So I ran one with 30 million samples, without aligulac, and without events because I don't have 50 GB of ram nor do I want to spend days running a simulation lol. Anyways here's what it says -
+ Show Spoiler [Players with at least 20% chances] +
1. INnoVation, 30000000/30000000, minimum 6025 points, needs at least 6025 points, 100%
2. Soulkey WJS, 30000000/30000000, minimum 4750 points, needs at least 4750 points, 100%
3. Jaedong, 30000000/30000000, minimum 4625 points, needs at least 4625 points, 100%
4. Bomber, 30000000/30000000, minimum 4425 points, needs atleast 4425 points, 100%
5. TaeJa, 30000000/30000000, minimum 4125 points, needs at least 4125 points, 100%
6. HerO Liquid, 30000000/30000000, minimum 3925 points, needs at least 3925 points, 100%
7. Polt, 30000000/30000000, minimum 3850 points, needs at least 3850 points, 100%
8. MMA Acer, 30000000/30000000, minimum 3850 points, needs at least 3850 points, 100%
9. sOs, 29999992/30000000, minimum 3800 points, needs at least 3800 points, 100%
10. MC, 29999985/30000000, minimum 3775 points, needs at least 3775 points, 99.9999%
11. Maru Prime, 29999842/30000000, minimum 3675 points, needs at least 3675 points, 99.9995%
12. aLive, 29930992/30000000, minimum 3600 points, needs at least 3600 points, 99.77%
13. Mvp IM, 28866036/30000000, minimum 3575 points, needs at least 3575 points, 96.2201%
14. duckdeok, 27530032/30000000, minimum 3300 points, needs at least 3300 points, 91.7668%
15. Scarlett, 9289904/30000000, minimum 2275 points, needs at least 3300 points, 30.9663%
16. soO, 8995157/30000000, minimum 2300 points, needs at least 3300 points, 29.9839%
17. HyuN, 8665168/30000000, minimum 2325 points, needs at least 3250 points, 28.8839%
18. NaNiwa, 7380200/30000000, minimum 3200 points, needs at least 3200 points, 24.6007%
+ Show Spoiler [Players with at least 5% chances] +
19. Dear STX, 4087571/30000000, minimum 2500 points, needs at least 3250 points, 13.6252%
20. VortiX, 3749263/30000000, minimum 2400 points, needs at least 3650 points, 12.4975%
21. Revival, 3605056/30000000, minimum 3175 points, needs at least 3175 points, 12.0169%
22. Oz, 3019900/30000000, minimum 2350 points, needs at least 3350 points, 10.0663%
23. Trap, 1874824/30000000, minimum 2450 points, needs at least 3950 points, 6.24941%
24. Genius, 1874328/30000000, minimum 2300 points, needs at least 3800 points, 6.24776%
25. CranK Axiom, 1796452/30000000, minimum 2500 points, needs at least 3250 points, 5.98817%
26. MacSed, 1595414/30000000, minimum 2450 points, needs at least 3200 points, 5.31805%
+ Show Spoiler [Players with at least 1% chances] +
27. HuK, 1380484/30000000, minimum 2425 points, needs at least 3175 points, 4.60161%
28. NesTea, 1347772/30000000, minimum 2350 points, needs at least 3350 points, 4.49257%
29. Apocalypse, 1215985/30000000, minimum 2500 points, needs at least 3250 points, 4.05328%
30. Sen, 1075308/30000000, minimum 2325 points, needs at least 3325 points, 3.58436%
31. Heart, 990851/30000000, minimum 2500 points, needs at least 3250 points, 3.30284%
32. Hack, 909044/30000000, minimum 2450 points, needs at least 3200 points, 3.03015%
33. ByuL, 820440/30000000, minimum 2350 points, needs at least 3600 points, 2.7348%
+ Show Spoiler [Players with at least 0.0001% chances] + + Show Spoiler [Players with at least 0% chances] +
34. TLO, 0/30000000, 0%
35. Stephano, 0/30000000, 0%
36. Alicia, 0/30000000, 0%
37. Symbol, 0/30000000, 0%
38. Grubby, 0/30000000, 0%
39. KangHo, 0/30000000, 0%
40. Ryung, 0/30000000, 0%
41. DIMAGA, 0/30000000, 0%
42. LucifroN, 0/30000000, 0%
43. Happy Empire, 0/30000000, 0%
44. Leenock, 0/30000000, 0%
45. Welmu, 0/30000000, 0%
46. StarDust, 0/30000000, 0%
47. PartinG, 0/30000000, 0%
48. Flash KT, 0/30000000, 0%
49. BabyKnight, 0/30000000, 0%
50. GuMiho, 0/30000000, 0%
51. TitaN RoX.Kis, 0/30000000, 0%
52. HasuObs, 0/30000000, 0%
53. Snute, 0/30000000, 0%
54. TheStC, 0/30000000, 0%
55. Life, 0/30000000, 0%
56. SuperNova, 0/30000000, 0%
57. viOLet, 0/30000000, 0%
58. SaSe, 0/30000000, 0%
59. RorO, 0/30000000, 0%
60. Minigun, 0/30000000, 0%
61. Jim CN, 0/30000000, 0%
62. mOOnGLaDe, 0/30000000, 0%
63. Suppy, 0/30000000, 0%
64. DongRaeGu, 0/30000000, 0%
65. Sage, 0/30000000, 0%
66. ThorZaIN, 0/30000000, 0%
67. hyvaa, 0/30000000, 0%
68. Bbyong, 0/30000000, 0%
69. KeeN, 0/30000000, 0%
70. sLivko, 0/30000000, 0%
71. SortOf, 0/30000000, 0%
72. Flying, 0/30000000, 0%
73. Squirtle, 0/30000000, 0%
74. ToD, 0/30000000, 0%
75. Dayshi, 0/30000000, 0%
76. DeMusliM, 0/30000000, 0%
77. Shuttle T, 0/30000000, 0%
78. Tefel, 0/30000000, 0%
79. Goswser, 0/30000000, 0%
80. MaNa, 0/30000000, 0%
81. MajOr, 0/30000000, 0%
82. Ret, 0/30000000, 0%
83. Shine Samsung, 0/30000000, 0%
84. Bunny, 0/30000000, 0%
85. puCK, 0/30000000, 0%
86. ViBE, 0/30000000, 0%
87. Bly, 0/30000000, 0%
88. Curious, 0/30000000, 0%
89. FanTaSy, 0/30000000, 0%
90. JangBi, 0/30000000, 0%
91. Nerchio, 0/30000000, 0%
92. TRUE JinAir, 0/30000000, 0%
93. YugiOh, 0/30000000, 0%
94. HwangSin, 0/30000000, 0%
95. Kas, 0/30000000, 0%
96. Strelok, 0/30000000, 0%
97. Top CN, 0/30000000, 0%
98. theognis, 0/30000000, 0%
99. uzer, 0/30000000, 0%
100. YongHwa, 0/30000000, 0%
101. elfi, 0/30000000, 0%
102. Neeb, 0/30000000, 0%
103. SjoW, 0/30000000, 0%
104. Sleep, 0/30000000, 0%
105. TAiLS MVP, 0/30000000, 0%
106. KrasS, 0/30000000, 0%
107. Reality, 0/30000000, 0%
108. YoDa IM, 0/30000000, 0%
109. ShoWTimE ESC, 0/30000000, 0%
110. Sound T, 0/30000000, 0%
111. Targa, 0/30000000, 0%
112. CoCa, 0/30000000, 0%
113. Feast, 0/30000000, 0%
114. jjakji, 0/30000000, 0%
115. State, 0/30000000, 0%
116. XY, 0/30000000, 0%
117. Creator Prime, 0/30000000, 0%
118. Dream MVP, 0/30000000, 0%
119. EffOrt, 0/30000000, 0%
120. hellokitty, 0/30000000, 0%
121. herO CJ, 0/30000000, 0%
122. KiLLeR Clarity, 0/30000000, 0%
123. MarineKing, 0/30000000, 0%
124. Noname, 0/30000000, 0%
125. Pigbaby, 0/30000000, 0%
126. RagnaroK, 0/30000000, 0%
127. Starbuck, 0/30000000, 0%
128. Beastyqt, 0/30000000, 0%
129. BlinG, 0/30000000, 0%
130. FireCake, 0/30000000, 0%
131. Illusion ROOT, 0/30000000, 0%
132. Savage, 0/30000000, 0%
133. Socke, 0/30000000, 0%
134. Arthur P, 0/30000000, 0%
135. Capoch, 0/30000000, 0%
136. Crazy KT, 0/30000000, 0%
137. Daisy, 0/30000000, 0%
138. First IM, 0/30000000, 0%
139. Harstem, 0/30000000, 0%
140. Hurricane, 0/30000000, 0%
141. Puzzle, 0/30000000, 0%
142. qxc, 0/30000000, 0%
143. Siw, 0/30000000, 0%
144. Stats, 0/30000000, 0%
145. Super MVP, 0/30000000, 0%
146. Swagger, 0/30000000, 0%
147. Verdi, 0/30000000, 0%
148. Fenix, 0/30000000, 0%
149. IdrA, 0/30000000, 0%
150. Maker, 0/30000000, 0%
151. monchi, 0/30000000, 0%
152. SonGDuri, 0/30000000, 0%
153. BBoongBBoong, 0/30000000, 0%
154. Last STX, 0/30000000, 0%
155. Tilea, 0/30000000, 0%
156. Avenge, 0/30000000, 0%
157. Drunkenboi, 0/30000000, 0%
158. iaguz, 0/30000000, 0%
159. JYP, 0/30000000, 0%
160. MyuNgSiK, 0/30000000, 0%
161. Seed, 0/30000000, 0%
162. ByuN, 0/30000000, 0%
163. Center, 0/30000000, 0%
164. ParalyzE, 0/30000000, 0%
165. Ruin, 0/30000000, 0%
166. San, 0/30000000, 0%
167. SeleCT, 0/30000000, 0%
168. AlaStOr, 0/30000000, 0%
169. Bails, 0/30000000, 0%
170. Bang, 0/30000000, 0%
171. Bischu, 0/30000000, 0%
172. Bunny CJ, 0/30000000, 0%
173. DarkHydra, 0/30000000, 0%
174. Golden, 0/30000000, 0%
175. Ian, 0/30000000, 0%
176. Jogginghose, 0/30000000, 0%
177. MorroW, 0/30000000, 0%
178. NightEnD, 0/30000000, 0%
179. Sonder, 0/30000000, 0%
180. Trust, 0/30000000, 0%
181. Xenocider, 0/30000000, 0%
182. ALBM, 0/30000000, 0%
183. Argo, 0/30000000, 0%
184. Balloon, 0/30000000, 0%
185. Billowy, 0/30000000, 0%
186. Dark, 0/30000000, 0%
187. Hydra, 0/30000000, 0%
188. Journey, 0/30000000, 0%
189. JuNi, 0/30000000, 0%
190. Kop, 0/30000000, 0%
191. LabyRinth, 0/30000000, 0%
192. Mamuri, 0/30000000, 0%
193. Noblesse, 0/30000000, 0%
194. Pet, 0/30000000, 0%
195. s2, 0/30000000, 0%
196. sC, 0/30000000, 0%
197. Shark Samsung, 0/30000000, 0%
198. sKyHigh, 0/30000000, 0%
199. Sniper, 0/30000000, 0%
200. Solar, 0/30000000, 0%
201. Sparta, 0/30000000, 0%
202. Terminator, 0/30000000, 0%
203. TurN, 0/30000000, 0%
204. VINES, 0/30000000, 0%
205. ZerO, 0/30000000, 0%
206. zest, 0/30000000, 0%
207. Rain SKT1, 0/30000000, 0%
208. ForGG, 0/30000000, 0%
+ Show Spoiler [point cutoffs] +0.00% of the time 2600 WCS points is enough to qualify 0.00% of the time 2700 WCS points is enough to qualify 0.00% of the time 2800 WCS points is enough to qualify 0.00% of the time 2900 WCS points is enough to qualify 0.00% of the time 2950 WCS points is enough to qualify 0.00% of the time 3000 WCS points is enough to qualify 0.00% of the time 3050 WCS points is enough to qualify 0.00% of the time 3100 WCS points is enough to qualify 0.00% of the time 3125 WCS points is enough to qualify 0.00% of the time 3150 WCS points is enough to qualify 25.39% of the time 3200 WCS points is enough to qualify 59.04% of the time 3300 WCS points is enough to qualify 61.18% of the time 3400 WCS points is enough to qualify 66.03% of the time 3500 WCS points is enough to qualify 99.80% of the time 3600 WCS points is enough to qualify 99.92% of the time 3700 WCS points is enough to qualify 100.00% of the time 3800 WCS points is enough to qualify 100.00% of the time 3900 WCS points is enough to qualify 100.00% of the time 4000 WCS points is enough to qualify
+ Show Spoiler [foreigner hope rating] +Chance of Blizzcon having a foreigner is 68.2139%, 20464158/30000000 Scarlett from Canada has a 30.9663% chance. The chance that Scarlett is the only foreigner is 21.7345%, 6520345/30000000 NaNiwa from Sweden has a 24.6007% chance. The chance that NaNiwa is the only foreigner is 18.6539%, 5596163/30000000 VortiX from Spain has a 12.4975% chance. The chance that VortiX is the only foreigner is 7.04515%, 2113546/30000000 MacSed from China has a 5.31805% chance. The chance that MacSed is the only foreigner is 3.10954%, 932862/30000000 HuK from Canada has a 4.60161% chance. The chance that HuK is the only foreigner is 2.58269%, 774808/30000000 Sen from Taiwan has a 3.58436% chance. The chance that Sen is the only foreigner is 1.91893%, 575678/30000000
I can't wait until WCS AM finishes the ro16 lol.