Chezinu for Mayor! Hey guys! In order to save the panda and lead this town in an era without Mafia, I would like to run for Mayor! I think I’m about ready to take up the position. So why should you vote me for Mayor? I have experience. I have played this game since way back when in the days of Ace the Mayor of Old in the Second World. I even witness the Death of the Great Ace in the Third World. So what does one gain from having played so long ago? I can use my knowledge of Ace to lead like him! I also learn how to die honorably as Ace the Martyr! But the Second and Third World are not the only places I’ve been… There I was only a witness and a pawn. I have played in Plexa’s World. When things were tough and it seemed that the ruler of the world keep aiding the town, as the Mafia Godfather I continued to write down the hitlist to give to the ruler of the world himself in faith that those people would die! Of course, We the GOSU mafia triumph, but it was not me alone that won the game! He worked as a team, We Communicated! Some of our Brave Members sacrifice themselves for the greater good! Communication and Sacrifice I have practiced in Plexa’s World after following The Great Ace example! But My adventures did not end there! I entered Caller’s World, as a Red Detective! Here, I left forsook my Father Ace’s instructions and disguised myself as a rebel! Through this I discovered two other rebels.. I talked to Ace that game about what he would do if I were a rebel… He chose to forgive me… However, not all of my allies were as forgiving… I went out in a bang that game by one of my own… I’m just glad that I was able to take the two rebels I associated were taken down with me.. But the story doesn’t end with the Bang, it keeps going! Worlds later I found myself in Incog’s World.. The world was quite small… I was told it was a remake of a previous world that Incog had made… In this world, Something dramatic happened to me… My eyes were opened. I no longer thought in terms of red and green, hating anything that did not fit in these categories.. For finally for the first time blue… I was completely transformed and forsook the brown for the first time… The power of the blue overpowered me. I rolechecked and advocated the death of two mafia members in two days! I also witness the death of Ace… Though his blood did not appear to be on my hands, in secret I PMed the vig that game to kill Ace… I was finally done with the brown and came to realize that I was just a pawn to him… From this world forth, I learned that I could tell the truth and still win the game. I forsook the brown.. so I thought I should I forsake the Crazy? I enter Caller’s world once more.. This time things were different… there were no votes.. I was like, I shall be Sane! I told the truth about my role from the beginning. I was going to be a town hero and fight the all that opposed! Then a townie who lack faith in me because he did not forgive my brownness that I once had and thought I was the same person.. I was shot and it was over before it began.. I learn then for the first time what it felt like to die and to die young… It was painful… so painful that I was stuck in between worlds… I didn’t want to enter another world for the fear of the pain it may bring… Here I learned what it must have felt like for souls such as Fishball and Radfield.. My brownness would have killed these people just to leave another day.. I eventually built up the courage to enter another world.. The world I enter was Incog’s World and it was much like the previous world I was in… In this world I saw pass the argument and I no longer feared death.. I played…played.. I enjoyed the moment and adventure… I was able to see pass the arguments.. I question the Mafia who were trying to stereotype town into two sides.. I supported a fellow townie even though he made a few mistakes and try to convince town that he was truly innocent.. However, I did not go unnoticed… I was shot… Once again I moved on to another world, this time I came into this very world… I have a confession to make… I was going back to my brownish ways… I’m sorry… From this moment forward, I will work hard not to be as brown as I have been… That is why I’m running for Mayor… It is time that I take an active position against that which I once was...Brown No longer! Brown No Longer! Brown No Longer! Let us build a new town on this principle! Let put an end to the temptations that turn us into the Reds! Let us not venture remotely close to the red! Those who are Brown Come Back to the Green or you will be treated as a Red!! AS MAYOR OF THIS TOWN I WILL LEAD THIS TOWN TO PROSPERITY!!! I will follow these values as I followed L with loyalty! I will communicate effectively as The Great Ace! I will sacrifice our townies in the event of a crisis with respect and empathy! I can do all these things through the accumulation of experience! So let us start a new era! An Era where Brownness is no longer tolerated!!!
Be aware: + Show Spoiler +MzcgMzcgMjAgMzggMzQgMjAgMzYgMzkgMjAgMzUgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzQgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzggMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzkgMjAgMzggMzUgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzUgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzIgMjAgMzcgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzggMjAgMzEgMzEgMzUgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzYgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzUgMzAgMjAgMzUgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzUgMzEgMjAgMzggMzYgMjAgMzQgMzggMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzggMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzYgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzkgMjAgMzcgMzAgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzUgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzggMjAgMzEgMzEgMzIgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzggMzYgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzggMzkgMjAgMzUgMzAgMjAgMzggMzUgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzkgMjAgMzUgMzAgMjAgMzUgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzYgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzggMzggMjAgMzcgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzkgMjAgMzggMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzkgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzUgMzEgMjAgMzcgMzQgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzggMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzIgMjAgMzggMzIgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzUgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzUgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzcgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzUgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzggMzQgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzIgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzEgMzAgMzUgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzQgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzQgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzIgMjAgMzggMzYgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzUgMzEgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzUgMzEgMjAgMzcgMzQgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzUgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzYgMzcgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzIgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzUgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzUgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzUgMzEgMjAgMzggMzUgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzUgMzAgMjAgMzggMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzggMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzQgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzggMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzIgMjAgMzcgMzggMjAgMzQgMzggMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzUgMzEgMjAgMzYgMzUgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzUgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzggMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzUgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzUgMzEgMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzQgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzQgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzYgMzcgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzcgMzQgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzcgMzggMjAgMzEgMzEgMzggMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzAgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzcgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzcgMzQgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzggMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzcgMzAgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzkgMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzcgMzIgMjAgMzcgMzQgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzggMjAgMzggMzkgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzcgMzggMjAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMjAgMzkgMzcgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzUgMzMgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzIgMjAgMzggMzIgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzEgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzYgMzUgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzcgMjAgMzYgMzggMjAgMzYgMzUgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzkgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzIgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzggMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzUgMzEgMjAgMzggMzEgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzUgMzAgMjAgMzUgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzYgMjAgMzYgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzQgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzcgMzAgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzkgMjAgMzkgMzcgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzYgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzIgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzkgMjAgMzUgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzQgMzggMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzcgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzUgMjAgMzUgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzUgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzkgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzQgMzkgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzAgMjAgMzUgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzYgMjAgMzYgMzcgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzQgMzggMjAgMzkgMzcgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzcgMzAgMjAgMzQgMzggMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzggMzIgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzQgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzEgMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzcgMzQgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzIgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzkgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzkgMjAgMzggMzUgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzkgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzcgMzQgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzUgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzQgMzggMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzQgMzggMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMjAgMzggMzYgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzUgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzEgMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzggMjAgMzEgMzAgMzAgMjAgMzggMzggMjAgMzggMzEgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzcgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzUgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzggMzkgMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzUgMjAgMzggMzkgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzUgMzMgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzAgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzggMzMgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzcgMzQgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzIgMjAgMzQgMzkgMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzUgMzEgMjAgMzggMzEgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzEgMzAgMzkgMjAgMzggMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzggMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzYgMzcgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzQgMzggMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzYgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzkgMjAgMzkgMzcgMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzUgMzMgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzcgMjAgMzcgMzMgMjAgMzcgMzIgMjAgMzcgMzggMjAgMzEgMzEgMzggMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzggMzcgMjAgMzggMzUgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzggMzggMjAgMzEgMzAgMzQgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzkgMjAgMzkgMzggMjAgMzcgMzEgMjAgMzUgMzcgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzIgMjAgMzkgMzcgMjAgMzggMzggMjAgMzkgMzAgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzggMjAgMzkgMzkgMjAgMzEgMzIgMzEgMjAgMzUgMzIgMjAgMzEgMzEgMzcgMjAgMzcgMzYgMjAgMzEgMzAgMzMgMjAgMzYgMzEgMjAgMzYgMzE= + Show Spoiler +
Canada2720 Posts
On June 16 2010 13:41 LuDwig- wrote: Just wake up. Checked radfield. Result: Green.
This is interesting. A not so subtle hinting that I'm the other mafia?
Reasons I am not the last mafia: Meeple would be dead twice over. I knew on day one that Meeple was the medic. Ludwig actually told me he trusted me as a townie and that Meeple had roleclaimed as the doctor. I PMed meeple that Ludwig told me he was the doctor, and meeple confirmed it. Me and meeple have been PMing since then.
Night one I would have roleblocked tree.hugger and killed meeple. Not sure why the mafia didn't do this. But supposidly it was because they figured tree.hugger would watch ludwig and bust him.
Night Two I knew that Foolishness was the watcher. I would have roleblocked him and killed meeple. Absolutely no downside. Can't get watched, can't get medic saved. Obviously the mafia thought that meeple had lied to ludwig though, because they made a huge mistake.
Seems like ludwig is the roleblocker as well, given that all the dt targets keep getting roleblocked. Also makes sense to have your roleblocker claim as a dt.
Guys, you can vote for ending the day early. I have not decided how this will work yet and whether I will end the day early, but let me know your opinions so I can make a better decision later. Thank you.
We can save the panda by lynching LuDwig, ending the day earlier and voting Chez for mayor!
On June 16 2010 21:16 Korynne wrote: Guys, you can vote for ending the day early. I have not decided how this will work yet and whether I will end the day early, but let me know your opinions so I can make a better decision later. Thank you.
I would end it if there is a unanimous vote... which there is (other than ludwig...)... and I'm pretty sure the next vote will be unanimous as well...
oh actually there isn't a unanimous vote... but I would still think about ending day early so we can get on with it... it's not like people are going to change their minds now
On June 16 2010 15:06 Foolishness wrote: Just to clarify some things for those who are overly paranoid:
1) First night I watched Ludwig, and I got back that he was visited by tree.hugger and meeple. This subsequently rules out meeple as mafia since Ludwig did not die, and since Ludwig was not roleblocked (in some wacky scenario where he's town and meeple's mafia, I'm pretty sure Ludwig would have claimed in thread. That plus AFJ claimed to be medic) meeple must be clean. So this rules out the possibility that meeple's medic.
You mean meeple claimed to be medic? oO;
2) The only other person that has known about our true identities is Radfield. I'm not sure exactly how he found out meeple was the medic, so meeple can probably clarify if necessary. This makes Radfield very likely to be clean, as he wouldn't have ordered the hit on me since he knew I wasn't medic. Yes, it's possible that he did this to gain trust but I find that highly unlikely, especially since we have 3 lynches to find the remaining mafia. In the end he'll probably slip somewhere and lose.
That's interesting. However, in a PM exchange Radfield insisted that Ludwig- was clean and that I should consult Meeple about it if I don't believe him... but it sounds like you all trusted Ludwig- for some reason without proof, care to explain this?
For the remaining days I suggest we take the following course of action. Let's hope for the best and assume our DT is not naive, nor mafia. DT will check redtooth and we lynch Chezinu tomorrow (obviously if the result of the check is mafia we kill that person). Next night DT checks Radfield should he be alive and if there's no mafia result, then we decide among the remaining townspeople who to kill (*cough* flamewheel *cough*).
Man it's going to be tough if our detective is indeed naive (I feel very confident that MooCow IS detective at this point). The only way to win at that point will be to get lucky and lynch the right person.
The good news is we have a fool proof way to keep meeple and foolishness alive: meeple protects foolishness, and foolishness watches meeple. If the mafioso is dumb enough to hit meeple he will get spotted by foolishness, and clearly the hit will be blocked if he goes after foolishnesss. Now this does waste our watcher ability since in doing this we won't be able to spot the mafioso killing other people, so perhaps meeple and foolishness can coordinate how we use the night actions (perhaps have foolishness watch someone else), with the threat to the mafioso always being that if he goes after meeple or foolishness he might be wasting his kill or will get caught.
Can I investigate dead people to figure out my sanity? Thought it would seem like a bit of a waste but meeple was thinking about investigating him just to see if my RC was working.
United States3044 Posts
On June 16 2010 23:47 AcrossFiveJulys wrote:Show nested quote +On June 16 2010 15:06 Foolishness wrote: Just to clarify some things for those who are overly paranoid:
1) First night I watched Ludwig, and I got back that he was visited by tree.hugger and meeple. This subsequently rules out meeple as mafia since Ludwig did not die, and since Ludwig was not roleblocked (in some wacky scenario where he's town and meeple's mafia, I'm pretty sure Ludwig would have claimed in thread. That plus AFJ claimed to be medic) meeple must be clean. So this rules out the possibility that meeple's medic.
You mean meeple claimed to be medic? oO; errr no, you claimed to be roleblocked, so this rules out meeple being mafia. I think I was a bit sleepy when I wrote that @.@
On June 16 2010 23:47 AcrossFiveJulys wrote:Show nested quote + 2) The only other person that has known about our true identities is Radfield. I'm not sure exactly how he found out meeple was the medic, so meeple can probably clarify if necessary. This makes Radfield very likely to be clean, as he wouldn't have ordered the hit on me since he knew I wasn't medic. Yes, it's possible that he did this to gain trust but I find that highly unlikely, especially since we have 3 lynches to find the remaining mafia. In the end he'll probably slip somewhere and lose.
That's interesting. However, in a PM exchange Radfield insisted that Ludwig- was clean and that I should consult Meeple about it if I don't believe him... but it sounds like you all trusted Ludwig- for some reason without proof, care to explain this? Ludwig- apparently knew meeple was medic from day one. So did Radfield. This is why we thought the possibility of them being mafia was so low. Even if Radfield is mafia, he's probably going to get checked, and he still has 3 lynches to survive. That's going to be rough.
On June 16 2010 23:47 AcrossFiveJulys wrote:Show nested quote + For the remaining days I suggest we take the following course of action. Let's hope for the best and assume our DT is not naive, nor mafia. DT will check redtooth and we lynch Chezinu tomorrow (obviously if the result of the check is mafia we kill that person). Next night DT checks Radfield should he be alive and if there's no mafia result, then we decide among the remaining townspeople who to kill (*cough* flamewheel *cough*).
Man it's going to be tough if our detective is indeed naive (I feel very confident that MooCow IS detective at this point). The only way to win at that point will be to get lucky and lynch the right person. The good news is we have a fool proof way to keep meeple and foolishness alive: meeple protects foolishness, and foolishness watches meeple. If the mafioso is dumb enough to hit meeple he will get spotted by foolishness, and clearly the hit will be blocked if he goes after foolishnesss. Now this does waste our watcher ability since in doing this we won't be able to spot the mafioso killing other people, so perhaps meeple and foolishness can coordinate how we use the night actions (perhaps have foolishness watch someone else), with the threat to the mafioso always being that if he goes after meeple or foolishness he might be wasting his kill or will get caught. Except that doesn't work with the roleblock. Mafia hits meeple and roleblocks me. Meeple dies and I don't get to figure anything out. DT still gets another check though which is nice.
Upon further thinking, I don't think the mafia realized that I could watch myself during the night. Many people through PMs probably knew I was getting protection, but I don't think the mafia banked on me watching myself to see who'd hit me.
If LuDwig- is the roleblocker though, then that makes things a lot easier. It does fit in perfectly with faking DT and roleblocking the intended check target. Once roleblocker is dead then you and meeple syncing actions can't be beaten by just one regular Mafia, and thus you and meeple would stay alive until it was just you two and the Mafia left, which by that time it should hopefully be over.
On June 17 2010 02:53 MooCow wrote: Can I investigate dead people to figure out my sanity? Thought it would seem like a bit of a waste but meeple was thinking about investigating him just to see if my RC was working.
You cannot investigate dead people.
United States3044 Posts
On June 17 2010 03:45 flamewheel wrote: If LuDwig- is the roleblocker though, then that makes things a lot easier. It does fit in perfectly with faking DT and roleblocking the intended check target. Once roleblocker is dead then you and meeple syncing actions can't be beaten by just one regular Mafia, and thus you and meeple would stay alive until it was just you two and the Mafia left, which by that time it should hopefully be over. ahhh I didn't consider that. Yes if he is indeed the roleblocker than that would makes things easy on us. But I'm assuming worse case scenario, in which by the end meeple, myself, citizen, and MooCow will all be dead.
On June 16 2010 23:13 meeple wrote:Show nested quote +On June 16 2010 21:16 Korynne wrote: Guys, you can vote for ending the day early. I have not decided how this will work yet and whether I will end the day early, but let me know your opinions so I can make a better decision later. Thank you. I would end it if there is a unanimous vote... which there is (other than ludwig...)... and I'm pretty sure the next vote will be unanimous as well... I would argue that as long as you have a majority of players agree to end it early and those players are also all voting for the same person to be lynched, then you can end the day early.
Ludwig is most definitely the roleblocker... that's the only way he can hold up his claims to be a dt...
Also... Radfield is the last mafia I beleive... too many close inexplicable ties with Ludwig then last minute trying to push away.
I trusted Ludwig because I was being impulsive about his defense of me early on and took a risk (and a rather stupid one)... but when I didn't die I thought that it kinda proved that he wasn't red... since who wouldn't take a lovely medic dangled in front of you like that. I didn't really trust Radfield... was kinda forced into it by Ludwig...
Anyways... tommorow's lynch of radfield should clinch the game for us...
Canada2720 Posts
I'm not the last red, so continue focusing your attention on the other unconfirmed folks so that once I'm dead you have some leads. I'll try to analyze Chezinu, Flamewheel, and redtooth to give you my opinion on who the last mafia is. If your dead set on lynching me, so be it, but I'll do my best to help out before I go.
It seems like at this point meeple, citizen, AFJ, Foolishness and probably moocow are all town. Presumably we all agree on this.
We get a day 4 lynch, day 5 lynch and day 6 lynch unless something very strange happens, like a second Day Vig who is mafia aligned. Assuming this is the case, we get an autowin if Redtooth gets modkilled.
Day 4 Radfield Day 5 Flamewheel or Chez Day 6 Chezinu or Flamewheel lynch or lose
If redtooth doesn't get modkilled, he should probably be lynched.
We should have this in the bag. However, mafia has almost certainly won if either AFJ or Citizen is mafia.
United States3044 Posts
On June 17 2010 08:24 Qatol wrote:Show nested quote +On June 16 2010 23:13 meeple wrote:On June 16 2010 21:16 Korynne wrote: Guys, you can vote for ending the day early. I have not decided how this will work yet and whether I will end the day early, but let me know your opinions so I can make a better decision later. Thank you. I would end it if there is a unanimous vote... which there is (other than ludwig...)... and I'm pretty sure the next vote will be unanimous as well... I would argue that as long as you have a majority of players agree to end it early and those players are also all voting for the same person to be lynched, then you can end the day early. I would also say for future use, that the person for whom the town is voting for must be given a chance to defend them self. As long as the person knows they are going to be lynched the day can end early.
Canada2720 Posts
On June 17 2010 08:26 meeple wrote: Ludwig is most definitely the roleblocker... that's the only way he can hold up his claims to be a dt...
Also... Radfield is the last mafia I beleive... too many close inexplicable ties with Ludwig then last minute trying to push away.
I trusted Ludwig because I was being impulsive about his defense of me early on and took a risk (and a rather stupid one)... but when I didn't die I thought that it kinda proved that he wasn't red... since who wouldn't take a lovely medic dangled in front of you like that. I didn't really trust Radfield... was kinda forced into it by Ludwig...
Anyways... tommorow's lynch of radfield should clinch the game for us...
Actually I never pushed away from Ludwig until Foolishness told me he was mafia. I defended ludwig up until that point, even recommending to Foolishness that we could use him as a potential medic claim to hide that you were the medic.
I find it strange that you think because I trusted Ludwig that I am mafia. I trusted him for the same reasons you did: you didn't die. The fact that I pushed so hard for Ludwig as town should be an indication I am NOT mafia. Mafia don't make things quite that obvious. Also, the fact that I was pushing for AFJ when basically everyone else in the thread thought he was town is not an indication of mafia, but one of town. If I was mafia, there's no way I would stick my neck out to try and lynch/vig him, when there were WAY easier targets to get lynched, a ton of the players were mostly inactive at that point. Mafia stay low, they don't tie themselves together obviously and try to get obvious townies lynched. That's the sign of someone not putting enough effort into the game, but still playing like they have been(busiest time of the year for me).
Kwatole has spoken! :o I will end day in 1 hour then if the votes are majority, otherwise day will run for another 25 hours like normal.
On June 17 2010 08:53 Korynne wrote: Kwatole has spoken! :o I will end day in 1 hour then if the votes are majority, otherwise day will run for another 25 hours like normal. Not a simple majority, you need a majority of the town voting for BOTH of these 2: 1. A specific person to be lynched AND 2. To end the day early