09-10 KeSPA Rule Changes!
▶ Chatting
Players who type anything besides 'gg' or 'GG' are no longer disqualified from the match, but are given a 'warning'. The KeSPA referee's decision is placed higher than this rule.
Ex. If a player accidentally types 'a', he would not be disqualified, but warned. But if a player types something like 'sexsexpussyhair' they can still be disqualified by KeSPA referee's decision.
▶ Complaining
If a coach complaint comes in during a match, the game is paused immediately and the complaint is reviewed. Before, if a coach complained, the referee would listen to the complaint and then decide if the game is going to be paused.
▶ Disqualifications and Removal
If a player or a coach does something that directly effects the game, or hinders the game in any way, must leave the stage to the waiting room. The details are discussed in the waiting room.
▶ "Gather" and "Return Cargo"
The "return cargo" bug to get a worker past another unit has been previously banned. Now they are adding the "gather" command onto the list. A player is only allowed to use "move" to move past other units, not "gather" or "return cargo".***
***NOTE: I think it only affects SCOUTING and for ENEMY UNITS. You can't scout through other units using Gather or Return Cargo to go through units.
Directly from KeSPA website:
On October 10 2009 02:07 konadora wrote:
Worker 'Rubbing' Bug : Glitching through units that are blocking ramps using the 'Gather' and 'Return Cargo' command to get to a location while there is no vision is banned.
This means yes you can still block 4 pool
And yes, using the mineral-click gather-glitch on Destination is STILL valid. Scan rush on Hitchhiker is STILL valid.
This rule only applies for the illegal gather-click glitch and return-cargo glitch on terrain (what Paladin mentioned earlier, eg Nal_rA vs ForGG on Loki).
Worker 'Rubbing' Bug : Glitching through units that are blocking ramps using the 'Gather' and 'Return Cargo' command to get to a location while there is no vision is banned.
This means yes you can still block 4 pool
And yes, using the mineral-click gather-glitch on Destination is STILL valid. Scan rush on Hitchhiker is STILL valid.
This rule only applies for the illegal gather-click glitch and return-cargo glitch on terrain (what Paladin mentioned earlier, eg Nal_rA vs ForGG on Loki).
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▶ 채팅 규정
‘gg’, ‘GG’ 이외의 문자 입력 시 ‘몰수패’, ‘주의’가 동시에 내려지던 징계 기준을 ‘구두주의’ 또는 ’주의’ 징계로 완화하고, 채팅과 관련된 사항에서 심판의 재량권이 발휘 되도록 수정되었다.
▶ 이의제기 규정
경기장 현장 이의제기와 경기종료 후 서면을 통한 이의제기에 대한 내용이 보완되었다. 경기 중 감독의 일시 중단 요청 시 심판이 당위성을 판단해 경기를 중지하던 규정을 감독의 일시 중단 요청이 있을 경우 즉시 경기를 중단 시킨 뒤 상황을 파악해 판정을 내리는 규정으로 변경하였다.
▶ 퇴장, 몰수패 규정
경기결과에 직접적으로 영향을 주거나, 경기 진행에 방해가 되는 행위를 행하는 선수, 코칭스태프의 퇴장 이후 대기장소를 ‘선수대기실’로 명기하여 구체적인 퇴장에 대한 내용 및 절차를 마련하였다.
▶ 일꾼 비비기 버그 규정
금지된 버그 중 하나인 자원을 들고 있는 일꾼의 Cargo 명령을 이용한 일꾼 비비기 버그에 Gather 명령을 이용한 일꾼 비비기 버그 내용이 추가 되었다. 추가된 규정을 통해 일꾼의 Move 명령 이외에 Cargo, Gather 명령을 이용한 일꾼 비비기는 금지된다.