I think we should actually have a poll again after threads like these ones from previous years:
Especially since TL has brought in tons of new posters and Lurkers from TSL and SC2 among other things.
Only vote for one of the following obviously:
19 (177)
20 (157)
18 (122)
17 (85)
16 (59)
15 (28)
14 (13)
13 (10)
1-10 (8)
12 (1)
11 (0)
853 total votes
Your vote: How Old Are you?
(Vote): 1-10
(Vote): 11
(Vote): 12
(Vote): 13
(Vote): 14
(Vote): 15
(Vote): 16
(Vote): 17
(Vote): 18
(Vote): 19
(Vote): 20
(Vote): 21
23 (151)
24 (93)
25 (76)
26 (55)
27 (29)
31-40 (23)
28 (19)
30 (16)
29 (14)
50+ (5)
41-50 (2)
644 total votes
Your vote: How Old Are you?
(Vote): 22
(Vote): 23
(Vote): 24
(Vote): 25
(Vote): 26
(Vote): 27
(Vote): 28
(Vote): 29
(Vote): 30
(Vote): 31-40
(Vote): 41-50
(Vote): 50+
Some more specific Polls
No, but I don't as often as a regular. (314)
No, I post a lot. (140)
Yes, never made an account. (139)
1116 total votes
Your vote: Are you a forum lurker?
(Vote): Yes, never made an account.
(Vote): Yes, made an account but rarely post.
(Vote): No, but I don't as often as a regular.
(Vote): No, I post a lot.
edit- oops, forgot to put 'Other' in the last option. I also forgot to put the word 'post' in the 'No, But..'
Female (30)
1065 total votes
Your vote: My Gender
Asian (287)
Hispanic/Latino (42)
Other (29)
Afro/Black (8)
Middle Eastern/Arabic (7)
American Indian/Alaskan Native (6)
Hawaiin/Pacific Islander (3)
1090 total votes
Your vote: My Ethnicity/Race
(Vote): Asian
(Vote): Afro/Black
(Vote): American Indian/Alaskan Native
(Vote): Caucasian/White
(Vote): Hawaiin/Pacific Islander
(Vote): Hispanic/Latino
(Vote): Middle Eastern/Arabic
(Vote): Other
edit- Vote 'Other' if you are multiracial. or just vote for your strongest background/culture.
W. Europe (268)
Australia (58)
E. Europe (54)
S. America (24)
Other (13)
E. Asia (12)
S. Asia (10)
C. America (4)
W. Asia
Africa (3)
N. Asia (3)
1089 total votes
Your vote: My Geographical Location
(Vote): N. America
(Vote): C. America
(Vote): S. America
(Vote): Africa
(Vote): W. Europe
(Vote): E. Europe
(Vote): Australia
(Vote): N. Asia
(Vote): W. Asia
(Vote): S. Asia
(Vote): E. Asia
(Vote): Other
All of the Above (314)
SC/BW Related (139)
SC2 Related (66)
The Community/People (Gen/Blogs/Etc) (20)
Other Sports/Games (6)
1016 total votes
Your vote: I come to TL for:
(Vote): SC/BW Related
(Vote): SC2 Related
(Vote): Other Sports/Games
(Vote): The Community/People (Gen/Blogs/Etc)
(Vote): All of the Above
(Vote): A combination of a few of those, but not all.