That is only one of many cases where professional athletes faced grave consequences for intolerable behaviour, I'm sure every fan of any sport can think of some.
Just yesterday ClouD from team Alternate Attax posted this in the "Bulgarian Riots" thread here on TL:
On September 27 2011 21:26 aTnClouD wrote:
tbh the only way of dealing with the gypsies problem is becoming a terrorist and kill as many as you can. if you drive them out of your country they will inevitably plague another place and it's a culture that is not really fit for living along with any other.
User was temp banned for this post.
tbh the only way of dealing with the gypsies problem is becoming a terrorist and kill as many as you can. if you drive them out of your country they will inevitably plague another place and it's a culture that is not really fit for living along with any other.
User was temp banned for this post.
On September 27 2011 21:32 aTnClouD wrote:
dude you have no idea how wicked gypsies are. they are a true plague to humanity and only the people living in countries who have them understand. ask bulgarians, romanians, french or italian people they will all tell you the same.
dude you have no idea how wicked gypsies are. they are a true plague to humanity and only the people living in countries who have them understand. ask bulgarians, romanians, french or italian people they will all tell you the same.
On September 27 2011 21:52 aTnClouD wrote:
I am amazed at how stupid people can pull out the nazi card whenever they feel like. Like it or not the gypsy problem is there and it can't be solved through conventional methods cause they refuse integration more than anyone else. They litteraly live off criminality and that's pretty much all they can do.
I am amazed at how stupid people can pull out the nazi card whenever they feel like. Like it or not the gypsy problem is there and it can't be solved through conventional methods cause they refuse integration more than anyone else. They litteraly live off criminality and that's pretty much all they can do.
Now I wonder, will his team do the right thing and at least release a statement about this incident?
Do you guys think mailing them would help?
What is your opinion in general?
Please do NOT discuss the topic of the so called "gypsies problem" in this thread. I'd like to keep eSports unpolitical and have a good time with everyone, but there has to be a line where things that players say and write are not tolerated. I am nothing but disgusted by those posts and would like to never see him in a tournament again.
At least the mods did a good job, a big thank you for not tolerating racism on TL!