So i would love to have my german hotkey layout, but i hate the german version of sc2(voices, armornames etc are really bad). I dont know why the eng version has so different hotkeys, anyways the ger version uses qwertz format keys lie Q=move W=stop T=Attack etc.
Is there any easy way to change the keys like isntalling the eng version and copy pasting the string file of the ger version or something ?
Thanks for this thread btw
Russian Federation79 Posts
@TheDna If you copy/paste your german "GameStrings.txt" in english "StarCraft II Beta" you will have changed names of values in game on the German values. But it's no problem anyway you can use any "GameStrings.txt" any SC2 lang.
Hotkeys worked tho menu didnt and some text didnt either so yea not good.
On April 14 2010 10:47 TheDna wrote: Hotkeys worked tho menu didnt and some text didnt either so yea not good.
he forgot to mention that you have to merge 2 GameStrings files, easiest to fix this is by downloading the one I posted in OP and copy pasting all your current (german/custom) Button/Hotkey/ entries (inside the .txt file) into the one you downloaded.
Nice i dled the one in OP and deleted the Button/hotkey lines and pasted the ger ones and its working so far. I just hope it doesnt bug again.
Thanks alot
it won't bug again, I explained many times before why it bugged
Hi, Im really glad that you guys have made this program. Cheers!
But, i'm playing lefthanded and keyboard with my righthand so I wan't to use the "del, end, pgdown, insert, home etc" buttons above the arrows but it doesn't work. Same goes with the numbad, can't get it to work either.
Something that I can do to enable theese keys?
Sure! Open the gamestrings.txt and look up the Key/ entries, these are the strings you will have to type down to replace the Button/Hotkey/
For e.g. you want to set burrow to the NumPad +
in the file it says: Key/NumPadPlus=Num Pad +
what you will have to use for your hotkeys is "NumPadPlus", then you change Button/Hotkey/BurrowDown=Z (or whatever what is your current hotkey) to Button/Hotkey/BurrowDown=NumPadPlus
I told Tiler these keys would have been useful for some people, I don't know why he didn't include them.
ALTHOUGH, note that we have tested some keys listed in Key/ and they do not all work so you will have to test them by yourself, but for sure, any key that requires holding shift or alt group will not work
Also, a lot of the camera control hotkeys are bound to insert/delete/etc. and these hotkeys are not listed in that file - so I suggest you don't use those (but you can try it if you wish, some binding will override the other and it might the good one)
On April 15 2010 01:45 Tamerlane wrote: Sure! Open the gamestrings.txt and look up the Key/ entries, these are the strings you will have to type down to replace the Button/Hotkey/
For e.g. you want to set burrow to the NumPad +
in the file it says: Key/NumPadPlus=Num Pad +
what you will have to use for your hotkeys is "NumPadPlus", then you change Button/Hotkey/BurrowDown=Z (or whatever what is your current hotkey) to Button/Hotkey/BurrowDown=NumPadPlus
I told Tiler these keys would have been useful for some people, I don't know why he didn't include them.
ALTHOUGH, note that we have tested some keys listed in Key/ and they do not all work so you will have to test them by yourself, but for sure, any key that requires holding shift or alt group will not work
Also, a lot of the camera control hotkeys are bound to insert/delete/etc. and these hotkeys are not listed in that file - so I suggest you don't use those (but you can try it if you wish, some binding will override the other and it might the good one)
Thanks for the fast response Tamerlane. Gonna try it out.
If you can't use it in a tournament, then you shouldn't use it in regular gameplay.
what SC2 tournament banned the usage of custom hotkeys?
I'm gonna explain why I need to change the hotkeys personally:
I am lefthanded and I have to use the mouse with my lefhand and the keyboard with my righthand. Why? Because when i was born they pulled my rightarm with to much force so that my righthand is missing some nerve. This mean that i'm not stable with my righthand.
So i can't play with the original starcraft2 hotkeys due to the fact that it takes to long for me to hit the original hotkeys. I'm just playing to slow with this.
Now that i have used the "Tiler's tool & MPQ" program" combinded with the program "autohotkey" i can play with the numpadkeys, delete, end etc. This have improved my gameplay extremly in starcraft 2 and i'm so much faster now. I have the same keys in world of warcraft when i play the arena and i have been at 2200 rating before due to the fact that i could change my hotkeys in world of warcraft options.
Conclusion is that I think and hope Starcraft 2 will have the same option so that you can change your hotkeys just like in world of warcraft. I think it's not fair if a lefthand handicap player can't change the hotkeys for his needs.
Ps. i'm only using the "autohotkey" program to change so that "numpad1" is "w" and etc. Then I change the hotkeys in "tilers program"
Russian Federation79 Posts
Okay i'am here now. I spent 5 day making MPQ support format.
Here is SC2Tools 0.93 Download
What's new: - added 'Create New' button for create full GameStrings.txt from latest patch (It does not matter which version you use, the program will automatically determine the version and extract the necessary files); - some cosmetic improvements;
Create New works: it search for the last patch and extract from it 2 files GameStrings.txt, merge them into one and saves in SC2 Install folder. If you already have this file will be a question: overwrite? What about Numpad 1-0... i'll add it later. I can not do everything at once.
On April 15 2010 23:14 Tiler wrote: - added 'Create New' button for create full GameStrings.txt from latest patch (It does not matter which version you use, the program will automatically determine the version and extract the necessary files);
<3 you Tiler
Russian Federation79 Posts
No problem Tamerlane. Although someone needs my program :D
I was waiting for someone to get those buggy text files out of my gui forever. Now that they are gone, Starcraft 2 is like a breath of fresh air. I can now type correctly. I can read the tool tips. I won't have problems messaging other people!
*dance dance*
Oh and Tiler too.
Okay time to figure out the best layout for a random player, it sucks the hot keys are so different for each race right now.
Russian Federation79 Posts
SC2Tools v0.94 Download
What's new: - improved scan speed [Units Analyzer] - [Units Analyzer] is now automatically takes the information from the last patch - added support NumPad 0-9 buttons - fixed some bugs
Russian Federation79 Posts
SC2Tools v0.95 Download
What's new: - now correctly shows text if UTF-8 format for non-English languages - fixed some possible bugs when working with MPQ format
Russian Federation79 Posts
SC2Tools v0.96 Download
What's new: - added support for multi-language versions in which more than one lang (You can choose lang by clicking on the language in statusbar. This only affects the work of the button 'Create New' ) - added short game info in [About] tab which shows installed langs and patches - fixed some possible bugs (program more stable now)