Note: SC related only! Also includes terms/words used often by commentators.
Clock directions (on maps)
Han Shi - 한 시
1 o'clock
Doo Shi - 두 시
2 o'clock
Sae Shi - 세 시
3 o'clock
Nae Shi - 네 시
4 o'clock
Daseut Shi - 다섯 시
5 o'clock
Yeuh-seut Shi - 여섯 시
6 o'clock
Ilgop Shi - 일곱 시
7 o'clock
Yeuh-deul Shi - 여덟 시
8 o'clock
Ah-hop Shi - 아홉 시
9 o'clock
Yeul Shi - 열 시
10 o'clock
Yeul-han Shi - 열한 시
11 o'clock
Yeul-doo Shi - 열두 시
12 o'clock
Numbers (counting upgrades)
Il - 일
Ee - 이
Sam - 삼
Ae-gyul - 에결
Short form for 'Ace Gyul-jung-jeon' (Ace Match)
Ap-bak - 압박
Pressure (opponent)
Ap-ma-dang - 앞마당
Natural (expansion)
Ba-ka-nic - 바카닉
Mix between marine/medic and mech army
Bal-up - 발업
Zealot/zergling speed upgrade
Bang-up - 방업
Defense upgrade
Bbal-li - 빨리
Bbong-Bbop-Ki - 뽕뽑기
Latest Korean trendy term, means 'to squeeze out as many units as possible from low econ'
Bibigi - 비비기
Glitching units through something or using worker stack (to fend off harassment, etc), literally means 'to rub'
Bin-jip - 빈집
Literally means "empty house." (Usually done in a form of a counter attack and/or to buy time to enemy's main instead of engaging with his main army)
Bionic - 바이오닉
Literally means 'bionic army', refers to marine/medic/firebat army
Bon-jin - 본진
Main base
Byung-ryuk - 병력
Cheon-jae Terran - 천재태란
'Genius Terran' - referring to
![Terran (T)](
Cheon-ji Storm - 천지스톰
"Heavenly Storms" - referring to many psionic storms being casted simultaneously.
Chi-ryo - 치료
Heal (medic's ability)
Chobo - 초보
Choe-Jong-Byung-Gi - 최종병기
The Ultimate Weapon (Flash's nickname)
Chu-ga-byung-ryuk - 추가 병력
Control - 컨트롤
Micro (control over units)
Da-Su - 다수
A large number of "x", for example "Da-Su-Zergling" means "Lots of lings"
Dae-Bak - 대박
'To strike it big/to hit the jackpot'. Used when a player gains a lot from something which doesn't seem to be able to do a lot of damage, such as when a mine kills 12 probes, or when a player has gained a significant advantage from a good battle or from opponent's poor play/misjudgment/mistake (EMP on a cluster of arbiters/High Templars, failed recall, etc)
Dae-gak seun - 대각선
Dae-gyu-mo - 대규모
Large scale
Do-bak - 도박
Dong-seng - 동생
Korean term for 'younger brother' or a way of addressing a male who is younger than you but is on very close terms.
Double - 더블
Expanding (getting 2nd town hall, only used in early game)
Dweet-ma-dang - 뒷마당
Backyard expo
Ee-han-timing - 이 한 타이밍
Literally 'this one timing', used to state that if the player misses this timing window, he will have almost no chance of winning.
En-bae - 엔베
Short term for Engineering Bay
Ga-ro - 가로
Gae-sok - 계속
Gang-jae-gong-gyuk/attack - 강재공격/어택
'Forced targeting', used in such scenarios - (for example) when you force marine/medic to attack hatchery that is on the verge of destruction instead of changing target to sunken colonies or incoming zerglings.
Ggae-Jim-Ni-Da - 깨집니다
"It's breaking/going down!" - used by commentators when buildings go down
Ggom-Ding - 꼼딩 - (Thanks MrHoon!)
The Insidious Kid
Now this is where ggom-soo comes into play. ggom-ding is the 2nd most used nickname for flash. ggom derives from 'ggom-soo' while ding derives from 'cho-ding, joong-ding, go-ding' which is a derogatory term for elementary, middle school and highschool students.
Flash is a young player and currently a highschooler so he is a go-ding. However if anyone remembers flash's daum OSL run against bisu or the infamous 3:0 against stork, nobody can deny it was disappointing and flat out bullshit for the viewers. Yes, it was brilliant in Flash's part. Nobody expected a brilliant timing push + proxy from this no-name kid. Not to mention nobody expected the kid to go 3:0 after his 3:2 run against stork.
Flash said he will go anti-carrier build in OSL finals yet he brought us with 1 cheese and 2 timing pushes. He was a (according to
artful, calculating, crooked, deceitful, double-dealing, duplicitous, errant, erring, evasive, faking one out, fishy, foxy, fraudulent, guileful, indirect, insidious, insincere, not straightforward, oblique, obliquitous, playing games, playing politics, put on, roundabout, scheming, shady, shifty, shrewd, sly, sneaking, sneaky, surreptitious, treacherous, tricky, underhanded
Thus Flash's name ended up as ggom-ding. Because of his artful yet deceitful, discreet yet insidious and so on and so forth.
As it was an insult at first, now it is used when describing flash anywhere and anyplace. Even flash had admitted that even though he was the ultimate weapon, the name "The Insidious Kid" was a cute name he enjoyed and even the public enjoyed. Like Bisu's first insulting name, this also just turned into a neutral word which can go both ways.
Ggom-Soo - 꼼수 - (Thanks MrHoon!)
We had a huge translator debate on this once (actually it just ended with alffla just spaming replies). But this is the one word almost nobody can translate (seriously, nobody), yet this is something we hear even in broadcasts.
It's hard to explain because there isn't an english word that is a literal translation to this. I'll try the best I can, but I don't think I'll send the correct message
ggom-soo, is when the player brings in a really gay strategy. For example, take a look at boxer. In the eyes of fans all his plays are pure brilliance. But in the eyes of his opponents, everything he does is simply flat out bullshit. But a ggom-soo isn't necessarily a 'cheese' or 'all-in'. It's just a devious and unexpected strategy being played out in an unexpected situation.
It's like the fucking blue shell from Mario Kart. You see that fucking bullshit coming after you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Gong-gyuk - 공격
Gong-up - 공업
Attack upgrade
Gong-?-Bang-? up - 공?방? 업
Attack Upgrade + ?, Defense Upgrade + ? (refer to 'numbers' above)
Gosu - 고수 (高手)
Refers to someone being exceptionally skilled.
Guh-ri - 거리
Gun-Mul - 건물
Gyo-Jeon - 교전
Gyo-Ran - 교란
Gyun-jae - 견제
Harassment/guerrilla tactics
Gyup-chi-gi - 겹치기
Gyul-seung-jeon - 결승전
The Finals
Hana - 하나
Han-bang - 한방
'One good punch', usually refers to either an army/attack squeezed out from little resources (compared to his opponent) to try and win a disadvantageous game, or a player massing a large army on 2-3 base counts to simply overpower his enemy's army with raw force (Nada's mass tank push against Jangbi on Othello, or Flash's mech army against Jaedong on Katrina are a few good examples) or an army which is formed with a timed attack in mind, such that if that army is lost, it is hard to make a comeback.
Heg - 핵
Hwae-goon - 회군
Pull back army (to retreat or to defend main/expos)
Hwang-jae - 황제
The Emperor (
![Terran (T)](
Hyung - 형
Korean term for 'elder brother' or a way of addressing a male who is older than you but is on very close terms.
Il-GGoon - 일꾼
Il-Jom-Sa - 일점사
Short form for 'focus fire'
Ip-gu - 입구
Jeon-Jang - 전장
Jeon-Jin - 전진
Literally 'forwarded', means 'Proxy'
Jeon-sool - 전술
Jeon-too - 전투
Ji-woo-gae - 지우개
Literally 'Eraser'. Using a vessel or two to cast irradiate on one another (r any other unit) and hover the irradiated units around biological units to kill them.
Jin-chul - 진출
To advance (stages) or to push out (army from main)
Jo-hap - 조합
Composition (of army)
Jo-Yi-Gi - 조이기
To contain/Containment
Joo-byung-ryuk - 주병력
Main army
Jul-lyak - 전략
Jung-chal - 정찰
to scout
Jung k Bug k - 정ㅋ벅ㅋ
forGG's nickname 'Conqueror', gained after his Arena MSL 3-0 win over Jaedong (and used for everything else related to forGG)
Kim Carry/Kim Carrier - 김캐리
![[image loading]](
Known for creating many curses, such as the 'Kim Carrier Curse", where people whom he says will win the OSL ends up not winning, as well as the 'Sunday curse', where teams tend to lose 0-3 on Sundays most of the time.
Kim Jung Min aka TheMarine - 김정민
![[image loading]](
Former player-turned-caster, he is well-known for his horrible (?) singing and being popular with the audience.
Kong - 콩
Literally 'Bean', refers to
![Zerg (Z)](
Mol-rae - 몰래
'Hidden', used with other words such as 'Multi' to form 'Mol-rae Multi' (Hidden expo), etc.
Multi - 멀티
Mul-ryang - 물량
Means the amount of units one has. Sometimes also used as the term 'macro-management'.
Nae - 네
Nan-jeon - 난전
Create chaos through harassment
Pae - 패
Pae-ja-jeon - 패자전
The losers' match
Pek - 팩
Short form for 'Factory'
Pil-sal-gi - 필살기
Korean term for 'ace card/joker card'. Meaning an unexpected build/unit counter (proxy 2 gate/ ghost lockdown, fast carrier build, etc) that has a high chance of allowing the user to take the game if used successfully.
Sa-jung-guh-ri - 사정거리
Range (for marines, dragoons, etc)
Sa-shin - 사신
God of Death (
![Protoss (P)](
Sa-up - 사업
Range upgrade
Sae-ro - 세로
Sam-Sam ee-baek - 삼삼이백
Refers to fully upgraded (3-3) and maxed supply army (usually used for mech army, but can be used for any other army as well)
Sang-dae-bang - 상대방
'The other party', 'opponent'
Seung - 승
Seung-ri - 승리
Shi-jak-ha-jyo - 시작하죠
Let's start! (used by commentators before game starts)
Shi-ya - 시야
Shi-ya up - 시야업
Vision upgrade
Sim-City - 심시티
Careful and planned building positioning to allow wall-ins and defensive purposes (hiding marine between buildings so that zealots cannot attack them, etc)
Sim-ri-jeon - 심리전
Psychological warfare/mindgames
So-gyu-mo - 소규모
Small scale
So-su - 소수
A small number of "x" - For example, "So-su-Zergling" means "a small number of lings"
Sok-up - 속업
Speed upgrade (shuttle, observer, overlord etc)
Soo-bi - 수비
Soo-ri - 수리
Stop-lurker - 스탑 러커
Korean term for hold lurkers
[X] Suu-Mak - 스막 - (Thanks MrHoon!)
It is an abbreviation to 스타막장 which roughly translates to "Starcraft Failure"
[X] is usually the Surname of the player, however players with common last names (kim/park/lee) they will use the first letter in their first name instead. Like the Heavenly Trinity that was once JD/Bisu/Flash there also used to be a trinity of Suu Mahks, but the trinity faded away as people started losing interest in those players or they just started performing really well.
Other variations include [X]Raegi ([X]레기)
Tech - 테크
Referring to tech tree (how high up or high low)
Terror - 테러
Using units to solely eliminate certain units (Worker terror -> vulture run-by/drop for the sole purpose of hunting workers or High Templar Terror -> using mutalisks to snipe high templars)
Tu-shin - 투신
God of War (
![Zerg (Z)](
Tung-tung-po - 퉁퉁포
Korean term for 'unsieged tanks' (normal tank mode siege tanks)
Uhuh Uhuh Uhuh - 엏허엏허엏허 - (Thanks MrHoon!)
This is a weird definition that takes time to explain. Incase you haven't noticed, Bisu has a somewhat 'charismatic' but mockable laugh. I'm not gonna go in the details and I swear to god Bisu hardcore fans will disregard my whole post and flame me here if I do. Whenever Bisu does something stupid alot of netizens will usually just spam the board with "uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh whoops" to mock how careless Bisu can get sometimes.
But after a while, this saying got a reverse effect making it more of a cute way to compliment bisu rather than an insult. It can still be used as an insult however many people use this to make bisu look cute.
Up - 업
Short form for 'upgrade'
Uu-Hwae - 우회
Take a detour (usually to avoid main army encounters)
Wan-pae - 완패
Complete defeat
Wii-chii - 위치
Yuk-(unit name) - Counter (unit)
Basically, getting units after killing off enemy's units that counters it (kill corsairs with scourges and getting mutalisks, etc)
Yuk-jeon - 역전
Yun-tan-jo-ee-gi - 연탄 조이기
![[image loading]](
Literally 'Korean charcoal contain', means 'lurker field contain' (named as such due to lurker field looking like the holes)
Yung-rush - 역러시
Counter attack usually said when after a player does a bad attack, and there is a short and brief timing window for the other player to attack while the player is rebuilding his army
Continuous feedback is welcome so as to keep the OP updated! (Please notify any mistakes if you see one)