So...I've come across several different videos about using the MGS box sneaking technique, and even an article about how a man escaped from prison in a cardboard box - How can I improve on this?
Should I make my box from scratch? (No print on it, just print custom things on it for locations?)
Is there a easy way to hide it on my person and assemble it quickly?
What dimensions do you think the box will need to be to move around?
Should I just cut 'handles' so I can see out of the box or should I have a small camera or something imbedded in the cardboard?
The reason why I'm asking this is because I'm going to be going to an anime convention soon, and I want to cosplay as something creative : P I want to see if I can sneak through a crowded place without anyone noticing.
just get a box with a handle for eye holes, and give yourself little handles on the inside of it, and make sure u practice insta-dropping into the box with no human showing and you'd be able to hit on 15 yo sakuras with great results