My appetite went kaput recently and I'm not sure why. I've never had a super active lifestyle-- decent amount of walking around, but essentially I have a desk job and when I come home and I sit and read, browse the internet, play games. Still, the disappearance of my appetite has been pretty recent.
Far as workout goes, I just do a pretty simple daily thing of bodyweight exercises-- a couple pushup, pullup and situp variations with a good bit of stretching. I had more caffeine that usual the last couple weeks, but I'm down to a morning cup and it should be affecting me this late (11PM). I'm sitting here with a half eaten thing of pasta with meat sauce and veggies.
Any potential reasons ya'll can think of? I'd like to keep piling on calories, but the appetite thing is killing me. My routine seems okay-- I keep pushing up the reps/sets I do. It's no substitute for actually getting a gym membership, but I'm too lazy to drive there several times a week and kinda cheap, but I need more calories. I gained like 20 pounds from eating big lunches since started work 5 months ago (no fat to show) and I've dropped a few since I stopped eating as much.
Just not very hungry. I eat lunch okay, but dinner has become kind of a meh whatever for the most part. Stomach is very slightly upset-- maybe a bit gassy or bloated?
Usually dot eat breakfast, but I munch on something (usually some sort of frackers) through the day. Lunch is usually pizza, burger or sometimes a salad. Not fast food-grade but not exactly the healthiest of meals. Sometimes I go veggie and do a veggie burger or some sort of steamed veggie. Dinner is any sort of thing. Either way, I've been trying to keep a healthy diet with all my vitamins and a decent amount of fiber while cutting carbs a little.
I'm thinking of switching out my crackers for veggies and beef jerky or something but not sure what to do. Maybe I should yoghurt it up for awhile too.
On the other hand, I went to a decent-grade sushi buffet a few days ago with a friend and pigged out. Maybe I've become a overly picky eater or something?
That happens to me at least, from time to time. My appetite comes and goes, every two months or so which is why I count calories to make sure I'm sticking to my goals. Been that way for at least five years, since I got seriously into lifting (and the associated eating) - before that I just never had any appetite at all, ever.
you literally munch on crackers all day and wonder why you arent that hungry at night? :D i would say just make sure you are getting a large protein intake every day, if you're not then that's the bigger issue to address. you wont be from pasta, crackers, greens and office pizza
3rd week back at the gym after 4 months without touching a single barbell and I LOST A LOOOOT.
The dark side is that I went back to square one : Weakest guy at the gym. On the bright side 4 news skinny guys register so I'm only 5th starting from the bottom ....
No one is doing Oly, they all quit or switch to Powerlifting so I'm doing stronglift for 3 months, then I'll see.
2015-2016 PR : Back squat : 5x5 65kg Front squat : 5x5 48kg Bench Press : 5x5 45kg Military Press : 5x5 35kg Rowing : 5x5 47,5kg Deadlift : 5x5 60 kg
I rowed today with a drag factor of 110 (is that good ?) : 2k for 9min40s 4x500m all under 2min15 2k for 10min54 Then Back and abs and stretching My mobility improved a looot in a year, but my hips and hamstring are still shit. I need to work on that.
A drag factor of 110-130 is good for an adult male. I would not recommend doing 2k distances for no reason - if you want to build up fitness just do steady state for 2x20 mins straight at an easy pace (my 2k split is 1:36~, I SS at 1:55-2:00).
On October 28 2015 07:17 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: A drag factor of 110-130 is good for an adult male. I would not recommend doing 2k distances for no reason - if you want to build up fitness just do steady state for 2x20 mins straight at an easy pace (my 2k split is 1:36~, I SS at 1:55-2:00).
I want to get better at rowing, When summer is back me and my dad we are going to row and there is no way I'm a burden for a 52 years old .... I can row only once a week for now what would you recommend to improve ? I thought HIT was better than steady pace
Edit :
Today session, how is my Deadlift form ? I feel like my neck isn't align with my spine, I should watch the ground at the start
0 cigarettes several home-made sandwiches instead of shop ones several days of healthy tinned tuna/carrots/potatoes but still too many mcdonalds and pizzas *types this immediately after ordering 2x large pizzas* guitar practice going just fine (given the circumstances) sleep going ok, much to my disbelief (generally lights off at 9pm, listen to swan song until 10pm. right now its 9.10pm and i done literally nothing except gym and write this, sigh)
i fink ur supposed to do a controlled descent, not sure. you collapse ur back after the pull like crazy. if anything that bounce looks horribly jarring :D you can descend bending your hips instead of your back , the same way you rose, or whatever
Looks pretty good overall. Dropping the bar is okay w/ bumper plates, although I'd advise controlling it down just to get some extra work in, especially at light weights.
If you want to get better at rowing, is a surprisingly good resource. I pull a 15 sec 100m, 1:21 500m. Stamina was never my strength haha, 2muchsquats4me.
310 squat went up pretty easy for 3x3 tonight. 3 plates next week, I'll try to get a video. Worked up to a 385 deadlift triple after that. Put 405 on the bar, got it about an inch off the floor and got stuck. I think I'll pull some volume around 345 next week, and then go after 405 again the week after. Weighed in at 196 for this, but I was 203 yesterday because of course I was, even though I eat exactly the same thing every day.