It is highly recommended that your read this entire thread - at least until page 10. If you make uninformed opinions that have been answered by the thread, col management or Destiny, you will be banned.
On June 23 2011 06:54 algorithm0r wrote: Wait. Is Complexity a team or something? I mean what members do they have? What tourneys have they won? Oh I know they have that guy I hate... Cruncher or something...
Oh no wait I did hear something about them recently. They acquired ROOT... but not Kiwikaki or Slush...
Well at least they still have some awesome personalities in Catz and Destiny... What? They released Destiny?
Is Complexity a team or something?
Destiny: Best of luck BROHAM! You don't need a team holding you down. ROOT was a good match for you and it is too bad that they had to move to Complexity. You'll find a new team if you want one, or not since you don't need one. Keep practising. I look forward to seeing you in the IPL! Destiny fighting!
You do realize its posts like this that make destiny look like he only entertains immature people (which is partially true btw).
Also I think if we left any thread that concerns players running on TL long enough, it would just turn into an idra discussion.
On June 23 2011 05:50 Chill wrote: This is a nice opportunity for Destiny.
how so?
i agree with him saying this will be a nice opportunity. In the previous questions on stog and djwheats shows you were well spoken about destiny's language on stream. I think this will give destiny a chance to look back upon those questions and possibly connect and rethink if he was wrong or right.
ps. u did interview with deezer(a+ interview) now with combatex plz <33
are you serious........ I love incontrol, but on weapon of choice, he was completely misunderstanding Steven, making him look like the bad guy for trying to jump in and get his points across, and laughing at steve's amazing points, let's not get into that argument though.
What incontrol is asking is how will losing a team be a good oppurtunity, but I don't wanna put words into his mouth or chill's, but I think chill means that steve can now find what's best for him.
On June 23 2011 05:57 KimJongChill wrote: I saw this kind of thing happening, what with Destiny's non-pc language. The only reason this is a problem is because he is well known, and how highly publicized his language became these past few months. I'm sure plenty of other progamers spew racist, sexist, or homophobic insults, but it's not widely discussed enough for people to care. I suppose Idra is an exception simply because of his playing caliber.
Fortunately, Destiny has relatively improved, meaning that he is slowly performing better compared to the progress of his peers. I hope he takes this chance to seriously engage in practice, rather than Sotis all day :b
Good luck.
Well IdrA doesn't spew racist, sexist, or homophobic insults . . . he just says things to individual people like calling them fucking skilless newbies or doesn't gg.
Seems like you have no idea what you're talking about.
It seems you don't know what you are talking about.
He has extremely toned down since joining EG and I don't think he has said anything really bad since the start of 2011.
Sure sure brah. Note that's EGIdrA.
I would recommend you stop using the word brah and read something before you respond to it.
"toned down" does not mean he has stopped completely idra will always be that way
"Anything really bad since start of 2011" , that game is from november 2010.
"He has extremely toned down since joining EG"
Continues using "faggot" despite being on EG
Apparently calling someone "faggot" is being toned down
i guarantee you sign at least 10 contracts per week without reading them. when you break the plastic seal on a video/computer game, when you click yes i agree to the terms on some pornsite, whenever you update software, so don't act like everyone reads every contract they make. have you paid for anything with a debit or credit card lately? that's a contract and i bet you didn't read the terms for that (hint: it's more complicated then i will pay for these goods/services). do you know where the binding arbitration takes place between you and blizz if you have a lawsuit regarding SC2?
EULAs, Terms of Services and other internet things are agreements and not contracts, and are also not as legally binding. If you don't read every legally binding contract you sign you are being dumb. Sorry. If you have a job that requires you to sign a contract, it is in your best interest to not only read it thoroughly but pay a very cheap consultation fee and have a lawyer check it out. In a legal situation, ignorance is not a defense.
Besides, Destiny said he did read it, so the point is moot.
The second half of Complexity's statement kind of says to me that they are not willing to have someone as polarizing as Destiny on their team. From a business perspective, if he had better results, the backlash from his homophobic and racists remarks could possibly be handwaved.
This is a good parting of ways for both sides of the coin. Complexity doesn't have to constantly excuse one of their players and Destiny can go on and do whatever he calls what he does on his stream.
Did you know Destiny had a whole four hours to sign the contract? Not professional in any way. Did Complexity exercise due diligence before offering Destiny a contract? No. Did Complexity sign the most talented players on the Root roster? No. It is clear Complexity has a lot to learn when it comes to signing talent.
I've got to call complete bullshit on this point. It's clear from your demeanor and general lack of understanding of "the way things work" that you are fairly uneducated or, at the very least, unexposed to the realities that make it impossible to have your cake and eat it too. There's no way in hell you didn't have access to the contract until the due date... you just fucked it off and you're being transparent as hell right now. I mean seriously, you're going to take a high and mighty stance about doing things your own way and not caring about being a part of an organization or adhering to social norms of general decency, but then you turn around and you aren't even being candid in your explanation.
Oh, and I'm TOTALLY sure you actually read the contract (100% sarcasm)
I don't expect this to be well-received... don't care either really as I know the type of people that consider themselves your fans, but even the immature and unempathetic high school kids that watch you stream after school deserve you at least saying that YOU fucked up rather than a lame (made up) excuse that you couldn't view the contract until the due date.[/QUOTE]
You are accusing him of lying based on your own presumptions.
Well I heard news of this... and that sucks. I don't understand why they want to so heavily enforce how he behaves on his stream (unless I am misunderstanding the problem here) especially when it is so popular. Oh well.
On June 23 2011 05:40 DavidMcF wrote: No team will want Destiny - he can't be trusted to honour contracts or promote a good image for the team.
I really don't think that is true. This seemed to be a unique situation in which he felt pressured into signing for what he didn't have much time to contemplate and likely didn't feel was all too relevant. I could definitely see him able to abide by a different contract if he gets one.
Why would he have to apologize if he signed the contract to give his teammates the opportunity to join col, even tho he knew, that it wasn't the thing he wanted to do?
Reading through at least the first 6 pages, I am honestly surprised by the Destiny fans being outraged and surprised.
Do you all really wonder what requirements there are for being in a professional gaming team? I'm sure some of you have heard this quote: "Professionals have standards."
I understand that Destiny wishes to stick to his beliefs, and it is obvious that he can't do it while in Complexity.
On June 23 2011 05:41 Spell_Crafted wrote: My gut says if anyone picks him up, it'll be sixjax. They picked up major despite his bad reputation. Sad news if you ask me. I was really happy to see him on complexity and it seemed like his training was going quite well.
Major was a long time friend of Artosis and his results have been better, as for destiny :takes off glasses: I guess we will see where his destiny lies? But in all seriousness i think he is going to probably go solo for a while like it said in the article and when he becomes comfortable he will join a team. Best of luck
Did you know Destiny had a whole four hours to sign the contract? Not professional in any way. Did Complexity exercise due diligence before offering Destiny a contract? No. Did Complexity sign the most talented players on the Root roster? No. It is clear Complexity has a lot to learn when it comes to signing talent.
He definitely had more then 4 hours. He wasn't saying he only had four hours, he was saying that basically he sort of put it off and he felt he didn't have enough time because his decision affected more then just him.
On June 23 2011 06:37 n0ise wrote: I have no idea what Destiny is generally talking about, how he behaves, or what the incident at hand was.
I do, however, have a newfound admiration for Complexity. Finally, an organisation that doesn't take and endorse shit from anyone, just for a bit of extra e-fame. I hope others can take example.
Did you even think before posting this?
I don't know what obama's policies, ideology or goals are, but I do however respect those extremists who decided to not take his shit and try to assassinate him. I hope others take example.
My post was in respect to
He agreed and on June 11, 2011 executed a legally binding contract with our organization. Then, despite being fully aware of what would be expected of him, he decided that he didn’t want to be part of a “big organization.” He refused to honor any of the terms in the contract.
This behavior left us in a difficult position as a management team. Despite Mr. Bonnell’s agreement to exercise solid judgment and professionalism in his trade, some of the polarizing opinions being expressed on his stream were in direct opposition the values compLexity has stood for since 2003
One day, I got a message pretty much saying "hey, that contract is due tonight, you gotta sign it today". I pretty much had half a day to decide whether or not to sign, and it seemed like if I didn't sign, the deal would fall through for the rest of the team. I didn't want to mess up everyone's opportunities to move on with their career just because I felt uncomfortable, and there was nothing -too- objectionable in the contract, so I signed it.
I've got to call complete bullshit on this point. It's clear from your demeanor and general lack of understanding of "the way things work" that you are fairly uneducated or, at the very least, unexposed to the realities that make it impossible to have your cake and eat it too. There's no way in hell you didn't have access to the contract until the due date... you just fucked it off and you're being transparent as hell right now. I mean seriously, you're going to take a high and mighty stance about doing things your own way and not caring about being a part of an organization or adhering to social norms of general decency, but then you turn around and you aren't even being candid in your explanation.
Oh, and I'm TOTALLY sure you actually read the contract (100% sarcasm)
I don't expect this to be well-received... don't care either really as I know the type of people that consider themselves your fans, but even the immature and unempathetic high school kids that watch you stream after school deserve you at least saying that YOU fucked up rather than a lame (made up) excuse that you couldn't view the contract until the due date.
It seems to me that he just didn't have enough time to make an informed decision, and acted a bit rashly. Sure, what he did is irresponsible, and would probably have much more dire repercussions if it were a larger deal, but he was just trying to reveal his perspective on the situation. I don't know why you feel like you need to insult him to make this point. I don't think he is being disingenuous about anything, or at least I didn't get that impression.
On June 23 2011 05:41 Spell_Crafted wrote: My gut says if anyone picks him up, it'll be sixjax. They picked up major despite his bad reputation. Sad news if you ask me. I was really happy to see him on complexity and it seemed like his training was going quite well.
listen im not trying to be mean here but the skill level when it comes ot playing in professional tournaments is vastly different between major and destiny. Major for BW has been to china and such i bleieve for tournaments for example
On June 23 2011 06:57 MrDudeMan wrote: Also I think if we left any thread that concerns players running on TL long enough, it would just turn into an idra discussion.
Too true. We just found a corollary to Godwin's Law.
One day, I got a message pretty much saying "hey, that contract is due tonight, you gotta sign it today". I pretty much had half a day to decide whether or not to sign, and it seemed like if I didn't sign, the deal would fall through for the rest of the team. I didn't want to mess up everyone's opportunities to move on with their career just because I felt uncomfortable, and there was nothing -too- objectionable in the contract, so I signed it.
I've got to call complete bullshit on this point. It's clear from your demeanor and general lack of understanding of "the way things work" that you are fairly uneducated or, at the very least, unexposed to the realities that make it impossible to have your cake and eat it too. There's no way in hell you didn't have access to the contract until the due date... you just fucked it off and you're being transparent as hell right now. I mean seriously, you're going to take a high and mighty stance about doing things your own way and not caring about being a part of an organization or adhering to social norms of general decency, but then you turn around and you aren't even being candid in your explanation.
Oh, and I'm TOTALLY sure you actually read the contract (100% sarcasm)
I don't expect this to be well-received... don't care either really as I know the type of people that consider themselves your fans, but even the immature and unempathetic high school kids that watch you stream after school deserve you at least saying that YOU fucked up rather than a lame (made up) excuse that you couldn't view the contract until the due date.
Wow. I really don't get people like that. You don't know anything about the story, but yet you claim that you hold the truth to everything. Are you a conspiracy theorist too?
Steven says that he didn't like the contract and retracted after some more thoughts. It's not illegal, it's not a fuck up; it's life. Contracts are not life binding (unless you sign with your blood or something), and you always have the opportunity to cancel it.
The only thing I don't get is Col's communication on this. If Steven and the management agreed to drop the contract, why communicate that Col chose to drop Steven because of his BM? A simple: "Steven and us chose not to continue associating and that's fine" would surely be enough?
On June 23 2011 06:57 MrDudeMan wrote: Also I think if we left any thread that concerns players running on TL long enough, it would just turn into an idra discussion.
Too true. We just found a corollary to Godwin's Law.