Planning on playing support so looking every single place for ppl.
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Guild invites: Message any of EvoSenseOfPride, ScionViableORly, neophyteWham, TheTouchOfGOLD in game OR post your character name in the thread and ask for an invite Private league ladder (finished): and friends | ||
1489 Posts
Planning on playing support so looking every single place for ppl. | ||
United States2906 Posts
Mines seem pretty gud but I'm not crazy about the detonate playstyle, although I'll learn if it's clearly better. Traps seem good as well and relatively cheap minus enchant and whatnot. Or maybe self cast Elementalist with Inpulsa's? | ||
New Zealand4445 Posts
On May 28 2018 15:49 bo1b wrote: Double corrupting deaths oath 6 sockets to full white will make it pretty easy to get that build going next league imo. Turns out I forgot to check the Death's Oath I pulled out of my stash was the updated version (narrator: it wasn't) & it's one that can't be updated with a Blessed/Divine Orb. Finally found a seller in Standard and BBBGGR'd another - first time was ~500 Jeweller's Orbs, second one closer to ~1K. I think that's cheap enough not to worry about the Altar of Corruption (0.25 chance + 350 JOs to 6 socket isn't great odds, plus if you get a juicy double implicit corruption that's a lot of Vaal Orbs to colour it) - depends on how rare the room is, of course, but I suspect there'll be better targets (amulets?). New Arc is bananas, JFC. Lightning Tendrils CwC Arc Elementalist w/Inpulsa's already felt pretty good last league, let alone mines ... | ||
Germany14079 Posts
Shit, now I'm really lost. I think traps/self-cast arc/FB totem are the strongest starters I can think of, EA needs to be a class that starts out as FB totem. Unsure if I can find an incinerate build I'll be happy with, kinda screams block. Bows prolly (as usual) the most annoying things to start with out of these things. Hmm..... There is a lot of cool shit, picking the day1 build is going to be hard. They killed Power Siphon visuals ))): LOL LIGHTNING TRAP NO LONGER HAS A COOLDOWN: ...they also removed the CD from trap support gem. Arc traps juicy as hell too, those at least don't have the same shitty visuals as the flamethrower/lightning spire traps do. Those seem like they could kill people by adding to much crap to the screen. | ||
3391 Posts
By the end of each league I feel like I know so much more about the game and am ready to take my own fresh approach with the new league/start. But then I also want to try dabbling in something new and different to whatever I did recently and feel lost again lol. | ||
Australia12814 Posts Level 69, 161% life with mom double totem, a good amount of totem damage etc In fact I'm almost certainly going to run elementalist burning arrow, as it should be filthy given 0 bosses are immune to ignites, and projectile scaling doesn't affect the ignite damage, so I don't really miss out on much if anything dps wise from choosing elementalist over other ascendancies | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On May 29 2018 12:55 bo1b wrote: Evo, haven't you learned that you can run flameblast totem elementalist yet? Level 69, 161% life with mom double totem, a good amount of totem damage etc In fact I'm almost certainly going to run elementalist burning arrow, as it should be filthy given 0 bosses are immune to ignites, and projectile scaling doesn't affect the ignite damage, so I don't really miss out on much if anything dps wise from choosing elementalist over other ascendancies That's what I meant; FB totem into EA is a pretty smooth curve, that's what I did a few leagues back on my EA guy iirc. I think Arc traps and lightning traps are too retarded to not start the league with them tbh. Lightning trap was always a quick levelling skill but usually ended up limited because of your cooldowns. Main options would be Saboteur and Scion (Saboteur+1) but I'd love to get a MS based Deadeye working. It's a bit awkward because of how you'd pick it only for chain+tailwind for Arc or only for +1proj/aoe+tailwind for Cremation/Lightning trap. Being MS based is really, really tempting though for all the indoor crap we'll most likely run. It will likely have lower defense/dmg than the other options but the clear could be nuts and comfortable. Firetrap having a 200% dmg effectiveness according to the Ziggy video is also worth keeping in mind. | ||
Denmark3900 Posts
On May 29 2018 12:19 r.Evo wrote: Shit, now I'm really lost. I think traps/self-cast arc/FB totem are the strongest starters I can think of, EA needs to be a class that starts out as FB totem. Unsure if I can find an incinerate build I'll be happy with, kinda screams block. Bows prolly (as usual) the most annoying things to start with out of these things. Hmm..... There is a lot of cool shit, picking the day1 build is going to be hard. They killed Power Siphon visuals ))): LOL LIGHTNING TRAP NO LONGER HAS A COOLDOWN: ...they also removed the CD from trap support gem. Arc traps juicy as hell too, those at least don't have the same shitty visuals as the flamethrower/lightning spire traps do. Those seem like they could kill people by adding to much crap to the screen. Freezing pulse totems is the all around best starter I can think of. But if the numbers on vaal RF are good, and RF itself doesnt get nerfed I'll probably play that. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On May 29 2018 13:31 Alur wrote: Freezing pulse totems is the all around best starter I can think of. But if the numbers on vaal RF are good, and RF itself doesnt get nerfed I'll probably play that. Yeah, those would be an option as well. I'd cry playing totems all through endgame or RF though. Priorities. =P EA/Traps are my two favorites right now I think, traps are kinda tricky to figure out what precisely is the smartest choice. EA would solve the issue by being forced to walk either way. :3 | ||
Australia12814 Posts
Though you could go sunder ranger and just reroll at 75-80. Also, I'm preeetty sure I mentioned deadeye sab at the start of bestiary, I think it's still super good. In regards to traps, lightning trap felt like crap to me during the flashback on the way up, had a huge drop off around level 35-40, though I didn't exactly spec for it and that might make a pretty dramatic difference. I think Ascendant sab is strictly better then normal sab for traps, honestly think sab/pathfinder or elementalist would be the combination of choice. Smh editing comment out after I respond to it double smh, you posted after alur did eu 1.2k = au 5k on tl apparently Also I seriously think deadeye traps with burning arrow will be mega op vs bosses | ||
Australia12814 Posts
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21253 Posts
Also, indeed RIP Power Siphon visuals. They were too beautiful and had to be changed apparently. | ||
Australia12814 Posts
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3391 Posts
Really leaning Scion Sab/Pathfinder. I'm not crazy about the mashing flasks gameplay (well, any more than you already have to) but Elementalist as the secondary isn't winning me over yet. Deadeye for the extra Chain too maybe but idk. I'm worried about defenses, kind of why actual Sab was appealing over Scion at first, but that's only from the ascendancy since that area of the tree severely lacks life. So much new territory for me, pretty excited. | ||
Denmark3900 Posts
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Denmark3900 Posts
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Germany14079 Posts
On May 29 2018 15:49 Duka08 wrote: So if you were building arc traps would it be faster/smoother to use lightning trap up to a certain level before switching? I have no idea how traps work; both Arc and Lightning Trap appear at level 12 so I don't know which would be a smoother experience or why, other than Lightning Trap getting an extra link because you don't need the trap support like Arc. Really leaning Scion Sab/Pathfinder. I'm not crazy about the mashing flasks gameplay (well, any more than you already have to) but Elementalist as the secondary isn't winning me over yet. Deadeye for the extra Chain too maybe but idk. I'm worried about defenses, kind of why actual Sab was appealing over Scion at first, but that's only from the ascendancy since that area of the tree severely lacks life. So much new territory for me, pretty excited. You'd most likely do lightning trap/firetrap for clear/singletarget respectively. Maybe a different one of your choice for ST like firestorm trap, then later swap into whatever you want. Saboteur has an edge when it comes to a bit more defense and doesn't need Sunblast (aka you win a Belt+2 Jewel sockets). That's the main thing Scion loses, I think it's kinda close all in all. Shadow also should level way better and smother than Scion just because the early nodes are all nuts, depends how highly you value things going super smooth on the first day. Scion will take a bit longer to kick in and can't carry as hard. I think Saboteur/Raider is actually the most tempting since you will always be at max Frenzy charges, attack speed is also nice for shield charge. Elementalist gets a bit more damage, Pathfinder is a bit more balanced but Raider is king for clear. Deadeye Scion makes no sense, the value in the actual Deadeye ascendancy is the "10% more per chain remaining" and tailwind, Scion gets neither. +1 proj / far shot is ehhh, alright but not great. Don't think those are worth it. Now that I look at it Scion might be genuinely amazing for Incinerate with Gladiator+Elementalist/Inquisitor. Would also be a meh day 1 choice but there's always totems to push to maps. | ||
Australia12814 Posts
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United States2113 Posts
On May 28 2018 15:43 Haasts wrote: Congrats! Poet's Pen VD/Unearth? What maps did you run to 100? Mucking around with a bunch of builds in Standard rummaging through a mess of remove-only tabs and dusty characters with free passive tree resets to figure out how I feel about the playstyle before committing in a new league (not a fan of recasting BV though might see how the reduced stack size feels on an existing character once the patch hits; managed to get a BBBGGR Death's Oath to test out a life-based Trickster variant; had a go levelling 46-70ish with BF/Reave claw Scion, which might be the pick). I ran mostly shaped waste pool shaped armoury and shaped belfry. Also did shaped underground sea before I got to about 96 since the exp from it significantly dropped off then due to level. I had an elder ring with permanent influence on waste pool, armoury, and underground sea. I unfortunately had elder spawned on belfry, and didn't want to redo the ring. At 98 and 99 I also bought elder underground seas to run when it had beyond and belfry waste pool and armoury all had bad mods. out of those shaped maps I basically ran whichever highest level one had beyond for the hour, if none had beyond I would run the highest one, unless I was running low on one. I would usually during an hour where none of my maps had beyond would chisel and roll about 20 of each one and throw them in the stash. I always full chiseled and sextanted the maps. The sextants were a big money sink but I had nothing else to spend currency on once I got my gear. Flashback happened 2 days after my last final, so this was the first such race I was able to tryhard in. As such I made quite a few mistakes. First, I leveled as self craft firestorm, up to when I just got into maps, when I was able to buy 2x poets. If I had just leveled as ed and respec'd it would've been much smoother and faster I think. My next mistake was going with poets. The build is very strong, I was extremely tanky with 8400 hp, MoM, phase acro, anger life leech watcher's eye, and vaal grace. It had good clear speed, definitely high tier build that I might play for incursion as well. My mistake in picking it was that 1: it does not benefit from headhunter, and I underestimated how big that would be for flashback, and 2: I had to craft my own cooldown reduction gear, because no one was really selling that kind of stuff. It was also hard to get the watcher's eye I needed, and a VD enchant helm. The watcher's eye I couldn't get until like day 3 or 4 and cheapest one I got was about 5 ex, the VD helm I got for about 10 ex and had to essence roll myself. My cooldown reduction belt I made myself also, and the boots I had to pay about 5 ex for shaper two toned boots and then used 100-200 screaming essences of zeal to craft them. The other big mistake I made, was not realizing how important the level of a map becomes at 98 and 99. If I had known this, I would've gotten my elder orb before making my elder ring, and also would've included belfry in the elder ring, rather than going with the ring that had elder on belfry. At 99 I was only getting about 15 mill an hour on a good hour, while people who ran t16 underground sea were able to easily get over 20m. The other part may have also been my builds inability to use a headhunter though. | ||
Croatia7457 Posts
On May 29 2018 12:55 bo1b wrote: Evo, haven't you learned that you can run flameblast totem elementalist yet? Level 69, 161% life with mom double totem, a good amount of totem damage etc In fact I'm almost certainly going to run elementalist burning arrow, as it should be filthy given 0 bosses are immune to ignites, and projectile scaling doesn't affect the ignite damage, so I don't really miss out on much if anything dps wise from choosing elementalist over other ascendancies What bow would you use for this? Also what about accuracy issues? Other option could be trickster, he gives you nice defense and regen bonuses since you cannot do leech with ignite builds. Only penalty is you need to use ignite prolif support but that one has bigger AoE than Elementalist prolif. What is the advantage of using a bow burning arrow ignite over say fireball ignite? | ||
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