The funniest thing here is that if I were female posing as a male for years, and I just told everyone I was actually female, the result would probably be all extremely positive.
Actually no, the funniest thing is the legions of people that had nothing in the world to do with Zia bitching at me like I killed their families. Realistically guys, I doubt I will be getting "help". And I've been "remorseless" in this thread because (as I've said before) I have already made my apologies to several people who deserve it over MSN and PMs.
And Zeller, yeah, a few of them know.
I wasn't affected by Zia or knew this guy in any way, but I think this sheds light on the sexual double standard and how a "depressed" boy manipulated it successfully to receive acceptance on teamliquid. I'm pretty sure if he came out initally as a man, he would have done poorly for himself. His incentives and motives are therefore obvious.
I think rpf111 is a retard regardless of his fetish for Zia, and this just makes me laugh harder. I thought Adam would have the sense to just leave, but I realize he's addicted to this website and would kill himself without it (he's incapable of actually suiciding but he would go crazy, seeing how his life is shit).
What's with the anti-Chinese shit? Get gangbanged by 3 guys when you were young? This probably isn't far from the truth - with all of your "getting crippled" and "getting raped" stories, you are at heart an attention whore and a compulsively liar.
Usually kids go through your phases, if they do at all during early-mid teens - I had parent problems and felt attention-whorey like you at 14-15. But seriously GUY, grow up. I hesitate to add homosexual flames becuase you make gays look bad. I know you're reading every reply in this thread, so read this:
You are so weak that you posed as a girl in your cravings for approval. You lived a lie FOR OVER FOUR YEARS and are continuing to lie just so that other guys will like you. You are truly pathetic.
I know you're going to try to play it off as in "you were just making shit up for flavor", and "obviously I have a good social life lols", but some of us in teamliquid are not that stupid. I know how pathetic and disgusting you truly are.
edits for clarity
Canada9103 Posts
On September 17 2006 00:24 Gene wrote: you're comparing apples and oranges. nobody was going to get killed here.
Raping someone and putting them through utter hell and emotional despair are both wrong, correct?
Suppose a guy rapes a girl, and at first she feels terrible, but a few months later she forgives him and isn't bothered by it anymore. Does that mean what he did was just fine?
This situation is analogous to that.
The fact that he was willing to do such a horrible thing is what makes him guilty. And however much Eriador benefitted from the experience, I'm pretty sure it is grossly outweighed by how morally-reprehensible Adam's actions were. (and for all we know, Eri might have benefitted even more from something else had Adam not done this to him)
Hey exalted, you know what you've read on the internet.
haha, well im gonna have to go with "everyone is overreacting" ;P
All i have to say is well done, you made a really interesting character:O
Also, you gave me some good NightWish album advice not too long ago
thx bud^^
On September 17 2006 00:36 IcedEarth wrote: Hey exalted, you know what you've read on the internet.
Yeah, I've read your shitty "Zianews" and posted flames. What's your dirt on me?
Also, I think the teamliquid community would love for you to post a picture. People jump on Fayth - I would LOVE to see their comments about you. No pressure though - no need for you to lie and post a picture of your "friend".
bill, messing with someones emotions is in no way comparable to any physical harm. there's a reason dumping people isnt illegal. stop being irrational. im not going to try to defend what he did, it was stupid. it was by no means the right thing to do. as a matter of fact i do not believe Eri walked away from it unscathed at all. the fact of the matter is where were you then? there's no fixing the past, Eri has gotten over it and is a better person for it. which goes back to the fact that noone is a better person after getting raped, still not analogous at all. but being irate NOW doesnt do ANYONE any good.
putting a rapist behind bars 5 years later still does a whole world of good. again, apples and oranges still.
he already said he was the guy with zia on the myspace pic:o
exalted just leave it at that, don't toy with this creature. I'm going to bed, work tomorrow. I'm not gonna open up this thread tomorrow either, it's getting old. Guy is very fucked up in the head.
Well Adam, I'm sorry to hear that this is how it is, and I'm even more saddened by the way people are reacting to it. It shouldn't matter whether or not you have a penis, and if these people were half consistent with their "you should treat girls and guys the same" philosophy, then it wouldn't have even mattered. I am sitting here trying to understand why you'd do this. Why you would go the trouble of maintaining a female persona, and making people believe you were a girl. I'm sure it was one of those "high-end" thought occurances that due to the nature of your upbringing feel compelled to act upon.
What did it feel like to know that each of the friends you've made that are male wanted to fuck you more with each word they typed? What did it feel like manipulating peoples emotions and hurting them? Some of the TeamLiquidians posted some very heartfelt stuff in the "Adam = never walking again" thread. I remember one said that you were like a bigger sister. What did it feel like when he said that? I am simply trying to understand the situation better, Adam.
As a conclusion to all this however, I want to end off with an important message.
You're still fucking sexy to me, and if you feel like maintaining another female persona, you add LoGiC5467 to your AIM buddy list, you sexy bitch. Atleast now, when I work my moves on you, there is no need for a strap on. We should meet up sometime for casual sex. Maybe pizza. Maybe we can invite Eri, depending on how much sausage he can put up with. Are you kinky? Oh, I'm so hot, even if you don't want to maintain a female persona you just add LoGiC5467 for some good times baby. I welcome the emotional damage, I'm a sick fuck. Don't hesitate to slide your hairy, wet ass around my throbbing appendage, don't worry about it, I'm not like these other guys. I'll fuck you over, and over again, I'll spread your virgin ass so far you'll be shitting soup cans. I'll give you my phone number, it's 334-5644, I live in Canada so you'll have to dial 403.
I want to caress your tight, muscular body. I want you so bad.
I see your name on MSN right now. You signed in. It's nice that you didn't block me. I really fucking like you. My hands are shaking as I write this.
I'm still here for you, and I want to help you with your problems.
hook, line, sinker, PELVIC THRUST
lol.. I've been lurking these forums for years and when i got a username, I rarely posted. But this shit is so funny loooooool.
I too am quite impressed with the character you have created. It just makes me wonder how many others do the same thing :-p
Fair enough, Exalted. These pictures range from 2001 to the present:
Halloween 2005 picture!
Death picture!
Me and my puppy in baby form!
Thrashin' at Municipal Waste show!
More thrashin' at Municipal Waste show!
My brother and I at Municipal Waste!
Us with Herman Li from Dragonforce!
And not that this one has anything to do with me but I felt like showing it off ... FF painting by my friend
God dammnit Mani, i were going to make this thread, but in a much more flamboyant flashy bashing and humillating way, a way only i can pull off :3
I gotta say i knew that Zia was fake a long time ago, when she tried to spit so many bullshit to me like "omg i know the drummer of kataklysm, and targa taught me how to sing" i were like what the fuck is wrong with the patological lying bitch so i considering her whole identity being fake.
Then "she" tried to tell me she was a porn star, and that she loved anal sex, ffs... that was ridiculously obvious and he probably wanted to get caught in his lies because i obvioulsy wouldnt fall for that.
Im kinda mad not to that poor gay bastard but to Eri... what in the fuck man?, why did you kept all this bullshit for so long, you backed up his stories and stuff you have always loved comedy but this really wasnt a big prank, it was just a sickening shit and you being involved so deep in it makes me kind of angry with you, not like you care anyway but i had to say it.
I find very very very disturbing you are studing phsychology... for fucks sake, you are a very disturbed individual yourself, and i cant imagine you giving advice to people, its sickening, get help.
like 3 years ago when i played brodwar there was a "girl" nicknamed SAKURA, eveybody tought she was a girl bla bla bla.. long story short that guy kept the lie for years... WCG argentina... he turns out to be one ugly mother fucker, who is obviously gay... sick shit, all latin players might remember him.
Its quite obvious Adam is gay or has some sexual issues, ithink more should pay him a visit and "hovZ" him in his very own special way. ( unlubed anal fuck fest if you didnt get it)
long time lurker here, just posting to say this is disturbed.
It's just a character, Baal. I'm sorry she ruined your life and humiliated you.