On May 22 2016 03:27 KwarK wrote: I play Total War games exclusively for the grand campaign, economic management and overall strategy. Am I fucked?
I wasn't aware Total War had those elements ever since they went to 3D maps. Obviously they advertise that they do, but the AI is just so appallingly bad.
Empire for all the crappiness actually had a really interesting overmap. There were different types of builds for different types of provinces. Growing those things and making the trade routes work is probably the best part of the mess that was Empire: Total War. They've been toning down Overmap strategy ever since it's complexity peaked in Rome/Med -> Empire before they went to giving every unit RTS cooldowns and battles went completely arcade.
for map gameplay i would always prefer Civ or EU, this series has always been primarily about the battles.
And watching some streams, i cant fault them for being on the arcade side now, most people seem to be incapable of even doing basic battlefield tactics like holding a frontline. Ive always found mods that made tweaked the numbers and made battles more realistic, its just number tweaks.
Though i wish they made the AI better, ive seen the love to suicide army commanders and ignore the enemy ranged units with their flanking cav charges.
I think ill buy the game though, AI isnt rome 2 release terrible and i had a warhammer fantasy army, so as long as the game isnt completely crap they got me, still cheaper than GW plastic models xD
For those of you who are, like me, huge Ork/Goblin/Greenskinfans, there is this which shows all the units the will be available in the final game. Looks great;
Eh, im torn. I really do want to like this game, reviews looks promising (but so did those for Rome 2, and well, we know how it ended). Prolly will wait few days before i decide if it's worth full price or not.
Those Let's play i watched sadly confirmed what i was afraid of mostly - lackluster AI and quite a few bugs (like hero skill points resetting randomly). Also performance is a big unknown, hopefully my 390 and i5 4690k will be able to handle this decently at very high settings. Shame DX12 support isn't included at release.
On May 22 2016 07:16 Antisocialmunky wrote: Empire for all the crappiness actually had a really interesting overmap. There were different types of builds for different types of provinces. Growing those things and making the trade routes work is probably the best part of the mess that was Empire: Total War. They've been toning down Overmap strategy ever since it's complexity peaked in Rome/Med -> Empire before they went to giving every unit RTS cooldowns and battles went completely arcade.
I liked Shogun 2's building management. While that side of the game can be fun, CA has never been good at balancing building costs and duration with their effects.
He says he can hold 60fps @ 1440p with a 980 for reference.
When I read reviews (or listen to), I am much more interested in the flaws of the game. When someone tells me for 14 minutes how amazing and awesome everything is and only a single minute of critique towards the game, I don't really feel like it was an honest review of the game. This is especially true when the reviewer foregoes very obvious flaws that other reviews have mentioned before. And I think that's the case with the review you have posted here... From the way he sounds, this is the best Total War game ever and probably one of the greatest games of all time and I have a very hard time believing that. He spoke a lot of words in a short span of time without giving a whole lot of information. For me that's the hallmark of a very bad review.
Just listening to his multiplayer part in the review: The words that dominate his first few sentences are "amazing", "excellent", "epic" and "incredibly exciting" despite that fact that the multiplayer has lost quite a lot of features compared to older titles like Shogun 2. And there are similar examples for almost every topic that he mentions.
If someone tells me about the bad parts of the game, I will have a much easier time deciding whether those flaws are something that I can look past and still enjoy my time with it.
He says he can hold 60fps @ 1440p with a 980 for reference.
When I read reviews (or listen to), I am much more interested in the flaws of the game. When someone tells me for 14 minutes how amazing and awesome everything is and only a single minute of critique towards the game, I don't really feel like it was an honest review of the game. This is especially true when the reviewer foregoes very obvious flaws that other reviews have mentioned before. And I think that's the case with the review you have posted here... From the way he sounds, this is the best Total War game ever and probably one of the greatest games of all time and I have a very hard time believing that. He spoke a lot of words in a short span of time without giving a whole lot of information. For me that's the hallmark of a very bad review.
Just listening to his multiplayer part in the review: The words that dominate his first few sentences are "amazing", "excellent", "epic" and "incredibly exciting" despite that fact that the multiplayer has lost quite a lot of features compared to older titles like Shogun 2. And there are similar examples for almost every topic that he mentions.
If someone tells me about the bad parts of the game, I will have a much easier time deciding whether those flaws are something that I can look past and still enjoy my time with it.
A generally good idea is to not buy anything within a month of it coming out. Once it is out for a month, the hype will have died down and the flaws start to appear, and you can have a good idea of what the game is actually like.
still kind of pissed that CA held the Chaos fraction hostage behind the pre-purchase/1st week purchase bullshit
they're no longer some small indie studio they're just fucking greedy. Fucking SEGA probably has its money-grubbing dick deep inside CA's rectum at this point.
On May 25 2016 06:14 Narw wrote: Well, uhm, this game is actually good.
Stream the past week have made that pretty clear yes. The problem for some however is the business model CA has these days.
It’s is the business model they have adopted to stay afloat and everyone knows they are going to do. I don’t think they are greedily sitting atop piles of money gloating about the hookers and blow they are going to buy DLC money. They made a good game. They will sell additional armies and features for that game that people are free to buy or ignore. Or you can wait for the steam sale, which will happen.
They made a cool thing and will make more stuff for that cool thing. Yet for some reason its not ok because they will charge money for it.