Those statistics are pretty worthless. If the goal was to show "these players are among the top in the league" you don't need numbers to be able to tell that. If the goal was to show "quantitatively, these players are better than these others" they picked some of the most meaningless ones.
For the first few weeks of LCS, Freddy had the highest average KDA of any top laner, but no one in the LR threads subjectively call his play good.
On August 07 2014 00:52 xes wrote:Those statistics are pretty worthless. If the goal was to show "these players are among the top in the league" you don't need numbers to be able to tell that. If the goal was to show "quantitatively, these players are better than these others" they picked some of the most meaningless ones. For the first few weeks of LCS, Freddy had the highest average KDA of any top laner, but no one in the LR threads subjectively call his play good.
They aren't meaningless. Just because it can't quantitatively prove a player is better than another doesn't mean something is meaningless. It's interesting to see how different players are doing. Not everything needs to have some definite conclusion. It shows some interesting things like how Double gets a lot of his teams farm while Seraph gets comparatively little when looking at other top laners. Can we use this to "prove" anything? No, but using this information in conjunction with other information is interesting.
I got a couple questions for you guys.
I enjoy LoL quite a bit, but am getting bored with just doing ARAM and comp stomps and other stuff like that. I'd like to get into the blind pick/ranked categories and try to fall into a role. I want to have one role that I am particularly more experienced at so that I can concentrate my ip on getting champs for that role, and maybe move up the ladder a bit.
1) What role do people see being called the least? I want to choose a role that isn't taken very often. my gut instinct is to go with support because it seems like no one ever likes to play support.
2) Do you guys have any resources that would help a support to learn their craft better? (I know to buy wards, protect the ADC/APC and all the really basic things like that, but want to have some sort of streamer that I can watch that explains it all to me as they are playing, like wingsofdeath)
3) What champs should I pick up and try and master first? I played LuLu when she was free and she seemed cool, I also just bought thresh.
Gleeb seems alright for that sort of thing
On August 07 2014 03:58 Nos- wrote: Gleeb seems alright for that sort of thing krepo also is a very good streamer for people learning support.
For champs right now the variety is decent you can play a lot of stuff.Lulu is on the weaker side but still decent.Unless you give some examples of what you want your champ to do can't really give real suggestions.Braum/morgana/thresh/nami/alistar are the best 5 right now.
On August 07 2014 02:13 ishboh wrote:
1) What role do people see being called the least? I want to choose a role that isn't taken very often. my gut instinct is to go with support because it seems like no one ever likes to play support. .
Jungle. I see more fights over support than i see fights over jungle. Granted I am a support main but i also find that jungle is more often the free spot than support is. Support is something that almost anyone can do now because its more similar to being in the lane. Frankly a lot of people could probably do better at support by just playing their main mid/top champion there.
Jungle however requires a specialized skill set and a way to look at the game which is not something that laners have. As a main jungler you will have more impact on games and get your role more often than others.
Uh, there are several points you make that are at best weird. Calculating a cost for Deathcap and saying it's "more" if you compare it to other NLR items because they cost less and have more stats. No, you look at the stats to determinate the worth of the passive, and then you play it against its actual cost (recipe cost minus additional AP cost).
And nothing related to his aa short of buffing its range over 550 will make him a lane bully. Since the changes brought to the game (more sustain in general, especially if you're ready to sacrifice a dring start, generally lower mana costs making it easier to farm at range or poke while ignoring the enemy laner, especially a short range non-mobile one) he can't bully people anymore because they simply don't have to deal with him unless they eat Es over and over and can't push back the wave to force him to use his mana on it. That's just how it works. Unless they eat a fuckton of free damage and let you hit 2 first (despite you starting Q) they shouldn't be shoved out of lane before they can buy whatever they need to ignore everything not-E you can launch at them anyway.
On August 07 2014 05:17 Alaric wrote: Uh, there are several points you make that are at best weird. Calculating a cost for Deathcap and saying it's "more" if you compare it to other NLR items because they cost less and have more stats. No, you look at the stats to determinate the worth of the passive, and then you play it against its actual cost (recipe cost minus additional AP cost).
No, that gives you a notional value of how much you should value the total item. Not the value of the passive itself.
How much you value something is determined by whether or not you would but it, would you buy Deathcap over Zhonya? If you would then you must value the Deathcap passive at more than 400 gold plus the armor and active of Zhonya since that is the tradeoff. Similarly for buying Deathcap over DFG. If you wouldn't make that trade then the passive isn't worth that much. On the assumption that Deathcap would be purchased over the other two then well we have a minimum value we can ascribe to the passive.
Random question, how often do you guys random in ranked? Like in Dota I get at least 1 out of 10 randoms each game but I think that's just a gambling thing as you get more gold from randoming.
Poll: How often do you random in rankedNever (12) 92% A lot (1) 8% Sometimes (0) 0% 13 total votes Your vote: How often do you random in ranked (Vote): Never (Vote): Sometimes (Vote): A lot
agree with your first two points but your third point is kinda dumb imo. Viktor's auto attack is fine. It's not all that worse than say LeBlanc's and far far better than Annie's or Anivia's.
I didn't even know random was an option in ranked.
On August 07 2014 05:35 Ryuu314 wrote:agree with your first two points but your third point is kinda dumb imo. Viktor's auto attack is fine. It's not all that worse than say LeBlanc's and far far better than Annie's or Anivia's.
Annie has 625 range, Anivia has 600, LB's does more damage, is slightly snappier, and doesn't troll you with its audio cue
On August 07 2014 02:13 ishboh wrote: I got a couple questions for you guys.
I enjoy LoL quite a bit, but am getting bored with just doing ARAM and comp stomps and other stuff like that. I'd like to get into the blind pick/ranked categories and try to fall into a role. I want to have one role that I am particularly more experienced at so that I can concentrate my ip on getting champs for that role, and maybe move up the ladder a bit.
1) What role do people see being called the least? I want to choose a role that isn't taken very often. my gut instinct is to go with support because it seems like no one ever likes to play support.
2) Do you guys have any resources that would help a support to learn their craft better? (I know to buy wards, protect the ADC/APC and all the really basic things like that, but want to have some sort of streamer that I can watch that explains it all to me as they are playing, like wingsofdeath)
3) What champs should I pick up and try and master first? I played LuLu when she was free and she seemed cool, I also just bought thresh.
I am bad but I have played a little ranked this season and last.
1) Support or jungle, but not by as much as you might think. 30% of the time you're either picking first or picking first at the same time as second, plus if you're clear about what you want people will sometimes make room so... You should go for the role you like IMO.
2) For jungle, theoddone's stream is good because he constantly talks about what he's thinking and he's a pro.
3) The ones you like. Assuming you're bronze, you can make almost any champ work. Also some champs are easier to play than others, even if X champ is being played constantly in the meta another champ might be much stronger in bronze level play because they are much easier to get the hang of.
Someone else said it but it's worth saying again. You need to have someone in every position that you're comfortable with, because you will play every position at some point. I wouldn't hit the ranked button until you're at that point. It's worth noting that Lulu is a nice pick as she can play 3 positions so, as long as you remember that HOW you play her in each will be different, at least your fingers know where to go.