You are getting annoying, seriously. You can't debate and you repeat yourself, again and again and again. Can't someone ask a mod to close this? It's as useless of a discussion as the Free World Charter thing.
Never been tested doesn't mean lets try it, it will work out! Mao did this once, great results!... -.-
Honestly I can't stand reading your bullshit anymore. It's like talking to a stupid person (or a robot...). Do you ever had yourself tested intelligence wise? You don't seem very bright (didn't want to say that at first, but after a time... well...).
On May 30 2012 08:47 DeliCiousVP wrote: 2) Food aid is increased and changed from food to money. Risk: Some developed world farms will go bankrupt (small % of economy, easy to manage).
WHERE IS MY PROFIT? What do i gain! Feed 1 billion Let see what my investors say. Exploit starving people? PROFIT!
So, um, you could sell a product where one of your selling arguments is that a part of the price goes directly to starving children of whatever country. Boom, profit. Are you really this unimaginative?
As for the rest of your post; There's problems with capitalism, whoodidoo. Do you really think people like this, people who exploit others for money and power, will magically go away? Fucking face reality, this is exhausting.
On May 30 2012 08:47 DeliCiousVP wrote: 2) Food aid is increased and changed from food to money. Risk: Some developed world farms will go bankrupt (small % of economy, easy to manage).
WHERE IS MY PROFIT? What do i gain! Feed 1 billion Let see what my investors say. Exploit starving people? PROFIT!
Pay out insurance for cancer? HIRE DOCTOR TO DENIE PEOPLE Their insurance= PROFIT!
GDP Rise! Look dont you see it? do you see it yet? do you see the connecition? explain how is this good?
1) RBE, everything is free, global economic system is completely changed. Risk: Global economic collapse, mass starvation (as has happened before in history)
I thought this never been tested before i guess we had mass desalitationplants hydronponics and machines 3D printing technologies social concern over personal concern, in the past. weird what reality are you from?
Risk: Global economic collapse? = Rephrasing Global monetary anti-economy collapse? You betcha. Mass starvation ?How you have seen the plans/math and technoligies used, get real.
K lets say we change everything, what delivers the food water etc to me, and how do i hold them responsible are they elected? What stops people from taking more than they need? What about all the incentive issues if scientists make a lot of money it makes people want to be scientists plus the truely dedicated if you remove the money makes you just have less scientists which isn't good for humanity, I cant think of anyway in this system to add more scientists. What if someone takes resources by force, i dont have any money so i cant buy them from another country or person so i just lose those resources. I could go on and on with flaws it just seems like Communism 2.0 with 2x the problems.
On May 30 2012 08:47 DeliCiousVP wrote: 2) Food aid is increased and changed from food to money. Risk: Some developed world farms will go bankrupt (small % of economy, easy to manage).
WHERE IS MY PROFIT? What do i gain! Feed 1 billion Let see what my investors say. Exploit starving people? PROFIT!
Pay out insurance for cancer? HIRE DOCTOR TO DENIE PEOPLE Their insurance= PROFIT!
GDP Rise! Look dont you see it? do you see it yet? do you see the connecition? WEALTH GENERATED OH YEAH!
1) RBE, everything is free, global economic system is completely changed. Risk: Global economic collapse, mass starvation (as has happened before in history)
I thought this never been tested before i guess we had mass desalitationplants hydronponics and machines 3D printing technologies social concern over personal concern, in the past. weird what reality are you from?
Risk: Global economic collapse? = Rephrasing Global monetary anti-economy collapse? You betcha. Mass starvation ?How you have seen the plans/math and technoligies used, get real.
Nice ramble. I'm not sure how to respond to something so incoherent. If you want to continue the discussion please post something I can read and respond to. Until then I maintain that solution no. 2 would be far more easy to implement and far more effective then a bizarre RBE system.
Edit: you do realize this forum has spell check, right?
I really like the principles in TvP, however I consider the theories within to be too idealistic.
The problem with all "utopian" theories is that it takes just one f*cked up psychopathic idiot to f*ck everything up.
It's a very nice theory though. Will never work. Humans are over evolved, over complicated, TERRIBLE TERRIBLE beings.
EDIT: What I mean to say is that our sentience adds a level of irrationality about our behaviour, because we overcomplicate situations and over-think things. Our brain is too powerful and these powers sometimes distort our perception and reality leading to (perceived) irrational and destructive behaviour.
Do you ever had yourself tested intelligence wise? You don't seem very bright
I bet you are considered a prodigy, now take a great leap away.
As for the rest of your post; There's problems with capitalism, whoodidoo. Do you really think people like this, people who exploit others for money and power,
I wonder if some intellectuals ever figured out what causes this behaviour, Wait they did damn if they only had solution based on technology and science wait they do. Why are you opposed again?
K lets say we change everything, what delivers the food water etc to me, and how do i hold them responsible are they elected? What stops people from taking more than they need?
No more elections no more farces no presidents no slow political system. The political system goes out the window with the monetary system.
When you give access to people they behave very diffrently ownership is a burdon. I might wanna own a home with family because of sentimental reasons and thats fine but mostly i wanna travel the world live everywhere no worry about food or water its available everywhere. What incentive will exist to taking more then they need no doubt someone will try and be laughed at just like a person randomly declaring himself king in the street its a joke nobody have that power.
What about all the incentive issues if scientists make a lot of money it makes people want to be scientists plus the truely dedicated if you remove the money makes you just have less scientists which isn't good for humanity,
You are joking right? you dont actually belive people generaly pursue science for lucrative reasons do you? In the future everyone will be a scientist and enginners there are no other. You are a scientist,researcher,enginner and free to do what you want.
Nice ramble. I'm not sure how to respond to something so incoherent. If you want to continue the discussion please post something I can read and respond to. Until then I maintain that solution no. 2 would be far more easy to implement and far more effective then a bizarre RBE system.
Where is my profit tho i dont see how i can get rich on feeding swollen baby kids? Sure it will buy me some image but damn thats a high price to pay cant i just donate a million each year to unicef or something brag about it and go back to exploting them for 1 billion. Oh snap that happends psych!
I'm beginning to think delicious is an elaborate troll.
Naa just that i can be rhetorical too no point in having a scientific discusion untill i have a thread to upload in. It would always fall pages behind so i figured ill drop to the level you guys are using to see if i can get some sense into you.
What about all the incentive issues if scientists make a lot of money it makes people want to be scientists plus the truely dedicated if you remove the money makes you just have less scientists which isn't good for humanity,
You are joking right? you dont actually belive people generaly pursue science for lucrative reasons do you? In the future everyone will be a scientist and enginners there are no other. You are a scientist,researcher,enginner and free to do what you want.
I'm not 100% sure if there are scientists that do it for the money but some areas that people work they do work for money and science may be one of them in certain areas like geology. My point is that people that work in certain areas for money wont work in those areas anymore and may even do nothing because they don't have to. Also am i free to split atoms however i like and test nuclear bombs? With no government can i go round raping people and killing people who is there to stop me?
Also am i free to split atoms however i like and test nuclear bombs? With no government can i go round raping people and killing people who is there to stop me?
Everyone and with full transparancy, i cant promise we wont have no scientific accidents as we continue to evolve but hey everything is better than what we have now.
Sex is also considered a Human need, I dont know how we planned to solve that one but that will be intressting. Also one of the reasons we need to surrender parts of our descion making to machines are our emotions.
Also am i free to split atoms however i like and test nuclear bombs? With no government can i go round raping people and killing people who is there to stop me?
Everyone and with full transparancy, i cant promise we wont have no scientific accidents as we continue to evolve but hey everything is better than what we have now.
Sex is also considered a Human need, I dont know how we planned to solve that one but that will be intressting. Also one of the reasons we need to surrender parts of our descion making to machines are our emotions.
No thx i want to do what i want to not what a machine tells me which btw has to be programmed by someone at somepoint. I dont think everything is better than what we have now, this is completely the wrong direction.
No thx i want to do what i want to not what a machine tells me
Dont bring a calculator to your math test Dont use google to find out where to go. Dont use a ATM to get your money Dont watch a clock use the sun. Dont use the antivirus go and manualy scan every folder with your eyes.
Haha Priceless be real man you have already surrender alot. We dont need no crazy peope holding the worlds resources we will use computers and programs. Not keep 5 year old papper reports. We are intergrated with machines now they are becoming more and more part of us embrace it.
Nice ramble. I'm not sure how to respond to something so incoherent. If you want to continue the discussion please post something I can read and respond to. Until then I maintain that solution no. 2 would be far more easy to implement and far more effective then a bizarre RBE system.
Where is my profit tho i dont see how i can get rich on feeding swollen baby kids? Sure it will buy me some image but damn thats a high price to pay cant i just donate a million each year to unicef or something brag about it and go back to exploting them for 1 billion. Oh snap that happends psych!
Maybe if I use small words you will follow along...
If you wan to feed people in Africa and you think the only reason they are hungry is that they do not have money, the easy solution is to simply give them money.
Then they will have money!
They can then spend that money at stores to buy food. When people buy food businesses make money.
I know what I just wrote is very complicated (not really), so please read it a few times and I'm sure you will understand. If not, then walk upstairs to mom and I'm sure she can explain it.
No thx i want to do what i want to not what a machine tells me
Dont bring a calculator to your math test Dont use google to find out where to go. Dont use a ATM to get your money Dont watch a clock use the sun. Dont use the antivirus go and manualy scan every folder with your eyes.
Haha Priceless be real man you have already surrender alot. We dont need no crazy peope holding the worlds resources we will use computers and programs. Not keep 5 year old papper reports. We are intergrated with machines now they are becoming more and more part of us embrace it.
No thx i want to do what i want to not what a machine tells me
Dont bring a calculator to your math test Dont use google to find out where to go. Dont use a ATM to get your money Dont watch a clock use the sun. Dont use the antivirus go and manualy scan every folder with your eyes.
Haha Priceless be real man you have already surrender alot. We dont need no crazy peope holding the worlds resources we will use computers and programs. Not keep 5 year old papper reports. We are intergrated with machines now they are becoming more and more part of us embrace it.
Using a machine as a personal tool is different to being told to surrender my emotions to a machine, ambition and greed drive the human race eliminating them would be a huge mistake.
If you wan to feed people in Africa and you think the only reason they are hungry is that they do not have money, the easy solution is to simply give them money.
Then they will have money!
They can then spend that money at stores to buy food. When people buy food businesses make money.
Thats great man awesome but wait isent money repressenting resources we cant just make some more money and give it to them that would be like creating fictional resources! Wait do you suggest we take it from the richest who earn their money through being more successful and contributory to society? That is communism. Jonny let me tell you a story about a fellow named mao and a great leap.
Using a machine as a personal tool is different to being told to surrender my emotions to a machine, ambition and greed drive the human race eliminating them would be a huge mistake.
Wowow wait just a second who told you to surrender your emotions? Can we do such a thing to begin with just said we need to surrender more descion making to the machines guidance, You think you are capable of reasoning rational, a human cant be objective not yet.
Ambition and greed! what is this phenomon is another one of those "human nature" is it genetic programing? Is it inborne? or is it enviromentaly determined crack that nut cool cat.
If you wan to feed people in Africa and you think the only reason they are hungry is that they do not have money, the easy solution is to simply give them money.
Then they will have money!
They can then spend that money at stores to buy food. When people buy food businesses make money.
Thats great man awesome but wait isent money repressenting resources we cant just make some more money and give it to them that would be like creating fictional resources! Wait do you suggest we take it from the richest who earn their money through being more successful and contributory to society? That is communism. Jonny let me tell you a story about a fellow named mao and a great leap.
On May 30 2012 08:47 DeliCiousVP wrote: WHERE IS MY PROFIT? What do i gain! Feed 1 billion Let see what my investors say. Exploit starving people? PROFIT!
Let's see, if I ran a corporation that manufactured things I'd look for ways to cut costs to make more profit. A country where the government isn't going to sieze control of my plants and offers cheap labor allows those starving people to go to work and feed themselves and what do I get out of the deal, more profit and eventually more consumers for my products which is more profit!
Oh wait, I forgot profit is evil.
The problem is people like you come out and argue how we're "exploiting" these people because they aren't getting paid like an auto worker in Detroit. Of course those claims will come without looking at how much lower the cost of living is in a developing country and how as those jobs become more technical they'll need more education and will eventually make higher wages. This is happening all over the world now in the emerging economies.
As many, many other people have pointed out to you the problem in the areas of the world where a large amount of people are starving is not capitalism or the "big evil" corporations. It's the oppressive dictatorial regimes that run those places.
If you wan to feed people in Africa and you think the only reason they are hungry is that they do not have money, the easy solution is to simply give them money.
Then they will have money!
They can then spend that money at stores to buy food. When people buy food businesses make money.
Thats great man awesome but wait isent money repressenting resources we cant just make some more money and give it to them that would be like creating fictional resources! Wait do you suggest we take it from the richest who earn their money through being more successful and contributory to society? That is communism. Jonny let me tell you a story about a fellow named mao and a great leap.
As you have said, we already produce more food than we need. Furthermore, we already give lots of food aid to poor countries. By increasing food aid a bit, and changing it to money the poor people can...
1) Buy the food they need (it already exists) 2) In an efficient way (they will buy at market prices) 3) Create a profit incentive for local farmers to grow local food (local will be cheaper) 4) Use profits from local farms to grow the economy (same as EU / USA historically)
It's not communism. Communism is communal ownership. This would simply be a very, very small tax and one that is already being levied.
Edit: I'm not claiming this to be the best solution every devised, just WAY more logical than throwing out an entire economic system.
Let's see, if I ran a corporation that manufactured things I'd look for ways to cut costs to make more profit. A country where the government isn't going to sieze control of my plants and offers cheap labor allows those starving people to go to work and feed themselves and what do I get out of the deal, more profit and eventually more consumers for my products which is more profit!
Hmm intressting ill raise you. i would recognize a country that has a desert but not only a desert but a dictator that is generaly disliked. I will start a fear mongering campaign and start lobbying for us to go to war with that country i will make sure i cut my buddies in oil and construction and obviously weapons manufacture.
Time to go to war ill be rich on providing air conditioning and only 2 million brown people dead, Now where do i go next...
1) Buy the food they need (it already exists) 2) In an efficient way (they will buy at market prices) 3) Create a profit incentive for local farmers to grow local food (local will be cheaper) 4) Use profits from local farms to grow the economy (same as EU / USA historically)
1) For what money? 2) Why? They dont have no political power their just a burdon turn a blind eye sch its not real dont look its their fault their lazy. 3)There is an incentive allright TO BURN FOOD TO MAINTAIN MARKET VALUE CALLED ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY. Because dont you know the poor people cant pay half as much for the food as we whites can. 4) Profits? what profits assuming everything you said so far was true they still dont have any profit everyone can grow food and they have no infrastructure. Did you miss the part where they pay 50% of their GDP to the IMF as debt because some dictator wanted an airport?
Let's see, if I ran a corporation that manufactured things I'd look for ways to cut costs to make more profit. A country where the government isn't going to sieze control of my plants and offers cheap labor allows those starving people to go to work and feed themselves and what do I get out of the deal, more profit and eventually more consumers for my products which is more profit!
Hmm intressting ill raise you. i would recognize a country that has a desert but not only a desert but a dictator that is generaly disliked. I will start a fear mongering campaign and start lobbying for us to go to war with that country i will make sure i cut my buddies in oil and construction and obviously weapons manufacture.
Time to go to war ill be rich on providing air conditioning and only 2 million dead people, Now where do i go next...