Also, sexism is a natural consequence of an empirical and extended failure of women to do anything much.
Before everyone sets phasers to kill, think about it.
Computers? Apart from Ada Lovelace, (who was NOT the first computer programmer, Charles Babbage made an infinitely superior contribution), EVERYTHING has been done by men. Gates, Torvaldis, Knuth, Jobs. C, Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS, the mouse, the keyboard, the USB drive, the monitor, the LCD screen, the speaker.
Technology in general, btw. Electricity, light bulbs, rockets, calculators, phones, microphones, glasses, CD's, DVD's. Refrigerators, washing machines, toilets.
Math? Gravity, physics, derivation, integration, summation, trigonometry, etc. was ALL developed by men. Newton, Galileo, etc. Astrophysics? Einstein, Chandrashekar, Eddington, Susskind, Penzias...the list goes on.
Art? DaVinci, Michelangelo, Manet, Monet, Gaudi, Raphael, Van Gogh.
Literature? Milton, Emerson, Thoreau, Bradbury, Steinbeck, Clark, Asimov, Tolstoy, Salinger, Poe, Hawthorne, Miller. Out of ALL of the course texts I've read in 3 years of high school, only ONE has been written by a woman.
Music? lol, perhaps even more than science: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, Rachmanianoff, Liszt, Tchiakovsky, Gershwin, Schubert, Mendelev, Debussy, Schumann, Shostakovich...I've studied music theory for 11 years and out of ALL of the famous composers I've had to remember/have seen on tests, not ONE was a woman. Not ONE.
What is freaking left? Psychology? Freud, Jung, Hall, Wundt. Philosophy? Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Gandhi, Buddha, Camus, Nietzsche.
TL DR; Everything, pretty much ever, has been done by men.
I know what you're going to say:
"Women only failed to accomplish anything because of patriarchal society yo!"
So, men dominate women. We make the do the unpleasant stuff, like not pay for dates and get everything in divorces and stuff!
In all seriousness, however, why do we (men) go to war? If we just made women do the unpleasant shit, then why do MEN go to war, the most unpleasant thing, ever?
I know what you're thinking.
"Men are stronger than women - making women go to war would be stupid!"
To which I agree. But why not:
"Women are less adept at mathematics than men - having women do math would be stupid!"
Suddenly, a shitstorm. I mean, any female and any feminist would be absolutely willing to say that men are stronger.
Why can't they admit that men are smarter? Much evidence points to the fact that brain development is related to the size of the brain; the ratio among smarter creatures increases empirically (save for the Homo Erectus).
Strength is a physical characteristic; intelligence is as well. If you deny this, explain how those hit over the head as children grow up mentally deficient.
People will bring up bullshit lab experiments "proving" the relative intelligence of the female.
Here's a lab experiment for you: the last ten thousand years of human history.
Whiteknights will try to point out the few female scientists, etc. that have contributed.
I'm not saying that NO female will EVER contribute, just that sexism has empirical backing.
Men built the pyramids, the great wall, the Eiffel tower, the Taj Mahal, and Chichen Itza.
They are the soldiers, scholars, artists, and leaders.
+ Show Spoiler +To mods:
I respect your decisions so far in the bans/warnings I have received. I feel strongly, though, that there is no warrant for banning me in this post. I don't swear, I state only empirical fact, and I'm not flaming or trolling anyone. This isn't martyring, this is just pre-empting.