Hear me out.
Gosucoaching.com has returned. Right off the bat, what this means for all of you, is there will be the return of the weekly gosucoaching tourney with 100$ up for grabs. Free to enter, casted by top commentators and brought to you in all it's glory. Replays, exciting matches and money. Not bad.
Even if you are against the idea of paying for coaching this is something to be pleased with.
A bit of history:
Gosucoaching was initially the brainchild of Louder. A prominent USA SCBW -> SC2 player who wanted to create a central place for coaching. It started off well but got too big for it's own good. After technical issues revolving around the websites design -> payment -> scheduling etc and a few bad business decisions (read about them HERE and HERE) we have returned.
Under new ownership Gosucoaching.com has cut out the middle-man aspect and returned to simplicity. No longer will you pay the site at large and then go through a gauntlet of scheduling to get a session. Instead, Gosucoaching will function as a service to both the coaches and the students. Coaches will be able to advertise themselves on the site for a small fee and students will only have to go to 1 place to shop for someone that is interested/willing to coach. Fees, scheduling and anything else is controlled by the coaches. Gosucoaching will function as a quality control site. If a coach is doing a poor job, skipping sessions, bm etc.. they will be removed. The site will soon implement a rating system so all coaches can be reviewed by their students and viewed by prospective students.
We are also going to be looking to do things like stream live sessions... which generates free educational content for the public but also advertises what we do. Other activities and events like this will be conducted with the intention of bringing everyone something... not just the paying public.
The new ownership is completely different. Mr. Pfister runs his own business and is an avid SC2 fan/student on the side. He has a family and has been a business man nearly his entire life. With this new ownership we are leaving the past in the past and pushing forward.
-Is Louder associated with the new site?
Answer: No. Louder has moved on as well. Gosucoaching is no longer under his ownership nor does he interact with the site any longer.
-Where do I sign up for the Gosucoaching weekly?
Answer: As before go to gosucoaching.com and sign up. Xeris will be running these tourneys again so expect nothing but amazingly well ran cash tourneys each week!
-If I have problems with past gosucoaching payments what do I do?
Answer: Nobody with gosucoaching.com currently has any ownership of the financial or business issues of this websites past. That responsibility resided solely with previous ownership. It has been made clear that paypal disputes are the way to resolve that. If there is anything you feel you may need help with PM {88}iNcontroL and I will try and help!
I understand that a LOT of this community depends on integrity. I understand that gosucoaching made a mess of the integrity it had built up. All I ask is that you give us another chance. We have made some changes, we have learned from past mistakes and we are ready to return to what we did best.
If you have any q's please post them here or PM me. I will do the best I can to answer them.