Welcome to the Teamliquid Health and Fitness Initiative for 2013
We finally have our own forum (yay!) so this topic will be much shorter. For the most part, this is the daily discussion thread, but you can post whatever you want in it related to your health and fitness.
The main goal of this thread is to focus on improving our bodies in two aspects:
1. Health -- Sleeping, eating, and destressing habits; 2. Fitness -- improving body composition and physical attributes (through exercise, training, athletics, and sports).
All links are underlined and clickable and highlighted with ">>"
---------- Goals ----------
Goals should be SMART goals:
Specific -- have numbers Measurable -- so you can be encouraged by your progress Attainable -- to develop the proper attitude and consistency Realistic -- so that you are willing and able to work towards them Timely -- to give a sense of urgency
I modified the template a bit this year. The big 4 things that help keep us healthy are: sleep, nutrition, training, and lack of stress. Thus, make your goals accordingly.
You can post your goals in this thread or keep your own training log.
If you have fulfilled your goals, or made significant progress I encourage you to post your results in the Success Story thread so that others may be motivated.
------------------------------------------------------------- Information on working out and training -------------------------------------------------------------
The above thread covers extensively how to train with weights and bodyweight, for women, for those overweight, and those looking to gain muscle. Check it out.
It has a lot of information on nutrition and various myths. It will also help you get started with losing or gaining weight if those are your goals. Additionally, it talks about supplements!
efficacy of low carbohydrate vs low fat diets... why low carbohydrate diets are superior for weight loss and correcting metabolic dysfunction (diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, infertility, etc.):
1. Sleep is extremely important for overall health as well as improving gains in body composition and sports. Get at least 7-8 hours if not more in a pitch black room with no noise and cool ambient temperature.
2. Destress. Massages are great. Be disciplined in your daily life. Don't procrastinate. Don't let little things bother you. Again, get into a daily routine.
3. For those of us who use the computer a lot, the blue screen glow interrupts our circadian rhythm a lot leading to insomnia, anxiety, and other sleep related disorders.
There are certain programs that can tint the screen to mimic the sun going down and lead to better sleep. F.lux is one of them.... if you're on the computer a lot and not outside using something like this would be recommended.
~elimination of sounds ~elimination of electronic devices / outlets / plugins near body ~pitch black room ~cool, dry room (60-65 or so degrees is good if possible)
~stay away from artificial light sources (e.g. computer) at least 1 hr before sleep ~eat a meal, preferably with healthy fats and a decent amount of carbs, before sleeping (e.g. NO JUNK FOOD).
~single leg stand to exhaustion with both legs (it actually works really well) ~spine lengthening before sleep (see Esther Gokhale's stuff) ~general exhaustion from physical activity like hiking, pickup games of stuff, lifting, etc. ~Deep breathing exercises ~Deep tissue massage
~magnesium may help (via ZMA or natural calm) ~melatonin helps some people ~phosphatidylserine (anti-cortisol) ~5-HTP (tryptophan deriv) ~L-theonine ~Vitamin D (taken during the day..) ~valerian root
Thank you for reading, good luck with your goals. Feel free to ask questions and get motivation in this thread!!
phyre112 Age: 22 || Height: 6'3/193 cm || Weight: 190 lbs/86 kg Starting Date: 01/04/13 || Goal Date: 03/15/13
Goals Weight goals -- 100kg bodyweight or else. Don't care how lean I do it - losing weight will NEVER be a challenge for me. Training goals -- No specific number goals at this time. Stay uninjured, lift consistently. Nutrition goals -- Cut energy drinks (been having 3-4 of them/week). Eat enough to get to 100 kilo BW (should be 4000 or so cals based on past experience and considering that I don't have to worry about rugby anymore). Sleep goals -- Sleep more, sleep on a schedule. Class schedule is terrible, but 9 am wakeup on weekdays means bed by 1 am, sunday through thursday. Misc. Goals -- Cut out drinking, except for a few "special occasions" (big concert, "mayfest", big event with a student org I'm in, Graduation) Finish saving money for trip to Europe. 4.0 this semester, because I need it for grad school.
Other goals: Beat all of you in fantasy proleague. There's a TLHF group for this round, so sign up for dat shiz.
LovE- Age: 21 || Height: 182 cm || Weight: 75 kg Starting Date: 01/03/13 || Goal Date: 06/18/13 Weight goals -- 72 kg Training goals -- Bench: 84 kg || Squat: 90 kg || Pull up: BW + 11 kg || Chin up: BW + 16 kg Nutrition goals -- Overall, eat healthier. Would like to lean up quite a bit Sleep goals -- None, atm. Misc. Goals -- Get good grades for the remainder of the year (4.0?) Find a new job, hopefully one that pays the same.
Woop for 2013 thread! I hope I don't get injured like a moron this year and can actually make progress all year long :D
GuiltyJerk Age: 19 || Height: 5'7" or 171cm || Weight: 170lb/77kg Starting Date: 1/2/13 || Goal Date: 3/22/13 (Beginning of Spring Break) Weight goals -- 160 lbs Looking to lose some of my chub and keep my strength going up, doing a Leangains type diet right now, with a ~600 calorie deficit on rest days and ~200 surplus on workout days Training goals -- Squat: 255->275lbs || Bench: 180->200lbs || OHP: 110->120lbs || Chin: +20->+45 lbs || Deadlift: 315->365lbs Nutrition goals -- I have a bad habit of screwing my diet and binge eating, I'd like to get that habit more under control if I can, I know it'll be an exercise in willpower, but I've definitely gotten better Misc/stress goals -- Hoping to keep up my strong start from my first semester of college and keep a good GPA through the end of this school year :D
el funko loco Age: 23 || Height: 172 cm || Weight: 78 kg Starting Date: 01/04/13 || Goal Date: 01/01/14
Goals Weight goals -- 70 kg bodyweight / being ripped wouldn't bother me. Training goals -- Squat: 200kg / Clean and Jerk: 120kg / Snatch: 100kg / deadlift: 230kg Nutrition goals -- Stop eating like I'm a retard, and start a serious diet that helps me with my stomach problems. Sleep goals -- Definitely, sleep more and more relaxed. Too much stress in my life. Misc. Goals -- Make more money and visit the US again this year, but this time with my gf ;D.
Well since I broke my "squat goal" last year around november, I do hope to break the 200kg mark around november or sooner too, if it happens sooner, I'll update this post with a new goal. Hope this year is a good as last year, but ten times better. Best of luck to all! .
GoTuNk Age: 22 || Height: 170 cm || Weight: 80 kg Starting Date: 01/03/13 || Goal Date: End of year Weight goals -- 85kg, 9% body fat (currently around 14) Training goals -- Bench: 165kg || Squat: 240kg kg || Deadlift 280kg Nutrition goals -- Overall, eat more and get leaner Sleep goals -- None, atm. Misc. Goals -- fuck more, make more money
Deadeight Age: 23 || Height: 188 cm || Weight: 97.5 kg Starting Date: 01/01/13 || Goal Date: 31/12/13
Goals Weight goals -- More muscle mass, no set amount. BF% is pretty ok at the moment. Training goals -- Squat: 200kg || Deadlift: 260kg || OHP: Bodyweight Nutrition goals -- Continue eating as I like. Not to slip into crappy pasta/sauce only meals again. Sleep goals -- Go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Misc. Goals -- I'd like to be at the point where I can compete in a natty strongman comp.
Osmoses Age: 28 || Height: 186 cm || Weight: 104 kg Starting Date: 01/03/13 || Goal Date: First of July Weight goals -- 90kg Training goals -- Keep as much strength as possible while cutting Nutrition goals -- Attempting keto cut Sleep goals -- Stop waking up fifty times every night for no reason like an old man Misc. Goals -- Get better at street fighter/league of legends, learn guitar, be less shy
edit: oh yeah, and cut down on the porn/masturbation.
Nazarene Age: 27 || Height: 172 cm || Weight: 79 kg Starting Date: 01/01/13 || Goal Date: 01/01/14 Weight goals -- Stay the same weight +/- 1-2 kg Training goals -- Back squat 185 kg ll Deadlift 220 kg ll Snatch 115 kg ll C&J 140 kg ll Better cardio Nutrition goals -- Keep doing what I'm doing Sleep goals -- Keep doing what I'm doing Misc. Goals -- Qualify for the European CrossFit Championship (Regionals)
Some might remember me complaining about long term shoulder issues in past. Well, it seems I've found at least compromise. Three weeks ago I dropped both db (incline) bench and db overhead press, i.e. finally quit looking for alternatives to those exercises, and my shoulder has been pain free, both at the gym and at rest the next few days after working out.
I know this sounds weird, because I should've just dropped both of them a long time ago instead of desperately trying to find a substitute that would friendly to my shoulder. And the fact that it's usually not acute pain but rather appears intermittently at rest, made it hard to figure out the problem.
Since three weeks ago I've also been doing these rubber band exercises prescribed by a PT. Maybe in future I'll be able to bench with close grip but right now I'm pretty happy just being on a routine that allows me to be consistent.
So instead of any variety of bench press I now just do as challenging pushups as I can, either one-arm pushups slightly supported with the other hand, or with added weight with chains or a plate. Then "inspired" by this article, The Case Against Overhead Presses, instead of OHP I've done side raises. Does the article make any sense by the way? It makes some bold claims about OHP.
Anyway, sorry for the incoherent blob of thought. I wish happy and injury-free 2013 for everyone.
MtlGuitarist Age: 15| || Height: 5'7"/170 cm || Weight: 140 lbs/63.5 kg Starting Date: 1/01/13 || Goal Date: 8/31/13 Weight Goals: Don't really have weight goals, just want to get to below 8% body fat so I can get a six pack Training goals: Start free weight training and pick reasonable goals once I learn how to lift, run under a 6 minute mile, be able to do 20 pull ups, bench at least my body weight, squat 100 kg Nutrition goals: Keep eating healthy and avoid junk food/soda (been doing well so far ^^) Sleep goals: Get 8 hours of sleep a night (at least) Misc Goals: Keep a 4.0 in school, actually do homework, go hang out with friends more
Gl to everyone in the new year. Hope everyone reaches
So I got into an argument with a guy on youtube about how torrenting bodybuilding videos and being proud of it is embarrassing, anyway I wanted to share his video that I found because it literally is a gold mine of comedy. And to think I wouldn't have got to see such fantastic comedy had I not pointlessly started an argument
Name/nick Age: 19 || Height:6'5 or 1.96cm || Weight: 90kg Starting Date: 01/01//2013 || Goal Date: 01/01/2014 Weight goals -- Add mass, but stay nice. Having a visible six pack without flexing is worth more to me than adding 10kg to my deadlift over a year. How things change. Training goals -- Consistently push myself in the gym; as I train more for aesthetics, weights are less of a concern. However, currently I'm squatting 120 3x5 ATG with great form, so I am hopefully able to add 20kg to that. We'll see, basically. Nutrition goals -- Keep eating clean as I have been doing in the last 6 months. Sleep goals -- Keep sleeping 8,5~ hours a day.
Misc/stress goals
- Keep girlfriend for another year, because she is baller - Get a 4.0 GPA, or at least bust my ass trying to do so - Wreck my internship this summer; for 22$ an hour I can work 60 hours a week no problemo. - Keep sex life above 4x a week; if I fuck more, I'm happier and feel more alpha and lift and study better in general.
Goal Date: 01/01/14 (long term) - Squat 100 => 140 (1.85 x BW) - Deadlift 110 => 150 (2 x BW) - Bench 55 => 90 (1.2 x BW) - Press 30 => 60 (0.8 x BW) - Clean 40 => 90 (1.2 x BW) - Chin-up 2 => 10
does this seem doable in 1 year? Is a 2x BW squat too high of a goal to set? I've currently been lifting for about 7-8 months. (usually 2 times a week)
Nah, you should be able to make 2x squat in a year.
Paiva Age: 19 || Height: 195 cm || Weight: 88 kg Starting Date: 01/01/13 || Goal Date: 01/01/14 Weight goals -- 100 kg bw Training goals Squat: 5 x 110 kg --> 5 x 140 kg Deadlift: 5 x 130 kg --> 5 x 180 kg Bench: 5 x 80 kg --> 5 x 100 kg Press: 5 x 60 kg --> 5 x 80 kg
lyAsakura Height: 6' || Weight: ~99kg Starting Date: 01/01/13 || Goal Date: 12/31/13 Weight goals -- Get swole (aka lower body fat %) lol. I really don't care about what my bw is but it won't go higher than 110kg which will definitely not happen in the near future.
Training goals -- Current / Goal FS 128 / 155 BS 140 / 170 (probably higher, I haven't maxed back squats in quite a while) Snatch 80 / 95 CJ 96 / 115 DL 155 / 200 or 2xBW Comfortable with BW exercises.
Goal Date: 01/01/14 (long term) - Squat 100 => 140 (1.85 x BW) - Deadlift 110 => 150 (2 x BW) - Bench 55 => 90 (1.2 x BW) - Press 30 => 60 (0.8 x BW) - Clean 40 => 90 (1.2 x BW) - Chin-up 2 => 10
does this seem doable in 1 year? Is a 2x BW squat too high of a goal to set? I've currently been lifting for about 7-8 months. (usually 2 times a week)
4 months if you start lifting 4x a week for the squat and deadlift, press and BP gonna take a bit more.