From Play XP
Winner between
Clide vs. Killer
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- Your thoughts on making the round of 8?
I won, but I don’t feel too good about it. In 6 years of being a pro gamer this is the first time that has happened.
- You said previously that you would enjoy this match.
I enjoyed preparing for it, but I feel bad about this in multiple ways. I am sad.
- Was practicing for this difficult?
Usually, Clide sits next to me in practice. But for today, he had to move into a different room to practice. So whenever we came across each other in the living space or practice rooms we had to be wary of each other. I practiced a lot for this match, but this is the first time for both of us in a teamkill situation so we ended up being quite nervous and made many mistakes in our match.
- Your first 1st set loss was disappointing.
I had some mistakes in controlling my colossus. I think I got too overconfident after my DTs did a lot of damage. After I lost the 1st set, I was in a bit of a panic mode in the 2nd set. I thought I was about to lose since Clide’s play was so good at putting me in uncomfortable situations.
- Did you know that the marauders did not have the concussive upgrade?
When my DTs first went in and got hit by the marauders, they did not have the concussive upgrade. They also didn’t have it when I went in the second time. So I was able to fight a battle with zealots better than they should usually.
- Has your goals changed?
Previously, I was taking this one game at a time. But since I beat Clide, I have to finish what Clide wanted to do on his behalf, which was to win the championship.
- Who do you want to face in the next round?
I don’t care who I face. Whoever it is, if it s a broadcasted match, I don’t think I will lose easily.
- Any last comments?
I am sorry to Clide, but only one of us could win today. I hope he doesn’t feel too bad about this loss, and I promise I will honor our agreement (*whoever wins this match will win the championship). If we meet again in the future, I will lose for him. (laugh). I want to thank Puma for helping me practice. Our coach has recently been putting extra effort in helping us, today was no exception to that. I want to thank him. I will definitely win.
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▼ 8강 진출에 성공한 소감은?
- 이기고도 이렇게 마음이 안 좋은 것은 프로게이머를 6년 동안 하면서 처음이다.
▼ 지난번엔 즐겁게 임할 것이라고 했는데?
- 즐겁게 준비했지만, 경기 내외적으로 마음 아픈 게 한두 군데가 아니다. 씁쓸하다.
▼ 연습 때 어려움은 없었나?
- 규종이 형이 바로 옆자리다. 규종이 형이 방으로 옮겨서 연습을 했다. 서로 방과 거실 왔다 갔다 하느라 눈치 보며 연습했다. 연습은 많이 했는데, 서로 팀킬이 처음이라 긴장을 해서 실수가 많았던 것 같다.
▼ 1세트는 아쉽게 패했는데?
- 거신 컨트롤에 실수가 있었다. 이후 암흑기사로 휘두른 후 유리해졌다고 방심한 것 같다. 1세트를 내주고 2세트 때 패닉상태였다. 규종형이 흔들어주는 플레이를 잘 해서 지는 줄 알았다.
▼ 불곰의 충격탄 업그레이드가 안 된 것을 알고 있었나?
- 암흑기사가 갔을 때 불곰에 맞았는데 충격탄 업그레이드가 안 돼 있더라. 두 번째 갔을 땐 할 줄 알았는데 그 때도 안됐다. 원래 지는 싸움인데 충격탄 업그레이드가 안돼서 광전사가 잘 싸울 수 있었다.
▼ 충격탄 업그레이드를 왜 안했는지 알고 있나?
- 아마 팀원과의 대결이라 긴장해서 실수한 것 같다. 그리고 부스 내부가 많이 더웠다. 더워서 집중이 많이 안 된 것 같다. 부스가 좀 더 시원했으면 좋겠다.
▼ 목표가 바뀌었나?
- 전에는 한 경기, 한 경기 최선을 다하자는 것이었는데, 이젠 규종형 몫까지 해야겠다. 규종형 목표가 우승이었으니, 우승을 목표로 잡겠다.
▼ 다음 상대가 누가 됐으면 좋겠는가?
- 누구든 상관없다. 누구든 방송에서 하면 안 질 것 같다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 규종형에게 미안하지만 승부의 세계니 어쩔 수 없다. 너무 마음 아파하지 않았으면 좋겠고, 서로 했던 약속을 꼭 지키겠다. 다음에 만나면 져주겠다. (웃음) 연습을 도와준 호준이한테 고맙다. 감독님이 최근에 더욱 열의를 쏟고 계신다. 오늘도 많은 조언을 해주셨다. 감사드린다. 꼭 우승하겠다.
글: 이시우(
Winner between
Virus vs. Inca
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- Your thoughts on making the round of 8?
I thought I could advance. And so I felt good about this even before the match started. I’ve been doing good recently against terrans that I consider to be good so I had a lot of confidence coming into this match.
- Recently, many protoss players have focused on upgrade oriented play.
Upgrade is the most basic thing you can do to get ahead. (With the chronoboost) there is no way that terran can get ahead of the protoss in upgrades. You must be good at upgrading in order to beat terrans.
- Did you think your opponent would all-in rush in the 2nd set?
When I first saw the banshee, I thought that this may be coming. I think I was able to fend it off pretty well, but I lost many probes in the engagement so it was a bit scary.
- Your probes were sitting by the side for a bit, was that a mistake?
I was going to build a pylon and try to go into his base which would be empty, but I was a bit absent-minded and I forgot about them.
- Your next opponent is Killer.
It is hard to predict who will win in a PvP. I don’t know exactly what will happen, but I will take that into consideration and will prepare hard for the upcoming match.
- Your concept for today’s matches?
I didn’t think I could lose in a late game scenario, so I basically tried to let the game go to the late stages of the game.
- What did your ceremony mean?
My friends have been telling me to ‘play better’ so I wanted to shut them up by saying ‘I will play my own way.’
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Maka, Marineking and all of my terran teammates for helping me practice. Recently, it was my little brother’s birthday. I know I’ve teased him a lot ever since he was born, so when I go back home this time, I want to buy him some treats and give him some spending money. He just got into Anigo (a multimedia oriented high school I think…) so I want to congratulate him. I am happy that he is following his dreams as I follow mine.
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▼ 8강 진출에 성공한 소감은?
- 느낌이 올라갈 것 같았다. 시작하기 전부터 좋았다. 잘한다고 생각하는 테란들을 엊그제부터 다 이겨서 자신감에 차있었다.
▼ 최근 프로토스가 업그레이드를 중점적으로 하는 것 같은데?
- 업그레이드가 가장 기본이기 때문이다. 테란이 프로토스를 업그레이드로 앞설 수가 없다. 업그레이드를 잘해야 테란을 이길 수 있다.
▼ 2세트 상대의 올인 러쉬를 예상했나?
- 밴시 볼 때부터 예상했다. 쉽게 막을 수 있었는데, 탐사정을 너무 많이 찍어서 위험했다.
▼ 탐사정을 빼 논 것은 실수였나?
- 수정탑을 짓고 빈집을 가려고 했는데, 너무 정신이 없어서 못 봤다.
▼ 다음 상대가 신상호인데?
- 프프전은 함부로 예상하기 힘들다. 어떻게 될지 잘 모르겠지만 방심하지 않고 열심히 준비하겠다.
▼ 오늘 경기 컨셉은?
- 장기전가면 진다는 생각 하지 않아서 후반까지 끌고 갈 생각이었다.
▼ 세리머니의 의미는?
- 친구들이 ‘잘 좀해라’고 하는데 ‘조용해라. 난 알아서 한다’는 의미였다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습 도와준 곽한얼, 이정훈 선수와 같은 팀 테란 선수들에게 고맙다. 얼마 전 동생 생일이었다. 태어날 때부터 많이 괴롭혔는데, 이번에 내려가면 맛있는 것도 사주고 용돈도 주겠다. 이번에 애니고에 입학했는데 축하한다. 동생도 나처럼 가고 싶은 길을 가서 좋다.
글: 이시우(
Winner between
Nestea vs. Fruitdealer
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- Your thoughts on making the round of 8?
I am happy that I won the match between former champions, but I had to beat a friend of mine so I am a bit sad. Since I beat a former champion, it will be my duty to get to the championship on his behalf.
- Did you think that your opponent would do that kind of strategy in the 1st set?
I thought he may use something crafty like a 6 pool. I basically prepared for the 1st and 2nd sets to be focused around mind games. But once his spine crawler went up, I knew that I had lost 1 game.
- Was the 2nd set revenge for the 1st?
It was something I planned on using if I had won the first set. But since I lost that first game to a spine crawler rush, I thought, ‘well, I don’t exactly know what he’s going to do’, so I just went for it.
- Did you prepare for a macro oriented game in the 3rd set?
I thought if it became 1 to 1, my opponent would also try to macro up a bit.
- When did you know you had won the 3rd set?
After I dealt some damage with my banelings, I was about to scout his main and prepared accordingly. Once I was able to block his first attack, I knew I could pull out the win.
- It was a mirror matchup, were you feeling the pressure to win?
After I lost my winning streak against Dimaga, I wanted to regain that image. I don’t know about other zergs, but Fruitdealer was a zerg I really wanted to beat.
- What did you guys talk about after the match?
It wasn’t much. He asked me ‘when did your banelings get in’, so I told him.
- Who do you want to face in the next round?
I don’t really want to do too many ZvZs in a row, but since July is known to be pretty good zerg, I want to face him in a match. It really doesn’t matter who I face, but if possible I want to face July and beat him so that I can cement my status as the best ZvZ player in the world.
- Why are you so good at ZvZ?
I am good at picking up the subtle things, and when I want to cut corners, I do it with confidence and get ahead.
- Is your goal this season still the championship?
I want to get to the finals. I want to regain that feeling of being on that stage.
- Any last comments?
I saw the picture of Fruitdealer with Cocoshoo. I guessed that I would win this after I saw that picture. I want to thank him for that. I also want to thank Horror for putting in so much effort in practicing with me. If it wasn’t for him, I think I may have lost. He told me he wanted to see T-ara in person so he told me to get to the championship so he can see them. I will definitely get to the championship.
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▼ 8강 진출에 성공한 소감은?
- 우승자 매치에서 이겨서 기분이 좋긴 하지만, 친한 동생이어서 미안하기도 하다. 우승자를 꺾었으니 원기의 기를 받아 결승까지 갈 수 있도록 하겠다.
▼ 1세트에 상대의 전략을 예상했나?
- 6못 전략을 쓸 것 같기도 했다. 어차피 1, 2세트는 심리전 위주로 준비했었다. 가시촉수가 왔을 때 ‘한게임 줬구나’라고 생각했다.
▼ 2세트는 1세트의 복수였나?
- 1세트를 이기면 무조건 쓰려고 했다. 그런데 1세트 때 가시촉수 러쉬를 당해서 ‘에라 모르겠다’는 식으로 썼다.
▼ 3세트는 운영을 준비한 것인가?
- 1:1이 되면 상대도 운영을 할 것이라 생각했다.
▼ 3세트에서 승리를 예상한 때는?
- 맹독충으로 피해를 준 뒤, 상대 체제를 보고 대비할 수 있었다. 첫 공격을 막아내고 이길 수 있을 것이라 생각했다.
▼ 동족전에 대한 부담감은 없는지?
- Dimaga 선수에게 연승이 끊겼는데, 다시 이기고 싶었다. 다른 저그는 모르겠지만 원기는 꼭 이기고 싶었다.
▼ 끝나고 무슨 얘기를 나눴나?
- 별다른 얘기는 없었다. ‘맹독충 언제 들어왔느냐’라고 묻더라. 위로해줬다.
▼ 다음 상대가 누가 됐으면 좋겠는가?
- 저그전을 너무 많이 하면 안 좋긴 한데, 성준이가 저그전을 잘한다니 해보고 싶긴 하다. 누구든 상관없지만 이왕이면 성준이를 잡고 저그전 최강자로 자리매김하고 싶다.
▼ 저그전에 강한 이유는?
- 눈치 잘 보고, 배제할 것은 과감하게 배제하고 하는 것 때문인 것 같다.
▼ 이번 시즌 목표는 여전히 우승인가?
- 결승 무대를 밟고 싶다. 감동을 다시 느껴보고 싶다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 원기와 코코슈가 같이 찍은 사진을 봤다. 그 때부터 승리를 짐작하고 있었다. 감사드린다. 김효종 선수가 열심히 도와줬다. 그 친구가 아니었으면 졌을 것 같다. 그 친구가 티아라가 보고 싶다고 꼭 결승에 오르라고 하더라. 꼭 결승에 오르도록 하겠다.
글: 이시우(
Winner between
Anypro vs. July
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- Your thoughts on making the round of 8?
I made a terrible error (in the second game) so I think I will get scolded by the coach. I even made mistakes when I faced July the last time… Since my next opponent is Nestea, I am half happy and half worried.
- You were successful in your revenge.
I didn’t think I lost because of the lack of skill last time so I wasn’t that worried for today. I practiced a lot for this match. Unfortunately, I had many errors, and my condition was not the best today. I think I was able to win because my opponent’s movements were well within my predictions.
- How did you prepare for your build in the 1st set?
It’s a build I have used for a while. I planned to all-in to take advantages of the cracks in his defense.
- In the 2nd set, did you not know that his roaches would have burrow?
There was nothing I could do. That game was already a foregone conclusion.
- Why did you mess up in the 2nd set?
I think my mind goes in and out sometimes, it seems that I always make a huge error at least once in broadcasted games.
- Your next opponent will be Nestea.
He is so good in all aspects so I am worried about how I will play against him. I plan to be the first one to be aggressive. I will try to improvise as the game progresses.
- People say that Protoss has the advantage against Zergs.
That is not true. In the previous seasons, the maps may have been favorable, but recently, many zergs have changed their playstyles, so that matchup has become difficult. I think protoss players will have to study this matchup a bit more. I lost my touch in my PvZ recently but I will have to play much more to get that sense back.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank all my zerg teammates. I hope we can come together and come up with a good way to beat Nestea in the next round. I also want to thank my coach and Sabasaba chicken.
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▼ 8강 진출에 성공한 소감은?
- 끔찍한 실수를 해서 감독님한테 혼날 것 같다. 전에도 박준용 선수 상대할 때 실수를 했었는데…. 다음 상대가 임재덕 선수라 기쁨 반 걱정 반이다.
▼ 복수에 성공했는데?
- 전 시즌에 실력으로 졌다고 생각지 않아서 별로 긴장하지 않았다. 준비를 많이 했다. 착오가 많았고, 컨디션도 좋지 않아 힘든 상태였다. 상대의 움직임이 예상 범위 안에 있어서 무난하게 승리한 것 같다.
▼ 1세트 빌드는 어떻게 준비했나?
- 전부터 써왔던 빌드다. 올인을 해서 박성준 선수가 방심한 틈을 노리려고 했다.
▼ 2세트 잠복 바퀴는 예상 못했나?
- 어차피 그 상황에서 할 수 있는 게 아무 것도 없었다. 이미 진 것이나 다름없었다.
▼ 2세트 실수 원인은?
- 정신이 오락가락 하는 것 같다. 방송 경기 때 큰 실수 한 번씩 저지르는 것 같다.
▼ 다음 상대가 임재덕인데?
- 모든 능력이 뛰어나 어떻게 맞춰가야 할지 걱정이다. 먼저 공격할 계획이다. 보면서 맞춰갈 것이다.
▼ 저그전에서 프로토스가 유리하다고들 하는데?
- 전혀 그렇지 않다. 전 시즌은 맵이 좀 유리했지만, 최근 저그가 많은 변화를 시도해서 어렵다. 프로토스가 더 많은 연구를 해야할 것 같다. 최근에 저그전 감이 떨어졌는데, 이번에 만회해야 할 것 같다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 우리팀 저그 선수들에게 고맙다. 다음에도 힘을 합쳐서 임재덕 선수를 이길 수 있도록 했으면 좋겠다. 박외식 감독님과 사바사바치킨에 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(
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