On June 09 2009 14:13 Marine50 wrote: Cheers man.
Such a shame that this happened. Jaedong is so much better than bisu
I just don't understand how he could have accidentally canceled it. 'Esc' key is so out of the way on the keyboard and its hard to believe he would have accidentally clicked on the cancel button.
plz die
On June 09 2009 19:35 PH wrote: Bisu did hold position his lurkers. It was the zealots' positioning that did him in. There was somehow still space enough to the side of one of the zealots (the right one, if memory serves correctly) that allowed the lings to pass through.
We all know how retarded SC's terrain system can be...Bisu just got gayed to the point he lost a game as a result.
As for Jaedong, don't think so little of his game sense that he would simply ignore the sair timing he knows is coming for a spire fake that would have worked two years ago. Today it is standard to get a spire and den at the same time, even if you're not going mutas. Scourge are essential for deflecting sairs.
Anyone can give me the time he cancel his spire? I can't find it.
On June 09 2009 20:26 yrag89 wrote: Anyone can give me the time he cancel his spire? I can't find it. 6:30 You don't actually get a shot of the spire being cancelled, but the observer has the spire selected and it turns back into a drone.
Interesting analysis. tx for translating this
Now Jaedong and Bisu are even with matches lost due really bad mistake. :p
Thnx for the translation stryker. + Show Spoiler +Also, i read you blog, yeah your ZvT is nice we've played sometimes on iccup;) i'd like to play some more games if you want to practice!
Thanks for the translation!
Thanks for sharing and translating this awesome article, StRyKeR. As i was a little confused and unclear about the match itself and its outcomes : )
Thank you so much for sharing this. I enjoy these in depth analysis of games more than anything else.
YES. Bisu is the best. I LOVED watching Jaedong get owned. You can blame it on a cancellation mistake but you're in denial!
On June 09 2009 14:24 [AhunGrY]MelOn wrote:actually, i think the description on that page is slightly off like in this post, bisu was wayyyyyy ahead, yet the word han-bang is still used edit: i think what you were thinking of in that description is something from a situation like: a zerg does a lot of damage to p economy (maybe kind of late into the game) but still lets p macro up a huge army (the han-bang army i described in my previous post), so that p still has a chance to win by destroying shit with the army in a last effort i dont think a timed attack is associated with the word han-bang, but i might be forgetting something If I remember correctly, the general definition of han-bang is actually any large attack, not necessarily related to a desperate last ditch effort.
Anyways, it was such a shame that this happened... It is like a reverse version of Game 5 in GOM Finals.
On June 10 2009 04:18 rushz0rz wrote: YES. Bisu is the best. I LOVED watching Jaedong get owned. You can blame it on a cancellation mistake but you're in denial! It was definitely all the cancellation mistake but its still very fun to see Bisu own JD
you guys are good if you all noticed that.
I think I watched that VOD more carefully than the others, and I didn' pick that up.
Now I see why Jaedong lost so many overlords.
BTW. The OP says that he canceled the spire to make only hydra den. It overlooks the fact that 200 minerals from spire helped fund the 2 extra hatcheries.
On June 10 2009 04:54 niteReloaded wrote: you guys are good if you all noticed that.
I think I watched that VOD more carefully than the others, and I didn' pick that up.
Now I see why Jaedong lost so many overlords.
BTW. The OP says that he canceled the spire to make only hydra den. It overlooks the fact that 200 minerals from spire helped fund the 2 extra hatcheries. 2 extra hatcheries? You talk about the 4th and 5th ones, which are included in the 3hatch spire 5 hatch hydra build? Or did JD have 7 hatches at that point and i somehow missed it?
Yeah Jaedong had to play catchup the entire time. In fact he never really could get a solid attack in. It was brutal to watch.
Bisu is just so on top of everything that if you make a mistake he will abuse it to no end. He could expand safely and push out with ease.
I hope flash secures the next few matches and especially if they are against these guys JUST so we can get out of this pvz stuff. I want flash back on top.
On June 10 2009 04:54 niteReloaded wrote: you guys are good if you all noticed that.
I think I watched that VOD more carefully than the others, and I didn' pick that up.
Now I see why Jaedong lost so many overlords.
BTW. The OP says that he canceled the spire to make only hydra den. It overlooks the fact that 200 minerals from spire helped fund the 2 extra hatcheries.
I think the initial author failed to mention that Jaedong rebuilt the spire IMMEDIATELY after he canceled it (literally one or two seconds afterwards, judging from how far the spire was building when it was later clicked). This point, in addition to the fact that 3 hatch spire -> 5 hatch hydra ALREADY includes the timing to add two extra hatches, makes your point hard to defend.
Germany1908 Posts
nice read, nice to see jaedong crumbling a bit too under pressure. mistakes are human, even tho jd/bisu aren't really all that human, they still have some sparks of being human here and there.  stop comparing bisu/jaedong and saying who's better - they pretty much have 50-50% against each other and they are the 2 best players of our time, god damn it, just accept it theres 2 gods in broodwar and none of them needs to be "better". no bo3 series or bo5 which ends 2-1/3-2 for either one does really show who's "better" just who played better in the particular day.