This in house let's play is pretty good and has me more interested in the game. And the most important part is it is just someone trying to figure out the game.
That actually looked really, really fun.
This looked like a ton of fun... and i will be dumping soooooo much time into this title, that even despite being a shitload of DLC... im not as against it as I was in previous titles, because it honestly looks like every race will actually play differently, which is a huge change.
I loved Total War Shogun...but the lack of unit diversity really diminished the replayability for me, whereas this iteration of Total War seems like you will get completely different playstyles with every different race.
I'm sure you've all seen it posted other places, but Chaos will now be free if you buy in the first week of release.
Frankly, we all knew this was going to be a DLC fest and as long as it isn't too obnoxious, we should be happy. As it is, I'll be getting two more races for 0 extra dollars.
That video looks like M2TW. If not for the special powers I wouldn't know the difference. I really wish they'll figure out how to change things up by adding really unique mechanics instead of just doing unit makeovers.
On May 18 2016 03:06 KwarK wrote: My preorder just delivered. Does anyone know if it has multiplayer campaign?
What can you tell us today about the multiplayer part of the game? Multiplayer will feature as in the previous Total War titles. There will be elements of battle and campaign.
NDA lifted. There are plenty reviews on, the game looks good, but with a very small and dumbed down campaign (expected with only 4 factions ). In the upside there are plenty things to make battles exciting.
The elite troopers keep dying in droves with auto-resolve tho.
On May 19 2016 22:59 Godwrath wrote: NDA lifted. There are plenty reviews on, the game looks good, but with a very small and dumbed down campaign (expected with only 4 factions ). In the upside there are plenty things to make battles exciting.
The elite troopers keep dying in droves with auto-resolve tho.
There are 6 factions at launch (as major factions, there are minor ones as well), 5 of which are playable (the other will be in due time).
I don't understand the part of the dumbed down...but to each is own.
The campaign management...look at the provinces, resources and economy development, it's very much streamlined or cut off the game. What it has is that the different factions seems very distinct, but even if you choose different starting lord, all of them start in the same location, so the replayability is not that big (4 factions, 5 if you have Chaos different starts). And yeah to each their own, i am sure i will enjoy the game a lot.
They already put the ingame encyclopaedia for people to check out.
On May 22 2016 03:25 Godwrath wrote: The campaign management...look at the provinces, resources and economy development, it's very much streamlined or cut off the game. What it has is that the different factions seems very distinct, but even if you choose different starting lord, all of them start in the same location, so the replayability is not that big (4 factions, 5 if you have Chaos different starts). And yeah to each their own, i am sure i will enjoy the game a lot.
They already put the ingame encyclopaedia for people to check out.
On May 22 2016 03:46 Antisocialmunky wrote: So is it a horribad buggy mess like normal or did they actually polish it before release like Shogun 2?
Seems like it is actually working. Havnt heard of anything from the many streamers going on. JP has even done some 20+ hours of co-op without any crashing or desyncs.
@Kwark Unfortunately you will have to see for yourself, but if you liked the resources, taxes, evicts, in faction politics, etc... those are either out or very simplified. Economy management doesn't seem something really important to the game outside of balancing your income and your army's upkeep.
@Antisocialmunky The pre-release version of the game, which suppossedly is the same one seems pretty stable. Didn't see bugs, crash to the desktop, AI not being completely retarded jumping down walls, etc... it seems like it is much better than Rome 2 release. That's not hard tho, but yeah it's stable.
On May 22 2016 03:27 KwarK wrote: I play Total War games exclusively for the grand campaign, economic management and overall strategy. Am I fucked?
I wasn't aware Total War had those elements ever since they went to 3D maps. Obviously they advertise that they do, but the AI is just so appallingly bad.
So after watching steams, I'm tempted to buy this game.
My issue is that I don't know how much longevity it will have. One or two campaigns with each race maybe?.
Is there only one map for campaign? That seems rather lame. This seems like a good game for random maps each campaign. Otherwise, doesnt it just playout pretty much the same every time?
I'm on the fence.
Game looks stable though, only a couple crashs that I've seen.
On May 22 2016 05:01 dae wrote: So after watching steams, I'm tempted to buy this game.
My issue is that I don't know how much longevity it will have. One or two campaigns with each race maybe?.
Is there only one map for campaign? That seems rather lame. This seems like a good game for random maps each campaign. Otherwise, doesnt it just playout pretty much the same every time?
I'm on the fence.
Game looks stable though, only a couple crashs that I've seen.
Total War games have never had random maps, They have all been based on a period of historic earth and used an appropriate map of earth for the setting. This one is set in the Warhammer fictional world and so uses a (small) portion of the Warhammer world map.
Same reason why the starting locations are static (they have always been). Because it is where these actual factions live in the world.
And yes I have found games often play out roughly the same way with the same faction over multiple Total War games. This version of the game atleast has large differences in how the factions play.
On May 22 2016 03:27 KwarK wrote: I play Total War games exclusively for the grand campaign, economic management and overall strategy. Am I fucked?
I dont think this game is much worse in those aspects then previous titles? Check out some of the many videos and streams to form your own opinion on it.