On September 16 2010 05:38 GGTeMpLaR wrote: and who else thinks it would be funny as hell if Blizzard patched 1.1 tonight, so it's up for the rest of the RO32 games hahaha They wont I think since they are teaming up with GOM they probably time it to not interfere with the tournament.
Dustin Browder will patch the game when the last zerg falls ;p
On September 16 2010 05:21 theherder2 wrote: I'm worried about the foreigner pro scene audience if koreans keep knocking out these players. i know a lot of people who have basically lost interest in the gsl and are not watching anymore because all the foreigners have been knocked out. (tlo hasn't but recovering from a fairly serious illness doesn't help his chances). i mean, as a foreigner you would like to root for the underdog in what seems to be a korean controlled pro scene, and this was the supposed opportunity to show that foreigners can be evenly matched to the best korean pros.
i don't know, i'm not totally like that but i understand the mindset. i feel that if tlo does in fact drop his match, i'll basically lose a lot of interest until the finals. after all, to most of us here, aren't foreigners the main draw for this tournament? The tourney threads for days with foreigners reach ~100 pages, whereas most "normal" days reach the 40-70 page range.
sorry had to get that off my chest. I am a fan of who ever plays the best, be it foreigner or not. So I will continue to watch everyday even if all the foreigners get knocked out. I think people should be happy for the high level of play and not worry about if there are any foreigners or not
Are you serious? Its actually better that they are not giving away the BO, that are sometimes hard to produce to just anyone. Its pretty bad that you as a player come up with a nice BO, and have it stealed it just few hours ago. It just gonna make cool strategies less apealing due to the fact that spending so much time into making them, just for them to be a 1 trick pony...
The games are public. Its not like the casters are going out of their way to hide what the players are doing. Not releasing the replays is obnoxious. Its why I'm using GOMBro instead of a season pass.
I suppose if you aren't capable of analyzing a game any better than the commentators it won't bother you. (That isn't a diss to the commentators, they're doing this live so you have to adjust your expectations.)
If you don't understand why the absence of high level (and hi definition!!!) youtube videos hurts the community and the competitive scene, nothing I say is going to help you.
That said, at this point I don't think its a huge deal, because these games are far below what we've seen in IEM (where replays are released same-day). Maybe this is because we're dealing with 64/32 players instead of 16/8, but the quality of these games has been really low. Today's Idra games were just terrible.
Maybe we should limit the amount of asians allowed to 20% so more white people can get in? Like in most IVY league universities.
If you lose interest because there's no foreigners then lose interest. Some people want the better players to win regardless of nationality.
On September 16 2010 06:04 epik640x wrote: Maybe we should limit the amount of asians allowed to 20% so more white people can get in? Like in most IVY league universities.
If you lose interest because there's no foreigners then lose interest. Some people want the better players to win regardless of nationality.
Regardless of nationality, Koreans are better looks like
On September 16 2010 06:04 epik640x wrote: Maybe we should limit the amount of asians allowed to 20% so more white people can get in? Like in most IVY league universities.
If you lose interest because there's no foreigners then lose interest. Some people want the better players to win regardless of nationality. this is why a progressive country like the USA has affermitive action.
On September 15 2010 21:06 Brutus wrote:Show nested quote +On September 15 2010 21:01 klauz619 wrote:This is SC2. Terran makes 10 mistakes, Zerg makes 1, terran wins Stop making excuses for you losing all the time. Stop making excuses for you winning all the time with terran
You are probably one of those Terrans that get raped by Z even though the game is imbalanced lol.
I seriously almost took out my wall when I say set 3 of IdrA.
so, maka, cool, tester, ensnare in top 4 ?
On September 15 2010 23:14 MrCon wrote:I will go against the mob here, but oh well... - blaming imbalance about idra's loss : i won't even talk about that, I just feel sorry for people doing it. - blaming imbalance for first maka win : same thing. People are sayigng "he lost his gold and made mistakes but only one mistake from the zerg and it's gg §§§" Not, he didn't lost his gold. The z put his gold in red health then leaved. Too bad, those imba terrans can repear their buildings So 1mn after this expansion was "destroyed", it was up and running again. That was a critical mistake. On mitsakes, what were exactly the majors terran's mistakes ? Losing some minor battles and taking a lot of z units in the process ? Perhaps going from 20+ to 4 mutas while not looking was a much bigger mistake ? Ho noes that was imbalance, right. Then losing all those roaches killing 2 marines was imbalance too. There is imbalance in sc2, but this TvZ is not displaying any. - blaming imbalance on game 2 now. There obviously is, as blizzard will nerf reapers. But the Z made 5 roachs then stoped. Perhaps he was too busy making his expansion over and over again with absolutly no chance of securing it. Yeah, he could have made a second queen to spread creep toward his nat so he can at least fight on creep. But no, reapers are so imba than they'll make people becoming stupid. Perhaps he could have made more than 5 roaches whole game and wait for more creep and roach speed to expand. But no, it's so imbalanced that people lose their common sense. Better losing right now so I can expand right now, right.
100000000 million dollars if you played Zerg at a high level, your post would be completely opposite. You really have no idea how narrow minded and ignorant your post is.
On September 16 2010 04:48 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2010 04:34 Pwere wrote:Queens are actually pretty good against any P composition, as long as you are defending, which you will be for the most part. They're fantastic tanks and AA.
P has really no answer to mass queens other than taking the whole map. Queens are so good vs mass Colossus/Stalker Actually I'm not sure if you're being serious or not <_< Queens are good vs Colossi, believe it or not. They use their AA attack, heal each other and tank very well for your hydra/corruptor/whatever you have behind. Hell, they're even good against immortals and zealots.. Problem is spreading that creep/fighting on it.
On September 16 2010 04:58 I_Love_Bacon wrote:The point being, you just described what the toss can do. Yes, you can get multiple queens and maybe throw up some spine crawlers too and rely on those for defense w/ transfuse... but in doing so you've committed so much to defense you are in no way capable of putting together an attack, thus allowing the protoss to tech and expand freely while also containing you. You don't have to throw down those extra spine crawlers. And while the toss can indeed expand more aggressively, you still have speedlings, you can spread that creep faster, and additional queens are very good combined with muta harass. It's in no way an auto-lose. Just a different game.
I'm not claiming queens are an answer to all of life's problems (that's alcohol), but having 4-6 queens vs P cannot be a mistake, imho.
On September 16 2010 02:51 dekuschrub wrote:dang im so sad that idra lost lesson learned dont go by bnet build orders!!! (and scout ) idk how to tell u this but he scouted quite perfectly. Everything was according to plan. its just he fake robod. i mean. could happen to anyone.
On September 16 2010 06:53 FindingPride wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2010 02:51 dekuschrub wrote:dang im so sad that idra lost lesson learned dont go by bnet build orders!!! (and scout ) idk how to tell u this but he scouted quite perfectly. Everything was according to plan. its just he fake robod. i mean. could happen to anyone.
"he scouted perfectly".
No, no he did not. A lot of the time I see Idra play in the past he scouts the whole map for proxy tech and all that. Even with the robo he should have noticed the toss literally made NO units. I think he made a couple zealots and maybe 1 sentry. If Idra didn't rely on what he looked on the match history he probably would have not gone straight to roaches with just seeing the robo and nothing else.
Also the third game? If you saw the third game his lack of scouting is what cost him the game. That proxy 3rd base he didn't' see until the game was pretty much over. If anything I think the lack of scouting is why Idra lost both game 2 and 3 and I bet it will never happen again.
I think tankboy impressed me the most in this matchup. I felt so bad for idra losing because I wanted him to make it far so that korea is not dominating sc again.
But seriously tankboy has a lot of potential, even though he was attacking his refinery which made me crack up and makes some horrible choices his micro is really enjoyable to watch.
Wow those games made me rage hard :/.
Hate it when the worse player wins for w/e reason, and I don't mean to diss Lotze, he is very good, but I really got the feeling that Idra played a stronger game throughout.
On September 16 2010 01:56 Skyze wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2010 01:50 st3roids wrote:On September 16 2010 01:44 awesomoecalypse wrote:Zerg has to scout early and counter everything. Protoss and terran just have to decide what build they want to use before the match? =/ Sure, Zerg is more reactive, thats not the same as imbalance. Had Idra scouted that hidden base in time, I definitely think he could have won. And he won the first game, too. Mechanics are not all there is to skill. IdrA made some pretty big mistakes in his last 2 matches, and paid for it, as he should have. Simple as that. Since its so well design and reactive pls tell us what are the t1 units , zerg has to counter vrays and banshees Why should zerg have a t1 unit to counter a TIER 2 toss/terran unit?? If Toss has to spent 1000 minerals to get a good unit(with tech and all), why should zerg only have to spend 300 to counter it? If you say "well terran has marines which counter them in tier 1".. zerg has queens. Make 2 queens, problem solved until you get tier 2. This zerg imbalance talk is retarded lately. The only thing they have a right to complain about is reapers, everything else is at fault of the zergs. You dont see Cool or Check complaining as much as Idra or Dimaga, with putting up better results too.
Cool has made it clear he thinks PvZ is much more imbalanced than TvZ.
I hope IdrA isn't crying too much over his loss. The prelims are coming up for the next tournament already, so at least he has something to look forward to soon :>