I searched for things like "hotkey too fast" and "keyboard response" and "keyboard slow" and things like that but I couldn't find a thread about this, although I'm sure this must have at some point popped up.
When I play, I go 1a2a3a4a5a1a2a3a4a5a too quickly, I think. I know for sure that I hit 1a2a3a4a for my units but half the time many of the units do not attack move because it seems that my keyboard response time is much slower than how quickly I can do 1a2a3a4a. You can imagine how painful and annoying this is when playing something like TvZ and having half your MM in SK Terran not attack move into a group of lurkers. Is this an issue with Starcraft, or is it my computer, or my keyboard? Does anyone know?
Maybe I'm not synchronizing my clicks properly with my 1a2a3a4a. I'm going to slow it down and make sure to click in between to be positive but I'm pretty sure it also has something to do with my keyboard response time because sometimes the units don't even get any orders at all.
Yea, I have the exact same problem. There was a thread on here about the same thing and there was a good number of responses so I'll try to look for that.
What I do is just press 1a2a3a twice really quickly to make sure that they all move. But yea, it's a HUGE pain in the ass when it matters.
For me it's a lot more problematic on my laptop but not so much on my computer.
Yeah that happens to me sometimes (used to, really). One thing I do is issue commands to large groups of units twice to double check... another is to make sure you press a bit more carefully even if it does slow you down a bit. The problem isn't keyboard response time I don't think...
It's not that you're doing it too fast, it's that you're not doing it deliberately and precisely enough...
If you hit the keys more cleanly, they'll respond. SC doesn't seem to be good at recognizing multiple keys pressed at once, so it'll fuck up if you're a little messy.
On September 17 2009 10:27 PH wrote: It's not that you're doing it too fast, it's that you're not doing it deliberately and precisely enough...
If you hit the keys more cleanly, they'll respond. SC doesn't seem to be good at recognizing multiple keys pressed at once, so it'll fuck up if you're a little messy.
yea, this and the fact that mose generic keyboards can only handle a few inputs simultaneously. Happens to me all the damned time (especailly when mass macroing 3sh4sz5sz6sh) Sometimes I'll hit U and I when trying to burrow and the lurkers won't live. Sometimes I'll be trying to surround units really really fast and too many commands and the units freeze.
This has always been an issue, never saw that 'hack' I suppose I'll try it out.
I think that how it goes, say that you press 1 and then a, if your finger was still on a while you pressed 2, you'll stay on control group 1 instead of going to 2
Basically, tap the keys so that your fingers have the least contact time with the keys as possible.
My keyboard messed up in my game vs zulu. When my natural nexus was 80% done, it suddenly canceled. I swear I didn't hit any key to do this! Also, the next game I saw he was flying his speedshuttle across the map so I moved my dragoons to intercept and due to keyboard failure dragoons didn't fire properly and the speedshuttle almost survived!
I actually tried out that program, wok, and it kept doing weird stuff so I stopped using it. For example, I'd have it on, and be in b.net chat, and type something, and it would just send it before I was done, or send it at random times, or whatever. I didn't spend much time figuring out any patterns to the problem or what was going on.
the reason is simple. its nth do with keyboard or mouse. the reason is that if you are clicking on the button of the mouse 1->a->click if you do not release the click , you cannot press 2 to change the control group.
the solution i think is quite simple too, if you notice how progammer press their mouse (there is a youtube video showing how boxer click) , when they 1a2a3a4a they always lift their finger completely above the left button of the mouse before the next click i used to have this problem before but after i changed my style of clicking the mouse, it completely solves the problem.