This was such a baller article I couldn't help but share it. And behold -- it's the same author who wrote the "History of Terran vs. Zerg" that I translated a while back!
So Bisu uses a probe scout to check the Spire timing and gets a good start.
Then Jaedong cancels the Spire.
Mistake? Fake? Mind games?
A mistake no doubt. If Jaedong really canceled on purpose, why? There's nothing to be gained by canceling the Spire.
This case is completely different from when Boxer used to cancel his Starport to put down an extra Factory. Starting off low-econ, to build a 200/100 Factory one needs to cancel something like a Starport. However, a rich 3-base Zerg canceling a long-build time Spire to put down a 100/50 Hydra den is a massive loss.
Hydra den + Spire are cards the Zerg can put forth in mind games. The actual main characters of this ploy being the unidentified larvae. Thus, the more buildings, the more cards you have, the better.
Canceling the Spire yields no benefit to Jaedong. That it wasn't on purpose is highly likely, and even if it was, he would have thought 'Why the hell did I just do that?' and regretted his decision.
Anyway, as a result, Bisu takes 4 overlords.
Losing many overlords leads invariably to big trouble. It is conceivable to have made 3 extra overlords for safety, but having 4 extra overlords is mineral waste.
At a time when he should have massed drones and hydras, he is supply stuck and unable to take advantage of the explosive macro-style of 5 hatch hydra.
Then he scouts with his scourge... and sees, some dragoons?
The only build that fits making more than a couple dragoons is the goon+templar build. There's really only two choices -- either use mass goons or a few goons. That's because mixing range-unupgraded goons with speedlots just kills the mobility of the speedlots.
The proper response to goon-temp? Muta-hydra.
The build that came out early 2008, the goon-temp build. Afterwards, Much used it to great success. Recently, Jangbi has been reviving it.
If I recall correctly, this build came out first in Arena MSL Jaedong vs. Bisu, on Othello. As soon as it was introduced, it was destroyed, as coincidentally Jaedong happened to use fast mutas which completely eat up the goon-temp build.
It's hard to defend temps with fewer than a control group of goons. Goons do explosive damage and tickle mutalisks. After picking off temps, pure goon is supper time for hydraling. As a result, Much mixed in Dark Archons to counter, but the build never recovered from its weakness against sudden counter mutas.
Bisu knows this. After scouting with Corsairs, he realizes something is up. In particular, he thinks, 'Even if it's not sudden mutas and mass hydras, his army is so puny I can defend without temps', and retreats his temps behind his cannon line. Consequently, he prevents muta sniping and templar terror. He adds an expo.
This moment, the game is already in favor of toss 7:3. No, toss won. Neo sauron - a hydra-based build - relies on superior econ. The moment the econ superiority is lost, there is no way to block the Protoss han-bang. Even goonlot without temps would roll. That is the hydralisks' demise.
The last possible resort card are Lurkers. Just survive with mass Lurkers. Resist and secure land, tech to Hive and doom drop the Protoss main with cracklings and win with guerilla war tactics.
But Bisu has the upper hand. He leisurely secured 5 and 6. He deals with the Lurker contain endlessly, but he is at a situation where even failing to deal with the contain is not enough to disadvantage him. Then he attempts a break out.
Even had this break out not worked, Jaedong poured too much gas into defending 12 o'clock with Lurkers. About 2 control groups? Thus, not attaining the goal of 'breaking through 12 o'clock' was okay because 'reducing Jaedong's army' was also a worthy goal.
Nonetheless, the fury of Bisu breaks through 12 o'clock and the game ends there.