On March 08 2019 05:34 Brutaxilos wrote: I also feel like Bunny should get some recognition, at least in the Close but No Cigar category. The guy doesn't have the best results, but damn does he look scary when he's playing. If he can keep improving I'm sure he could make it pretty far this GSL.
Yeah, Bunny's always kinda had that inside him, just wasn't consistent enough. Lately he's been awesome though, and only barely didn't qualify for the ro12, so I wonder if he would get a spot there had he qualified for playoffs.
Also only now I realized my boy doesn't have a fan club, that blows a bit
It's hard to do anything but laugh. I still remember around May last year you guys writing "If Serral keeps on winning eventually he will be number 1".
Guy didn't drop a single offline series from that point on in the year. 6 premier tournament wins back to back. Never power rank 1.
soO not even on the previous ranking - wins 1 tournament, instantly rank 1.
It is hard to introspectively question your own views and beliefs, but when confronted with the overwhelming evidence, at some point you should question your own bias. These power ranks are inconsistently ranked, and whether deliberate or innocently, Serral has been overlooked time and time again. It really stains your credibility.
Soo should not be on Nr.1 Spot just because he won the last big important tournament. In the last power Rank he was not even in top 10. A real Power Rank that determines the strenght of the players would be more like 1. Serral 2. Maru 3. Stats 4. Dark 5. Soo etc. This Power rank would take the tournament results from the last 8-9 month and also last 2 Gsl seasons world finals etc. but determining serrals strenght compared to the top 5 koreans is difficult, since there is only gsl vs the world (long ago), world finals and katowice so mb he doesnt deserve rank 1 but rank 3-4,
We will wait to see the performance of all players in GSL.
Czech Republic12125 Posts
On March 08 2019 07:22 Dave4 wrote: It's hard to do anything but laugh. I still remember around May last year you guys writing "If Serral keeps on winning eventually he will be number 1".
Guy didn't drop a single offline series from that point on in the year. 6 premier tournament wins back to back. Never power rank 1.
soO not even on the previous ranking - wins 1 tournament, instantly rank 1.
It is hard to introspectively question your own views and beliefs, but when confronted with the overwhelming evidence, at some point you should question your own bias. These power ranks are inconsistently ranked, and whether deliberate or innocently, Serral has been overlooked time and time again. It really stains your credibility.
Yeah, but the issue is that Maru was winning harder tournament back to back too, which kinda screwed Serral back then. And nowadays he didn't kept on winning, he lost to Innovation and soO. Sad story.
Serral is still clearly the scariest player and the favorite to win any tournament he enters now that Maru has been a huge disappointment a couple times, so perhaps the ranking should look something like this: 1. Serral 2. Stats 3. Soo 4. Maru 5. Dark 6-10...
SOO #1 on the power ranking hits me right in the feels
is this the first time??? awesome!!!!!!
EDIT: lol @ people getting upset over him being #1. he definitely showed vulnerability and weakness in the group stages, but its good for him to bask in his moment of victory. there is no liquid bias in this power rank. the true test will be how far he gets in this GSL
I am on the minority side. I believe Soo should be no 1, not the Serral.
Czech Republic12125 Posts
On March 08 2019 07:38 IshinShishi wrote: Serral is still clearly the scariest player and the favorite to win any tournament he enters now that Maru has been a huge disappointment a couple times, so perhaps the ranking should look something like this: 1. Serral 2. Stats 3. Soo 4. Maru 5. Dark 6-10...
If you want to go this way then you need to place Dark above Maru though. While Maru won, Dark topped the group while Maru was the bestest everest disappointment. I dare to say level 70 disappointment! And their Blizzcon(3 months away, or 4?) performance was similar, both ended at RO8 with a 3:0 loss. Decisions, decisions
the other thing to consider, which i was saying to the insufferable serral fanboys, is that serral's stats were inflated by region lock. guys like stephano, naniwa, even early GSL jinro fought with the worlds best and still won. serral is a good player, probably still best in the world, but his perfect record was because he didn't get tested by koreans except at GSL vs world, and blizzcon. would he still have the dominant streak he did if the koreans weren't banned from competing?
post blizzcon he was unquestionably best in the world, after the path of destruction he blazed. so if region lock were removed and he continued his win streak, there'd be no question as to his dominance.
Awarding Soo the #1 power rank?
All is forgiven ...
Canada8987 Posts
On March 08 2019 07:23 dw.Justify wrote: Soo should not be on Nr.1 Spot just because he won the last big important tournament. In the last power Rank he was not even in top 10. A real Power Rank that determines the strenght of the players would be more like 1. Serral 2. Maru 3. Stats 4. Dark 5. Soo etc. This Power rank would take the tournament results from the last 8-9 month and also last 2 Gsl seasons world finals etc. but determining serrals strenght compared to the top 5 koreans is difficult, since there is only gsl vs the world (long ago), world finals and katowice so mb he doesnt deserve rank 1 but rank 3-4,
A 9 month power rank kind of deffy the purpose, players almost never keep the same skill on that long a time. And on that note. Maru has not won anything since september how is he suppose the strongest and second strongest player in the world. If he win WESG or GSL sure, but someone who has only two top 8 in his last 3 tournaments can't seriously be called the best in the world right now on the basis that he was dominant in that other tournament 6 months ago. He might win his next tournament but that will need him to play much better than what he showed us in the last half year.
I kind of want to disagree with soO at the top, but let's give the man his god damn no1.
I mean, the Serral fanboys have been annoying, but there's no denying he still deserves #1. Even with how heavily IEM seems to be weighted here, Serral only barely lost to soO and looked much more convincing throughout. soO stumbled his way through up until he met Serral. Not to mention Serral just came off an extraordinary 2018, while soO was mostly irrelevant.
I love Gumiho as well, but Trap deserves to be above him.
It might be time for another community pr now that the tl staff yet again disappointed with a highly inconsistent list, losing the trust of thousands if not millions of readers all around the globe. Journalistic integrity and ethics are on the line in this battle between factual decisions and complacent narratives. It might be time indeed...
On March 08 2019 07:56 FrostedMiniWheats wrote: I mean, the Serral fanboys have been annoying, but there's no denying he still deserves #1. Even with how heavily IEM seems to be weighted here, Serral only barely lost to soO and looked much more convincing throughout. soO stumbled his way through up until he met Serral. Not to mention Serral just came off an extraordinary 2018, while soO was mostly irrelevant.
I love Gumiho as well, but Trap deserves to be above him.
Yup, serral could easily have won that series. and he's already beaten stats twice, so he easily could've won IEM. all the more reason to remove region lock. let him keep showing his dominance over the best in the world. i want moar soo vs serral. zvz went from gglord winfestor broodlord vs broodlord roro vs curious, to intense back and forth roach ravager insanity. so beautiful
United States32971 Posts
On March 08 2019 07:22 Dave4 wrote: [Blah blah blah blah]
If it's of any solace to you, we gave Serral the extremely prestigious player of the year award
Not in agreement with this ranking as much as I usually am.
Gumiho: Agree with Uthermal, would probably shift him out of the top 10. The final 10th spot could be any number of people.
Trap: I'd have him at 8. Trap is consistently high on the ladder at 6800-7k MMR. He's a hella strong protoss but his PvP is very medium and it feels like he's consistently ending up in groups with multiple protoss. One of these days he's gonna get a lucky bracket and pull a high finish.
Dear: I think the novelty/nostalgia of seeing Dear being moderately relevant again is weighting him too highly. His GSL/IEM performance was roughly equivalent to Trap's but with less overall consistency in the last year. I'd probably have him at 9 or 10.
TY: My impulse was to say he should definitely be higher, but then I looked at everyone above him and thought that the power rank placement was about right. TY has been consistent as hell for the last year+ and has easily been the number 2 (and even number 1 sometimes) Terran. In light of that I would bump him a spot above herO.
herO: Hero reminds me of a drunk toddler on a tightrope with the way he plays sometimes. His play looked shakier than anyone's in the top 10 sometimes but the beauty and strength of hero's playstyle is that he forces his opponent to play way worse than usual by making games weird and scrappy. As much as I love seeing him play, I think his luck has been high recently in some of these wins and the fact that he's played mostly pvp which is his best matchup. His unit control and engagements are insanely good and his builds are creative and innovative but he makes bizarre strategic decisions sometimes that hold him back.
Maru: Agree with 5th. He's looked vulnerable since Blizzcon but teamkills are weird and I'm stilll surprised he fell this many spots considering previous dominance.
Dark: I would move to number 3. He's been consistent as all hell and has proved himself as the best zerg in Korea. He shows up in the semi-final of basically every tournament, he just can't seem to beat The other top zergs or Stats when it matters.
Stats: Oh how I love you Stats. Protoss perfection for games on end and then medium attacks that just don't quite get there. His series vs Dark was a thing of beauty and I thought it was going to continue with IEM looking like it was his tournament to win, alas. His defensive style is the way I aspire to play Protoss. It's a pursuit of "playing the game perfectly" with scouting, proper responses, macro, and great control.
Unfortunately that style always leaves you with vulnerabilities as nobody plays quite that well all the time. Protoss also seems to have some inherent inconsistent fragility as a race. This is why Stats is routinely 6500 on ladder, when Innovation is routinely 7k, and why "Online Stats" exists. I'd move him up to number 2.
Serral: Serral continues to play fin-nominally. Although he made some uncharacteristic mistakes at IEM. He should still be the clear number 1 for this power rank. He won his group, only dropping a magnificent series to Innovation, that either could have won. (Remember that Inno is a 7k player and consistently on top of the ladder and who sometimes still randomly shows games that makes him look like the Old Inno - who was arguably the best player of all time). The series he lost vs soO was the best series of the tournament. soO played out of his mind, and felt practically perfect with no mistakes and that still only made him equal to Serral who seemed sloppier than usual. Remember that Serral gave away a win by just move commanding his army into Soo's, lost a game to one of those "lose 25 zerglings to 1 baneling" and a 3rd game that came down to soO having like...2...roaches at the end.
Even in losing Serral looked strong, and if you are considering other recent results he should be a clear number 1.
Soo - he's definitely placed higher than he should be. It's understandable given the storybook ending for him, but it's definitely coloring his placement. I would have him at number 4. He was 2-3 in group. TWO and THREE. That got Maru bumped from number 1 to number 5. That's not the performance of a number 1. He then managed to avoid his worst matchup because Terrans all choked. He played an amazing series vs Serral and Stats (and punked on Zest and her0 - paragons of protoss consistency /s) 1 tournament is not enough to go from zero to hero. He has been in great form though and may be able to put up some more results with confidence restored. I'd place him at number 4, and even at number 5 depending on how much you weight Maru's non IEM/SoS performance.
Canada8987 Posts
On March 08 2019 07:58 The_Red_Viper wrote: It might be time for another community pr now that the tl staff yet again disappointed with a highly inconsistent list, losing the trust of thousands if not millions of readers all around the globe. Journalistic integrity and ethics are on the line in this battle between factual decisions and complacent narratives. It might be time indeed...
Breaking news : "TL writer Mizenhauer involve in a possible collusion scandals, many source link him to a profitable business of translating soO interview." Can he keep defending his integrity in the Power Rank after proposing his service as the middle man to trusting TL poster to get a soO stream translated? How does think link with the mystery of the missing Magic blog?
More on this at 9, but right now: "An Inconvenient Lie" a shocking documentary on the involvement of the zerg cartel in Royda ban.
It feels weird just seeing innovation mentioned here as a punching bag, but i agree with keeping him out of top 10. f The ZvZ matches with serral and soO were so scrappy and edge of the seat exciting I loved every minute of it! I am excited to see what Maru's form will look like in RO16 GSL, he seems to have a better time in the extended duration tournaments with longer time in between matches to practice. I also wonder how public opinion of soO would change if he doesnt make it out of RO16, i expect him to