On May 25 2018 15:10 -Archangel- wrote: Elemental Hit is back baby!
With bow or wand it looks it could be actually pretty good for clear speed. For melee it looks alright, but worse than real AoE skills and Infernal Blow.
AoE does not look that awesome but its single target might be better with that "free" EE thing if you use 2 elements.
The main hurdle with new ele hit is that it's pretty painful to gear anything but 1-element builds, since if I understand it correctly it will 0 all added damage from abyss jewels/auras/your other gear that doesn't match up with the element you got. So if you want to switch between fire/ice, all your damage from outside the skill itself gets halved in effectiveness. 3 elements thirds it, which is just...gross.
Still might be worthwhile, but a bit hard to figure out the best gear.
(also, you don't seem to be able to benefit from any of the good shaper stat sticks bar some weird order of operations, but that's obviously top end)
I'm just interested in discovering what super-corrupting maps does to them.
It gets alot of flat from the gem itself so im guessing gearing will be focusing on %ele, attack speed, and crit rather than flat with 1 element. It scales sort of like a spell rather than a traditional attack.
I mean, the 188% damage effectiveness for flat damage does a fair bit towards leveraging flat (level 20 added lightning is a ~59% more modifier for the lightning damage, for example, and since you're locked into one ele type it's a true "more" for once). But only with the 1-ele use case, flat damage drops off a cliff for 2-ele and craters into the core of the earth for 3-ele.
It's only a true 59% more if that's your only source of flat damage, 2 jewels and a support gem for 59% isnt that great a deal, especially since the tags mean you can be using 40%+ crit multi jewels like discharge used to. That said, I didn't notice the damage effectiveness was that high, could go either way, its hard to tell at this point.
On May 26 2018 01:46 TheTenthDoc wrote: I mean, the 188% damage effectiveness for flat damage does a fair bit towards leveraging flat (level 20 added lightning is a ~59% more modifier for the lightning damage, for example, and since you're locked into one ele type it's a true "more" for once). But only with the 1-ele use case, flat damage drops off a cliff for 2-ele and craters into the core of the earth for 3-ele.
Flat damage drops off for 2 ele but EE makes up for it. 3 ele is not worth it. 1 ele is also not worth it as you need to waste two jewel slots.
Honestly I half expect the skill to be busted in 3.3 (since the EE change probably won't be ready for 3.3) and then whatever the EE change next patch is will gut it.
On May 26 2018 03:41 Sn0_Man wrote: Honestly I half expect the skill to be busted in 3.3 (since the EE change probably won't be ready for 3.3) and then whatever the EE change next patch is will gut it.
EE changes are not in 3.3, unless they go back on what they said (that a bigger EE rework is coming after 3.3 because they cannot just nerf EE and call it a day).
On May 26 2018 15:35 Duvon wrote: wouldn't that just deal no damage?
It's sort of unclear from the wording of the gem whether the way it works is "Attempt to add all three elemental damage types, then invalidate two of them via the 'Only deals damage of the chosen element' mod" (in which case conversion is good), or if it's "Choose the element first, then only ever add damage of that element" (in which case, as you say, conversion just makes it do no damage).
To me it sounds like it just does 50% of the damage it couldve...doesnt seem too complicated. I dont think avatar of fire works well with elemental hit. Basically it picks a random element and does 100% of total dmg with that element. If its not fire and you have the avatar of fire keystone, that damage would be converted into fire but reduced 50%.
On May 26 2018 03:41 Sn0_Man wrote: Honestly I half expect the skill to be busted in 3.3 (since the EE change probably won't be ready for 3.3) and then whatever the EE change next patch is will gut it.
EE changes are not in 3.3, unless they go back on what they said (that a bigger EE rework is coming after 3.3 because they cannot just nerf EE and call it a day).
I'd like to point out that the top racers didnt even user EE in Hc SSf and in Hc. Mostly. Its very strong but it still requires an extra mouse click and therefore isn't the fastest it could be.
That's sorta the problem with EE right now; either you can fit it in without it being an extra cast, in which case it's amazing, or you can't and it's not really worth using. So nerfing it numerically doesn't really change anything, it'll still be used only by people who effectively get it for free.
On May 26 2018 03:41 Sn0_Man wrote: Honestly I half expect the skill to be busted in 3.3 (since the EE change probably won't be ready for 3.3) and then whatever the EE change next patch is will gut it.
EE changes are not in 3.3, unless they go back on what they said (that a bigger EE rework is coming after 3.3 because they cannot just nerf EE and call it a day).
I'd like to point out that the top racers didnt even user EE in Hc SSf and in Hc. Mostly. Its very strong but it still requires an extra mouse click and therefore isn't the fastest it could be.
This game is not played by top racers. They are just here to somewhat entertain the other 99.9% of players.
On May 26 2018 03:41 Sn0_Man wrote: Honestly I half expect the skill to be busted in 3.3 (since the EE change probably won't be ready for 3.3) and then whatever the EE change next patch is will gut it.
EE changes are not in 3.3, unless they go back on what they said (that a bigger EE rework is coming after 3.3 because they cannot just nerf EE and call it a day).
I'd like to point out that the top racers didnt even user EE in Hc SSf and in Hc. Mostly. Its very strong but it still requires an extra mouse click and therefore isn't the fastest it could be.
Occultist RF relies heavily on EE and is arguably the best SSF race build.
Looking at what VBA does, I don't understand why it's good. Looks like just an attack with decent (but not amazing) damage effectiveness and a high chance to ignite? It looks like maybe you could cheese it by shooting it through packs with pierce, but that's not what you did in that video.