Photo: Daily eSports (데일리e스포츠)
The last preview for the OGN Spring Season 2013 is here. In this write-up we will take a look at the two teams in the Final and how they got there. Let us hype you for the Final Saturday, Jun 15 8:00am GMT (GMT+00:00).
We added some new features like Ban/Pick and Runes let us know if you like it and always we welcome you to join us on Teamliquid.
Signing off,
Table of Contents
Semifinal #1 Review
Semifinal #1 Winner Interview
Semifinal #2 Review
Semifinal #2 Winner Interview
MVP Ozone Final Preview
Blaze Final Preview
SKT T1 #2 vs. MVP Ozone
By: Mafia
Game one:
+ Show Spoiler [runes] +
- Impact on Rumble
- + 8.5 magic pen
- + 11 magic resist
- + 15 ability power
- + 13 armor
Bengi on Jarvan - + 9 armor pen
- + 13 armor
- + 12 magic resist
- + 6.8 attack damage
- + 3.4% attack speed
Faker on Karthus - + 15 ability power
- + 13 armor
- + 7.8 magic pen
- + 28 ap per level/18
Piglet on Twitch - + 12 magic resist
- + 8.5 attack Damage
- + 13 armor
- + 6.0% lifesteal
PoohManDu on Thresh - + .93% crit chance
- + 12 magic resist
- + 14% attack speed
- + 13 armor
- + 6.8 attack damage
- Homme on Shen
- + 25 armor
- + 5.5 magic pen
- + 8.1 armor pen
- + 12 magic resist
Dandy on Elise - + 15% attack speed
- + 13 armor
- + 5.7 magic pen
- + 15 ability power
Dade on Kha'Zix - + 12 magic resist
- + 13 armor
- + 19 armor pen
Imp on Vayne - + 4.0% lifesteal
- + 1.3 mana regen/5
- + 6.7 magic resist
- + 11 attack damage
- + 13 armor
Mata on Zyra - + 1.0 gold/10
- + 52 health
- + 7.8 magic pen
- + 6.7 magic resist
- + 13 armor
- + 1.3 mana regen/5
SKT T1 #2
MVP Ozone
MVP Ozone
MVP Ozone lane swaps Imp/Mata bot lane to top having 2v1 lane against Impact’s Rumble. Dandy’s Elise lane ganks bot lane winning a 2v2 fight killing both twitch and thresh with no deaths. This allowed Homme’s Shen to have a breathing room and pick up a giants belt. Meanwhile Faker’s Karthus has a 15 cs advantage over Dade’s Kha’Zix which was expected if you watch Faker’s godly lane mechanics.
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After destroying top turret, Imp/Mata goes bot lane to face Piglet/Poohmandu. These two bot lanes engage a fight when Homme uses Stand United on Vayne creating a 2 to 1 kill advantage on SKT and allowing Imp to pick up a kill for a late game carry in vayne. At the same time Rumble and Jarvan dive Elise under top turret picking up a kill but Rumble gets sniped by Kha’Zix due to low health. Imp tries to farm bot lane but gets caught by thresh/twitch and gives up a kill to twitch. Faker picks up a commanding 30 cs lead over Dade and builds his core item Rod of ages at 14 minutes. There is a huge fight at dragon where both teams 5v5 fight but due to SKT’s poor positioning and ult positioning MVP Ozone barely aces SKT
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A few minutes later MVP tries to catch SKT off guard with a 4 man gank on 3 of SKT players but Faker comes in late to exchange a 2 for 2 kill situation. But SKT goes greedy and loses a 4v5 engage inside MVP’s red buff jungle area although SKT salvages with Faker’s 2 kills. Around 24 minutes, Impact, PoohMandu and Bengi gets caught inside their own jungle in a 3v5 fights resulting in a baron by the MVP and snowballing the rest of the game with huge gold advantage.
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Game two:
+ Show Spoiler [runes] +
- Impact on Elise
- + 13 armor
- + 8.1 armor pen
- + 5.5 magic pen
- + 12 magic resist
- + 6.8 attack damage
Bengi on Nasus - + 4.0 magic resist
- + 16 magic resist/18
- + 3.0% movement speed
- + 15% attack speed
- + 17 armor
Faker on Ryze - + 4.5% movement speed
- + 175 health per level/18
- + 1.11% cooldown reduction per level/18
- + 7.8 magic pen
- + 90 mana
Piglet on Varus - + 4.0 magic resist
- + 13 armor
- + 1.3 mana regen/5
- + 5.3 magic resist per level/18
- + 11 attack damage
- + 4.0% lifesteal
PoohManDu on Thresh - + 0.93% crit chance
- + 12 magic resist
- + 14 attack damage
- + 13 armor
- Homme on Renekton
- + 9.6 attack damage
- + 13 armor
- + 7.7 armor pen
- + 12 magic resist
Dandy on Jarvan - + 15% attack speed
- + 7.0 attack damage
- + 13 armor
- + 11 magic resist
Dade on Orianna - + 12 magic resist
- + 15 ability power
- + 175 health per level/18
- + 7.8 magic pen
Imp on Ezreal - + 4.0% lifesteal
- + 1.3 mana regen/5
- + 6.7 magic resist
- + 11 attack damage
- + 13 armor
Mata on Blitzcrank - + 1.0 gold/10
- + 3.0% movement speed
- + 8.6 armor pen
- + 13 armor
- + 101 mana
MVP Ozone
SKT T1 #2
SKT T1 #2
Impact tries to ward in enemy blue jungle and gets caught by MVP and everyone from MVP starts off with an assist. Standard laning from both MVP and SKT opting not to lane swap. Bengi decides to push bottom tower with Piglet and PoohMandu and destroys the first tower around 6 minute mark. SKT decides to send bot lane to top so SKT can quickly take the second tower but gets denied when Dandy and Mata come to top lane making it a 3v3 fight. SKT initiates a dragon fight resulting in a 4 to 1 lead with dragon lead. Although MVP is ahead of SKT in cs, SKT continues to use their strategic advantage sending all 5 players to the mid tower winning yet another successful teamfight resulting 8 to 3 kill advantage.
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MVP continues to lose 5v5 fights where Orianna, Imp and Homme don’t have quite enough damage to kill off Faker and Bengi. With Thresh seperating Orianna and Ezreal with the box, MVP loses another fight in this engagement.
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SKT baits MVP to a baron fight leaving couple thousand health zoning out Orianna and Renekton which allowed SKT to win a 5v3 fight and destroying middle inhibitor. SKT finishes the game diving bottom turret and snowballing bottom inhibitor and the nexus.
Game three
+ Show Spoiler [runes] +
- Impact on Elise
- + 8.1 armor pen
- + 52 health
- + 7.50% cooldown reduction
- + 5.5 magic pen
- + 17 armor
Bengi on Nasus - + 4 magic resist
- + 16 magic resist per level/18
- + 3.0% movement speed
- + 15% attack speed
- + 17 armor
Faker on Orianna - + 12 magic resist
- + 15 ability power
- + 13 armor
- + 7.8 magic pen
Piglet on Varus - + 4 magic resist
- + 13 armor
- + 1.3 mana regen/5
- + 5.3 magic resist per level/18
- + 11 attack damage
PoohManDu on Lulu - + .93% crit chance
- + 12 magic resist
- + 14% attack speed
- + 13 armor
- + 6.8 attack damage
- Homme on Renekton
- + 9.6 attack damage
- + 13 armor
- + 7.7 armor pen
- + 12 magic resist
Dandy on Jarvan - + 15% attack speed
- + 7 attack damage
- + 13 armor
- + 11 magic resist
Dade on Ryze - + 4.5% movement speed
- + 12 magic resist
- + 175 health per level/18
- + 7.8 magic pen
Imp on Vayne - + 4.0% lifesteal
- + 1.3 mana regen/5
- + 6.7 magic resist
- + 11 attack damage
- + 13 armor
Mata on Thresh - + 12 magic resist
- + 1.0 gold/10
- + 5.7 attack damage
- + 15 armor
- + 52 health
SKT T1 #2
MVP Ozone
MVP Ozone
MVP tries to sneak into SKT’s red jungle crossing the tri lane bush but SKT already spotted a ward in the bush and recognizes a jungle invade. Dandy gets a delayed blue start but recovers quickly taking SKT’s red buff. Bengi tries to 3 man tower clear bot lane with Piglet and Poohmandu but with about 100 tower hp to go, SKT went too aggressive over taking the objective and Bengi pays the price without even getting the tower. Jarvan dives mid lane moments later killing Ryze fairly easy. SKT rotates quickly after destroying MVP’s bottom turret to mid lane and also killing Thresh. SKT continues to knock down towers having Impact push the opposite lane so that MVP has to send either Renekton or Vayne to stop Impact’s push. With a 4 tower advantage, SKT has a slight gold advantage over MVP but engages in a bad fight when 5 members of MVP Ozone come after 4 members of SKT when Elise was away with the group.
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However SKT comes back with a good dragon fight kiting MVP well enough to kill off the frontline before the MVP carries were able to do any damage. Both of these teams trade a 3 for 3 fight in mid lane with MVP leading 13 to 11 in kills. SKT gets caught inside MVP’s red jungle when 3 of the members get caught by Jarvan+Thresh ultimates allowing Dade and Imp to freely damage SKT’s trapped members.
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Piglet’s lack of map awareness gives MVP a free kill and also kills Faker who was hesitant on helping Piglet escape. However both of SKT’s carries die and MVP takes the baron and pushes down the inhibitor with the baron buff. With the middle inhibitor destroyed, MVP pushes the bottom inhibitor and wins the game.
Game four
+ Show Spoiler [runes] +
- Impact on Jax
- + 13 Armor
- + 4% Lifesteal
- + 12 Mres
- + 11 AD
Bengi onJarvan IV - + 9 Apen
- + 12 Mres
- + 8.6 AD
- + 13 Armor
Faker on Ryze - + 1.11% CD reducation/lvl
- + 13 Armor
- + 7.8 Mpen
- + 203 Mana
Piglet on Varus - + 4 Mres
- + 13 Armor
- + 1.3 Mana/5
- + 5.3 Mres/lvl
- + 11 AD
- + 4% Lifesteal
Mandu on Sona - + 13 Armor
- + 78 Health
- + 7.8 Mpen
- + 2.8 Mana/5
Homme on Renekton - + 9.6 AD
- + 13 Armor
- + 7.7 Apen
- + 12 Mres
Dandy on Elise - + 15% Attackspeed
- + 13 Armor
- + 5.7 Mpen
- + 15 AP
Dade on Karthus - + 12 Mres
- + 15 AP
- + 13 Armor
- + 7.8 Mpen
Imp on Caitlyn - + 4% Lifesteal
- + 1.3 Mana/5
- + 6.7 Mres
- + 11 AD
- + 13 Armor
Mata on Thresh - + 12 Mres
- + 1 Gold/10
- + 5.7 AD
- + 15 Armor
- + 52 Health
MVP Ozone
SKT T1 #2
SKT T1 #2
Both teams opting to give blue buff to Jax and Karthus. Jarvan successfully ganks Renekton in the bottom lane which gives Jax a huge farm advantage over Renekton. MVP takes an early dragon at 6 minute mark after Caitlyn/Thresh finished off middle turret. SKT uses karthus’s absence at top lane to continue pushing down turrets which leads to tier 2 tower being destroyed. Faker gets caught out by 3 members of MVP and dies before SKT poorly executes 4v3 fight when Piglet and Poohmandu gets killed before Bengi and Impact arrives.
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MVP wins a huge dragon fight killing 4 members of SKT and leading the game with kill lead of 12 to 8. MVP lures out SKT in a baron attempt and they successfully execute zoning out Jarvan and getting the baron. In the map, MVP has wards deep into SKT’s red jungle territory and continues to apply map pressure in top and mid lane. SKT initiates a dive onto MVP’s middle turret but SKT’s front line is too squishy to allow Faker and Varus to deal any damage. MVP takes down the middle inhibitor with the exchange and also taking the baron. Karthus finishes Zhonya’s hourglass and Imp with the last whisperer which means SKT’s dive is ineffective now and MVP slowly pushes down each inhibitor and winning the series 3-1.
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MVP Ozone Interview
By: Mafia
Inven: Your thoughts on advancing to the finals?
Mata: Ever since Dade and I joined MVP Ozone, our goals for the season was semis. But once we saw our quarterfinals bracket, if we beat KTB we could win the semis.
Dade: We want to advance as far as we could. After easily beating KTB, we knew we’d get to finals. We practiced hard and the results showed.
Inven: Beginning of the season MVP Ozone wasn’t considered a top tier team but how far did you guys think you could advance?
Mata: Our goal was Semifinal and once we looked at the bracket we knew we could get there.
Inven: There was All-stars during your preparation time. How did you practice?
Mata: We didn’t practice much so we wanted to really focus on practice yesterday but Imp did other things so we fought a little bit. The server was unstable so no team would’ve been able to practice, but we had more luck.
Dade: We didn’t complete all of the team practices but we knew we’d win even with bad practices. It’s because we’re too good(laughs).
Inven: (To Mata)You’ve received two game MVPs. It’s harder for supports to receive this award so how do you feel?
Mata: In our first match there was clear skill difference between the supports. I was able to read the map and since SKT didn’t have vision, it was easy to land skillshots. I didn’t expect to receive MVP for my thresh in game 4. I just wanted to win.
Inven: (To Dade)You’ve been very underrated so far. People were saying you were weak in live matches?
Dade: All of my pressure disappeared. I knew we’d win even if I played bad so my mindset was relax and comfortable. Past seasons, we’ve been impacted by nerves and jitters during game. If I played more aggressively our games would get easier, but If I overcommit to a bad decision then the game didn’t go well.
Inven: Your opponents had targeted bans on Homme today.
Mata: Impact had similar champion pool as Homme so we knew coming to the game that they would target ban Homme.
Inven: What do you think was the biggest driving force for MVP Ozone advancing to the finals?
Mata: Our coaching staff is very considerate of us. Other teams would cut right away if your underperforming, but our coach doesn’t give us any burden and just ask us to work hard so we could concentrate on the game.
Inven: Prior to the season, both of you hesitated joining MVP Ozone. What was the reason?
Mata: SKT Bengi and I were supposed to join MVP Blue but Bengi said he couldn’t come for personal reason so I joined MVP White. Overall, it worked out.
Dade: There was an amateur team I played with before. That was when I received offer from MVP but I felt bad for my team. Then our jungler accepted an offer from a pro team so we disbanded and everyone went on joining a pro team.
Inven: Your finals opponent will be one of the CJ Entus teams. Which team do you want to face?
Mata: I want to face CJ Entus Blaze. We didn’t win a single game against CJ Blaze, so we were humbled by CJ Blaze and practiced harder. Those practices were probably one of the factors in us going to the finals.
Dade: I wanted to play against Frost(laughs). I don’t think we match-up very well against CJ Blaze. I try to get a lead during laning phase but Blaze’s ambition is too strong. We both don’t ask for jungler help and our styles are similar but I tend to get pushed more often so If I don’t do anything during the game then the overall game gets tough. We would probably beat CJ Frost. Rapidstar favors roaming over farming so I am comfortable laning against Rapidstar.
Inven: Changing up the question, who do you think will advance?
Dade: We only played against CJ Blaze so I don’t know about CJ Frost. But CJ Blaze was really strong. If Frost is a stronger team than CJ Blaze, then we probably can’t win(laughs).
Mata: Whoever comes will probably be stronger than us. We’re not surprised by any team and we’ll prepare really hard against any team.
Inven: Your thoughts heading into the finals?
Mata: Even though the server could be down during our preparation, I believe we will lose if the server is down and if the server is up then we’ll close the skill gap. Preparation is the only way to win the finals.
Dade: I just want to continue what I was doing and practice hard. I want to feel how strong we are. how much growth we had.
Inven: Any last words?
Mata: To be honest, Korean supports are stronger than other regions. I want to show that theres more than Madlife, Lustboy who’ve been to world tournaments. I want to thank “God윤기”, “불켜보니타릭짜응”, “카타스트로피”, Baldy “Locodoco”, and Bengi. Especially I believe Bengi can be a better ganking jungler than Insec. Bengi is going to show an amazing performance next season. Lastly I want to thank Lotte and Ozone staff and management.
Dade: I’ll show who is the best Korean mid laner, because being best in korea means best in world(laughs).
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CJ Entus Frost vs. CJ Entus Blaze
By: Chexx
Game one:
+ Show Spoiler [runes] +
- Shy on Kennen
- + 13 Armor
- + 4% Lifesteal
- + 12 Mres
- + 2.3 AD
- + 5.5 Mpen
- + 8.1 Apen
Cloudtemplar on Sejuani - + 15 AP
- + 15% Attackspeed
- + 13 Armor
- + 7.5% CD reduction
Rapidstar on Orianna - + 15 AP
- + 12 Mres
- + 13 Armor
- + 6 Mpen
- + 6.3 Apen
Hermes on Twitch - + 12 Mres
- + 11 AD
- + 13 Armor
- + 4% Lifesteal
Madlife on Thresh - + 12 Mres
- + 9.6 AD
- + 10% Attackspeed
- + 13 Armor
- Flame on Elise
- + 15 AP
- + 12 Mres
- + 13 Armor
- + 8.1 Apen
- + 5.5 Mpen
Helios on Lee Sin - + 11 Mres/lvl
- + 4 Mres
- + 9.2 AD
- + 13 Armor
- + 9 Apen
Ambition on Ahri - + 12 Mres
- + 15 AP
- + 78 Health/lvl
- + 7 Armor
- + 7.8 Mpen
Cpt. Jack on Caitlyn - + 13 Armor
- + 6% Lifesteal
- + 12 Mres
- + 8.5 AD
Lustboy on Janna - + 5.4 Mres
- + 17 Armor
- + 52 Health
- + 3.9 Mana/5
CJ Entus Frost
CJ Entus Blaze
CJ Entus Blaze
Ahri made a comeback in OGN this game. Right from the start Ambition’s Ahri pressured Rapidstar in the midlane and forced an early Flash otherwise Ambition would have earned First Blood. Both bot lanes were in a 2vs1 situation but Helios could babysit Flame could hold the lane with Flame while Cloudtemplar needed to babysit Shy and Rapidstar. This allowed Blaze to take the first tower in the game. Afterwards Cpt. Jack and Lustboy swapped back to the bottom lane. As soon as Blaze forced Hermes and Madlife out of lane, Blaze went straight to dragon and secured it right away. Four members of Blaze went to the mid lane where they picked up the first kill of the game and put pressure on the mid tower but were not able to destroy it. At 10:00, Helios ganked mid lane and kicked Rapidstar right into Ahri and Blaze picked to pick up their second kill. Blaze kept every lane pushing which allowed Helios to roam the map freely. He assisted Flame in toplane to kill Shy and few seconds later he was already in midlane to save Ambition from Rapidstar and Cloudtemplar. He kicked Cloudtemplar away from Ambition which made it possible for Amibition to get away. Helios saw the opportunity to kill Rapidstar butcould not secure it and instead gave Frost their first kill of the game.
At 13:00 all the outer towers of Frost were down and Frost was nearly 4K behind. Two minutes later Frost was attacking the second dragon of the game to reduce the gold gap but Blaze was able to set up a flank with good ward coverage. Lustboy used Monsoon to seperate Frost from each other and allowed an easy kill on Madlife and Cloudtemplar. In the meantime Ambition flanked Frost from behind and forced Shy to use Slicing Maelstorm just to zone him out of the fight. As soon as Slicing Maelstorm was over Ambition joined the fight and Frost did not stand a chance against Blaze. The first team fight was 4:1 in favor of Blaze. Frost managed at least to kill dragon but with four members down Blazed used this opportunity to push all lanes and get the second midlane tower.
The big team fight happened at 21:00 where they caught Flame out of position but the sneaky spider he was he just rappelled out of the fight and flashed over the dragon pit into safety. In the meanwhile his team closed in on Frost and once again a very good Monsoon from Lustboy disrupted the positioning of Frost which allowed Blaze to turn the tides of the fight in their favor (3:1 for Blaze). In addition to the three kills Blaze got another tower and a dragon. Skipping forward four minutes, Frost caught Cpt. Jack but were unable to kill him. Blaze tried to stop the recalling of Frost because Flame was split pushing in bottom lane where he got the inhib tower and the inhibitor. Before the last fight in the first game Frost was already 13k gold behind. Rapidstar managed for the first time of the game a good Orianna ultimate on more than one enemy but the gold gap was just too big and Blaze won the last fight and the first match.
CJ Entus Frost 0 vs. 1 CJ Entus Blaze
MVP: Helios on Lee Sin (2/4/8)
Helios showed a brilliant Lee Sin performance. He was always in the right spot to set up kills or save his teammates from certain deaths. He proved that he is one of the best Lee Sin players in Korea.
Game two:
+ Show Spoiler [runes] +
- Flame on Kennen
- + 13 Armor
- + 4% Lifesteal
- + 12 Mres
- + 2.3 AD
- + 5.5 Mpen
- + 8.1 Apen
Helios on Nasus - + 4 Mres
- + 3 Gold/10
- + 15% Attackspeed
- + 13 Armor
- + 1.9 Mana/5
Ambition on Orianna - + 12 Mres
- + 15 AP
- + 78 Health/lvl
- + 7 Armor
- + 7.8 Mpen
Cpt. Jack on Varus - + 6.7 Mres
- + 11 AD
- + 13 Armor
- + 4% Lifesteal
- + 1.3 Mana/5
Lustboy on Sona - + 12 Mres
- + 52 Health
- + 7.8 Mpen
- + 17 Armor
- Shy on Rumble
- + 15 AP
- + 12 Mres
- + 13 Armor
- + 7.8 Mpen
Cloudtemplar on Shen - + 12 Mres
- + 10% Attackspeed
- + 8.6 AD
- + 13 Armor
- + 0.93 Crit
Rapidstar on Xerath - + 12 Mres
- + 15 AP
- + 6.3 Apen
- + 13 Armor
- + 6 Mpen
Hermes on Caitlyn - + 13 Armor
- + 4% Lifesteal
- + 6.7 Mres
- + 11 AD
- + 1.3 Mana/5
Madlife on Thresh - + 12 Mres
- + 13 Armor
- + 10% Attackspeed
- + 9.6 AD
CJ Entus Blaze
CJ Entus Frost
CJ Entus Frost
Like in the last game both teams prepared a 2vs1 lane which resulted in a fast tower on each side. Frost had the superior vision control in the dragon area which allowed them to get the first dragon of the game. Frost tried to make kills happen in the bot lane and mid lane but was unable to do so. Frost teleported back to the base and went into their own jungle so Flame and Ambition were able to free farm in bot and top. Lustboy got caught by Frost in the toplane and gave First Blood to Frost. But In exchange, Ambition free farmed again in the bottom lane and the mid lane tower from Frost lost a lot of health. The second dragon went to Blaze but they lost Flame who was able to bully shy in the top lane with his 30 cs lead. Frost always tried to group up to push towers but the wave clear ability and successful split-pushing from Blaze was too strong.
The first team fight was around 19:00 at the dragon pit. Blaze managed to get the dragon and they won the following fight. Shy laid a good Equalizer down and Cloudtemplar taunted Helios on the Equalizer but nobody else from Frost could join the fight because Flame zoned them out with the Slicing Maelstorm. After the fight Flame stuck around a little bit too long and Madlife flashed over the wall put down the Thresh box and together with Rapidstar and Hermes he secured the kill. In response Blaze pushed midlane and destroyed the second mid tower. Frost caught Ambition in the top lane and little bit later Lustboy, too. But as usual they use too much resources to secure just one or two kills. While Lustboy delayed the recall of Frost, Blaze was already pushing mid lane to get damage on the inhibitor turret.
At 31:00 Blaze got a free Baron because Frost lost all the vision around the Baron area. Blaze with Baron buff then pushed towards the inhibitor tower in mid lane where an aggressive Sona Flash + Crescendo from Lustboy secured a kill on Rapidstar. With one man down Frost did not stand a chance to defend the inhibitor from Blaze. Blaze just picked Frost apart one by one and increased their lead even further The game was passive until 46:00 when the third Baron respawned. Frost was too late to contest the Baron and lost two members while they were retreating. With two members down already Frost had no chance to defend their base against Blaze who had Baron buff. Frost tried to make a last stand but it was futile.
CJ Entus Blaze 2 : 0 CJ Entus Frost
MVP: Lustboy on Sona (2/3/5)
Lustboy showed a strong performance. He used the Crescendos at the exact right moment to stop the engage from Frost or to start the fight.
Game three:
+ Show Spoiler [runes] +
- Shy on Kennen
- + 13 Armor
- + 4% Lifesteal
- + 12 Mres
- + 2.3 AD
- + 5.5 Mpen
- + 8.1 Apen
Cloudtemplar on Jarvan - + 12 Mres
- + 8.6 AD
- + 10% Attackspeed
- + 13 Armor
- + 0.93% Crit
Rapidstar on Ahri - + 15 AP
- + 12 Mres
- + 13 Armor
- + 6 Mpen
- + 6.3 Apen
Hermes on Twitch - + 12 Mres
- + 8.5 AD
- + 13 Armor
- + 6% Lifesteal
Madlife on Thresh - + 12 Mres
- + 9.6 AD
- + 10% Attackspeed
- + 13 Armor
Flame on Ryze - + 26 Health
- + 45 Mana
- + 6.7 Mres
- + 7.8 Mpen
- + 1.5% Movementspeed
- + 17 Armor
Helios on Lee Sin - + 11 Mres/lvl
- + 4 Mres
- + 9.2 AD
- + 13 Armor
- + 9 Apen
Ambition on Karthus - + 12 Mres
- + 15 AP
- + 78 Health/lvl
- + 7 Armor
- + 7.8 Mpen
Hermes on Caitlyn - + 13 Armor
- + 0.93% Crit
- + 6.7 Mres
- + 14 AD
- + 1.3 Mana/5
Lustboy on Janna - + 5.4 Mres
- + 17 Armor
- + 52 Health
- + 3.9 Mana/5
CJ Entus Frost
CJ Entus Blaze
CJ Entus Blaze
At 8:00, Cloudtemplar walked into a trap from Helios and Flame. Cloudtemplar and Shy were retreating when Ambition started to channel Karthus ultimate but Rapidstar, recognizing the threat, dove under turret and interrupted Karthus with Charm and saving Shy and Cloudtemplar. Afterwards, Blaze forced the Frost bot lane to go back to base and used this opportunity to get the Dragon.
At 10:00 Blaze was already 2K gold ahead of Frost. Hermes and Madlife tried to make something happen in top lane but Lustboy got away with a sliver of health left. Few seconds later Cloudtemplar and Shy managed to get First Blood in bottom lane. Two minutes later, Blaze got aggressive in bottom and top lane, but, in the end, Frost and Blaze traded evenly. Blaze gained momentum and was able to destroy the bot lane turret and kill Cloudtemplar in bot lane. He thought he was protected by his turret but Flame and Helios straight up dived him and secured the kill lead for Blaze.
At the 17:00, when the next fight over dragon started, things went very wrong for Frost. Rapidstar overcommitted in trying to kill Helios which opened up Frost to a perfect flank from Blaze. Flame flanked from the coming up the bot lane and Helios who escaped Rapidstar jumped over the wall and stopped Frost from disengaging. The result was an Ace,Dragon and two turrets for Blaze and they increased their gold lead to 9000 gold. With such a huge lead the following teamfight was a cake for Blaze. We saw some quick reactions from Helios who jumped to a ward and kicked Space into Blaze but Muse reacted quickly and threw his lantern to save Space. But in the end it was another three kills and two turrets for Blaze. The whole time Rapidstar was splitpushing top lane and secured at least the second turret for Frost. Blaze was so far ahead at this point that they even won a 4vs5 team fight. Frost did not stand a chance anymore against Blaze and Blaze secured their spot in their second final.
CJ Entus Frost 0 vs. 3 CJ Entus Blaze
MVP: Helios on Lee Sin (2/4/12)
Similar to the first game Helios played a perfect Lee Sin by allowing crucial lane control and opening fights for his team. After the all the talk about the best Lee Sin player at the All-Stars he made sure that everybody remembers him as a candidate for this title.
Blaze demonstrated how to exploit Frost weaknesses in the early phase. Especially Rapidstar, Cloudtemplar and Hermes didn’t show a good performance and were outclassed by their opponents. Blaze seems to be the best team in Korea right now. They dominated Frost in every aspect of the game and reach their second Final. OGN Spring is Blaze season. One year ago they won the first OGN Championship at the exact same location and they are the favorite to win it this year again.
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CJ Entus Blaze Interview
By: Mafia & Chexx
CJ Blaze winnners interview
Inven: Your thoughts on advancing to the finals?
Helios: I’m thrilled about the win. What I’m really happy about is that in the past I didn’t use my favorite Lee Sin, but this season I was able to use multiple Lee Sin games and win so for that I’m very happy.
Lustboy:For two seasons we didn’t show our best performances and got knocked out, therefore our team’s purpose coming into this season was different. We had a win-only mentality and that’s why we were able to come this far.
Inven: Last season you lost to Frost in the Semifinal and you met this season in the semifinals again. Were you not pressured?
Lustboy: We didn’t want to go to a blind pick, because if we were to go to blind pick our mental stamina wouldn’t last so we wanted to 3-0 or 3-1 Frost. Once we win the first game, we knew we would win 3-0.
Inven: You said if you win the 1st match, then CJ Blaze would win 3-0. What kind of strategy did you use?
Lustboy:It’s not really a strategy but a unique plan to beat Frost. My teammates were 50-50 on our strategy on Frost but if our 1st game strat worked, then in our 2nd and 3rd game we could win with slight change to our plan.
Inven: (To helios) Your Lee Sin received 2 game MVPs. Why hasn’t your Lee Sin performed like today?
Helios: My past Lee Sin wasn’t as sharp as today. In order to achieve the highest level of Lee Sin, I watched Insec and Kakao and tried to master Lee Sin. I’m still not at that level and I believe Lee Sin’s potential is unlimited. When I hone my Lee Sin to the point where people get scared and use flash once I hit Sonic wave, then I’ll feel extremely happy. But no one used flash even though I hit my Sonic wave. My opponents probably thought they didn’t need to burn flash but now I’m confident I can take away a flash.
Inven: Today Frost used Sejuani (jungle) and Xerath (mid) and showed us a change in strategy. Were you surprised?
Lustboy: There was a pick out of our prediction. There wasn’t any danger and we reacted accordingly.
Helios: In order to switch up our strategy, I practiced Evelynn. In my match history, there was only Evelynn. So I got banned(laughs).
Inven: In today’s match when did you know you will go to the Final?
Helios: In our 3rd game our bot lane was doing very well so once we took the first dragon, I knew we won the game.
Lustboy: When we won our dragon fight in the 3rd match, I felt we would go to the finals. We practiced really hard and now that I’m in the finals, I’m having tears. However Flame got caught by Thresh and died so my tears went right into my eyes.
Inven: Going to the finals is a huge accomplishment and exciting time, but how much did you control considering you played against a brother team?
Helios: We both went to the finals last season but besides spring season we met in the semifinals. It’s not a celebratory feeling so I’m kind of disappointed about that. If it wasn’t Frost, I would’ve been kicking my legs and running around(laughs). I wanted to shake hands in Frost booth but didn’t have time.
Inven: (To Helios) Why didn’t you do the “whip kick” as a ceremony?
Helios: I don’t get my feet high enough (laughs). Instead of Kick practice, I’d rather practice league(laughs).
Inven:Your last opponent is MVP Ozone. Any pressure?
Lustboy: There’s hardly any pressure. Our team has the strength to beat them. Ozone has a unknown potential, so if they could bring their full potential then they could definitely a threat.
Helios:Homme and Dandy have shown great games lately. No team is going to lose laning phase. I think jungle vs jungle will decide the games. Whoever performs better will be important(laughs).
Inven: In todays matches you picked Janna two times. Was there a special reason?
Lustboy: Caitlyn and Janna are good. Janna is a specific counter pick but works well against Thresh, synergy with Caitlyn is good, theres something Janna has to do in teamfights as well. To be honest, I didn’t practice Janna very much, but Captain Jack asked me if I wanted to play Janna so instead of playing sona I picked Janna. It worked out and the game went smoothly.
Inven: (To Helios) You said you practiced a lot of junglers but you showed only Lee Sin. Will you show anything different in finals?
Helios: I want to show my other champions but my team won’t show let me(laughs).
Lustboy: If he did, then Helios might get booted.
Helios: I practiced evelynn along with Sejuani and Nautilius. There was a chance I could’ve played Trundle but I’m slightly disappointed. I’ve prepared well, Rapidstar would be amazed at my zed. He said my movement was good(laughs), but if I play Trundle I might get booted(laughs).
Inven: Finals event is located in Illsan Kintex where you guys won last year’s spring season. Do you reminiscent about it?
Lustboy: I feel silmilar to last year’s spring season but I felt envious to last year’s summer finals. To be playing outside of war memorial of korea was amazing. But I think illsan Kintax is going to be great event as well.
Inven: Your gaming house is very close to illsan Kintax. Any advantages?
Helios: Theres gonna be no advantages. Good thing is after the finals, our house is closer(laughs).
Lustboy: MVP Ozone lives far from illsan so they have to wake up early, which means they’ll be a bit more tired then us.
Inven: Any last words?
Helios: I want to thank Frost teammates always and love them. Every one of them are good teammates. CJ Entus Frost and Blaze isn’t individual team but together as one team. We’ll try to show great results next season as well. I want to thank our sponser CJ Entus management, family, and friends. I love my coaches, and stop grabbing my nose(laughs).
Lustboy: Throughout the season preparing, we had multiple hardship. Preparing for the semifinals was a bit difficult. I was unsure if my mistakes would end up costing the game and leaving the team and such but I’m glad our games went well today. Because of the hardship, I’m able to improve in aspects that I needed to improve on and that’s one of the reasons we’re in the finals.
Source: Inven
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MVP Ozone Final Preview
By: Manisier
In its fourth iteration of Champions, the Korean League of Legends scene has seen previous champions fall on their swords, hyped teams disappointing their fans, and underdogs rising above the bar. No one could say that Olympus Champions Spring 2012-2013 has not been an absolutely chaotic season of League of Legends. Upsets, tight matches and steamrolls alike have paved the way for most anticipated League of Legends match in Korea - the grand final of Champions.
For many, the showdown between MVP Ozone and CJ Entus Blaze was one of the least likely match-ups for 80 million won and title of best League of Legends team in Korea. MVP Ozone came in to the tournament as the reformed MVP White, with a lot of baggage from previous losses. Fans lost confidence in CJ Entus Blaze’s jungler Helios, as well as their bottom lane Cpt Jack and Lustboy, a sentiment which was amplified by their crushing 0:2 loss to a team that had made their Champions debut that year, SK Telecom T1 #2 (who would later lose to MVP Ozone in the semifinal).
However, MVP Ozone proved themselves to be one of the most consistent and organised teams in the tournament despite their lack of experience, posting 3:1 wins over tournament favourites KT Rolster B, and fan favourites SK Telecom T1 #2. CJ Entus Blaze shrugged off their 0:2 loss and subsequent game 1 loss to KT Rolster A, to take a massive thirteen games in a row without losing. The scales are heavily tipped in Blaze’s favour coming into this highly anticipated grand final, but MVP Ozone have repeatedly defied expectations and are looking to do so again.
MVP Ozone
Formerly known as MVP White, MVP’s Ozone squad is considered by many to be the perfection of the playstyle created by Counter Logic Gaming through Season 2, a defensive style focused on allowing their AD carry to reach the lategame. Watching MVP Ozone play in the lategame is an absolute spectacle - each player knows the role they must play in allowing their monster of an AD carry imp to have as much breathing room as possible to destroy the opposition with his superior mechanical ability.
The squad itself is an amalgamation of veteran and rookie alike, a mix that has surprised audiences with its incredible synergy and disciplined decision making. Being in the grand final is especially important to Champions veterans Homme, DanDy and dade, who have struggled on teams that could not match their abilities. MVP Ozone enter the match against CJ Entus Blaze with the odds against them, having lost a set 0:2 to the rampaging Blaze during the group stage of the tournament.
Homme is the only member remaining from the initial formation of MVP White in mid-2012. Ever the top lane backbone and unmoving defensive juggernaut of the team, Homme’s champion selections drift towards choices that primarily serve to defend and aid his team in large-scale engagements. It is unclear if Blaze will allow him to play his favourites Jarvan IV and Kennen, and indeed, Homme’s Jarvan IV has not seen the light of day in quite a while. Although two champions commonly seen on hard-engage compositions, Homme utilises the two champions to defend, rather than attack. His use of Cataclysm and Slicing Maelstrom punish aggressors of his allies dade and imp, a pattern also seen in his Shen and Renekton play, in which he creates a wall of immense bulk between the enemy team and his precious carries, threatening hard CC to divers. Homme’s play will be especially important in this match as Ozone will likely send him to deal with the split-push threat of Flame.
DanDy, a jungler long respected for his strong abilities in counter-jungling as well as controlling early vision around the map, has performed decently throughout the season, though fans, opponents and analysts alike feel that there is something he is not showing. Some would argue that Ozone has not drawn upon his full potential yet, but if there was a time to go all out, it is now, in the Champions grand final. Recently, he has gravitated towards ganking lanes to give his allies breathing room in disadvantageous match-ups, as well as mitigate the impact of the enemy jungler. Jarvan IV, Nasus and Zac are three defensive walls that are likely to be seen from DanDy, all proficient gankers and powerful teamfighters. Although DanDy is now playing on a team that accommodates his style, whether or not he is truly comfortable will be revealed once he goes head-to-head against Blaze’s veteran jungler Helios.
Like Homme, dade appears to have finally found his home among like-minded players, despite initial hesitations. Respected for incredible mechanical ability as well as his keen ability to judge the outcome of engagements, dade’s favouring of late-game champions, especially Ryze and Karthus should not be tunnelled on, as he has also demonstrated competency on mid-game AD champions such as Jayce and Kha’Zix. dade has attributed his success this season to the lack of pressure and nerves on the live stage, which has definitely been showcased through his confident, consistent performance. His growth as a player, as well as his team’s growth will be up for display this Saturday.
imp and Mata have perhaps been the most impressive bot lane of Champions Spring. imp’s incredible play on Vayne have earned him the respect of audiences, though not quite the acknowledgement of his self-declared rival Doublelift. Like Counter Logic Gaming, MVP Ozone’s success lives and dies on their AD carry’s performance. imp appears to shoulder this heavy burden with a cheerful smile, confident play and almost arrogant champion selections, favouring Vayne above all other carries and mirroring his idol’s favourite champion. Backed by the support now considered Korea’s second-best (an incredibly impressive achievement as the title of number one belongs to God incarnate, MadLife), imp is a newcomer to the professional scene, not even being eighteen years of age. His nerves must be under control for MVP Ozone to score a win.
Mata’s incredible support play has earned him Korea’s favour, being voted MVP multiple times. His expert Zyra and Sona play have carried Ozone to many a win, and he will be looking to challenge MadLife’s throne in front of thousands as he, like imp, has battled his way through his first ever professional tournament. Mata has voiced his desire for revenge against Blaze after being defeated 0:2 during the CJ Entus team’s hot streak, which should alleviate nerves and drive his desire for victory against a squad that may be considered the world’s best at this point in time.
Ozone must shrug off their previous loss to Blaze, and come up against the squad without fear or anxiety. Their lategame style has been honed against monstrous squads such as KT Rolster B and SK Telecom T1 #2, and must withstand the disciplined, twin-pronged push of their grand final opponents. Their victory will ride on their ability to execute their core strategy. Should MVP Ozone be lacking in any way, it will not take long for CJ Entus Blaze to roll them over. The grand final debutants will have their hands full, for sure.
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MVP Ozone Final Preview
By: Fionn
A Game of Thrones: The Kings of Spring
Triumphant, the usurpers of Blaze slayed their brother team Frost in the finals of the first Champions season, claiming the throne of Korea for the spring season. Looked past, called a "B-team" and treated like a second-hand squad that had no chance of beating their "stronger" kin, the house of Blaze annihilated the Frost forces, taking the championship in a shockingly easily final battle, becoming the first true kings of the region. Sitting on top of the throne, they looked unbeatable, the other houses of Korea looking in fear at the unstoppable squad led by CptJack.
Unfortunately, like all great reigns, things had to end. After a glorious spring, the summer came and presented new problems, their brother house at Frost switching up their line-up, bringing in a new warrior known as Shy, and getting their revenge on Blaze in the semifinals of the summer festival, making it to the finals and eventually winning the throne against the foreign team known as from the mystical land known as Europe. Stinging from their loss, Blaze regrouped, not wanting to know the feeling of loss ever again in Korea.
Conflict arose, Reapered and CptJack fighting for superiority in the ranks. A house and army divided, Reapered left Blaze, hoping to find a new clan elsewhere where he could lead them to the crown. Ushering in a new era by bringing in Flame, an inexperienced, but full of potential young man, CptJack and his group felt like they could still regain their throne if things came together before the harsh winter season.
Winter eventually came, and the harsh battles were too much for the young Flame, fighting inconsistently and not being at the level where he could lead his team to victory. CptJack, once a beloved and feared captain, was now weaker than before, almost hated for his treatment of former teammate Reapered, not having the strength to dominate battles like he once could. Still, even with through all the strife, Blaze was able to get to almost the end of another fight for the crown, losing in the second to last battle once again to brother house Frost, having to watch from the sidelines once again when their old throne was fought over.
For the third straight season, a new house would rise, Najin Sword destroying Blaze's brothers Frost in the finals of the winter season, taking their short turn on the always revolving throne of Korea. With two disappointing seasons in a row, Blaze had doubters throughout the land, wondering if they could be successful with their current army. Should they replace the old, broken down Captain Jack? Was Flame really the right choice? Should they replace him with someone more proven? With questions swirling around the team, the spring season came around for the second time, bringing forth Blaze's rebirth.
Getting knocked back in the first few battles on the Fields of Justice, the Blaze team did not waver. Coming to life, they would not be stopped on the battlefield after their first few mishaps, crushing every team they came in contact with. Evolving in front of his opponent's eyes, Flame became the strongest warrior in all of Korea, not being able to be touched by any of his opponents. The quiet, but extremely strong Ambition led in the mid-lane, not needing help against intruders even if the numbers were against him. The criticized Captain Jack led his team to new heights, showing glimpses of his former power and getting them to the final step before reclaiming what they believe is rightfully theirs.
Now, standing in front of the throne, having not lost a battle in months, Blaze dreams of another beautiful spring. The underdogs of Ozone will threaten their return to the top, but even they know it'll be a difficult task to put a dent in the reborn Blaze. When you play game of thrones, you win or you die, and Blaze have no expectations of dying.
The Phoenix of the Top Lane
You can't start talking about Blaze without first talking about their top lane. Flame, laughed at during IPL5 for buying two Phages and being one of the main reasons why they got embarrassed, being one of the first teams eliminated, had lots of questions needing to be answered in the spring season. With inconsistent results in the winter tournament and then following it up with blunders overseas, people were wondering if it wasn't time to maybe call the Flame experiment a failure and maybe pick up one of the other strong top laners in Korea.
What seemed in like a blink of the eye, Flame turned himself from a zero to a hero, turning his game up five levels and becoming the strongest top laner in the world. Changing his small champion pool into one of the biggest out of any of the players in Korea, he became a player that was impossible to ban out, picking up a new champion like Akali if you were too scared to face one of his three main champions in Diana, Kennen or Jayce. Revolutionizing the top lane by being the first Korean to go Ryze in the top lane, he has been untouchable this season, routinely finishing with 100 more CS than his lane opponent. Teams have ganked him contentiously, tried to force him into a 2v1, and make him play out of position, but it doesn't matter, Flame has risen to all challenges this season and has finished almost every game with an insane KDA, thousands of more gold than his top lane adversary, and another win in his record books.
Mirroring the mythical phoenix that rises from the dead to become even stronger, Flame is the phoenix that keeps Blaze together. He isn't the shot caller like CptJack or the linchpin of the team like Ambition, but he is the scariest player on Blaze. Teams enter games ignoring the rest of the team to focus primarily on him and Ambition, making the other three players on the team beat them and not the two superstars of the team. The question now for everyone in the League scene is how you beat him? Teams have tried various strategies to lock down Flame, but he continues to break out, gaining out of this world farm and making plays when called upon.
The match against MVP Ozone will be the final test for Flame. A victory, and he confirms the fact that he not only is the best top laner in the world, but in the conversation of simply the best player in the world. Ban all his favorite champions, double team him, and have your Jungler try to kill him all game, but it might take an entire team to be take down Flame in his current state.
The Mid Lane Maestro
After talking about Flame, there is another pillar of Blaze that you have to talk about next. Ambition, often overlooked when coming to the conversation of best players in the world, has been at his best this season, locking down the middle of the map better than any player in Korea. Unlike other excellent mid lane players in Korea like Faker and easyhoon, Ambition doesn't get a lot of hype around him because he isn't necessarily the #1 option on his team. Instead of making huge plays, racking up kills and getting highlight videos made about him, Ambition is happy to be the ultimate player, being able to hold his solo lane without any help, farm against even 2v1 lanes, and do whatever needs to be done to get his team a W.
If means that all he needs to do all game is farm comfortably, pick up a few assists, and keep his mid turrets alive while Flame, CptJack and Helios make plays all around him, Ambition will do it. If the team needs him to make plays on his now signature Kha'zix, he will out farm his opposition by 100, be in the middle of every battle, and end the game as the driving force of their victory. While Faker got all the attention this season, being called the best mid laner in the world due to his insane play making abilities, people didn't notice Ambition's quiet mastery of the mid position, staying outside the top five in mid KDA, but leading his team to victories through various means.
When looking through the best mids in the world, no one exemplifies control over the mid lane more than Ambition. He's become a maestro of his position, having the ability to be play as the first option to the fourth. Whatever situation you put Ambition in, he will be able to find a way out and help his team to victory. Not needing his Jungler to watch out for him in his solo lane, Ambition can hold off ganks, letting the extra support go to the bottom or top lanes.
There are more flashy mid players in the world, and their might be mid laners who can make bigger plays than he can, but no one has the versatility and control that Ambition currently plays the position with. Having an arsenal of champions at his disposal, the ability to ban out Ambition is impossible. With a wide champion pool, the ability to be a set-up man, the play maker, or the assassin who ends fights and picks up the kills, and a strong team of four behind him, MVP Ozone is going to be in a rough night if they don't find a way to slow down Blaze's star player.
The Backbone of Blaze
Flame and Ambition are continuously the main targets for teams going up against them, but the reason why Blaze wins or loses the championship might come down to the three other players on the team. Throughout the season, the bottom lane of CptJack and Lustboy has been a problem, often giving up first blood in games. Fortunately, they have Ambition and Flame, two of the best players in the world, and along with their superb coordination and team fighting, Blaze has been able to pull themselves out of gigantic holes and win games in spite of their slow starts.
ADC has always been one of the weaker positions when it comes to Korean depth, but CptJack used to be the king of the shallow pool that was ADC's in Korea. He might have never been the best ADC in the world, but with his shot calling abilities, dominance in the bot lane against other Korean duos, and leading Blaze to the first OGN championship and then a MLG Arena victory, he became the face of the team. Whenever you talked about Blaze, CptJack was the forefront, the leader and most talked about player.
As the Korean scene started to breed better ADC's like Pray, Imp and Score, CptJack went from the best in Korea to becoming more of a slightly above average player. Ambition and Reapered started to get more of their attention due to their skills in the solo lanes, and CptJack started to become more of a liability than a strength. Continuing his slide into the spring season, Blaze's bot lane was the biggest reason they were pegged as going out in the early knockout rounds, not having the strength to compete against the duo lanes that the other teams were going with.
Coming alive in the semifinals, CptJack and Lustboy put on their best performances of the season, helping Blaze 3-0 their brothers Frost and make their first Champions final since last spring. Spamming Kog'maw and Lulu for most of the season, the Blaze bot lane has been coming out of their shell as of late, CptJack going back to his old reliable Caitlyn and Lustboy picking up Janna. If they're able to play as well as they did in the semifinals, Blaze should have the clear edge over MVP Ozone, but after a season of inconsistency, it wouldn't be too surprising if the best bot lane in Korea, Mata and imp, take advantage of Blaze's weak spot.
Finally, the least talked player for Blaze is Helios. Ranging from average to sub-par, Helios' play this season has come down to if he plays Lee Sin or not. While he's had a few games on Nasus, Helios is one of the best Lee Sin players in the world, and if he's allowed to play him, he has shown time and time again that he can be a monster on his favorite champion. On a lot of teams, Lee Sin would be a definite respect ban against Helios, but with Flame and Ambition on the team, the bans are almost always used on the two solo lanes.
If Helios gets Lee Sin, he has the ability to be dangerous. His play on Lee Sin has been passed over with how dominate Ambition and Flame have been this season, but MVP Ozone will need to prepare for Helios' Lee Sin if they allow him to have it.
The Streak
The biggest subplot to this entire final could be the streak Blaze are currently on. Having taken thirteen wins in a row, Blaze are currently on the longest winning streak in Champions history, and they are three straight wins in a row from possibly having the greatest run out of any team so far in League when it comes to their league play. Yes, the Taipei Assassins have absolutely destroyed the Garena region, but can you really compare the Assassins win streak that consisted of beating up much lower leveled teams than them to Blaze's thirteen straight wins in the toughest and deepest LoL league in the world?
Starting with a win against KTA, Blaze have beaten Blue, Ozone, Sword, SKT #1, and Frost in a row without dropping a single map, putting them a few wins away from becoming the greatest team in Champions history. It's not going to be easy, MVP Ozone proving everyone wrong each game they win against "superior" teams, but Blaze are only three straight wins away from making history. Will Blaze be able to make it 16-0, claiming the throne in the most ruthless takeover we've seen in the lineage of Champions, or will Ozone have one more upset up their sleeves, taking a game or even pulling off the biggest upset in Champions history and taking the throne themselves?
Fionn: Blaze 3 - 0 Ozone
Chexx: Blaze 3 - 2 Ozone
Manisier: Blaze 3 - 0 Ozone
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