Additional suggestion when reading clues: You know in movies, the most obvious clues that point to someone are often false. We can apply some of it here and expect that some clues were put in to mislead us. What I want to say is we can't believe that every clues are helpful and the only way to certify a clue is the use of clue check.
At this point it seems like a long shot for anyone other than Yink or Darth to get elected and based on their posts so far, I don't really have a preference for who ends up winning the election.
As for who I think they mayor should lynch on day1, I support the previously stated plan to lynch inactives. My reason for supporting this scheme is that it allows us to minimize the chance of accidentally killing a blue. A player who with a blue role would likely get excited about the game and want to participate. I believe that this tactic will minimize the amount of damage that the town will deal to itself when it likely ends up that we've lynched a green.
Also, it's my impression that the 'day' ends at 11:00 KST and I plan on voting closer to then. If I'm wrong someone let me know cause I'd hate to 'waste' my warning this early on in the game.
On June 05 2010 02:49 sputnik.theory wrote: Also, it's my impression that the 'day' ends at 11:00 KST and I plan on voting closer to then. If I'm wrong someone let me know cause I'd hate to 'waste' my warning this early on in the game.
This goes for everyone regarding voting - especially in the mayor's election (because we need to keep the mafia from being able to just do a quick bandwagon sweep at the end): Just vote. You can change your vote. It's not a big deal. If something happens that you fail to get back in time, at least you're not getting warned/modkilled for it. If you're really indecisive you could just vote for yourself with intention to put a vote on who you mean to later.
The game description states that we're on a strict 24/48 time cycle which means that no one gets lynched until that time is up. There are other mafia games where people can get lynched if they hit majority before the deadline, they're immediately lynched - but I see this nowhere in this particular game's rules (MOD please clarify if I have misinterpreted). So just vote! You're even allowed to vote for yourself - no big deal if you're not in danger of getting lynched and you think there's a chance you might miss the deadline. Getting modkilled sucks for the game - never be inactive.
On June 05 2010 02:49 sputnik.theory wrote: Also, it's my impression that the 'day' ends at 11:00 KST and I plan on voting closer to then. If I'm wrong someone let me know cause I'd hate to 'waste' my warning this early on in the game.
This goes for everyone regarding voting - especially in the mayor's election (because we need to keep the mafia from being able to just do a quick bandwagon sweep at the end): Just vote. You can change your vote. It's not a big deal. If something happens that you fail to get back in time, at least you're not getting warned/modkilled for it. If you're really indecisive you could just vote for yourself with intention to put a vote on who you mean to later.
The game description states that we're on a strict 24/48 time cycle which means that no one gets lynched until that time is up. There are other mafia games where people can get lynched if they hit majority before the deadline, they're immediately lynched - but I see this nowhere in this particular game's rules (MOD please clarify if I have misinterpreted). So just vote! You're even allowed to vote for yourself - no big deal if you're not in danger of getting lynched and you think there's a chance you might miss the deadline. Getting modkilled sucks for the game - never be inactive.
You are correct--there is no lynching until the deadline is reached.
Icysoul and LaXerCannon need to post. They will receive warnings at the end of the voting period if they have not met activity requirements. Everybody else, make sure to vote.
Well, I think its officially time to withdraw my candidacy, seeing as nobody's voting for me
Seeing as it's Yink and Darth running closely for mayor, it's now really down to who we want in the top spot and who we want as pardoner. I'm very positive DTA is town, and mostly positive Yink is, so I'm not too worried at this point about taking myself out of the running - the only reason I put myself in earlier was because of the fact that there was only one strong candidate (Darth) and I was worried about mafia ninja-ing their way into the election. Now that we have two very strong pro-town candidates, it's time for me to drop out and support this Darth/Yink ticket that seems to have sprung up.
So now it's down to which one I want in the top spot. There's arguments for both. YellowInk is very hotheaded, so it might be better for him to be in a role where he has to listen to the town rather than be able to just act on his own. At the same time, putting the cooler-headed Darth as Pardoner might be good, because he will think rationally and not misuse his power. However, I think I'm going to stick by what I said earlier - I really think mayor is a role that should be given to the most experienced townie possible, because mayor also needs to be a leader. I think Darth would be a better leader than Yink, so he is going to get my vote. I still think Yink would be fine as mayor, and I think he'll be a great pardoner.
Both Darth and Yink should continue to be incredibly active. They're about to step into the leader roles in the town - this means they are coordinating lynches, telling blue roles what to do at night, and it also means they'll be scrutinized heavily. We have to be incredibly cautious of a misread, so if one of them starts acting scummy, it's a very serious sign. Thus, so you guys don't get accidentally lynched because someone cries foul on you, keep up this level of activity and pro-town-ness
Looking at the recent votecounts, btw, more people need to vote for YellowInk - he's still at danger of being ninja'd by a mafia candidate if one idiot townie bandwagons onto them.
On June 05 2010 03:40 BrownBear wrote: Looking at the recent votecounts, btw, more people need to vote for YellowInk - he's still at danger of being ninja'd by a mafia candidate if one idiot townie bandwagons onto them.
I think at this point, it's safe to say that at least 2-3 mafia have already voted. All of them voting last minute would be incredibly stupid imo, although not impossible. But you're right, Yellow does need a couple more votes (or more) to secure him in office. I don't expect any third random candidates with 6 votes because that would just be so obvious..
On June 05 2010 02:56 LunarDestiny wrote: As day approaching to an end, the mafia would decide on a target to night kill...
I think I am the target. Darth and YellowInk are safe because their role got protections. I am the other huge poster in the thread.
Can I, shamelessly, beg a medic to protect me? I really don't want to die that fast.
On June 05 2010 03:00 zeks wrote: ^ that was a very well calculated move
Always a huge WIFOM mindgames stunt. Nice one LD .
Medics, if you don't know who to protect, protect the people who you notice have been active, contributed actual content, etc. Obviously don't protect whoever becomes Mayor/Pardoner since they already have protection. Save the rest of our active townies: LD, MTF, crate to name a few.
As the day is drawing to an end, think more about who you want to lynch as well. Look closely at the clues. I remember someone saying that we should go for either LaXer or TyranoS - let's have some more analysis on that, as no matter who is mayor/pardoner, that'll be important in deciding the first lynch.
On June 04 2010 23:32 DarthThienAn wrote: MTF, you think zeks is townie? I think he's definitely suspect. I wouldn't necessarily lynch him because he's been pretty active, but logic early game wasn't great, as YI pointed out several times. Not sayin he's mafia, and he hasn't posted enough to make any absolute judgments, but he's on my "radar".
I'm going to be completely honest and say that this is really the first game I've actively been trying to get a read on people based on how they post in the early stages of the game. I've always focused on clues/logical thinking to wrap things up later on with connections. This game is my attempt to mix the two together. :p
That said, I'm not 100% sure on anybody running for office, but BrownBear and Zeks are lower on my voting list for a reason.
On June 05 2010 01:33 crate wrote: Also, if you notice, my username has no capital letters in it. This is a bit of a personal pet peeve, because it just looks horrible to see that capital "C" dragging my whole name down to the left side. It's so lopsided.
Sorry! Force of habit/self-editing. You shall be crate from now on.
On June 05 2010 01:33 crate wrote: Something we should watch with all the active posters (including people who make one or two quality posts a day, like MTF) is for their activity to drop. Getting in the town's good graces early on then shutting up and not having anyone notice ... dangerous for the town to potentially let a mafioso do this.
Agreed. A common downfall I've noticed of many (including myself) is to have a short-term memory in this game in regards to behavior.
On June 05 2010 01:51 zeks wrote: Something to think about:
How many of the 4 candidates are mafia? Tbh it would definitely be a shame / missed opportunity for the mafia to not send out a candidate at all in such a crucial point of the game.
I don't honestly feel strongly right now that any of you are, but I've learned enough from previous games that I'm not going to forget who ran, winners or not.
On June 05 2010 02:21 zeks wrote: I feel pretty sad that no one has really backed me at all (mafia or town) - seems like everyone thinks I'm retarded and I'm the only one who thinks my ideas aren't that bad...I suppose on a mafia perspective it would be pretty dumb to send someone like me as their respresentative.
I don't think you are retarded or dumb. Don't fall into self-pity just because you weren't backed. Keep up the activity and be useful to town in a way that doesn't require office!
On June 05 2010 02:31 MooCow wrote: What i'm thinking is either YI or Darth has to be a mafia right? What are the odds that 6 fairly organized people couldn't work someone into the mayor/pardoner spot.
If one of the two is Mafia, it isn't because all of the Mafia voted for them. It will be on the merit that they spoke and deceived well. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'm leaning more towards Mafia-side being either unorganized right now or simply too afraid/unwilling to try and put someone into office due to the high profile it requires.
On June 05 2010 02:33 YellowInk wrote: AcrossFiveJulys supernovamaniac deconduo pyro0ma5ta - No, not because you said you want to lynch me, but because you have contributed very little thought to the game. CompX - Pointed at ElyAs at the very beginning but has contributed almost nothing. jiabung - Helped collect a few clues at the very beginning but then has had nothing else to say. 3 Lions - Helped collect a few clues at the very beginning but then has had nothing else to say. Deucegladlier - Has had nothing relevant to say. Tyranos_NiveK - The one post you made of substance wasn't very clear. It seemed like you were directing it my way, but I'm not sure. We'd love to hear more from you! Zyrre - I know you're behind me, but I want to hear more from you in thread.
Everybody but CompX are also among those I was considering for the position. :p There are a few other people I'm suspect of, but they are too active to be considered for this.
I figure CompX just scanned the first post for clues and got excited when he thought he found a connection so early on. Don't understand the disappearing act after, though.
Okay, well, it is time for me to get ready for/go to work. I won't be on for the election's finish (or most of the day/night transitions this game, actually ) but I should be back a few hours afterwards.
My vote will go to YellowInk to stabilize the numbers, as Darth is comfortably ahead of everybody at this point.
Note: I stopped on page 12, as that's when people started talking more about mayor than other stuff. I probably missed stuff ^^. Feel free to correct me / add to this list. Hopefully the formatting comes out okay.
Compilation list of clues:
First of all, courtesy of zeks:
1. "The following morning, the town would discover the mayor BloodyC0bbler dead and floating in the town fountain." 2. "...he deflected no less than five assassination attempts, ranging from sniffing poison in his coffee cup to leaping out of the way from a thrown knife while walking down the hallway." 3. "but in one freak moment, the printer exploded and showered Incognito with burning hot ink, hitting him in the face." 4. As Incognito ran outward toward the street to escape, he was struck by a speeding car.
I see 5 possible clues listed: fountain, poison coffee, throwing knife, printer, speeding car
ElyAs: cleared - flamewheel always struck by lightning, said so himself it has no relevance. TheGilaBoy: poison in the coffee cup, "gila" = venomous lizard, pic is a DT (thrown knife) YellowInk: Printer, Ink, etc. (obvious) deconduo: picture of boat in water (fountain) onihunter: swimmer (fountain) crate: license plate car joke (car) LaXerCannon: quote "just keep swimming" (fountain) TyranoS_Nivek: something about treading water for 3 days (fountain), pic is a DT (thrown knife) MooCow: something about treading water for 3 days (fountain). Also, his picture is the band "Disturbed", which was in the Day 1 post, very weak/subtle though. zeks: pic is Shikamaru = thrown knife. DCLXVI: mentions a Humvee in his profile (car) jiabung: drives a van in his profile (car)
Note: I omitted the characteristics-linked-as-a-clue posts. Clue-related posts I didn't consider are below. + Show Spoiler +
On June 03 2010 12:15 MooCow wrote: Also on zeks it says "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity" it's a bit of stretch but maybe the victim was a bit lucky to avoid death then the mafia found a perfect opportunity?
On June 03 2010 12:46 littlechava wrote: Characteristics of Incognito/BC still count as clues right? These connections may be farfetched, but here goes my contribution as far as the clues go:
Based on this part: "Incognito the Pardoner, through his tremendous intuition, had sensed that something was to go down last night. Whilst in his office finishing his work, he deflected no less than five assassination attempts, ranging from sniffing poison in his coffee cup to leaping out of the way from a thrown knife while walking down the hallway. Dedicated and passionate to his job, Incognito would not let any threat deter him from furthering the prosperity of the town."
Zeks profile has a pic of Shikamaru, who in the series is known for being extremely intelligent/intuitive. AcrossFiveJulys' profile has the quote "obstacles in life are like weights in the gym..." which could possibly relate to the dedication and passion of Incognito.
On June 03 2010 12:46 littlechava wrote: Characteristics of Incognito/BC still count as clues right? These connections may be farfetched, but here goes my contribution as far as the clues go:
Based on this part: "Incognito the Pardoner, through his tremendous intuition, had sensed that something was to go down last night. Whilst in his office finishing his work, he deflected no less than five assassination attempts, ranging from sniffing poison in his coffee cup to leaping out of the way from a thrown knife while walking down the hallway. Dedicated and passionate to his job, Incognito would not let any threat deter him from furthering the prosperity of the town."
Zeks profile has a pic of Shikamaru, who in the series is known for being extremely intelligent/intuitive. AcrossFiveJulys' profile has the quote "obstacles in life are like weights in the gym..." which could possibly relate to the dedication and passion of Incognito.
Right now most of the connections are tenuous at best. After reading it several times, AcrossFiveJuly's profile is pretty interesting, but I don't know how deeply you can read into it. While I like the thinking, I find connecting Incognito's characteristics to that of his (potential) mafia assassin is a bit of a stretch (unless you're saying that the mafia take after the people they kill?). I'm not too familiar with anime, so I don't feel qualified to comment on Zeks profile picture.
As this being my first time playing mafia on-line, I'm pretty excited.
To finish it off, Yellow's inactive target list: + Show Spoiler +
AcrossFiveJulys supernovamaniac deconduo pyro0ma5ta - No, not because you said you want to lynch me, but because you have contributed very little thought to the game. CompX - Pointed at ElyAs at the very beginning but has contributed almost nothing. jiabung - Helped collect a few clues at the very beginning but then has had nothing else to say. 3 Lions - Helped collect a few clues at the very beginning but then has had nothing else to say. Deucegladlier - Has had nothing relevant to say. Tyranos_NiveK - The one post you made of substance wasn't very clear. It seemed like you were directing it my way, but I'm not sure. We'd love to hear more from you! Zyrre - I know you're behind me, but I want to hear more from you in thread.
Hey I'm back after a long day at work. I said I'll explain my vote and I'll do so know. First of all, for me it seemed like only Yellowink and darth were suitable candidates. The others weren't getting any support at all. being quite new to TL mafia, I'm happy to follow who other people believe to be good players. Secondly, I was getting a really bad vibe from yellowInk, he was pushy and loud mouthed. I'm glad to see this verified with him pushing on me while I was at work, even though I made it clear I wasn't going to be around. Not all of us have the luxury of being at a computer 18 hours a day. I'm going to hang around for a bit now, so if anyone has a question for me, ask away.
ElyAs: cleared - flamewheel always struck by lightning, said so himself it has no relevance. TheGilaBoy: poison in the coffee cup, "gila" = venomous lizard, pic is a DT (thrown knife) YellowInk: Printer, Ink, etc. (obvious) deconduo: picture of boat in water (fountain) onihunter: swimmer (fountain) crate: license plate car joke (car) LaXerCannon: quote "just keep swimming" (fountain) TyranoS_Nivek: something about treading water for 3 days (fountain), pic is a DT (thrown knife) MooCow: something about treading water for 3 days (fountain). Also, his picture is the band "Disturbed", which was in the Day 1 post, very weak/subtle though. zeks: pic is Shikamaru = thrown knife. DCLXVI: mentions a Humvee in his profile (car) jiabung: drives a van in his profile (car)
Should we focus MORE on the far fetched ones? We all seem to think they wouldn't put obvious clues in day 1. For instance zeks with his picture and what that characters personality is like.
I guess we can't know anything for sure yet though, but those should have a higher priority in regards to clue/role checking and linking further clues together.