United States12546 Posts
[23:39] <+motbob> how do i find you [23:39] <@riptide> on the third day, at dawn, look to the east [23:39] <+motbob> riptide starcraft yields no results [23:40] <+[Antoine]> you talking on Steam [23:40] <+[Antoine]> ? [23:40] <+motbob> yes [23:40] <+[Antoine]> add one of us as a friend [23:40] <+[Antoine]> then add him from our profile [23:40] <+motbob> oh good point [23:41] <+motbob> i'll just go though flamewheel's profile and add everyone
[23:42] <+motbob> wow steam is pretty laggy [23:42] <+[Antoine]> ur pretty laggy [23:44] <+motbob> ok now Steam is telling me to restart. fantastic [23:45] <+motbob> now my entire computer is collapsing [23:46] <+[Antoine]> owned [23:47] <@riptide> you cant add me, im the gingerbread man [23:48] <+motbob> i think my little pony is destroying my computer, instead of steam [23:48] <+[Antoine]> thats what you get for watching that shit [23:49] <@pawchem> antoine #1 mlp fan [23:49] <+motbob> trust me, it's not shit. i'm not saying you have to like it but the people behind this show are geniuses
[23:51] <+motbob> i'm just saying [23:51] <+motbob> it's really good from a production perspective [23:51] <+[Antoine]> produced so well that it breaks your computer [23:51] <+motbob> lol [23:53] <+motbob> ok Steam is acting slightly less broken now [23:54] <+motbob> oh [23:55] <+motbob> it crashed [23:55] <+motbob> ok forget it, having friends is not worth this much trouble [23:56] <+[Antoine]> i guess you didn't get the message out of mlp after all
fucking flawless
Except a lot of the people I have on there aren't TL? And I don't have a lot of the TL people added I think...
God damn it, who broke riptide? The passed few months he's been as bad pachi. OH GOD, SC2 COMMUNITY HAS RUINED HIM.
Anyway, GSL January 2012 spoilers, bros.
+ Show Spoiler +After huk beats Alicia (even though Alicia used a dumbass build for the map they were on.
[1:22] <aliciafighting> pvp is dumb
Never knew this thread existed, but here is mine from LP a while ago
<@Pholon> the f*** is this <@Pholon> saaaaaaaalle <@salle[afk]> you rang?
[02:16] riptide wow [02:16] Aelloon then shut the fuck up [02:16] riptide u guys are areguing over words [02:16] riptide nerds [02:16] Aelloon i don't talk about things you say [02:16] * bjw has quit (Ping timeout) [02:16] riptide NO U SHUIT UP [02:16] riptide SHUT Up [02:16] * riptide sets mode +m #teamliquid [02:16] riptide wow riptide why u so mad [02:16] riptide i dunno riptide [02:16] riptide i just mad [02:16] * lawdy (~~@alex1.users.quakenet.org) has joined #teamliquid [02:16] riptide someoneon the INTERNET IS WRONG [02:16] * Phirefly has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [02:16] riptide OMG [02:16] riptide rely [02:16] riptide yarly [02:16] * riptide gives voice to sym [02:17] riptide come chat with me son [02:17] * Sandern (~Sandern@Sander2.users.quakenet.org) has joined #teamliquid [02:17] * riptide sets mode -m #teamliquid ...
[02:18] sym what the fuck are you talking about [02:18] riptide i can ban you from life aka TL [02:18] sym riptide FUCKING RELAX [02:19] riptide IM LAREX [02:19] riptide RELAX [02:19] riptide ED [02:19] riptide TOTALYL RELAXED [02:20] riptide WHY AER U FREAKIN ME OUT [02:20] riptide OMG [02:20] riptide THE NEWPEOPLE [02:20] riptide THE Y CAME FROM THE MOUTNAINS [02:20] riptide BEFORE TEH AGE OF MAN [02:20] riptide OMG [02:20] VarmVaffel it's not capslockday today [02:20] VarmVaffel I think [02:20] riptide it is capslock day when I SAY IT IS CAPSLOCK DAY [02:20] riptide OK [02:20] riptide LEARN2IRC [02:20] iNsAelonius And this is why TeamLiquid degrades slowly from awesome place to 4chan [02:20] sym LOL [02:20] riptide what is 4chan [02:20] sym YES PLAYING LADDER AND CRYING ABOUT STRATS [02:21] * riptide has kicked sym from #teamliquid (relax) [02:21] * sym (~sym@sym.users.quakenet.org) has joined #teamliquid [02:21] riptide sym is pretty mad [02:21] sym you relax [02:21] sym yeah [02:21] riptide you need angermanagement [02:21] sym so mad
[18:25] <Heyoka> holy shit [18:25] <Heyoka> he's wearing a hat [18:25] <Heyoka> jesus titty fucking christ [18:25] <Twopack> lol [18:25] <boesdropMAD> hat on a cat [18:25] <boesdropMAD> o m g [18:25] <@flamewheel> dude [18:25] <@babofitos> 1 bud [18:25] <Twopack> never seen that one before [18:25] <@flamewheel> fedora [18:25] <Heyoka> oh god i just pooped myself [18:25] <@flamewheel> i am [18:25] <@flamewheel> such a fan of dat picture [18:25] <Heyoka> this cat is so fucking inctredible [18:25] <Heyoka> i have poop all over myself
I need to get in on this shit, I forgot how hilarious IRC can be tt
3030 Posts
[15:27:42] * @flamewheel slaps blahz0r around a bit with a large dick [15:27:45] <Knails> I have one of those [15:27:53] <Knails> She calls herself Fiona
flamewheel and Lyset too lazy...
Lol...I didn't see that picture, Flamewheel, and I know exactly where it came from. :p
[11:54] <dazz> wtf [11:54] <dazz> was just playing 1v1 [11:54] <dazz> vs a zerg [11:54] <dazz> i put pylon down [11:54] <dazz> at 9 [11:54] <dazz> then 4 lings appear [11:54] <dazz> attack my pylon [11:54] <dazz> so i pull probes [11:54] <dazz> then the probes start attacking each other [11:55] <dazz> all the probes died except 1 [11:55] <dazz> then the 4 lings killed it [11:55] <dazz> and my nexus lifted [11:55] <dazz> then the zerg sent vikings [11:55] <dazz> and it died [11:55] <dazz> wt [11:55] <dazz> f [11:55] * keit has kicked dazz from #teamliquid (bye) [11:55] * dazz (~dazz@79-69-194-75.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) has joined #teamliquid [11:55] * keit has kicked dazz from #teamliquid (bye) [11:55] * dazz (~dazz@79-69-194-75.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) has joined #teamliquid [11:55] * keit sets ban on *!*dazz@79-69-194-75.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com [11:55] * keit has kicked dazz from #teamliquid (dazz)
[14:49] <clowjs> LF Love, pst [14:50] <peekn> 14/f/cali looking for love [14:50] <@keit> LF for analrapist, wisp plz [14:50] <peekn> hahaaha [14:50] <HerO_flayer> sup keit
[2012-02-04 17:49:15] <pei> i have a problem with my wrist sweating on my mouseoad [2012-02-04 17:49:20] <pei> and it feels gross as fuck [2012-02-04 17:49:25] <pei> how do i go about this [2012-02-04 17:49:27] <EmmEnnEff> pei - chalk it [2012-02-04 17:49:28] <EmmEnnEff> \ [2012-02-04 17:49:31] <pei> rofl [2012-02-04 17:49:34] <Alternity> ye thats an option [2012-02-04 17:49:42] <EmmEnnEff> that's my solution to sweaty hands [2012-02-04 17:49:43] <Alternity> another good option [2012-02-04 17:49:52] <Alternity> you could use that thing that shocks your hand [2012-02-04 17:49:57] <Alternity> and makes your pores not sweat [2012-02-04 17:50:01] <Alternity> but that is kind of painful lol [2012-02-04 17:50:12] <EmmEnnEff> or strip [2012-02-04 17:50:17] <EmmEnnEff> I suggest stripping [2012-02-04 17:50:18] <sc2noob> EmmEnnEff: wtf? [2012-02-04 17:50:24] <sc2noob> EmmEnnEff: no one wants to see that [2012-02-04 17:50:28] <pei> EmmEnnEff that doesn't work [2012-02-04 17:50:35] <pei> i can do it [2012-02-04 17:50:36] <pei> however [2012-02-04 17:50:38] <Alternity> well use that shock thing [2012-02-04 17:50:41] <pei> if you're cold [2012-02-04 17:50:45] <pei> your hands freeze yup [2012-02-04 17:50:45] <Alternity> to to make your pores not sweat [2012-02-04 17:50:46] <pei> up* [2012-02-04 17:50:53] <sc2noob> just let him use an absorbent sweat band or something [2012-02-04 17:50:57] <pei> im pretty sure you've played when you're cold as fuck [2012-02-04 17:51:18] <sc2noob> well then, pei, buy yourself a condom [2012-02-04 17:51:20] <sc2noob> cut the end off [2012-02-04 17:51:24] <EmmEnnEff> then it looks like your only solution is chalk [2012-02-04 17:51:29] <sc2noob> and push the condom over your hand [2012-02-04 17:51:35] <pei> but chalk on black is mehhh [2012-02-04 17:51:43] <sc2noob> should seal around the wrist and prevent the wrist from sweating [2012-02-04 17:51:58] <pei> pretty sure that makes it worse [2012-02-04 17:52:13] <pei> i've worn those latex gloves before [2012-02-04 17:52:17] <sc2noob> pei: get a condom, cut the end with the little bump off then push your hand through the condom [2012-02-04 17:52:22] <pei> they make my hand sweaty as fuck [2012-02-04 17:52:34] <EmmEnnEff> wtf is that going to do for him [2012-02-04 17:52:36] <pei> hard to find non-lubricated ones [2012-02-04 17:52:46] <sc2noob> pei: lubricate it yourself with engine oil or something [2012-02-04 17:52:47] <EmmEnnEff> hard. hur hur [2012-02-04 17:53:02] <pei> >non-lubricated [2012-02-04 17:53:09] <pei> i dont know about you [2012-02-04 17:53:13] <Veyril> use blue cheese dressing [2012-02-04 17:53:14] <sc2noob> when I used condoms to stop my wrist sweating I would spray the inside with a little olive oil [2012-02-04 17:53:16] <pei> but everytime i go condom shopping [2012-02-04 17:53:24] <pei> i cant find the non-lub ones [2012-02-04 17:53:24] <pei> ever [2012-02-04 17:53:34] <Veyril> I always put blue cheese dressing in my condoms [2012-02-04 17:53:45] <Veyril> gives them the proper viscosity [2012-02-04 17:53:59] <sc2noob> I used to spray the inside of the condom before I put it over my hand with either canola oil or olive oil [2012-02-04 17:54:00] <pei> Veyril im pretty sure that's not blue cheese dressing... [2012-02-04 17:54:04] <sc2noob> then I switched to engine oil\ [2012-02-04 17:54:09] <sc2noob> worked a treat [2012-02-04 17:54:21] <pei> you should speak to your doctor about Veyril.... [2012-02-04 17:54:26] <Aelloon> she should talk more [2012-02-04 17:54:27] <pei> gonorrhea [2012-02-04 17:54:31] <sc2noob> although it left an ugly black stain on my wrist [2012-02-04 17:54:43] <sc2noob> and I had to cut the rubber off [2012-02-04 17:54:53] <pei> never cut the rubber off [2012-02-04 17:54:58] <pei> she'll get preggo! [2012-02-04 17:55:07] <sc2noob> pei: cut the condom off my WRIST [2012-02-04 17:55:12] <pei> SeiyaBamby [2012-02-04 17:55:18] <sc2noob> when fitting it over my wrist to prevent sweating [2012-02-04 17:55:19] <pei> >gaming gloves [2012-02-04 17:55:23] <sc2noob> too damn expensive [2012-02-04 17:55:24] <pei> >gaming [2012-02-04 17:55:27] <sc2noob> I usually buy Durex [2012-02-04 17:55:29] <Veyril> that girl wants some MVPenis [2012-02-04 17:55:37] <pei> i dont like durex [2012-02-04 17:55:42] <sc2noob> cut the end off those, lube them with engine oil then stick them over my wrist [2012-02-04 17:55:57] <pei> no this is not from the trojan advertisements [2012-02-04 17:56:03] <pei> i personally dislike durex [2012-02-04 17:56:08] <pei> prefer trojan [2012-02-04 17:56:17] <sc2noob> when I'm done gaming: cut the condom off my hand, wipe the engine oil off my wrist and go about the rest of my day [2012-02-04 17:56:24] <pei> >Thermaltake Tt eSPORTS [2012-02-04 17:56:29] <Alternity> wow she looks fuckable [2012-02-04 17:56:33] <Alternity> my dick so hard [2012-02-04 17:57:09] <sc2noob> I bought two cartons of Trojans once so I could cut the ends off them and put them over my hand to stop sweating [2012-02-04 17:57:15] <sc2noob> never used a single one [2012-02-04 17:58:00] <Veyril> I bought some magnum condoms so I could drop them on the ground and pick them up [2012-02-04 17:58:11] <sc2noob> Veyril: I only use Durex myself [2012-02-04 17:58:17] <sc2noob> less prone to breakage on the wrist [2012-02-04 17:58:28] <sc2noob> that's all I use them for, preventing wrist sweat [2012-02-04 17:58:39] <Veyril> u have to drop a magnum in front of girl [2012-02-04 17:58:42] <Veyril> and pick it up [2012-02-04 17:59:13] <sc2noob> I cut the end off a Trojan, put it on my wrist and the damn thing fucking snapped [2012-02-04 17:59:17] <osqlol> ive been using papertowels but it makes it a bit more uncontrollabe [2012-02-04 17:59:22] <Veyril> then you are guaranteed to get laid [2012-02-04 17:59:25] <sc2noob> had a sore wrist for ages [2012-02-04 17:59:32] <Alternity> i cant stop pooping guys [2012-02-04 17:59:33] <Alternity> any tips? [2012-02-04 17:59:41] <osqlol> vodka tampon into the anus [2012-02-04 17:59:51] <sc2noob> Alternity: get a colostomy bag [2012-02-04 18:00:18] <sc2noob> Alternity: fit the colostomy bag over your bare arse and that should fix the problem
Alternity is one weird dude
my all time favorites [09:26] <SirJolt> "No one can sit in a zerg mineral line, beset by blue flame hellions, and still believe in God."
<vGl-CoW> terran should start with a bullet in the back of the skull
[22:46] <Serejai|PHONE> Full battery [22:46] <Serejai|PHONE> Eta to die 16 mins wtf [22:47] <@pachi> owned [22:49] <@tec27> siq phone [22:49] <Serejai|PHONE> Fu noob [22:49] == Serejai|PHONE [~androirc@pool-173-53-106-115.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net] has quit [EOF from client]
<Pinski> DTs as a unit that you transition into means the toss is losing <CMC|Sabre> sherlock holmes in tl irc o:
* TheMango (~TheMango@pool-71-187-227-211.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #tlminecraftmods <TheMango> Want to see my sexy body ? I'm removing my bra right now SEE: http://LOLKEYLOGGER * TheMango (~TheMango@pool-71-187-227-211.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has left #tlminecraftmods
Damn spam bots.
[02:12] <foamy> keit! [02:12] <sprouter> keit changed the topic lol inb4 he gets kicked off tl [02:13] * keit (~ident@keit.users.quakenet.org) has joined #teamliquid [02:13] * Q gives channel operator status to keit [02:13] <foamy> that was a stupid nigger risk [02:13] * keit sets ban on *!*@pool-108-6-208-51.nycmny.fios.verizon.net [02:13] * keit has kicked foamy from #teamliquid (racxist)
For those of you who haven't been in IRC or don't read the topic, for WAY too long it said that you needed to say how amazing foamy was every 10 minutes. Keit was the one who finally got rid of the message >.>
United States7481 Posts
[15:36] * Hawaiian_Pig is now known as Loves2Spooge [15:39] <+salle[]> what's spooge? [15:40] <+salle[]> I shouldn't have googled that O_o