is there a way to stop that? my desktop looks like shit without it
Awesome fix to Livestream quality! - Page 2
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3813 Posts
is there a way to stop that? my desktop looks like shit without it | ||
United States56 Posts
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United States409 Posts
On December 11 2010 18:32 Nailpolish wrote: hello i did everything in your guide (I think) but when I broadcast it my livestream still remains offline status for and screen is black in xsplit, waited like 5 minutes, what could be the cause of this? Your rtmp url may be incorrect. Did you double check it? Did you try removing the brackets where you put your info in the rtmp url format that I posted? | ||
United States56 Posts
rtmp://[password]/isAutoLive=true/aspectWidth=16/aspectHeight=9 my livestream link is ya i removed the brackets | ||
3813 Posts
the green lines that denote the screen capturing area are permanently showing now whereas before they'd go all the way off screen and essentially not show. now they're all fat and won't even go off screen. obviously they don't show up in the stream itself, but still.. quite annoying for me. =( talking about these things: edit: or am i supposed to skip using procaster completely and launch from xsplit broadcaster? brb rereading guide >_> | ||
United States409 Posts
On December 11 2010 18:57 wooozy wrote: do you use procaster or webcaster? i followed everything in the guide and it works great, but i'm having issues with procaster's control bar when i go live the green lines that denote the screen capturing area are permanently showing now whereas before they'd go all the way off screen and essentially not show. now they're all fat and won't even go off screen. obviously they don't show up in the stream itself, but still.. quite annoying for me. =( talking about these things: edit: or am i supposed to skip using procaster completely and launch from xsplit broadcaster? brb rereading guide >_> Move your mouse cursor to the top right edge of the green lines and resize it to fullscreen. That's what I did and it worked. EDIT: Skip procaster completely and broadcast from XSplit. | ||
3813 Posts
rtmp:// fairly certain the url is right so don't know what's up | ||
United States409 Posts
On December 11 2010 19:14 wooozy wrote: mm, broadcasting from xsplit just gives me a perma black screen (waited well over a minute) rtmp:// fairly certain the url is right so don't know what's up You have to add a screen region as Scene 1 from the menu File -> Add screen region... then drag your whole screen from the top left to the bottom right. And go to the menu Broadcast -> Edit channels... -> Hotkey tab for "Switch to Scene 1", check more than one boxes for shift, ctrl, and alt keys in order to not conflict with hotkeying your units in SC2. | ||
Sweden97 Posts
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United States72 Posts
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United Kingdom764 Posts
I'll try it once more tonight and then switch to VHScreenCap + FMLE for a while then back to livestream to see how low end pc can handle streaming. "I really need to get a job and upgrade my pc lol". Livestream gets annoyed anytime I use over 500k and even emails me that I was going over. I think using Procaster on higher settings doesn't give you the warning and just gives max output possible in the range allowed but I can't test as my upload is only barely at that max. | ||
United States1215 Posts
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United States1060 Posts
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United States409 Posts
On December 12 2010 05:19 philippo wrote: My livestream just goes black when I start the broadcast. It activates and detects, but it´s just black on the screen. :/ Did you add a screen region as Scene 1 in XSplit? Did you type your rtmp url correctly? If you still have problems, PM me your livestream channel and we can work it out. | ||
Sweden34 Posts
non-featured stream -> Vedad EDIT: fixed it but cant use controlgroups (( anyone? | ||
United States409 Posts
On December 12 2010 07:03 Vedad wrote: CAn anyone tell me what i need to do to remove that sideshit from my streaM? non-featured stream -> Vedad EDIT: fixed it but cant use controlgroups (( anyone? What control groups? Control groups in SC2? Make sure to go to menu Broadcast -> Edit channels... -> Hotkeys tab and check more than one checkboxes for ctrl, alt, and shift for all the "Switch to Scene #". | ||
United Kingdom2599 Posts
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Canada126 Posts
On December 11 2010 13:51 ProHellZerg wrote:And lastly, I'm not forcing you to use this guide. [/b]if you wanted to, how would you force anyone to use it? | ||
United States409 Posts
On December 12 2010 07:36 WarSong wrote: [/b]if you wanted to, how would you force anyone to use it? I don't want to. And I don't know how I would. :O I shouldn't have put "Must read!" in the thread title. That was my mistake. I asked Plexa to remove it since it sounds forceful. | ||
United Kingdom2108 Posts
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