On May 21 2013 11:16 EatThePath wrote: How amazing would SC2 be if the TLMC finalists was the current tournament map pool? =D
btw congratz samro
Thanks! My main goal was to develop a rather unique 4-spawn geometry and a really elaborated layout with all spawns enabled and three different kind of games one can expect. Plus a unique visual theme that I hope to receive some love After putting all the ideas i was interessed in into this map i did not submit a second, i had an axial 4p prepared in addition (dating back to hots beta)
On May 21 2013 15:43 PVJ wrote: Khalim's Will Strangewood Mire Yeonsu
- These three are the ones I like the most, and seem to have the most interesting ideas.
I think you are right in picking three maps with distinctive concepts but i think we really need to wait for the TL Open to understand what maps would be good to be together in a mappool with the others, or maps we already have on ladder/in tournamnets. In TLMC1 we looked for solid and well made maps, because the mappool had some serious issues back then. With these nine maps we have so much new stuff going on and most of us still find it difficult to predict what maps will work together the best. Among these - and also given the different situation than in TLMC1 - i do not see a best map (like Cloud Kingdom), but only concepts that work more or lese well together.
So you are totally right in looking for a group of 3-5 maps that should go to tournaments (and ladder probably), but in my opinion it is a bit to early. I am glad Strangewood is among them though obviously
United States33075 Posts
Random thoughts
electric circuit: Not a fan of possible start pos imbalance due to radial symmetry. Maps like WW gave you a choice where to take the third, but this one doesn't. Seems potentially worse-than-terminus if diagonal.
Frost: Like it in general, maybe towers offer too much control?
Insidious: Interesting, but maps of this 'lotsa paths' pattern heavily promote base trades in the long run (bel'shir, crossfire, icarus, etc). Do we like that kind of thing?
Keru: Since planet S I've wanted to see more no-tower maps, esp since planet S had that other funky two-paths thing going on. No-tower on a more traditional map could be fun to see play out. However, there is 0 reason to have lowered mains in SC2, except to promote horrible horrible cheese (imagine roro-soulkey game II on this map).
Khalim's Will: While not a fan of free naturals, this is the best one that uses that concept thus far.
Korprolu: Fascinating, no idea how it will balance out. A map you want to randomly see thrown into Proleague for laughs until someone finds out how to break it. Will very much enjoy 5~6 min factory float widow mine rushes.
Ravage: Not terribly ambitious, but I wouldn't mind a having a "new daybreak" as our de facto macro/standard map in the pool.
Strangewood Mire: WW 2.0?
Yeonsu: Most standard of the standard!
United Kingdom12022 Posts
However, there is 0 reason to have lowered mains in SC2, except to promote horrible horrible cheese (imagine roro-soulkey game II on this map).
I hate to ask you this out of everyone, but what's the reason not to have it? The way the map is designed it really isn't hard to secure your highground very quickly and you can't get walled in at the bottom of your ramp so it really isn't a huge deal. Unless you get completely destroyed early game there's never going to be a moment where they can warp in to your main from the highground as every race can secure that highground with either a wall into natural or in zergs case an early natural which they take anyway.
There's little to no reason to have all highground mains on every single map. It's why I love Electric Circuit so much as the main is on the same level as the natural.
Also maybe I'm imagining things, but on Electric Circuit there is a choice of thirds, you can take one of the added "fourth base in a cluster" bases and it's not exactly far from your natural in terms of where you'd place your army.
A good number of the maps just look like slightly varied clones of ladder/tourney maps we already have/had /: I guess the scene isn't quite ready for concept maps yet as the game is still developing with meta and patches changing stuff. I should have worked on my 3 player map concept considering there were none that made it in.
TPW Khalim's Will, TPW Koprulu seem decent. TPW Strangewood Mire might be interesting. Some of these maps need Higher quality pics, hard to tell what's going on; DF Yeonsu.
As far as team maps go, I hate it when the linear progression of bases is nonexistent so any map that has 1 natural or oddly placed bases is automatic fail. Essentially, team maps should just be created the same was as 1v1 maps with minor tweaks for allied play. I am interested to see the team play maps where the ally isn't so close or shared as well, never get to see or play those being that all the ladder maps are like that.
TPW Mystic is awesome. TPW Drifas Throne is interesting. TPW Sandlands seems ok, i wish there was just 1 shared entrance and then the nats having 2 separate paths into them (one being like a bifrost backdoor path or something).
CruX Breeze is cool if it is what I think it is, but it's kind of confusing looking.
PS- I don't know what TPW is, and I didn't choose the maps I liked based on names/makers, but if they are a team, they seem to be knowing what they are doing. :cheers:
United States33075 Posts
On May 21 2013 18:44 Qikz wrote:Show nested quote +However, there is 0 reason to have lowered mains in SC2, except to promote horrible horrible cheese (imagine roro-soulkey game II on this map). Unless you get completely destroyed early game.
there you go :o
United States33075 Posts
On May 21 2013 19:01 MarlieChurphy wrote: A good number of the maps just look like slightly varied clones of ladder/tourney maps we already have/had /: I guess the scene isn't quite ready for concept maps yet as the game is still developing with meta and patches changing stuff. I should have worked on my 3 player map concept considering there were none that made it in.
TPW Khalim's Will, TPW Koprulu seem decent. TPW Strangewood Mire might be interesting. Some of these maps need Higher quality pics, hard to tell what's going on; DF Yeonsu.
As far as team maps go, I hate it when the linear progression of bases is nonexistent so any map that has 1 natural or oddly placed bases is automatic fail. Essentially, team maps should just be created the same was as 1v1 maps with minor tweaks for allied play. I am interested to see the team play maps where the ally isn't so close or shared as well, never get to see or play those being that all the ladder maps are like that.
TPW Mystic is awesome. TPW Drifas Throne is interesting. TPW Sandlands seems ok, i wish there was just 1 shared entrance and then the nats having 2 separate paths into them (one being like a bifrost backdoor path or something).
CruX Breeze is cool if it is what I think it is, but it's kind of confusing looking.
PS- I don't know what TPW is, and I didn't choose the maps I liked based on names/makers, but if they are a team, they seem to be knowing what they are doing. :cheers:
oh god, how did you think it would be a good idea to post in plexa's thread
Electric circuit is pretty good; I like how he makes an ostensibly "easy" expo layout relatively dynamic-- the 3rd and 4th are only superficially near, and paths leading to the nat and 3rd are distinctly different, and positioning of the expos makes each one uniquely vulnerable to different forms and from different directions of harassment. So a combination of simple and familiar elements has created a map which should play out differently than any other.
The pathing seems good and varied, but I'm concerned that the paths may be too tight. I think the middle is needlessly choked, and that the tower is detrimental to gameplay by giving the player who already has enough map control to hold the tower too much additional map control. I don't like devices which strongly favour the player who already holds the advantage. Especially with the middle being so choked-- the middle is basically inaccessible to the player who doesn't hold the tower, since he can't possibly get a positional advantage. I may be exagerating how impactful this will actually be in most games, but I just see that as compared to the options of either not choking the mid or not having the tower or both (if I had to pick one of those options and not both I would favour removing the tower), this is inferior.
Additionally, and especially in conjunction with the tightness of and with the presence of the tower in the middle, I think the side paths that run through the 4th bases might be a little tight too. They might be fine though; I can't tell from the picture alone.
I would have preferred Frost to be rotationally symmetrical (I think this layout could be done that way); this symmetry really limits the pathing. I think the author could've done more with highground-lowground variance. I look at plateau leading out of the nat that dips into a valley which contains the 3rd directly up into another plateau, and I like that a lot. I would have liked for the layout to have more of that; e.g. something similar off the other ramp from the nat. I think it would have made for a much more interesting middle, without compromising the expo layout, which was done well I think.
I don't see that the towers help gameplay at all; the pathing is already linear, why do players need help watching those paths? Strikes me as being sc2-mapping syndrome, where towers (rocks, not so much here at least) and other "features" are just arbitrarily added to the maps without any consideration for their effect on gameplay. I'm not saying these towers necessarily hurts gameplay, I just find them to be utterly uninteresting and not beneficial. If they aren't helping gameplay, why add them? Maps should be centered around an idea, a concept, not an assortment of features.
The map is of course not bad (assuming the mains have enough building space, which is my only real concern) however. Certainly this is one of the better x + y symmetrical maps; I just abhor this kind of symmetry because of what it does to the pathing.
I don't like Insidious. I think most of the rocks and the tower definitely hurt gameplay, and that the map just isn't very interesting. The expos are just way too easy for the kind of distances and pathing present. I don't see that the expos convey any strategic or positional value, which prevents some of the neat pathing intricacies from actually being relevant. It's just "oh hey, an expo; oh hey, another expo; oh cool, just what I wanted: yet another expo". I see the map as being a messy version of Chupung-Ryeung. I dunno if the nat is sufficiently secure-- looks vulnerable to some all-ins, like some 2base nydus play or something, which doesn't seem to reflect the gameplay the rest of the map drives. If I were to edit the map, I think I would remove the 5ths, move the main/nat/3rd/4th around to fill the new space in a way that makes the 3rd and 4th more different from each other (positionally and/or strategically), and remove all the rocks and the tower, redesigning the nats so they don't need the "backdoor" rock.
Keru is great. I don't care for the weird hots rocks at 12/6, but whatever. I love the pathing, and think that the expo layout, count, distances, vulnerabilities, the map's size, and the position/rammifications of the middle rocks all sync up, complementing each other perfectly to create exactly one concept/kind of gameplay. The map's features are all consistent in this regard, creating a a distinct gameplay experience. Everything is concise, without any conflicting/contradicting elements which can confuse things and lead to messy gameplay. My one concern is that there may be too much space allocated to the area between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th bases. Despite this location between between and connected to via the pathing all three of those expos, I just don't see it being frequently occupied by two armies, the only thing which could warrant that much space despite there not actually being an expo (at that particular spot). I'm not however aware of any simple way to redistribute some of that space, and it's almost certainly not worth that much trouble even if I am right (and I may not be). By the way, are the nat cliffs pathable?
Khalim's will is absolutely bizarre, and I love it for that. I don't mind the towers here (though removing them probably wouldn't be detrimental anyway!). Assuming the lowground nat's cliffs are pathable, I like the dynamic between that and the backdoor to the highground nat which forces players to decide which to actually take first. I like how there's some expo ambiguity additionally: players could can to expo in the direction of both "nats", depending on a myriad of choices/conditions. I kind of wish the 4th nearer to the lowground nat was a little closer to it, reinforcing the idea of expo ambiguity, but perhaps I'm misreading the author's intentions here. If I understand how gameplay will work here correctly, then I further like how the significance of each path can vary between games/points in time. I like the pathing in general.
My concern with the map is with the pathing through the highground nat. I dislike how the expansion blocks the army pathing, which would be necessary for defending the expos in that direction. It's just needlessly messy. I don't see why the mineral formation isn't just made into a single line (instead of two lines) at the map edge, with the ramps flipped to allow pathing through the expo nearer to the belly of the map, and with the anti-tanking clutter being removed to facilitate this change (and it no longer being necessary with the expo hugging the map-edge instead of being half-edge half-belly facing). That would fix the pathing problem and make better use out of the space at the same time. Additionally I'm concerned with the pathing from the main production facilities towards that direction. This may be a nonissue, I can't tell, but if it is a problem it's also easily fixed: by removing the map-edge decoration which prevents the main mineral formations from being aligned with the lowground nat mineral formations, which would make the main building space easier to make use of.
Koprulu is pretty good, but I think the middle is weak. Firstly, I think the backdoor/side expos are great and have a lot of potential for interesting gameplay. That being said, I'm not sure the rest of the map fits that aspect/those features. The very center is pointlessly choked. There's no reason for there to be any more space past those chokes than in through the chokes themselves, since your army isn't going to just expand after it passes through the choke, since in being bottlenecked it'll be in some relatively rigid formation at some set speed from choke to choke. Also it's not like a significant battle will ever occur there, because there's nothing to fight over. It's dead-end real-estate: no expo, and it's not an essential path to secure/use. By comparison, the areas outside the nats are positively vacuous. Rather than being a balance of tight and open, it just strikes me as being unpolished/not-well-thought-out. The pathing through the lowground expos is a bit awkward as well: I don't like the angle of the unblocked ramp that runs from the area outside the nat through the lowground expos, it seems a bit sharp/choked-by-the-expo. The rocks make no sense to me at all. I'm not even sure the map needs those expos (I'm leaning towards suggesting to remove them). In addition to making the key feature of the map more impactful/significant on/to gameplay, removing them would enable the mid to be completely redone, as they're the root of its current awkwardness. That way the mid could be made useful/interesting, instead of the garbled mess it is currently. I however don't currently have any ideas on how to best replace/change the mid. I'm not sure what the layout/concept need from the middle.
At anyrate, while I dislike the map's middle currently, it doesn't hold the map back from being good and interesting. I think the middle ought to be changed/redone so that the map can be as good as possible, but the map is probably fine to play on in its current condition. The gameplay is likely to be a bit messy/scrappy given the layout/concept anyway, with a messy middle or not.
Ravage is entirely uninteresting. I have absolutely nothing good to say about it. I have no idea what the judges see in it. The pathing is extremely linear, the distances are unwieldy, and the expos have no real positional/strategic value (I mentioned this in an earlier map-- it matters in two-player maps). The concept of having somewhat side-oriented gameplay/layout which later changes into a center-focused king-of-the-hill of sorts is not a bad idea, but I just don't think it was executed well. The 4ths and 5ths are obnoxiously far from each other and are fairly indefensible. This matters a great deal for the player who doesn't control mid (e.g. the tower), and can't secure his highground expo as a 5th instead. Throw in the complex of having to deal additionally with relatively short reinforcement distances once the rocks are gone, and it just becomes a nightmare to try to defend anything.
The reason why this is a problem rather than just being something that players will adapt their tactics/builds to is that the builds and tactics best suited for those kind of conditions are entirely unsuited for the map during the time period when those builds are most effective. To restate: the problems with gameplay that I foresee lie in the distance between expos and from the main to various hot-points on the map in conjunction with the indefensibility of the expos (the distances are part of that, but it's mostly the openness that creates that problem). And I feel that the nat2nat distance once the rocks are down in the lategame (it likely won't be a problem as soon as you can break the rocks, only later when economies support certain reinforcement) exacerbates these problems. The distance between paths accentuates its linearity additionally. I just view the map's gameplay as being a mess of accidental and desperation base races with no hope for stability. While this gameplay is different than the norm-- difference which might normally be good for making a map stand out among all the other maps, I just think there isn't enough strategic variety supported by the layout and the concept's execution, and that the layout and the map's features don't fully support the concept (if I'm identifying it correctly).
I dunno what to make of Strangewood mire. It's a weird blend of rotational and x/y symmetry aspects. I think the pathing is too linear, the rocks are messy, and don't like the distance between the nat and the far 3rd for horizontal positions. I don't like how the race/player(build dependent) with the midgame advantage who can take the close 3rd in horizontal positions, simultaneously making it hard for his opponent to expo and giving him an easy 4th. I think it just compounds the advantaged player's advantage needlessly (to the detriment of gameplay). Harass potential seems to be a little lacking in general as well, if I understand the map correctly (I could be wrong in that regard, but the pathing seems a bit linear). I don't really have any more to say about it. Maybe I just don't get this map, but at anyrate I don't think I like it. Also, the tower is unnecessary.
I'm also not a fan of Yeonsu. I don't see what the map has going for it relative to any other map. I don't see any succinct or distinct concept. I don't see that gameplay is different here than on any other map. The pathing seems uninteresting. The rocks and towers seem poorly used. The islands aren't especially or cleverly useful to the expo layout, concept, or gameplay. The mains might not have enough building space, not sure.
I don't like Drifas Throne-- it's big and boring. It's like a more linear team-version of Ravage. Now don't get me wrong, I don't inherently hate large maps-- in fact my favourite maps are Rockdarim and Whirlwind. I just see a lot of space and not a whole lot conceptually going on.
Emrel Coast is interesting, but I'm concerned the map's size combined with its intense bilinearity could backfire and make too turtley of a map. I think it would be improved by either making the pathing less linear or by making the map less tall. I'm inclined to like it even as it is though.
I don't like Mystic because I don't like its symmetry (or anything else about the map besides the boringly-executed-concept itself, but that's what stands out to me).
Sandlands is pretty straight-up, so I don't have a whole lot to say about it. It's not bad, and straight-up, not-bad maps are exactly what the ladder pool could use right now. I think the tower should be removed though, because the paths are so tight.
I like the nat arrangement of Mooniacs. I don't like the even-pathing, but maybe it's not so bad in a 3v3. I think the map's features are consistent to its concept, so it's probably okay in spite of its overall tightness.
Believe it or not, but Blizzard's fewer-than-one-nat-and/or-third-per-player bullshit is actually utterly unenjoyable to play with. I like Rimfrost's layout, but not that aspect of its expo layout.
Breeze is great. Its layout and features are all consistent with its concept. The layout is neat in general. That the map is so poor in resources is well-offset by the pathing and relative tightness I think, just as Hunters was.
Retribution hurts my eyes; I dunno what's going on in it. But the judge's description says it's standard and has 1 nat and 3rd per player, so it sounds perfectly acceptable. Maybe give it a paint-job?
So my top3 for 1v1 and team respectively are in descending order: Keru, Khalim's Will, Electric Circuit; and Breeze, Emrel Coast, Sandlands.
United Kingdom12022 Posts
On May 21 2013 19:38 Waxangel wrote:Show nested quote +On May 21 2013 18:44 Qikz wrote:However, there is 0 reason to have lowered mains in SC2, except to promote horrible horrible cheese (imagine roro-soulkey game II on this map). Unless you get completely destroyed early game. there you go :o
Isn't that the case on maps with ramps that go down too though? I realise having them warp into your main is bad, but I find it really hard to imagine a situation where you get so far behind in the early game to let it happen. Maybe it's my inexperience with zerg and toss, but as a terran (I mech in all matchups, so I would imagine it to be more of a problem for me than say a bio terran) I find it hard to understand a situation where being locked in your base would work any differently than being locked in on a highground main.
ESV Khalis is better than half of these 1v1 maps. Very disappointed it did not make it. It is such a kick ass map with such an interesting concept in the 2 in 1 idea too, and so well executed. Could barely stop playing it when me and my friends play tested it.
Really like the look of ESV Insidious.
CONGRATS to all the maps and map makers that did make it.
PvP Qikz... The matchup where you can take your natural at 14 minutes. Also the wall behind the low main helps hiding proxy oracles and 4 gate warprism. You can't just spend a scan or put an overlord to see the warp prism and kill it so you'll constantly get warped from 2 fronts. The wall also favors drop plays as you can't see them in advance. And the natural is siegable like in good old Steppes of War.
This map (as most of the finalists) reminds me of the early days of mapping in sc2 where everyone would put backdoors, a siegable natural and all the silly features that ladder maps had while saying Blizzard/Browder sucked. There's even a high ground on top of the natural like in Lost Temple, you can't drop it but seeing of empty it is, it's obvious it used to be droppable in a previous version. In my opinion it just show the mapper doesn't have enough experience.
If you want to see how warping in your base and a wall behind a base play in HOTS why don't you try Delta Quadrant ? I thought it was proven to be bad.
United Kingdom12022 Posts
On May 21 2013 22:50 chuky500 wrote: PvP Qikz... The matchup where you can take your natural at 14 minutes. Also the wall behind the low main helps hiding proxy oracles and 4 gate warprism. You can't just spend a scan to see the warp prism and kill it so you'll constantly get warped from 2 fronts. The wall also favors drop plays as you can't see them in advance. And the natural is siegable like in good old Steppes of War.
This maps (as most of the finalists) remind me of the early days of mapping in sc2 where everyone would put backdoors, a siegable natural and all the silly features that ladder maps had, while saying Blizzard/Browder sucked. There's even a high ground on top of the natural like in Lost Temple, you can't drop it but the doodads shows it used to be droppable in a previous version. In my opinion it just show the mapper doesn't have enough experience.
If you want to see how warping in your base and a wall behind a base play in HOTS why don't you try Delta Quadrant ? I thought it was proven to be bad.
Judging from images and also playing the map, those walls seem far too thick to be able to warp in with a pylon over them and a warp prism shouldn't really be a massive issue for terran to deal with as either mech or bio by that point in the game you've usually got one of your buildings floating (either Rax or Factory) or even air units if you're going bio.
For all the protoss I've been watching early expand builds seem a lot more common in pretty much every matchup, including PvP thanks to the mothership core on certain maps and surely the mothership core or an observer would allow you to shoot down the warp prism from above? You'll also most certainly be able to see drop plays coming if you leave an observer or any other spotting unit there. I'm really unsure as to how the wall bit behind the mains is any different to say the deadspace around some maps, it just changes the way you scout things.
I really don't want a really good map to be changed purely on the basis of PvP. I can see the map being a really interesting map to play in not only TvT but TvZ as well and even TvP mech on that map is really sick (played quite a lot of it yesterday). It'd be such a shame to lose interesting concepts thanks to a mirror matchup.
It also renders the canons useless. PvP is the same as before expand wise, you still get roflstomped if you tried to expand and you opponent didn't. Overall the wall unfavors Protoss because it forces to make a unit just for that. Also Protoss units are the weakest when they're not all together so the fact that you can be attacked from 2 fronts unfavors them. So not only PvP is bad but TvP probably as well.
Overall almost every map was made along this recipe : on 1 base you get attacked from 1 front, on 2 bases you get attacked from 1 front, on 3 bases you get attacked from 2 fronts. If you make it easy to have 2 fronts for 1 base early in the game you unfavor protoss because you force him to split his army. That's why Blistering Sand was bad and that's why Khalim's Will is probably bad as well.
On May 21 2013 10:10 BitWise19 wrote: Insidious is a no-go for sure. Mutas would make it way too easy to lock down 5 base for zerg.
Could you please elaborate
+ Show Spoiler +On May 21 2013 20:00 Nightmarjoo wrote: Electric circuit is pretty good; I like how he makes an ostensibly "easy" expo layout relatively dynamic-- the 3rd and 4th are only superficially near, and paths leading to the nat and 3rd are distinctly different, and positioning of the expos makes each one uniquely vulnerable to different forms and from different directions of harassment. So a combination of simple and familiar elements has created a map which should play out differently than any other.
The pathing seems good and varied, but I'm concerned that the paths may be too tight. I think the middle is needlessly choked, and that the tower is detrimental to gameplay by giving the player who already has enough map control to hold the tower too much additional map control. I don't like devices which strongly favour the player who already holds the advantage. Especially with the middle being so choked-- the middle is basically inaccessible to the player who doesn't hold the tower, since he can't possibly get a positional advantage. I may be exagerating how impactful this will actually be in most games, but I just see that as compared to the options of either not choking the mid or not having the tower or both (if I had to pick one of those options and not both I would favour removing the tower), this is inferior.
Additionally, and especially in conjunction with the tightness of and with the presence of the tower in the middle, I think the side paths that run through the 4th bases might be a little tight too. They might be fine though; I can't tell from the picture alone.
I would have preferred Frost to be rotationally symmetrical (I think this layout could be done that way); this symmetry really limits the pathing. I think the author could've done more with highground-lowground variance. I look at plateau leading out of the nat that dips into a valley which contains the 3rd directly up into another plateau, and I like that a lot. I would have liked for the layout to have more of that; e.g. something similar off the other ramp from the nat. I think it would have made for a much more interesting middle, without compromising the expo layout, which was done well I think.
I don't see that the towers help gameplay at all; the pathing is already linear, why do players need help watching those paths? Strikes me as being sc2-mapping syndrome, where towers (rocks, not so much here at least) and other "features" are just arbitrarily added to the maps without any consideration for their effect on gameplay. I'm not saying these towers necessarily hurts gameplay, I just find them to be utterly uninteresting and not beneficial. If they aren't helping gameplay, why add them? Maps should be centered around an idea, a concept, not an assortment of features.
The map is of course not bad (assuming the mains have enough building space, which is my only real concern) however. Certainly this is one of the better x + y symmetrical maps; I just abhor this kind of symmetry because of what it does to the pathing.
I don't like Insidious. I think most of the rocks and the tower definitely hurt gameplay, and that the map just isn't very interesting. The expos are just way too easy for the kind of distances and pathing present. I don't see that the expos convey any strategic or positional value, which prevents some of the neat pathing intricacies from actually being relevant. It's just "oh hey, an expo; oh hey, another expo; oh cool, just what I wanted: yet another expo". I see the map as being a messy version of Chupung-Ryeung. I dunno if the nat is sufficiently secure-- looks vulnerable to some all-ins, like some 2base nydus play or something, which doesn't seem to reflect the gameplay the rest of the map drives. If I were to edit the map, I think I would remove the 5ths, move the main/nat/3rd/4th around to fill the new space in a way that makes the 3rd and 4th more different from each other (positionally and/or strategically), and remove all the rocks and the tower, redesigning the nats so they don't need the "backdoor" rock.
Keru is great. I don't care for the weird hots rocks at 12/6, but whatever. I love the pathing, and think that the expo layout, count, distances, vulnerabilities, the map's size, and the position/rammifications of the middle rocks all sync up, complementing each other perfectly to create exactly one concept/kind of gameplay. The map's features are all consistent in this regard, creating a a distinct gameplay experience. Everything is concise, without any conflicting/contradicting elements which can confuse things and lead to messy gameplay. My one concern is that there may be too much space allocated to the area between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th bases. Despite this location between between and connected to via the pathing all three of those expos, I just don't see it being frequently occupied by two armies, the only thing which could warrant that much space despite there not actually being an expo (at that particular spot). I'm not however aware of any simple way to redistribute some of that space, and it's almost certainly not worth that much trouble even if I am right (and I may not be). By the way, are the nat cliffs pathable?
Khalim's will is absolutely bizarre, and I love it for that. I don't mind the towers here (though removing them probably wouldn't be detrimental anyway!). Assuming the lowground nat's cliffs are pathable, I like the dynamic between that and the backdoor to the highground nat which forces players to decide which to actually take first. I like how there's some expo ambiguity additionally: players could can to expo in the direction of both "nats", depending on a myriad of choices/conditions. I kind of wish the 4th nearer to the lowground nat was a little closer to it, reinforcing the idea of expo ambiguity, but perhaps I'm misreading the author's intentions here. If I understand how gameplay will work here correctly, then I further like how the significance of each path can vary between games/points in time. I like the pathing in general.
My concern with the map is with the pathing through the highground nat. I dislike how the expansion blocks the army pathing, which would be necessary for defending the expos in that direction. It's just needlessly messy. I don't see why the mineral formation isn't just made into a single line (instead of two lines) at the map edge, with the ramps flipped to allow pathing through the expo nearer to the belly of the map, and with the anti-tanking clutter being removed to facilitate this change (and it no longer being necessary with the expo hugging the map-edge instead of being half-edge half-belly facing). That would fix the pathing problem and make better use out of the space at the same time. Additionally I'm concerned with the pathing from the main production facilities towards that direction. This may be a nonissue, I can't tell, but if it is a problem it's also easily fixed: by removing the map-edge decoration which prevents the main mineral formations from being aligned with the lowground nat mineral formations, which would make the main building space easier to make use of.
Koprulu is pretty good, but I think the middle is weak. Firstly, I think the backdoor/side expos are great and have a lot of potential for interesting gameplay. That being said, I'm not sure the rest of the map fits that aspect/those features. The very center is pointlessly choked. There's no reason for there to be any more space past those chokes than in through the chokes themselves, since your army isn't going to just expand after it passes through the choke, since in being bottlenecked it'll be in some relatively rigid formation at some set speed from choke to choke. Also it's not like a significant battle will ever occur there, because there's nothing to fight over. It's dead-end real-estate: no expo, and it's not an essential path to secure/use. By comparison, the areas outside the nats are positively vacuous. Rather than being a balance of tight and open, it just strikes me as being unpolished/not-well-thought-out. The pathing through the lowground expos is a bit awkward as well: I don't like the angle of the unblocked ramp that runs from the area outside the nat through the lowground expos, it seems a bit sharp/choked-by-the-expo. The rocks make no sense to me at all. I'm not even sure the map needs those expos (I'm leaning towards suggesting to remove them). In addition to making the key feature of the map more impactful/significant on/to gameplay, removing them would enable the mid to be completely redone, as they're the root of its current awkwardness. That way the mid could be made useful/interesting, instead of the garbled mess it is currently. I however don't currently have any ideas on how to best replace/change the mid. I'm not sure what the layout/concept need from the middle.
At anyrate, while I dislike the map's middle currently, it doesn't hold the map back from being good and interesting. I think the middle ought to be changed/redone so that the map can be as good as possible, but the map is probably fine to play on in its current condition. The gameplay is likely to be a bit messy/scrappy given the layout/concept anyway, with a messy middle or not.
Ravage is entirely uninteresting. I have absolutely nothing good to say about it. I have no idea what the judges see in it. The pathing is extremely linear, the distances are unwieldy, and the expos have no real positional/strategic value (I mentioned this in an earlier map-- it matters in two-player maps). The concept of having somewhat side-oriented gameplay/layout which later changes into a center-focused king-of-the-hill of sorts is not a bad idea, but I just don't think it was executed well. The 4ths and 5ths are obnoxiously far from each other and are fairly indefensible. This matters a great deal for the player who doesn't control mid (e.g. the tower), and can't secure his highground expo as a 5th instead. Throw in the complex of having to deal additionally with relatively short reinforcement distances once the rocks are gone, and it just becomes a nightmare to try to defend anything.
The reason why this is a problem rather than just being something that players will adapt their tactics/builds to is that the builds and tactics best suited for those kind of conditions are entirely unsuited for the map during the time period when those builds are most effective. To restate: the problems with gameplay that I foresee lie in the distance between expos and from the main to various hot-points on the map in conjunction with the indefensibility of the expos (the distances are part of that, but it's mostly the openness that creates that problem). And I feel that the nat2nat distance once the rocks are down in the lategame (it likely won't be a problem as soon as you can break the rocks, only later when economies support certain reinforcement) exacerbates these problems. The distance between paths accentuates its linearity additionally. I just view the map's gameplay as being a mess of accidental and desperation base races with no hope for stability. While this gameplay is different than the norm-- difference which might normally be good for making a map stand out among all the other maps, I just think there isn't enough strategic variety supported by the layout and the concept's execution, and that the layout and the map's features don't fully support the concept (if I'm identifying it correctly).
I dunno what to make of Strangewood mire. It's a weird blend of rotational and x/y symmetry aspects. I think the pathing is too linear, the rocks are messy, and don't like the distance between the nat and the far 3rd for horizontal positions. I don't like how the race/player(build dependent) with the midgame advantage who can take the close 3rd in horizontal positions, simultaneously making it hard for his opponent to expo and giving him an easy 4th. I think it just compounds the advantaged player's advantage needlessly (to the detriment of gameplay). Harass potential seems to be a little lacking in general as well, if I understand the map correctly (I could be wrong in that regard, but the pathing seems a bit linear). I don't really have any more to say about it. Maybe I just don't get this map, but at anyrate I don't think I like it. Also, the tower is unnecessary.
I'm also not a fan of Yeonsu. I don't see what the map has going for it relative to any other map. I don't see any succinct or distinct concept. I don't see that gameplay is different here than on any other map. The pathing seems uninteresting. The rocks and towers seem poorly used. The islands aren't especially or cleverly useful to the expo layout, concept, or gameplay. The mains might not have enough building space, not sure.
I don't like Drifas Throne-- it's big and boring. It's like a more linear team-version of Ravage. Now don't get me wrong, I don't inherently hate large maps-- in fact my favourite maps are Rockdarim and Whirlwind. I just see a lot of space and not a whole lot conceptually going on.
Emrel Coast is interesting, but I'm concerned the map's size combined with its intense bilinearity could backfire and make too turtley of a map. I think it would be improved by either making the pathing less linear or by making the map less tall. I'm inclined to like it even as it is though.
I don't like Mystic because I don't like its symmetry (or anything else about the map besides the boringly-executed-concept itself, but that's what stands out to me).
Sandlands is pretty straight-up, so I don't have a whole lot to say about it. It's not bad, and straight-up, not-bad maps are exactly what the ladder pool could use right now. I think the tower should be removed though, because the paths are so tight.
I like the nat arrangement of Mooniacs. I don't like the even-pathing, but maybe it's not so bad in a 3v3. I think the map's features are consistent to its concept, so it's probably okay in spite of its overall tightness.
Believe it or not, but Blizzard's fewer-than-one-nat-and/or-third-per-player bullshit is actually utterly unenjoyable to play with. I like Rimfrost's layout, but not that aspect of its expo layout.
Breeze is great. Its layout and features are all consistent with its concept. The layout is neat in general. That the map is so poor in resources is well-offset by the pathing and relative tightness I think, just as Hunters was.
Retribution hurts my eyes; I dunno what's going on in it. But the judge's description says it's standard and has 1 nat and 3rd per player, so it sounds perfectly acceptable. Maybe give it a paint-job?
So my top3 for 1v1 and team respectively are in descending order: Keru, Khalim's Will, Electric Circuit; and Breeze, Emrel Coast, Sandlands.
Could you make this into an e-book? I'm going on a 8 hour flight tomorrow and i'd like some light reading...
On May 21 2013 06:29 monitor wrote:Show nested quote +On May 21 2013 00:07 garbanzo wrote: Man, these are some really cool maps. As a huge fan of Outsider, I've been waiting to see when a map like that was going to make an appearance in SC2. I hope we get some really cool games. Is it still possible to push your probe/SCV through a mineral line? Unfortunately you cannot push workers through the minerals  Oh boo! That's really lame. 
I still feel uneasy that Ravage made it in instead of ESV Khalis. The map was entirely based on, and created off of, Ohana, so yes to many folks it looks identical in terms of base layout. That's because I didn't touch the first 3-4 bases. My goal was to make Ohana bigger with an extra base, and it appears i've succeeded in that. Anyways, will be a little shocked if that sucker wins. Not something i'm going to be particularly proud of personally because I know it's not really that different.
^Well, if its an improved Ohana, and Ohana was one of the best maps of WoL, it may win on that basis alone.
On May 21 2013 12:32 Timetwister22 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 21 2013 12:25 TheFish7 wrote:The ones I would question, and perhaps I am missing something?  But ESV Emrel Coast seems extremely Terran favored with those island expansions and small ramps. Hell yeah, free islands are awesome. But mostly just did that so all races could take safe expos. Brings something different to 2s. Terran does have it best, but w/e. Team games are for fun, and islands are fun ^^
While I agree in principle, Its not really fun when your opponents have 2 orbitals on you and you are forced to research ventral sacs/ make a robo every single game, or go air to try and stop the expanding.
And so people don't think I am trying to pick on Timetwister, I will also point out that Drifas Throne is a split base 2v2 map. That in itself is problematic because it means that the attacking team has the ability to "divide and conquer" This is exacerbated by forcefields and I just don't think split base 2v2 maps work very well. There is a good reason that Blizzard removed all the split base 2v2 maps from ladder and replaced them with maps that have a shared natural choke. The large size and back way between the bases might be enough to overcome this, but I'm not holding my breath.
If you've seen my posts you know I am all for experimenting with new map features, I just don't think island expansions and split base 2v2 are things that will ever work (edit: on ladder)
I've got a bug on Frost, I only see weird flickering where the orange stuff (larva) should be. I haven't got any problems on other maps, so I don't think it's a problem with my PC. Does anyone else have this bug as well?
Aotearoa39261 Posts
On May 21 2013 23:44 Yello wrote: I've got a bug on Frost, I only see weird flickering where the orange stuff (larva) should be. I haven't got any problems on other maps, so I don't think it's a problem with my PC. Does anyone else have this bug as well? Shoot a PM to Semmo about it, I'll also alert him to this post so that we can get that looked at ASAP.
On May 21 2013 23:44 Yello wrote: I've got a bug on Frost, I only see weird flickering where the orange stuff (larva) should be. I haven't got any problems on other maps, so I don't think it's a problem with my PC. Does anyone else have this bug as well?
Hi. I'm the mapmaker for Frost. I have not been able to recreate this bug - I had numerous test games and stuff. Is it still there after you restart the map? Also, can you show me the map image via PM? Thanks.