Aha! I knew it! And he role blocked flamewheel in case the watcher ended up watching flamewheel.
Man it's ironic that ludwig didn't just role block you meeple. If they thought you were watcher, that would have them covered, and also would have been favorable now that you turned out to be the medic. But for some reason they decided you definitely weren't the watcher and that the real watcher would be watching flamewheel so they had to role block flamewheel anyway...
Jesus. This is really lucky for the town.
Obviously if this is all made up and ludwig flips green, we lynch meeple the next day and get a mafioso anyway.
and I can't believe they took the bait you gave them foolishness with that last argument. Just for the record I PM'd foolishness after that argument saying that I know he was trying to draw a hit! But I thought he was a mad hatter.
meeple, Foolishness, sexy. Hooray for being roleblocked without a power! /o/
On June 16 2010 11:43 AcrossFiveJulys wrote: Obviously if this is all made up and ludwig flips green, we lynch meeple the next day and get a mafioso anyway.
and I can't believe they took the bait you gave them foolishness with that last argument. Just for the record I PM'd foolishness after that argument saying that I know he was trying to draw a hit! But I thought he was a mad hatter.
I don't think there are any mad hatters... or if they exist they're friggin well hidden.
Excellent job - makes today's lynching easy.
BTW: there is no vigilante, the MooCow "hit" was a bluff. Some of you already knew this.
Citizen and I both received that flamewheel is town. This means that moocow is either sane or naive assuming I'm town.
On June 16 2010 12:33 AcrossFiveJulys wrote: Citizen and I both received that flamewheel is town. This means that moocow is either sane or naive assuming I'm town.
Hopefully he's sane... if he really wants to check he can just rolecheck me... but I'm not sure how much longer this game can last...
O another reason why I kept piping up saying why DT's are kinda useless is because we don't role check we can only find out the alignment of a person. Town/mafia
And we are either sane insane paranoid naive
On June 16 2010 12:44 MooCow wrote: O another reason why I kept piping up saying why DT's are kinda useless is because we don't role check we can only find out the alignment of a person. Town/mafia
And we are either sane insane paranoid naive
Ahhhh... well... that makes things more difficult... I missed that when skimming the rules...
Most likely naive, given that we have a Tracker-Watcher pair, which is an interesting twist I suppose.
The naive trait makes them useless in my book. In fact, they DTs are more useful for the mafia to control the flow of the game for days on end - look at the enormities Caller was able to claim a few games ago and still have people convinced he was telling the truth.
Just wake up. Checked radfield. Result: Green.
On June 16 2010 13:41 LuDwig- wrote: Just wake up. Checked radfield. Result: Green. ROFL.
huh... not even giving a response eh?
He just woke up & hasn't caught up yet.
On June 16 2010 14:35 citi.zen wrote: He just woke up & hasn't caught up yet.
That was an hour ago... no?
United States3044 Posts
Just to clarify some things for those who are overly paranoid:
1) First night I watched Ludwig, and I got back that he was visited by tree.hugger and meeple. This subsequently rules out meeple as mafia since Ludwig did not die, and since Ludwig was not roleblocked (in some wacky scenario where he's town and meeple's mafia, I'm pretty sure Ludwig would have claimed in thread. That plus AFJ claimed to be medic) meeple must be clean. So this rules out the possibility that meeple's medic.
2) The only other person that has known about our true identities is Radfield. I'm not sure exactly how he found out meeple was the medic, so meeple can probably clarify if necessary. This makes Radfield very likely to be clean, as he wouldn't have ordered the hit on me since he knew I wasn't medic. Yes, it's possible that he did this to gain trust but I find that highly unlikely, especially since we have 3 lynches to find the remaining mafia. In the end he'll probably slip somewhere and lose.
For the remaining days I suggest we take the following course of action. Let's hope for the best and assume our DT is not naive, nor mafia. DT will check redtooth and we lynch Chezinu tomorrow (obviously if the result of the check is mafia we kill that person). Next night DT checks Radfield should he be alive and if there's no mafia result, then we decide among the remaining townspeople who to kill (*cough* flamewheel *cough*).
United States3044 Posts
And well, I guess the only other option is that both meeple and I are mafia. But obviously when Ludwig turns up red that won't be possible.
Oh, i am at school pc now T.T Well i suppose i can say tons of things..but they are really hard to believe :|
So i had to kidnap this panda:
If you try to lynch me today i will kill him!
On June 16 2010 15:45 LuDwig- wrote:Oh, i am at school pc now T.T Well i suppose i can say tons of things..but they are really hard to believe :| So i had to kidnap this panda: If you try to lynch me today i will kill him! Oh Noes! We must save the panda! But how? We need to organize... I got it!