On October 07 2015 03:31 {ToT}ColmA wrote: i hate this game i really hope they pull their shit together for next season - the time i had to put in to get lucky for me 70gr level was retarded at a certain point when u know the mobs etc u know the maps u just go in...run throu check the mobs, bad mobs...just leave and reset...thats not good gameplay...pylons should be removed too, cuz even if u get a good map with good mobs u can get screwed cuz of pylons or the lack of them.
i hate this game -_-
what would be the point of a leaderboards if everyone could potentially get on there no matter what rift they walked into?
dunno, for me that's just replay value.
I will contest, though, that they should make the paths linear..so the caves that loop into a dead end, those need to go.
ive always thought that everyone should get the same map per GR level, and if no one clears it in 3 days or something, then a new map is generated. although that would let everyone explore the whole GR and figure out the best route to clear, not sure if that is a good thing or not.
Hmm, don't think i can speed clear t10. I think I'll alternate either t9 or t8 with some GRs. My problem is that I can't really play one character doing one thing for too long, so I guess I lose some efficiency that way. Oh well.
As far as I know it applies to all damage. I think you'd be able to test it though by putting on it on an elite/boss. Then don't attack and just watch the ticks with 0 stacks. Then cast your spells randomly somewhere to get stacks and see if the numbers change.
Not sure if the damage updates to your current stack count or the stack count you had when it got applied though.
Thanks. I realise that I often get up really close with the del rasha build, to stay inside the bubbles, and I am considering swapping zeis gem for something else. Also running audacity.
I'm starting to understand the hardcore-only players. I only gave hc a try because I never ever did it, and I kinda burnt out of this season's regular play, since I did not want to just spam grifts to top my highest one, and eventually - maybe - make it into the leaderboards. Partially because UE DH destroyed my wrist.
The best part of playing hardcore, for me, is definitely the adrenaline rush in close calls. Someone wrote he never ever died, and just played it safely, but I believe if you are after this phenomenon, you have to play reckless. I chicken out when my passive procs, and I dodge grifts with disgustingly annoying mobs, but I'm definitely not playing it safe. It would kinda destroy the fun for me, even if I know slow and steady can easily win the race here. Hammerdin is especially fun here, because managing your cooldowns is everything here - if I somehow ran out of wrath, or just can't keep the falling sword buff up constantly, I melt.
The second best thing in hc is probably how upgrading your char and pushing your limit feels better. You just value things more, and for a moment, you have that MMO illusion when you get something super rare.
SC however is much better for testing new stuff, and I guess it goes without saying, that testing a champion's absolute limit is only possible in this mode.
I can feel that slowly but surely I'm turning into that guy. You know, the "I changed to hc, and never looked back since!" one. I always believed everyone should play a game they enjoy it, so I wouldn't mock sc players for not accepting the one true playmode, or whatever elitist hc players preach, but I'd definitely advise anyone who never tried it, to give it a chance.
To talk about something else, I have to say, I like the Hammerdin. I read the QQs about stutter step and how this playstyle sucks, but stutter stepping is extremely easy, and I don't see how spamming hammers any less retarded, than spamming something else with other classes. Hell, I have more trouble stutter stepping with my UE DH than with my Crus. WIth the force move binding, the latter is a piece of cake, but in the case of DH, I have to use the mouse, since the build is not centered around stutter stepping, it's just often needed, or useful to do. Which, however, annihilates my wrist. Pushing harder grifts one after another is almost impossible due to the pain.
Crusader is definitely not in a good place, don't think anyone argues that, but I believe they need a serious rehaul like WD's got, and not some uber good new set. I'm fine with shieldbash, sweep attack and hammerdin being the crusaders solo choice, if these gets buffed in next patch, but I really wish they'd do something to make them feel paladinish in group setups. Make their support power more desireable or something. I want to be that tanky motherfucker who soaks damage from my teammates and give them nice auras. Man, I hate crusader auras compared to D2 Paladin.
Well, I never played it before. My skill layout is 1.Wolf Companion 2.Vengeance 3.Preparatin 4. Vault LMS: Evasive Fire RMS: Multishot
To trigger Focus/Restraint I have to shift-lms, because clicking on an actual target is way too clunky, so I'm doing shift-lms+rms while sidestepping to a.) don't die b.) gain distance for Zei's. The ideal scenario is to just herd the mob and slaugther them all when the COE becomes fire, but it doesn't always go like that, especially on higher grifts where you need to pump a lot uf multishots into them. But even in that ideal scenario, I have to keep sidestepping.
It's even worse when you are playing your soul out to reach a new record in grift, because you have to keep vaulting, then triggering f/r again and keep multishotting while you sidestep backwards as long as you are not in immediate danger, then you start vaulting again. Keep doing that for 10+ minutes for multiple grifts and it starts to take a toll on you.
It's not a problem in TX rift farming, because I just right click the shit out of everything, but that's different.
To all of you that wanna play HC, just died as rank5 nonseason crusader to random DC. Playing hardcore is not about safe but about having that death sentence above you all the time... .
I can understand that HC feels more fun that SC. Never tried hardcore but i kinda just know i would feel this way to. Big reason for this is that SC lacks alot of things or maybe i should say D3 lacks alot of things.
"Real" endgame. More builddiversity.
If you want to try a build with purely cooldown reduction when you have gear with none of it. You really cant because it would cost to much to do so. Thats why i check other guides because i cant really experiement much in this game.
On October 08 2015 18:59 Solmyr wrote: To all of you that wanna play HC, just died as rank5 nonseason crusader to random DC. Playing hardcore is not about safe but about having that death sentence above you all the time... .
Dang it, sorry man! I just got on the crus leaderboard yesterday, but that gr run was something special. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. When my passive procs, I still tp back, but I wouldn't call running through mobs without passive and wrath safe. Though judged by the hc Monk's attempt at gr 70+, if someone wants top 10, then the only way is to go balls deep and keep fighting, even with the passive on cd. Now THAT must be the most insane 1 minute in the game, and if my char somehow lives at the end of the season, I'll definitely do yolo runs with her.
The hardest part for me is 2 man grifts, where my unity is non-existant. The only reason I did not die, because Akarat's Champion's cd gott off the exact right time. I was standing in plague and just got frozen in one place without my passive. I was shaking 30 mins later too :D For 1 sec I don't pay attention, FS's passive def buf wears off, and I go from hero to zero in a sec. It's another kind of fun though, when you experience it with others. You know shit happened, when your wiz partner nopes the fuck out of the fight with a big ass shield on him, haha
Do you run the stricken-trapped-swiftness trio? I use the HP regen (+shield) one instead of stricken. I only tried replacing it once in a (to me) high grift with bane of the powerful (I'm still leveling stricken and taeguk towards 25 to test them), but the difference was huge. Had to chicken out. Luckily the only thing I need now is the cdr ring in the cube, and a ramaldani. I think I'll try 50 today. Yesterday I just wanted to get on the leaderboard.
I'm afraid of dc, but luckily, 90% of my near-death experiences were not dc-related, so I could enjoy the thrill. If I can climb high enough (like top 300 would be fine for me), I'd be okay with dying. Not sure if I'd start a new Crus though. I have backup of (almost) everything, but I lucked out the perfect hellfire amulet, and I couldn't wear anything else after knowing I had it. It was sent by God himself for playing crusader.
On October 08 2015 19:38 Foxxan wrote: I can understand that HC feels more fun that SC. Never tried hardcore but i kinda just know i would feel this way to. Big reason for this is that SC lacks alot of things or maybe i should say D3 lacks alot of things.
"Real" endgame. More builddiversity.
If you want to try a build with purely cooldown reduction when you have gear with none of it. You really cant because it would cost to much to do so. Thats why i check other guides because i cant really experiement much in this game.
If you can convince at least one of your friends to join you, then you should definitely try it. Wouldn't recommend to do it alone though. The funniest part at the beginning was how we were scared shitless by everything, and kept yelling like some idiots.
On October 08 2015 19:43 Jer99 wrote: Why they took out trading I'll never know, what a stupid decision that was
That was the single best decision of Blizz. I was soooo sick and tired of it n D2, and D3 was having the same shenanigans its' predecessor did. I hate that the goal of the game is to make a profit, and a good item means good money, nothing more. I also hated how easy it was to just gear someone up. I mean, it's still not that hard, but that was just a whole different level. I also hated that drop rates had to suffer in order to keep trading in check, but trading grew like a cancer anyway, so you got the worst of both worlds.
I, for one, definitely wouldn't have spent a dime on RoS if trading was still possible. I mean, there is a healthy part of trading, but it is a very small price to pay to keep the real evil in check. And in return, higher torment maps are filled with orange and green stuff. Wouldn't have it any other way.