
Fnatic moves on to winners round 3!
Winners R2 H06:30 GMT (+00:00) vs. Wolfpack OR + Show Spoiler [Results] + vs. Dignitas - TGF Dignitas - TGF Dignitas 2:0 TGF Dignitas moves on to winners round 3!
United States37500 Posts
On June 07 2012 11:05 NeoIllusions wrote: Thanks MoonBearmon NeoMon still adorable~
Vancouver14381 Posts
Good job with the thread. Hopefully I can watch some of the matches. Need to stop procrastinating and finish up my report and presentation.
On June 07 2012 11:37 iGrok wrote: They brought extended series to LoL...
All games are played as Bo3. The event will use double elimination, with the Finals requiring the team from the loser's bracket to win two Bo3s in a row. The team from the winner's bracket will only be required to win a single Bo3. Extended Series will not be in effect.
They're using a normal double elimination format so no extended series for LoL this time. MLG did use extended series for Raleigh and Providence but it's a good thing they took it out. Too bad it seems like SC2 is still using it.
They brought extended series to LoL...
I fully expect TSM and TSM.Evo to do the best of the NA teams. Dynamic will probably do good too.
I feel like CLG.eu is probably the overall strongest team there. Whereas CLG.na is probably one of the weakest teams there lol. Will be very shocked if CLG.na gets top 4.
I think I'm most interested in seeing how Fnatic does.
Teams to watch out for is TD(team dynamic), CLG.eu, TSM, and TSM.evo
I got my money on TSM winning it all. But I'm rooting for evo and TD.
CLG.eu favorites and my pick, only question is their play at a live event. I think TSM can push them and take a game but CLGeu should be too strong. Wish M5, WE and the MiG teams were there .
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Who cares about the actual teams? I'm here to see Marn play.
wow huge amount of work you put into this thread :o rooting for both CLG teams ^^
Gogo Dignitas! Not gonna be able to watch any games this weekend though
man...GW2 BWE, TBLS playing SC2 at MLG, LoL at MLG, then LSATS on Monday. My weekend...so much to do...
Really well put together thread. Deciding between GW2 BWE, watching MLG, or following through with my weekend plans... this is gonna be a tough one XD
Why no M5! This tournament is over for me already lol